Chapter 230: The Four Vendors Brainwash Horus and the Conspiracy Against Magnus

【The scene changes to the planet Daven】

【Planet Daven was conquered by Horus】

【He entrusted the task of restoring the imperial order on this planet and spreading the imperial truth to his mortal friend Eugene Tamba and a captain of the Word Bearers Legion.】

【And Horus’s arrangement was exactly what Chaos wanted!】

【The corrupted Word Bearers seized upon Horus’s character and corrupted Eugene】

【The corrupted Eugene started a rebellion under manipulation and formed a small rebel army on Daven. 】

Gin:”Aren’t the Word Bearers corrupted? So the conspiracy started from here.”

Darius:”As a warmaster, he advocates honor. With this stain, Horus will definitely come in person.”

Li Shuwen:”Hongmen Banquet… Horus is in trouble.”

Absolut Tartarus:”The plan has been changed one after another, and there was the sword of Nurgle before… Horus can no longer escape from the huge conspiracy surrounding him.”

【When Horus heard this news, he was filled with anger and shame.���】

【His friend betrayed himself and the Emperor, this is disloyalty, this is his stain!】

【Horus immediately decided to lead the legion to Davin to kill Eugene and put an end to the war to make up for his mistakes and erase his black spots. 】

Pike:”The fish has taken the bait!”

Lan Meng:”This Horus looks easier to lead than this man. This awkward personality dooms his fate.”

Uchiha Madara:”Hehe… I feel that Horus, the Warmaster, is not very scheming… Isn’t there someone more suitable to be the Warmaster than him?”

Ashina Isshin:”Horus is easy to guess. It is precisely because there are too many Primarchs who are better than him that he is nervous, afraid of not doing well, and worried that his honor will be tarnished, etc.……”

【When the Luna Wolves and Horus descended upon Davin, the planet was completely different from when it began.】

【The planet was filled with green haze, the earth had a life-like wriggling, the water turned into green pus, and there was disgusting green mucus everywhere.】

【The Moon Wolf quickly wiped out the rebels on Daven who had transformed into undead monsters and found Eugene.】

【However, Eugene has changed his appearance at this time. He is a monster with fat piled up and rotting, and pus is flowing. 】

Steve:”The countless latitudes I have seen in the void world are not as disgusting as this planet.”

March 7:”To be honest, Daven has become more disgusting than the living planets activated by Abundance!”

Planet Devourer:”This is the first time I have no appetite.”

E:”If my black hole swallows this kind of planet, it will definitely become unclean! It must be!”

Puni:”This planet has been completely corrupted by Nurgle. Unless it is recast, it will be like this forever.”

Star Forger:”The stars are all my children. Obviously, Daven was picked up and can be destroyed.”

Xier:”Compared to the Chosen of Nurgle blessed by Nurgle, I still think Abundance is better. At least it is not so disgusting.……”

【Horus went into battle personally intending to kill Eugene, but he never expected that he, the Primarch who could easily wipe out the planetary forces, was actually cut in the shoulder by Eugene!】

【The Legion defeated the rebellion but was unable to heal Horus’s wounds.】

【The Primarchs usually healed quickly from such minor injuries, but the wound on Horus from Eugene’s alien sword did not heal but worsened.】

【The wound rotted and oozed pus, and Horus became weaker and weaker. Even the priests in the legion could not heal him. 】

Steppenwolf:”Is this the Primarch? The Primarch who swept across many worlds turned over here? How ridiculous~”

Darkseid:”It’s different. It’s similar to the Starry Sky worldview. No matter how weak a person is blessed by God (cfef), he should not be underestimated.” Dimuludo:

“Unlike the runes engraved on the Yellow Rose of Doom, this sword is a completely filthy power!”

Scarlet Witch:”From this moment on, Horus has been corrupted.”

Morin:”Horus will not fall into the Chosen of Nurgle because of this sword? Don’t let this happen!”

Gellert Grindelwald:”This is not the most serious result. The most serious thing is that he will become the Chosen of the Four Gods. After all, Horus is just a flag. The center of the conspiracy revolves around the Emperor.”

【Just when the Moon Wolves were in despair, the Word Bearers Chief Priest Erebus gave advice.】

【He wanted to use an ancient dark magic to cure Horus, and all he had to do was place Horus in the temple and perform a ritual.】

【Seeing Horus on the verge of death, no one in the Luna Wolves objected, and they had to try their luck.】

【Erebus smiled knowingly, and then everyone carried Horus into the temple under Erebus’s instruction.

Gin:”It’s bad! If Horus looks around, everyone with status will rebel!”

Deadpool:”The boss will be corrupted and rebel soon” Zhuge

Liang:”There’s nothing we can do… Every one of the Word Bearers has rebelled.……”

Tracy:”When the military power of an empire is corrupted, it is the beginning of the decline of the empire. The Emperor still trusted the Primarch too much and despised the evil god too much.”

Professor McGonagall:”An ancient sacrificial ritual? I’m afraid it’s some kind of black magic ritual.”

