Chapter 296: Navelette declares war on the Seven Gods, the Four Gods evaluate Furninna

【The picture is divided into two parts, Navilette is on the left and Zhongli is on the right】

【Villette hugged his shoulders and said,”I will judge the gods, and no one can change my decision.”】

【”The God of Gold won the power of the Rock, and he was naturally among those on trial.”】

【”If anyone doesn’t want to see us quarrel, don’t worry, I will stay in Fontaine for a long time”】

【”Maybe… four hundred years.……”】

【”Besides, the final decision may not necessarily be a war.”】

Thor:”Uh… is this considered Ragnarok?”

Sengoku:”Desire to judge the gods… It turns out that the foreshadowing of the judgment is left here.”

Uchiha Sasuke:”The sky is clear, the rain has stopped, and Villette feels that he has done it! I have my Jie Ao!”

Quicksilver:”Don’t say that, he is the Water Dragon King, he can have sunny days all the time, no problem!”

Shiki Yingji:”Morax received a lawyer’s letter, it can only be said that justice has dug a trap for every ruler to be sued.”

Tony Stark:”Oh, everyone with the power of the ancient dragons will be sued by Villette? Well, he is the Ancient Dragon King and has the qualifications.” Ningguang

:”Four hundred years… That means Fontaine will launch a full-scale attack on Liyue in four hundred years?!”

Zhongli:”The positions of our rulers and the Ancient Dragon King are inherently in opposition, but considering that we have a common enemy, perhaps as he said, the final result will not be a war.”

【The picture on the right shows Wendy holding a piano and smiling.】

【27 Navilette continued:”Even if the world turns upside down, my swift judgment on the usurper seven gods cannot be stopped.”】

【”The God of Breeze and Hope was given the power of wind, and he also needs to attend the final hearing.”】

【”Although he is a drunk most of the time and not dangerous…but you still have to meet him first.”】

Ye Hei:”If it sounds familiar, I think I might hear it in the future.……”

Deadpool:”Fast forward to Barbatos: That Villette, if he dares to take a step forward, everything will be turned upside down!”

Taigong Wang:”Hmm… Seven Gods? A declaration of war against the six nations, right? I saw the shadow of a kind old ghost in Villette.”

Ah Wei:”Just kidding! That Villette is super brave, okay? She’s super good at fighting!”

Yuzhongjin:”But the name of the God of Wind is actually Breeze and Wind of Hope? What a kind and amiable God.”

Asuna:”Yeah… Among the Seven Gods, only Wendy’s power of wind was given to him, right? A very gentle God.”

Wendy:”I’m happy when everyone praises me, but don’t believe what Villette says! I’m a suave bard, not a drunkard!” Diluk:

“Rather than believe you, I’d rather believe that little Amy is really the princess of the Pure Land of Dark Night and has been to other worlds.” Fischl:

“How do you know I know Yae Kasumi and the Herrscher of Knowledge?”

【The picture on the right turns into a thunder movie】

【Navilette pinched his chin and said,”As the only remnant who has regained the full dragon status, I will fulfill my oath and duty even if it means that all the seawater on this planet will flow back to the sky.”】

【”Ming Shen won the power of thunder and was destined to be among the tyrants.”】

【”But I heard that she hides in the Pure Land of Heart and rarely shows up… Then I’ll go there after a few hundred years.”】

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Wow! With the full dragon spirit, he speaks in a domineering way! Making the sea water flow backwards is so cool!”

Sylphle:”This also indirectly shows that Violet has the ability to protect Funina~ His upside-down sea will become Funina’s sky.” Raiden

Mei:”If the temper of Narukami Baelzebub matches Violet, there will definitely be a big battle, right?” Yae Kamiko

:”Indeed… If it’s Zhen, maybe we can have a good chat, but as for Ying… Although she is not obsessed with the past, I am also afraid that the talks will suddenly break down.”

Going Home Minato:”Fortunately, Lei Yingying is a homebody. If she stays at home for a few hundred more years

, Violet will not be able to find her.” Intelligence Jiraiya:”The people above are too young. As an ancient dragon king who has lived for thousands or tens of thousands of years, Violet must have a way to enter the Pure Land of One Heart. Don’t underestimate his intelligence network!”

【The picture on the right becomes Nashida】

【Villette’s tone became a little calmer.】

【”Even if there will be a day when she will be judged, I still recognize the sense of responsibility of the God of Grass and Trees.”】

【”There are few perfect people and things in the world, but concentration and indulgence also prove that a person in power keeps moving forward.”】

【”I heard that she was under house arrest for 500 years… I feel sorry for what happened to her.”】

Luffy:”So Nashida is so qualified and pitiful, can’t we let Nashida go?”

Doctor Strange:”Grass Dragon King Apep is still deep in the Sumeru Desert. Apep, the master of the Grass Power, has no problem with Nashida, so Violet is not qualified to settle accounts.” Seshomaru:

“The ancient dragon king’s settlement of the law of nature is inevitable. As a full dragon, Violet has this qualification, otherwise at least three of the seven powers cannot be taken back.”

