Chapter 226: The Fall of the Eldar, the Birth of Slaanesh, and the Great Crusade Begins!

【The Emperor used his amazing wisdom to predict that this warp storm that had lasted for a thousand years would soon end!】

【And he will also step out from the darkness to the stage, lead mankind to fight against the disaster of the subspace, and lead mankind back to the golden age!】

【This is his dream, his philosophy, his goal, and his love for humanity!

Gellert Grindelwald:”Does the Emperor have the ability to predict the future? What exactly is psychic power?”

Phoenix Court Kyoma:”Humans at their peak have time technology, so prophetic disease is not uncommon, not to mention that he is the strongest psychic.”

Woz:”Celebrate! The Emperor who transcends time and saves humanity from danger is about to step onto the real stage!”

Kal’tsit:”Humanity is already hopeless. It’s too difficult to save such a world. I hope you can persevere.……”

Otto Apocalis:”The great world is about to begin. Get ready to welcome the changes in the world!”

【The first step for the Emperor to unify mankind is to unify the chaotic home planet Terra.】

【He used his accumulated wisdom over thousands of years to create the���The ragtag group of genetically modified soldiers that can sweep across Terra, the Thunder Warriors!】

【This genetic technology is not stable. It will make the transformed person have a short lifespan and die quickly, but his power will be very brutal and violent!】

【The Emperor led the loyal Thunder Warriors to complete the unification with lightning speed!】

【In the 30th millennium of mankind, the Emperor swept across Terra, completed a complete unification, and established a regime called the Empire! 】

Nick Fury:”Mass-produced super soldiers! I didn’t expect that the earth’s resources could produce such a thing!”

Sun Quan:”With such an elite force, I can sweep across the late Eastern Han Dynasty!”

Hemer:”But human body modification is still a bit……”

Yingshan Ren:”Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.”

Zhan Guo:”They were transformed voluntarily. I can see the loyalty and faith in their eyes! Their fighting spirit is unshakable!”

Doctor Strange:”You know, the will of human beings is never weaker than any other race. It’s just that this period is too dark. Now the light has come.”

The First Emperor:”Sweeping the planet Terra! This achievement is enough to rival the First Emperor in the Lostbelt!”

【Thousands of scriptures were piled up and burned】

【Temples dedicated to various gods and Buddhas were overthrown and razed to the ground by the army.】

【In order to maintain order and society, the Emperor did not make the truth about the evil gods of the Warp public.】

【His purpose in destroying religion is to make all mankind believe in science and truth, eliminate all human knowledge of supernatural phenomena, and fundamentally weaken the power of evil gods.】

【On the other hand, if humans have a firm belief in science and truth, they will most likely not be affected and eroded by the chaos of the warp. 】

Ying Zheng:”Burning books and burying scholars!”

Old Heavenly Master:”No, the Emperor burned more cruelly! You know, religion covers a wide range, and he exterminated all religions!”

Gilgamesh:”Hahahahahahaha! Emperor, you did a good job! If there really is a god, then seeing your temple being overthrown must be very angry, right?”

Amiya:”But… this move won’t make those who are not very firm in the Emperor waver and rebel?”

Andros Bray:”Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyalty! There is only loyalty under the Emperor!”

Black Myth Land:”The evil gods of the warp are born through emotions and cognition. The Emperor’s move really shook their foundation.”

Orochimaru:”Haha! Do you believe in science? That’s right! Science is the primary productive force!”

Wang Ye:”After the founding of the empire, it is not allowed to become spirits and be deified!”

【The Emperor then launched Imperial Truth】

【The Imperial Truth requires people to believe in science, remain rational, and reject all religious superstitions.】

【It also includes that humans are the supreme life form that surpasses other intelligent creatures and will become the masters of the Milky Way!】

【Starting from the empire born in ancient Terra, the grand blueprint for mankind’s revival and return to the golden age begins!】

【This time, the Emperor is determined to shoulder everything, lead and command all mankind to gradually get rid of the shackles of the subspace, and unify the galaxy again! 】

Hines:”The Emperor needs a thought stamp.”

Angel Yan:”Humans are not worthy of being the supreme race, the Kamigawa is almost the supreme race.”

Deadpool:”It’s so funny! Can the angels beat the Great Crimson Lotus or the humans of the Golden Age?”

Jibril:”Supreme humans? How arrogant! But they, the Warhammer humans, are qualified.”

Rikka Takanashi:”The Hundred Realms of the Galaxy, imposed on this body! The Emperor enters the abyss and goes out to save the world! Wuhu!”

【Just as the Empire was beginning its grand plan of revival, the fourth evil god of the Warp was born!】

【The scene shifts to another part of the galaxy】

【This is where the Eldar, feared by the entire galaxy, live.】

【The Eldar are the darlings of the universe. They are born with a long lifespan, are not troubled by diseases, and have powerful psychic powers that can interfere with the warp.】

【At their peak, the Eldar were nearly omnipotent and had no taboos.】

Kayn:”What kind of chosen one is this?”

Carl:”It’s rare to have a race that is naturally perfect without genetic modification.”

Supreme Evolution:”I need to study them! I can feel that the opportunity lies with the Eldar!”

Observer:”Can you clone Warlock Adam first?”

Xing:”Born with powerful psychic powers… Damn! It’s a sacrifice for the birth of the evil god!”

Abe Haruaki:”Is the price of having no taboos and God’s gift to be doomed to destruction? I have seen the sad fate of the Eldar.”

