Chapter 341: Luthor’s Madness! Superman vs. Batman Dawn of Justice!

【The scene changes, and when Clark is unaware, Luthor and Wayne both begin a conspiracy against him and them.】

【Luthor used Zod’s biological skin to sense the interior of the Kryptonian spacecraft and opened the master key. Suddenly, the interior of the spacecraft lit up.】

【Welcome, analysis indicates the ship is operating at 37% efficiency, would you like to take over operations?】

【”Yes, I want to take over the operation.”Luther said straightforwardly.】

【Very well, let’s begin. The Kryptonian Archives contain knowledge from a hundred thousand different worlds.】

【Luther blinked,”Very good, teach me”】

Ultraman Zeta:”Hey! How come the Kryptonian spacecraft, which is tens of thousands of years old, still uses fingerprint recognition? Is it so retro?”

He Xi:”Do you remember the Zod skin that Luthor shaved off with a kryptonite blade? This is not a fingerprint, but a biological skin sensing technology. However, it is not very safe.”

Roman:”Can we take over as soon as we get in? The confidentiality and authority management are too poor!”

Boros:”After all, Krypton was also a hegemonic civilization in the past. It never thought that it would be destroyed one day, and naturally it would never think that someone could break into the Kryptonian spacecraft and take over the authority.”

Jibril:”Ahhhhhhhh!!! One hundred thousand different worlds Knowledge?! I’m so envious, so envious, so envious! I want to see it too!”

Black Tower:”Knowledge from a hundred thousand different worlds… if it can be included in Krypton, it is naturally not a rotten civilization that is just for the sake of numbers. It is simply a treasure! But Luthor wants to learn directly? Does he have the time?”

Rocket:”To be honest, this kid is a little crazy. No matter how talented he is, he is at best a genius on Earth!”

Deadpool:”Uh… this kid is one of the rare people with ninth-level wisdom in the universe! Don’t underestimate him.”

Bronya:”The person upstairs is a perverted lunatic. Don’t believe what he says.”

Deadpool:”But what he said is true.……”

【On the other side, in the bat cave, the scenes began to switch rhythmically.】

【Sometimes, Wayne, with his muscular upper body naked, keeps exercising his body, adjusting his physical strength and condition to the peak.】

【Sometimes he smelts steel, using exoskeleton technology and the highest technology of the Wayne Group to forge the most powerful bat armor.】

【Sometimes he sets up the battlefield in Gotham 977, laying numerous traps and traps.】

【In the end, he analyzed the kryptonite and used the kryptonite powder to make several kryptonite bullets and a kryptonite spear!

Tony Stark:”I thought you were a scientist like me, but I didn’t expect you to secretly train?!”

Ya Si:”Oh, Darling~ You have solid muscles all over your body~! Such a strong and powerful body~” Lian

Feng:”Unlike Tony Stark’s full exoskeleton, his armor sacrifices mobility and focuses on defense and strength. It seems that his physical ability is not bad.”

Rebecca:”With such strong muscles, he must wear heavy armor for close combat! But… no matter how strong he is, he can’t be better than Clark, right?”

Misaka Mikoto:”Kryptonite bullet! This is his ultimate move! He can actually think of this method… Clark’s Kryptonian advantage is completely gone!”

Wu Gang:”Clark and Zod are fighting each other, but fighting Wayne is really deadly! The Kryptonian spear hitting a Kryptonian is really hurt, weak and critical!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”How terrible! No wonder they say that there is no chance of winning a fight with Wayne or a second game! Such a well-prepared battle is a sure win!”

【The scene returns to the Kryptonian spaceship. After quickly receiving the knowledge he needed, Luthor dragged Zod into the pool of the Creation Chamber.】

【Looking at Zod’s face, he seemed to remember Clark, a fellow Kryptonian, who murmured sadly:”You flew too close to the sun.……”】

【Tear it up!】

【Luther cut his palm with a dagger, and his blood flowed into the creation chamber】

【Foreign genes detected, warning! The Kryptonian Senate has issued a code prohibiting the giving of form to such a hideous creature.】

【”What about the Kryptonian Parliament?”】

【It has been destroyed】

【”Then go ahead.”】

Black Tower:”He learned all the knowledge collected by Krypton so quickly?! Is he really a genius?! He must have a place in the genius club!”

