Chapter 334 Top3 Clark Kent/Kal-El——God on Earth!

The Golden Ranking was silent for a short time, and the next Top appeared in the vision of the heavens and the worlds.

【Dimension Gold List】

【Counting the ten most extreme emotions in the world】

【Ranking in no particular order】


【Top 3 Clark Kent/Kal-El】

【The remains of Krypton, ordinary citizens, brave men who stand up for love, and the sword of Damocles that holds the universe together】

【I am the son of Aiur, I am the son of man, I am… the god among men】


As soon as the information and introduction of Top3 came out, it caused a great uproar in the world. In the world of Gintama,

Sakata Gintoki picked his nose in the kotatsu with a dead look on his face.

“Hey… Is this Superman? Why do I know so many people on the Golden List, you bastard!”

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed through Sakata Gintoki’s brain.

“Could it be that… Superman and the like really exist in other worlds?!”

A crow landed on the eaves and looked at Sakata Gintoki and cried twice.

(So you just realized it!!!)


Marvel Universe

Nick Fury quickly grasped the key words

“Krypton? Aliens again?”

Soon Nick Fury called Coulson and others together to start recording the intelligence revealed in this inventory.……


Suddenly a mean voice sounded, Nick Fury turned his head and looked at the sofa, a pervert in a red tights leaning on the sofa, pinching his chin and said:

“I was really surprised! The person I counted this time turned out to be the guy next door who wore his underwear outside his house, whose mother was also called Martha!”

“Wearing underwear outside?” Nick Fury had a black question mark on his face,”Fuck! What are you talking about? Where did you come from?”


Super God World

Kaisha noticed the last few words”maintain the universe situation” at a glance.

Through the database, Kaisha found the meaning of the term”Sword of Damocles”.

It means a powerful existence hanging in the sky, used to warn and deter.

“A powerful existence that can shock the universe… Interesting. It seems to be on the side of justice.”


God Killer World

18 Marquis Vauban sneered,”God of the human world? Which human world? Which god?”

“Or are you also a godslayer who has seized divine power?”It

‘s not like he hasn’t killed people before, and the term ‘god of the world’ is not a very intimidating term.



:”Oh! God on earth! Gods are not rare, but to become a god on earth must be a great hero with great achievements and great reputation!”

Dainsleb:”The descendant of Krypton… Is he also the only one left in a civilization? Since he is still there, Krypton has not been destroyed.”

General Zod:”I can’t hold it anymore… upstairs… he might as well be gone.”

Genos:”An ordinary citizen or something, such an introduction means that Clark must be a very powerful person.”

Kamiyama Touma:”The son of El and the son of man, there should be a conflict between home and country, right? Clark’s story must be a very good story.”

Ubuyashiki Yoya:”If he is a god on earth, he must be a mortal who can compare with gods!”


In the discussion of the audience from all over the world, Top3 opened

【Screen starts】

【A planet on the verge of destruction appeared in the eyes of the audience】

【This planet is called Krypton. It has an extremely developed civilization. At the peak of its civilization, it colonized many star regions and created a vast territory.】

【Until nearly a hundred years ago, the Kryptonian Parliament began to become corrupt and conservative, and new life was bred through Krypton’s treasure, the Code of Life, while the ancient reproduction had been abandoned.】

【The Codex of Life stores the genetic source code of all life on Krypton, and uses it to create new life. At the same time, it will engrave the ideological stamp of protecting Krypton and being loyal to Krypton in the body of the newborn.

Horus:”It’s a very large territory. It seems that the alien race in this universe is still very powerful. I wonder what humans are like?”

Holy Kesha:”It doesn’t matter whether it’s an alien or not. It’s enough for Kryptonians to be Shenhe bodies.”

Heimerdinger:”It violates the ethics of life… Isn’t this just an artificial human! How can life be mass-produced!”

Sieg:”Is Krypton so open-minded! Here, the life of an artificial human is also a life!”

Lufa:”It’s a treasure that records the genetic source code that can create a civilization! As long as the Codex of Life is in hand, civilization can be created at will!”

Black Tower:”No wonder it is the treasure of civilization… I can’t imagine how far Krypton’s life technology has reached!”

Luo Ji:”The most important thing is the ideological stamp, mass production of life, and then engraving the stamp of protecting Krypton. It’s no exaggeration to say that as long as Krypton is not completely destroyed, with the Codex of Life, it will be a prosperous Kryptonian civilization in a dozen years!”