Natsume Shiki:”That’s right, Wendy and Tevarin, Zhongli and Ruota, Nashida and Apep are all good friends or have other good relationships.”

Esdeath:”Nashida’s methods are indeed a bit weak, but it’s a good thing that she has grown up”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

【The picture on the right turns into Funina】

【The hostility and indifference in Villette’s tone disappeared, leaving only heartache and pampering.】

【”Today, her performance has finally come to an end.”】

【”Performance is a product of imagination, but Furninha fulfills her duty with it.”】

【”The cowardly person uses madness to make herself brave. She has worked hard all along.……”】

【”If I have the chance, I should also applaud her performance.……”】

Amiya:”Villet’s tone suddenly became gentle.”

Phosphophyllite:”Hey, hey, hey! Villette is treating people differently! What about the agreed judgment of all gods?”

Viego:”The judgment of just one water god almost ruined Villette, I’m not sure about the remaining six.”

Rudolf Symbol:”After all, Fininna is the girl that Villette has doted on for five hundred years and made him feel distressed, and Fucarus is Villette’s white moonlight. No matter how miserable other gods are, how can they compare to the white moonlight?”

Li Huowang:”Using madness to become brave… Did he find himself? Did he let go of that face? Or… changed his face again!”

Nero:”Hmm! If I have the opportunity to see Fininna’s performance, I will definitely let the whole of Rome give thunderous applause!”

【In the split screen, Funina on the right is fixed, while Zhongli appears on the left.】

【As the oldest god and the most powerful ruler in the world, he gave the greatest affirmation to Furninna. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【”I signed a contract with myself to save the country, and kept it for 500 years, and finally deceived the law of nature.……”】

【”I respect all justice that needs to be practiced by myself”】

【”Even if the divinity disappears and the throne no longer exists, for the history of Fontaine, Funina is a god of justice worthy of recognition.”】

Old Taoist Priest:”Pertinent and recognized, worthy of the words of the Rock King.”

Red A:”Signing a contract with yourself and embarking on this tragic road… If you can choose again, will Funina make the same choice?”

Alicia:”I think so, because she is a god! The god of love. No matter how many times, Funina’s enthusiasm will not change.”

Holy Kaisha:”I also respect this kind of unconditional justice. Although it seems not worth it, it is because of such people that the universe is not so dark.”

【The figure of Lei Dianying appears in the picture on the left】

【Ming Shen, who was once obsessed with self-shackles, affirmed the girl who was in the same situation】

【”General Raiden had fought with me in the consciousness space for hundreds of years to ensure that my will had not wavered.”】

【”Although Finina is a human, her five hundred years of performance is no different from a duel every moment.”】

【”I recognize her, this kind of will can be said to have reached the divine realm”】

Tony Stark:”Baalzebub’s AI devoured its master? Does she not care about programming the AI ​​like this?”

Rocket Raccoon:”Hahaha! How can someone be tortured by his own AI every day, even for hundreds of years! Isn’t this AI an alarm clock?”

Old Loki:”I have to say, her will is no worse than mine. After all, I have been idle for thousands of years, but she is under great pressure every moment.”

Star-Lord:”For a mortal like me who is as powerful as a god, this little girl is already amazing!”

Melina:”Five hundred years of perseverance have honed a will that shines like gold.”

【The picture on the left becomes Wendy】

【The wandering bard offered the highest praise to a great theatrical performer and invited him to】

【”The only thing a bard is good at is playing and singing, but a theatrical performer has much more abilities than that.���”】

【”Why not invite Funina to perform at the next Wind Flower Festival? After all, someone with such artistic talent……”】

【”It wouldn’t be surprising even if they saved the whole world, right?”

Aha:”Haha! It would be fun to have these two together!”

Yakumo Yukari:”Given Furnin’s mental state, Wendy will definitely be a good friend for her, right?”

Eden:”The greatest bard and the greatest dramatist in the world of Teyvat are paired together, I’m looking forward to it.”

Arturo:”Saving the world is no exception… These two are interesting, I want to play the violin for them~”

【Nashida appears on the left side of the screen.】

【The God of Wisdom, who is the same age as Justice, gave the highest recognition to Furninna, the person who confronted fate.】

【”It is often said that wisdom does not consist in what you know, but in what you can change.”】

【”There is no doubt that Fontaine’s prophecy has long been engraved into the World Tree. It seems that nothing has changed, but in fact everything has changed.”】

【”You and I both know that she is smart enough to change the fate of the world!”

Luo Ji:”Yeah… without knowing anything, she did the best she could, even beyond her scope. There is no doubt that Finina is the most qualified wall-facer in Teyvat.”

Shen Gongbao:”The general trend remains unchanged, but the minor trends have all changed. It’s a textbook-level operation!” Fujimaru

Ritsuka:”Fontaine’s fate has really changed… Everything is engraved into the world tree and the dust has settled. Even the law of nature cannot find any abnormalities.”

Merlin:”Well~ the story is over, and it’s time for Finina to write her own chapter.”

Top6 ends here……

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