Chapter 313: My underworld is full of flowers… The sword that decides death!

【”Let Mashu use the already distant ideal city to support it?!”Da Vinci said in disbelief】

【”That’s right.” Merlin nodded solemnly,”And while holding off the Anti-Genesis, someone must deal a fatal blow to Tiamat!”】

【Merlin turned his head to look at Fujimaru Ritsuka. The result was clear. All the people present were from the Age of Gods or half of the Age of Gods. Only Fujimaru Ritsuka could enter Anti-Genesis without any injury.】

【Without any hesitation, Fujimaru Ritsuka clenched his fists and looked forward,”I’ll go!”~】

Fulilian:”A firm will, this is the awareness that a hero should have.”

The Count:”Steel Determination EX”

Kaito Daiki:”What is the awareness of a savior? Suddenly I thought of Gates.”

William Zeppeli:”Facing the God of Creation with a human body! The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!”

Homelander:”And you, Fujimaru Ritsuka, you are the real hero!”

【Gilgamesh opened the King’s Treasury with admiration and a smile.】

【”I cannot move when the space is unfolding, I leave this to you.”】

【Gilgamesh threw a golden knife to Fujimaru Ritsuka.】

【This is the prototype of the Talisman of Breaking All Laws, a weapon that can remove all weapons that break all rules and contracts.】

【Merlin also encouraged:”Don’t worry, I will deploy the treasure at the same time as Mashu.”】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka saw that Mashu was a little worried and hesitant, so he patted Mashu on the shoulder and looked at her with a smile,”Mashu, you just put down the treasure, I’ll think of a solution!”】

Morax:”The Talisman of All Destruction, the magic blade that breaks all contracts, an incredible creation.”

Tokisaki Kurumi:”The timeline doesn’t match, right? Gilgamesh’s treasures should be limited to this era. The Talisman of All Destruction is an item from the Greek pantheon.”

Enkidu:”After Gil ascended to become a heroic spirit, the world is just his courtyard. The originals of all treasures in human history exist in his treasure house.”

Eden:”Gathering all the glory and gold in one body, he is worthy of being the King of Gold.”

Dad:”Mashu, little girl, you don’t have enough confidence. You just open the treasure, and dad will think of a solution.………Lixiang comes to think”

【The fever temple begins to crack, time waits for no one】

【Merlin’s wand rests on the ground, emitting a pink glow.】

【”The Sea of ​​Stars, the Observatory”】

【”Tell you from the corner of Paradise, your story is full of happiness”】

【The world seemed to be replaced by Avalon in an instant, with a sea of ​​pink flowers covering the sky and a drop of nectar dripping from the observation deck.】

【”Only the innocent can enter – an utopia of eternal isolation!”】

【Merlin waved his magic wand, and the sea of ​​flowers was confined from Avalon to the underworld, blooming into a beautiful scenery in the dark underworld! 】

Frost Star:”What a beautiful spell… Is this the origin of the flower magician? It’s so beautiful!……”

Ron Weasley:”Professor, I want to learn magic! I want to learn Merlin’s magic! The special effects are so cool!”

Kamiyama Touma:”The witness of the Star Sea Watchtower witnessed a story full of blessings and hope. Now he has given this blessing to Fujimaru Ritsuka.”

Yukinoshita Yukino:”A beautiful world full of flowers… Is this the beautiful world that Merlin lives in? Avalon is so beautiful.”

Shiraku:”The sweet rain falls from the top of the tower, removing illness and poison for Fujimaru Ritsuka.”

Yakumo Yukari:”A world that only the innocent can enter? It looks even better than Gensokyo, the inner sea of ​​​​stars, the world that the gods love.”

Constantine:”Avalon is realized in the underworld. At this moment, the underworld is really like heaven.”

Jonathan Joestar:”Is it an illusion? I seem to hear someone telling a story about a king, a story about love and hope.”

【Mashu clenched the shield with both hands, closed her eyes and chanted:”Real name, reveal it!””】

【”I will stand in the seat of disaster”】

【”That is our hometown that can heal all the pain and all the resentment!”】

【Mashu opened her eyes, and her purple-pink pupils reflected the pure white eternal city of Camelot.】

【”Reveal! The ideal city that is so far away!”】

【Mashu raised her shield and smashed it down. The dazzling light materialized into inch-by-inch city walls, and Camelot enveloped everyone! 】

Umishirazawa Huiyin:”That is the knight Galahad, the flawless knight who stands at the seat of disaster and resists disaster.”

Margaret Linguang:”I saw the shadow of greatness in Mashu, just like the knight who fought against disaster and killed the sea in the nursery rhyme of Casimir.” Manami

:”The hometown that heals all pain and resentment… I can’t imagine how sincere the British people of that era in this world were to Britain.”

Nanali:”Can human hatred really be purified and cured by Camelot? If so, then this ideal city is really far away.……”

Tanjiro Kamado:”It looks really good. I finally understand why Arthur allowed Aika Sajo to restore Britain.”


【The moment the Noble Phantasm was released, Tiamat broke free from the constraints of the Fever Temple!】

【The rapidly expanding Anti-Genesis passed through the Cretaceous City without refreshing to cover Gilgamesh and others.】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka took the Talisman of All Destruction and jumped towards Tiamat. 】

Gwen:”Fujimaru Ritsuka (Gilgamesh, Merlin, Ishtar, Ereshkigal…) is not affected!”