【Because of the corruption and conservatism of the Kryptonian Parliament, Krypton has lost the pioneering and adventurous spirit of its ancestors, and has become more corrupt and conservative.】

【Because of the lack of energy, they ordered the mining of the planet’s core to squeeze the life out of this young and huge planet.】

【This decision was unanimously opposed by both Krypton’s dove leader Al and hawk leader Zod.】

【As the chief scientist, Al naturally knew that mining the core of Krypton would cause Krypton to age and be destroyed prematurely.】

【After Zod learned everything from Al, he strongly opposed the decision of the parliament, but it was useless. The parliament is the highest authority in Krypton.】

【Thinking of the fate that Krypton might suffer next, Zod’s eyes were dark and he had a bold idea. 】

Jizi:”The birth of life and the evolution of civilization all need to develop. Exploitation is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. How can you make progress if you abandon the pioneering spirit?”

Red A:”Are these council members stupid? Squeezing the energy of the planet will only accelerate the destruction of the mother planet! And they don’t seem to want to leave the mother planet!”

Sai Xiaoxi:”Krypton needs an endless energy source!”

Holy Kesha:”To put it in extreme terms, they don’t destroy and plunder other planets. To put it in decadent terms, they directly blow up their mother planet.……”

Hilco:”So-called congressmen only care about immediate interests and ignore the long-term future and human rights. What a bunch of idiots!”

Shimura Danzo:”You can imagine how ridiculous it is to have a decision that both doves and hawks will oppose!”

Deus:”Zod is very similar to me… He can do anything for justice and civilization! Even launching a coup.”

Uchiha Madara:”It seems that Zod has found the real way to continuation, and it’s an extreme way.”

Uchiha Shisui:”Although a coup is wrong… I still support Zod’s coup. If there is no coup, it will be almost annihilation.”

【On the other side, Al’s baby is about to be born】

【He wanted to have a child of his own, his own treasure, so he and his wife got together and conceived a child in the most primitive way.】

【In the secret room, Al delivered the baby without any risk using mature technology.】

【He and his wife looked at the crying child in front of them with joy. He and she knew that this child was different, different from all the Kryptonians.】

【”This child is called Carl, Carl-El. My child……”】

Intelligence Jiraiya:”He must be the only child born in Krypton in hundreds of years, right? And he’s the most special one! Don’t underestimate my intelligence network!”

Harry Potter:”Yes, Kryptonians were conceived by the Code of Life, lacking the most important love. And Kal was born in the love of his parents, and he has the most important thing his parents give him.”

Gilgamesh:”The Kryptonians created by the Code of Life are like rootless duckweed, but Kal-El is a continued life. Only when love meets love can there be an understanding of love.”

Homelander:”Oh~ a child loved by his parents? I hope you can be the embodiment of hope like me.” Deadpool

:”Happy! What the people upstairs said really made me laugh hahahaha! I wonder what the people upstairs will react to seeing how Kal has grown up hahaha!”

Kal’tsit:”Huh? Riddler?”

【Life on Krypton is coming to an end, the core is dying and the planet is starting to dry up!】

【Seeing that the parliament had done nothing and had not even organized an escape, Al went to the parliament to persuade the members to follow the practice of their ancestors and temporarily migrate to other planets.】

【The legislators did not agree, but were struggling and calculating the pros and cons, without any urgency about the current situation.】

【At this moment, Zod led his men into the parliament and killed all the members. Then Zod reached out to Al】

【”These congressmen are all talk and no action, causing the destruction of Krypton! There is no redemption! Al, join me, we can save Krypton”】

Alan Yeager:”What an incompetent group of high-ranking officials! At least they should arrange for the people to move to other habitable planets!” (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Deus:”This is why I wanted to launch a coup in the first place. These politicians are all talk and no action, and are blindly conservative. This Kryptonian congressman is not even as good as the God-Emperor. At least that old guy can maintain the status quo.”

Fu Xuan:”Are you still calculating the pros and cons at this time? They should all be hung on street lamps! They have been developed longer than Xianzhou, but their social structure is still so corrupt. rotten.”

Danzo Shimura:”Good to kill! Such weak, indecisive, and incompetent people who only know how to play Tai Chi should be killed!”

Hiruzen Sarutobi:”What are you hinting at, Danzo! Who are you pointing at?! Don’t think I can’t hear it! You and I are connected in heart, are you playing tricks on me?”

Optimus Prime:”In a sense, El, who develops technology, and Zod, who symbolizes the military, will bring the Code of Life together and will surely make Krypton return to its glory.”