Doctor Strange:”Probably a ritual to communicate with the evil god to fall into the baptism of Horus… All of Horus’s choices are locked.”

【The scene changes, and Horus wakes up from his trance】

【In his ears were countless whispers, temptations, and illusions that were nine true and one false.】

【The whispers from the four evil gods in the subspace surround Horus’s mind and inner cracks from 360 degrees and begin to brainwash him in all aspects!

Aizen:”The illusion of the evil god carries the power to confuse people. This fantasy is far beyond the illusion.”

Uchiha Shisui:”I can’t imagine Horus’s mental state. This is equivalent to the indiscriminate twisted will of the other gods!”

Jingyuan:”The four evil gods are all here to brainwash? It seems that Horus has laid the foundation for the decline of mankind…”

Star-Lord:”These evil gods don’t have the courage of a strong man. They come to attack without martial ethics! To brainwash!”

Nyako:”What martial ethics? The evil gods are like this.”

Seele (Te Le):”The destruction of the empire……”

【Horus saw the truth about the twisted Primarchs, he saw the laboratory where the Emperor created them.】

【The four evil gods spoke half-false words and told Horus that the Emperor had made a deal with them and the evil gods in exchange for their power to create the Primarch.】

【The whispers of the evil god and the illusion of being indistinguishable from reality, coupled with Horus’s consciousness polluted by Nurgle’s corrupted sword, accelerated Horus’s fall! 】

Orochimaru:”The Primarchs have the Emperor’s DNA to neutralize the matter of the Warp, but unfortunately this is also a disadvantage. They are destined to be affected by the evil god.”

Mobius:”I have an idea. The evil god can know this evil god, which proves that the Primarch has the essence of the Warp in his body. Perhaps one day they will degenerate into the original appearance of the Warp creatures.”

Isaac:”Is it similar to the reversal of the elves… The positives of being a Primarch and the negatives of being a demon are balanced by the three views and cognition.” Guan Yu

:”The Emperor really trusts the Primarch too much! He shouldn’t trust him!” Camille

:”The most important thing is that what the evil god showed Horus was not fake. This is how the Primarch was born. Lies don’t hurt people, the truth is the sharpest knife”

【Then Horus saw more in his visions, including the Emperor’s deception of knowing the nature of the Warp but hiding it from them.】

【There is the Emperor’s deception and concealment of the Primarch’s origins】

【The Emperor’s attitude towards the genetically modified warriors Astartes is like grass.】

【And the Emperor wants to use all of humanity to ascend to God! 】

Peter Parker:”Except the last one, everything is true… The Emperor also has problems.”

Kesha:”The Emperor’s problem is that he loves the entire human race, and his love will not be distributed to a single or partial individual.”

Alaya:”The Emperor really loves me!” Patriot

:”But how can you have great love if you don’t even love the soldiers who fight for you?”

Jagger:”Although the Emperor has many misjudgments and mistakes, but as I said, without the Emperor, humans will not survive the 30th millennium”

【Fear, anger, sadness, disbelief and other emotions came together, and Horus’s view and attitude towards the Emperor completely changed!】

【The emperor is a greedy, corrupt tyrant! 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Horus’s injuries were completely healed by the power of Nurgle. Surrounded by the power of Chaos, Horus stood up and made a pact with the evil gods.】

【He will help the Four Evil Gods defeat this hypocritical tyrant, and he will become the next Lord of Humanity, leading mankind back to the Golden Age! 】

Sanguinius:”Horus… Why do you think so much about our father? Did you really betray him?”

King of Ultra:”If the Emperor was a tyrant, mankind would not have been so glorious!”

Absolut Tartarus:”I have to say that the Emperor’s ability and courage are beyond my reach. He sees too far.” Baron

Mordo:”The Emperor single-handedly guards the real universe so that the evil gods cannot get involved. This achievement even surpasses the Supreme Mage. No one can deny him from the perspective of righteousness!”

Uchiha Sasuke:”The corrupted Horus has changed his temperament drastically.……”

【When the four gods were brainwashing Horus, a sound similar to the howl of a wolf was transmitted into the warp and was heard by Horus, but it quickly disappeared!】

【When the corruption was over, the voice of Horus’ brother, Magnus of the Fifth Legion, rang in his ears.】

【Magnus advised Horus not to believe the lies of Chaos, but it was too late!】

【The completely corrupted Horus rejected his brother, and instead made him the first target to be destroyed because Magnus discovered that he was corrupt. 】

Reimu:”Hey! Intelligence leaked! The news of Horus’s Heresy should have been leaked out as soon as possible, right?”

Sanguinius:”Maybe Magnus can really stop the rebellion.”

Aponia:”Since the fall of the stars, the Horus Heresy was bound to happen. Magnus may have seen his own fate.……”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Oh no! Magnus has dragged himself into this mess! We must pass on the message!”

【A conspiracy against Magnus also slowly unfolds! 】.

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