Ainz Ooal Gown:”It’s simply the protection of a world-class item! Even a strong person like Anti-Genesis would be useless!”

Merlin:”After all, my Noble Phantasm comes from the isolated Avalon. Avalon is an absolute defense that is immune to everything. Even if it is not the original, it can hold on for a while.”

Sakata Gintoki:”Where’s Jeanne d’Arc? Save her! Mei Dun Jeanne vs Anti-Genesis directly wiped out the Avenue”

【The scene changes to a sea of ​​flowers, where Ereshkigal kneels helplessly.】

【Ishtar quickly came over to support her and scolded her worriedly:”I was wondering how it would be okay for you to break the taboo of the underworld and lend power to the living?!”】

【Ereshkigal lowered her eyes and looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka’s back. For her, she couldn’t believe that she could encounter such a wonderful relationship.】

【Her original deity was very gloomy, and she didn’t want to miss this rare opportunity to communicate with Fujimaru Ritsuka.】

【Ereshkigal doesn’t like her current cheerful self, but she likes Fujimaru Ritsuka’s way of life and likes her as a person.

Optimus Prime:”Theocracy violates the underlying logic and destroys the essence?……”

Wonder Woman:”Gods who go against their duty will not end well… Are they going to such lengths for Fujimaru Ritsuka?”

Fujiwara Chika:”This is love! The fragrance of oranges from my hometown is emanating!”

Bai Heng:”What a sad and beautiful love… Gods also yearn for love. The most tragic thing is that Fujimaru Ritsuka is destined to be a passerby.” Uchiha Hikaru:

“This is a one-sided love that is destined to be fruitless. Even if Fujimaru Ritsuka knew about it, it would only add to one person’s sadness.” Tushan

Rongrong:”What is love in this world? It makes gods commit to each other until life and death. Unfortunately, the obstacles between time and life and death have doomed their fate.”

Gudako:”Wuwuwuwu! Airi-chan, I… Wuwuwuwu! I will never look for Kiyohime, Jingmi, Heizhen, Director Eggplant… Martha and the others again! I only love you!”

【Ereshkigal’s voice became weaker and weaker. She reached out and scooped up a handful of petals. She looked at them carefully.】

【Merlin’s treasure slowly dissipated, dyeing the underworld white, and petals fluttered in the air.】

【”That’s awesome……”Ereshkigal’s voice was filled with joy and reluctance.】

【My underworld is full of flowers………】

【She raised her hand and let the petals float away with the wind, and her figure turned into golden light and slowly dissipated.

Yakumo Yukari:”Flowers, birds, wind and moon, flowers wither, and Ereshkigal will soon wither.”

Diamond:”What a beautiful sea of ​​flowers… But using it to bury Ereshkigal seems very sad and beautiful.”

Alicia:”Even the dark underworld god longs for the beauty of flowers. Cute and beautiful girls should be matched with flowers! The duties of the underworld have become a bondage.”

Wendy:”Those in charge are confused, but those who are on the sidelines can see clearly. Everyone knows that Ereshkigal is the most beautiful and only flower in the underworld.”

Joseph Joestar:”E-Lei——!!!”

【The scene changes, and Fujimaru Ritsuka runs on the stone and slowly approaches Tiamat.】

【However, due to the protection of the Ideal City, the shrouded Rahmu regrouped and approached Fujimaru Ritsuka】

【At this moment, a ball of hellish fire ignited!】

【King Hassan, who was in battle mode, forced his way into Anti-Genesis with the body of a dead man. He had the willpower to eat monsters, so Anti-Genesis couldn’t even refresh him! 】

Cursed Arm Hassan:”That lord is invincible! Even the God of Creation can’t stop the footsteps of the Wing of Death!”

Lil:”He forced his way into Anti-Genesis with the body of a dead man. Is the title of the Old Man in the Mountain so strong?”

Virgil:”The title? This power is not given to him by the title. The strength comes from the assassin, the Old Man in the Mountain, not the title of the title.”

Connor:”This man… is he really an assassin? Is this how he”sneaked in”?”

【Fujimaru Ritsuka ran on the floating boulders and gradually approached Tiamat.】

【Just as he was about to jump, the boulder suddenly shifted!】

【”Damn! We’re already here!……”】


【When Fujimaru Ritsuka was falling and suspended in the air, a white light appeared on Fufu’s shoulder and she screamed, and then Fujimaru Ritsuka was teleported to Tiamat’s face!】


【Fujimaru Ritsuka roared and stabbed the Talisman of All Destruction into Tiamat’s forehead!】

【Suddenly, golden light illuminated the screen of the gold list. 】

Funina:”Wow! What kind of animal is this Fufu? It’s so cute! And it can teleport people! It’s worthy of being Fufu like me!”

Emperor of the East Sea:”Fufu is Hakimi, which means kitten!”

Merlin:”The origin of this terrifying beast is not small, don’t you think? Casey Palug.”

Artluqi:”Fu! Fu!”

Casey Palug:”Fuck, are you two sick? Artluqi, you have also learned bad things?”

Gudafu:”Just treat it as human justice and use the sword of judgment and destruction on Tiamat!”

Mad Bull:”It’s inserted! It’s inserted!”


I will open the next to inch p at the end of tomorrow.

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