Hikaru:”I’m still worried. A genius like Luthor is too extreme. There is only a fine line between genius and madness. If he falls, it will be harmful to the universe.”

Light Yagami:”Framed, terrorist attacks, kidnapping… Isn’t Luthor a terrorist? At best, he is a high-IQ terrorist! But this is more dangerous!” Kevin

:”In Luthor’s eyes, Clark is Ikaros. If he gets too close to the sun, he will melt.”

Holy Kesha:”Hateful… Could it be that Krypton’s history was even older and there were other creatures?! And the body of the Kryptonian is the key to unlocking this taboo.……”

Lucy:”To be honest, the AI ​​of this Kryptonian spaceship is not as smart as the AI ​​of Blackwall.”

Fu Xuan:”That’s normal! A prosperous civilization equipped with highly intelligent AI will trigger an omnic crisis!”

【The scene changes, and Wayne and the mysterious woman who stole Wayne U before begin to check the top-secret files.】

【The woman saw two videos in the file. One video was of a kid running very fast and generating electricity.】

【Another video shows a sturdy man holding a trident suddenly floating out from the deep sea, and his one strike even creates a sonic boom in the water!】

【On the other side, Clark was shocked to compare a photo in the file with the mysterious woman, and found that the young woman was actually a grandmother who had lived from World War I to the present! 】

Quicksilver:”It’s the time traveler from before! I knew he was a speedster!”

Rudolph symbol:”If such a horse girl was born, the world would be in chaos……”

Tokiwa Sougo:”So the ultimate speed can transcend time! I finally know why an ordinary second rider is the second strongest in the Heisei era.”

Xiaowu:”Huh?! Is this trident a Sankiri?! No! My Sankiri can’t be so rough!”

Kenneth:”Legend has it that there was a fantasy species of Atlantis in the Age of Gods. It seems that this man is a fantasy species of Atlantis.”

Senju Tobirama:”He can even create sonic booms underwater. His affinity for water is no worse than mine.”

Zhang Chulan:”Damn! Wayne is really teasing a grandmother!”

Hakurei Reimu:”Bba? This woman is still quite young, right? At least younger than a certain purple old djcndnw+- %: djd…”

【The scene of the Golden List switches to Clark again. Because of Luther’s actions, Clark is reviled and questioned by the whole world.】

【Depressed Clark came to the snowy mountain, but suddenly saw his father】

【He told Clark that when he was a child, he and his father blocked the flood and saved his home, but caused the flood to flow to other people’s homes, which made him feel guilty.】

【Until he met his wife, his wife’s arrival made him feel that there is still love and beauty in this world, and he should not dwell on some bad things. 】

Young man:”Luther is really a mysterious drainage man……”

Sato Shinwa:”Drainage man? Drainage hook!” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Spider-Girl:”I admit that no one can compare to Luther in terms of drainage and creating public opinion. I would like to call Luther the strongest little black guy!”

Thor:”Does he miss his dad too?” Emiya

Kiritsugu:”His father is very aware… When a person wants to protect something, he will always lose something. This is inevitable. All we can do is make the sacrifice less than the salvation.”

Uchiha Obito:”His father enlightened Clark, and also planted the seeds of disaster. I now firmly believe that if we lose Louise and Martha, the future that Wayne saw will really come true”

【On the other side, on the eve of the war, Wayne came to the outside of the Bat Cave to pay tribute to his father】

【The old butler Ah Fu looked at Wayne and said,”You can’t beat me, you have no chance of winning, this is suicide!”】

【Wayne did not waver, but looked at the Bat Cave and Alfu and said:”My father once told me the history of the Wayne Group.……”】

【But the first generation of our family made their fortune by trading with the French in furs.】

【”We are hunters”】

Whitebeard:”Why are both of them thinking about their fathers and paying tribute to them? It seems that their fathers have a great influence on Clark and Wayne.……”

Tifa:”Clark’s father gave Clark a childhood and guidance, but it’s a pity that Wayne, a kid from the alley, hates evil to the extreme, which is not a good thing.……”

Tony Stark:”I understand Wayne too well. I even think Wayne is another me, but I like to be in the limelight.”

Iruma Kei:”Wayne doesn’t need to face an unbeatable enemy. Even if he is well prepared, there will be accidents. He doesn’t fully understand Clark.”