Darius:”The strong prey on the weak. Since he is aware and capable, Zod should take the position!”

【Al looked at the bodies of the congressmen and then heard the sound of gunfire outside. He immediately realized everything.】

【Zod launched a coup and started the war!】

【Al felt great pain in his heart. At this time, the congressman was incompetent and Zod wanted to stir up civil unrest. In his eyes, was life just a tool for a coup?】

【”��De, even if your coup succeeds, everyone will be dead, who will you rule?!”】

【”Al, we can start over together! We can sever the tainted bloodline that holds us back!”】

【”Zod, you have disregarded human ethics and pointed your sword at our people! I respect you for who you were in the past, but not who you are now!”】

【Seeing Al’s stubborn look, Zod didn’t say much, but ordered his men to take Al away.

Uchiha Itachi:”The coup still happened… It shouldn’t have been like this. Can’t we sit down and talk it out?”

Hilco:”Zod is a general. Al couldn’t convince the congressman, so Zod can convince him? My opinion is that it’s not as good as physical persuasion.”

Amiya:”The most painful thing is that the coup was not for the purpose of usurping the throne. They all made the right choice to save Krypton.”

Luo Ji:”No one with a thought will betray Krypton. It can only be said that this is a tragedy, a tragedy of human nature.”

Uchiha Kenji:”Hey hey hey! Zod’s tone is wrong? Why is he so clingy to Al?”

Pluto:”It’s hope, appreciation, and mutual respect. He knows that he is a general and needs Al, a scholar, to save Krypton together.” Vader:”So what if the sword is pointed at the people? Krypton is about to be destroyed, so why care about human nature? Seeking benefits and avoiding harm is the instinct of life. Losing humanity loses a lot, and losing animality loses everything.”

【At this moment, Al, a scientist, skillfully used the defense system to escape and then rushed to the holy land of Krypton.】

【Krypton is doomed, he wants to continue the last spark and hope of Krypton】

【Al took the Life Code, then he returned to the secret room and integrated the Life Code into the body of Carl, a different child. He will be the hope of Krypton.】

【Then Al put Carl in the escape pod and locked onto a habitable planet surrounded by the sun, Earth.】

【The wife looked at Al worriedly,”He will be out of place, a monster, they will kill our children.”】

【Al shook his head and looked at Carl reluctantly,”No, he is a god from heaven.”】

Angel Hexi:”Al is too bold! The entire Life Code is integrated into Carl’s body. Is he trying to create a god?!”

Supreme Evolution:”The genes of a race are integrated into one to create a life like Warlock Adam. Although it is perfect, it is useless if it cannot be mass-produced.”

Kaz:”You know, the integration of the entire Kryptonian gene source code into one person symbolizes the birth of a perfect life!”

Angel Hexi:”Kryptonians are not superhumans. They are only strong in life technology. I don’t know why they haven’t developed divine body technology, but Carl is definitely a pure and perfect body with great potential to become a god.”[]

Nick Fury:”Fuck! Going to Earth again? Is Earth the center of the universe?!”

Fury:”Earth is indeed the center of the universe.” Magneto

:”Al is quite optimistic. Those who are not of my kind must have different hearts! Even mutants cannot tolerate the evil nature of Earthlings. Does he think that an alien like Carl can be accepted?”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”Haha~ God? I want to see how a little bread can become a god?”

【As the escape pod was launched, Zod, who had rushed over, had no time to stop it and could only watch the escape pod leave Krypton.】

【The angry Zod killed Al, and was then suppressed and captured by the Kryptonian forces.】

【Krypton’s power meant that his coup could only last for a short time. When Krypton mobilized its forces, it could suppress Zod.】

【Because of treason, Zod and others were sentenced to be imprisoned in an alternate dimension for three hundred years.】

【Then Zod and the others were frozen and exiled to another dimension through black hole technology for three hundred years. 】

Dynesreb:”This is probably the last glory of Krypton, right? No matter how powerful the military is, it can’t escape destruction along with the mother planet, but fortunately there is still a spark that escaped.”

Entei:”Good fellow! I was also imprisoned in a zero-gravity prison, but Zod was thrown directly into a black hole?”

Ancient One:”Using a dimension as a prison… Krypton is really generous.……”

Black Tower:”A celestial body as terrifying as a black hole is just a prison?! Isn’t Krypton advanced in life science and technology?”

Yun Tianming:”A civilization that can develop life science and technology to a very high level will also have no problem with other technologies.”


Randolph Carter is quite interesting, I will put him on the next list.

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