【Because the technology has reached its peak and the tribe is strong, their social form is carefree and there are no difficulties. No one needs to work hard to get everything.】

【So the Eldar became addicted to pleasure, traveling through the Milky Way and galloping through the astral planes. Countless worlds were created by them to satisfy their sensual enjoyment.】

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

【In pursuit of curiosity and enjoyment, the Eldar began the most primitive and intense extreme hedonism.】

【Some of the Eldar could not tolerate this way of life and left the Eldar world in the name of Craft World.】

【Without the advice of these people, the Eldar tribe became even more depraved and indulged in the most primitive desires every day. 】

Izayoi Sakamaki:”What an extreme hedonism! I like it!”

Angel Leng:”With great power comes great responsibility. Since the Eldar tribe is so powerful, why don’t they protect the universe?”

Peter Parker:”I feel a little ashamed.……”

Luo Ji:”Don’t ask for anything. It’s good enough that they didn’t cause the Dark Forest.”

Ito Makoto:”Fuck, fuck, fuck! Have…have an IN party?! The Eldars are playing such a big game? Can I join?”

Momonosuke:”It’s a bit embarrassing to say this. Can I join you?”

Sesshōin Kiara:”Too shameless! I have to observe and experience it carefully!” Kama

:”The Eldars are unstoppable! Hundreds of millions of people in the tribe are playing like this! Add me in!”

【As the Eldar’s rituals and music collapsed, this strong desire and pleasure reflected the subspace and began to condense into entities.】

【The filth bred by the long-standing corruption of billions of Eldar is also reverberating through the Warp.】

【It was not until a wise man woke up from his corruption by chance and realized that they seemed to have given birth to a powerful god, but it was already too late!】

【That entity has fully matured and has erupted with divine consciousness!】

【With a scream, a new god was born! 】

Ultraman Geed:”How can such an unspeakable thing give birth to an evil god?”

Yakumo Yukari:”You know, this is the emotion gathered by the entire race of the top race in the universe for countless years! This is not surprising.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”This… the newly born evil god will not fill the universe with love like Kama?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ito Makoto:”The lustful god should not have any malicious intentions, right? She should be the kind of timid and lustful person”

【The evil gods of the Warp cannot descend into the real universe, but the fallen Eldar who gave birth to the evil gods are the biggest beacon!】

【A shock wave that swept across the galaxy exploded! The gate to the subspace was blown open and emerged into the universe!】

【The evil god roared as he invaded the spiritual world of the Aida elves, and hundreds of millions of Aida elves’ souls were devoured by him!】

【The Eldar civilization , which was comparable to or even surpassed the human civilization in the peak golden age, was hollowed out in an instant, leaving only chaos! 】

Mord Caesar:”After passing through the Gate of Illusion, everyone should submit to the God of the Warp!”

Huang:”The existence of the Eldar in the real universe is like the destruction of the world, which is too dazzling for the evil gods!”

Fu Xuan:”The Eldar were exterminated?!”

Soul Emperor:”Hundreds of millions of souls of the Eldar?! I… I want them too!”

Thor:”This evil god is not kind! He destroyed the Eldar as soon as he arrived!”

Pava:”How can he be kind when he is an evil god?”

【The fourth evil god of the subspace was born!】

【”Cesium is the god of cesium! Picture dedication picture seat! Let’s drive a big car together!”】

【The hermaphrodite who is full of pleasure, is keen on all enjoyment and pleasure, and in the endless depravity there is only deeper depravity – Slaanesh!】

【In the picture, a white-haired evil god with strange decorations, scales on his body, a sexy and charming figure, and no clothes licked his lips while looking at the remains of the Eldar.】

【She will be enhanced by all pleasures, which are not limited to the field of color, but also include food, slaughter, appreciation, consumption, sleep… Any pleasure will be absorbed by her and turned into her strength! 】

Momonosuke:”Hey… she is not wearing clothes, right?”

Ito Makoto:”It seems so……”

Matou Shinji:”I can’t spare any effort.”

Kama:”She is the same type of god as me~ I can tell at a glance that she is pure fire!”

Pluto:”Not really… All kinds of pleasures, including happiness, fullness, sleep, etc., are elements that increase her power!”

Dr. Roman:”That is to say, she is the same as Tiamat. Unless she is dead, her power will continue!”

Atreus:”The most evil god is born. She may be… the strongest evil god?”

【And with the psychic storm caused by the birth of Slaanesh, this subspace storm that swept for a thousand years slowly came to an end.】

【The time has come. Under the Emperor’s plan, Terra will take the next actions of mankind as the starting point.】

【New communication networks and subspace navigation also began to be established】

【Genetically enhanced warriors and legions that are more stable than Thunder Warriors are gradually taking shape!】

【And those alien races who take advantage of the situation will be dealt with by the iron fist of the empire!】

【The colonies that have been isolated and lost for thousands of years will return to the embrace of the empire!】

【This time, mankind will once again unite under the same flag and regime!】

【In the name of the Emperor, the Great Crusade is about to begin! 】

Zhong Hui:”The time has come, we will start the army today! Keep a low profile and seize the opportunity!”

Artanis:”The troops have regrouped, and the horn of counterattack is about to sound!”

Jing Yuan:”The Emperor has come to the surface, and the revenge of the Empire is coming. I feel inexplicably excited!”

Azir:”Humanity will return to its peak in his hands! Empire, your Emperor is back!” Cao

Cao:”The end of fratricide will not happen again. With him, the human race will be unified again!”

Uzumaki Boruto:”Where’s the water escape technique? Help! I’m burning!”

Rena:”Is this what humans are… The Great Crusade scares me!”

Horus:”Loyalty! Sincerity!”


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