Abe Haruaki:”Hunter? What does it mean? Or does he have to hunt Clark as a hunter?”

Volibear:”Do you know what a hunter is? In ancient times, people who hunted creatures stronger than themselves were called hunters!”

Hou Yi:”Wake up, hunting time!”

Young man:”Fuck! Strong!”

【At this time, the picture of the gold list began to become somewhat dark, and the rhythm became rapid.】

【Luthor kidnapped Clark’s mother and girlfriend Lois, and on the roof of the building, he pushed Lois down!】

【Clark heard Louise’s scream and before she had fallen halfway, Clark lifted her up and put her safely on the ground.】

【After settling Lois, Clark flew directly to the roof and approached Luthor.

Conan:”Luthor is too dangerous, he completely treats the law as air!”

Justice Star Spirit:”Such a sinner, an unjust person, cannot be forgiven!”

Yagami Light:”Kidnapped Superman’s girlfriend and mother, he is playing with fire! Let the whole world be buried with him! Why doesn’t Luthor die!”

Otto Apokalis:”It’s indeed a bit… outrageous? After all, his heart is for the future of mankind, but his actual actions are making the human world walk on the edge of destruction.”

【However, Luther was not afraid, but pointed at Clark with an extremely unstable mind and said:”You are above all the evil and virtue in the world, even God is like this!”】

【”Horus, Apollo, Jehovah, Carcar, Claros Joseph Kent……”】

【”Did you see that, Clark?”Luther paced on the spot with disheveled hair and said,”Gods also have tribes, and Gods also have partiality!”】

【Luthor’s speech became more and more excited, and he pointed at Clark’s nose and said loudly:”When I was a child, the sky did not intervene to free me from my father’s fist and hatred!”】

【”I’ve understood it a long time ago!” Luther’s hands trembled with emotion,”If God is omnipotent, then he cannot be all-good. If he is all-good, then he cannot be omnipotent!”】[]

【”People need to see the falsehood of gods and the blood on their hands, and you are no exception!”

Horus:”What?! What’s wrong with me?”

Apollo, the god of the sun and stars:”Huh? I’m high above you? Eat me and the light energy will gather!”

Joan of Arc:”The Lord loves everyone equally, not high above you! The Lord loves all living beings, my Lord is great, no need to say more!”

Aozaki Orange:”Terrible faith and cohesion… Pharaoh, Sun God, God… Clark’s status in this world is comparable to them!”

Loki:”If God doesn’t favor his own family, will he favor other gods? I can’t understand Luther’s idea.”

Arjuna of God:”If you can’t treat all living beings equally, you are not a god.”

Shoko Toyokawa:”Father’s fist… There must be something hateful about pitiful people. Luther also had a dark childhood.……”

Sawada Tsunayoshi:”To be honest, with such a childhood, he still has hope for the future of mankind. He is already very optimistic, but his optimism is too extreme.”

Goetia:”Only omniscience can see all the good and evil contradictions in the world. People who see all this naturally cannot have good intentions towards everything.”

【”What did you do? Clark felt something was wrong”】

【Luke walked around Clark and looked towards Gotham on the other side of the coast of the metropolis. There was a heavy rain and thunder.”I need you to keep an appointment, an appointment!”】

【”I didn’t even do much during the two years of incitement, but he exploded at the slightest provocation!”】

【”I want you to go to the appointment and fight him to the death! Black and blue, the night of the showdown!”】

【In the darkness, Luthor became more and more fanatical,”This is the greatest fight in history! Gods versus mortals! Day versus night! The Son of Krypton versus the Bat of Gotham!”】

【Clark didn’t want to pay attention to Luthor’s words, but Luthor threatened Clark with his mother. If he didn’t keep the appointment and kill Batman, Martha would die.】

【Clark had to go to the appointment for this reason.

Dio:”Luthor… Hahahaha! The will of God has submitted to you! How interesting!”

Gao Tianzun:”Oh oh oh oh! I’m already ignited! This greatest and most contrasting gladiatorial contest is about to begin! I can’t wait!”

Aatrox:”What’s there to see when God defeats mortals? Just a crushing victory!”

Paimon:”Although it is cruel and evil, such a spectacular gladiatorial contest still needs a name, let’s call it the Dawn of Justice!”


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