Chapter 366: The Tragedy of the Weepers, the Chosen One of the Unlucky Gods, and the Founding of an Army of Curses

【The scene starts with a dark corner. An Asdat kneels on the ground, curled up and cries in despair.】

【His body was covered in blood, he raised his head and cried helplessly:”Please answer me!”】

【”What on earth did we do wrong to deserve such a fate?”】


【The final wailing echoed through the universe, making everyone who heard it feel grief-stricken. What on earth did they do? What on earth did they face?

Kaname Madoka:”Such deep despair… Aren’t they the brave Astartes? Why are they so desperate?”

Kyubey:”This level of despair is enough to breed a powerful witch. I didn’t expect that humans in other periods of time would also have such deep despair except for the teenage years.”

Enoshima Junko:”Tsk tsk tsk tsk, such a strong despair is really delicious, it makes people happy!” Alicia

:”Reply… Are you asking the Emperor to respond? Or Sanguinius? They look so miserable, we must respond to them~”

Rick:”Are they also a group of miserable people who have been played around by fate all their lives?……”

Qin Liu:”! Scream! I see the cries of the Astartes, I see the Chapter falling apart! I hear the grinning of those who have succeeded in their conspiracy, friends are no longer friends, home is no longer home……”

Tanjiro Kamado:”How miserable… Stop crying! What kind of fate have you encountered!” Kengo

Manaka:”Even the guardians of mankind can no longer smile, how desperate the era after the Emperor’s slumber must be!”

【The screen changes again to several clips】

【On the snowy plain, another group of Astartes pointed at the Astartes of the Lamenters and said,”Brothers, they are cursed.”】

【Then he left, leaving the helpless weepers behind.】

【”No! Brother! Don’t go! Don’t leave us! Please!……”】

【Before they could finish, they were overwhelmed and attacked by another group of Astartes. 】

Frillian:”Curse? What curse? Is it some ominous curse?”

Kamijou Touma:”It can’t be a curse of bad luck that can make other chapters abandon them, 703?”

Nick Fury:”According to the information obtained from the previous Warhammer inventory, the only curses are those who are watched by the evil gods of the warp or have connections with Chaos.”

Zhang Beihai:”But deserting the battlefield and abandoning comrades like this will lead to a military court!”

Esdeath:”Ah, I’ve never seen an army abandoning comrades and withdrawing from the battlefield because of some remarks.”

Swain:”This is the flaw of the Empire. The chapters are too scattered and the military discipline is not unified enough.”

Liu Peiqiang:”Why are there still Astartes attacking friendly forces?! Are they betrayed? Or are the ones attacking them rebels?”

Roman:”From the perspective of the warriors of the human empire in the Warhammer universe, not being watched by the Emperor and the Primarch, being abandoned by brothers, and being betrayed by colleagues… How desperate it must be!”

【The scene changes again to the subspace, in the realm of Khorne, the entire space is blood red and filled with corpses.】

【The blood-soaked Weeper stood on the pile of corpses and continued to resist and kill the Warp Demons, but his movements became increasingly weak.】

【”100 years!……”The weeper screamed to the sky in despair】

【”Please help us! Sanguinius!”】

【Cries and wails resounded throughout the warp, but they were isolated and helpless, and neither the Emperor nor Sanguinius was watching them. 】

Rhaast:”Wow~ Khorne Realm? Being able to go deep into Khorne Realm is enough to make me look up to them.”

Randolph Carter:”Will you have a mental breakdown if you stay in this area for too long? Isolated, not being watched, no supplies, and long-term killing.”

Marda:”A hundred years is already a person’s life. After killing in Khorne Realm for a hundred years, they still insist on believing in Sanguinius! Such a belief… Why can’t Sanguinius respond to them!”

The Thousand Herrscher:”Sanguinius… is dead!”

Kai’Sa:”As expected of the descendants of Archangel Sanguinius (abag), he has not succumbed to Chaos even after a hundred years in Khorne Realm.” Tracys:

“But it is ironic that such a group of warriors with firm will and long-lasting faith are not watched by the Emperor and Primarch they believe in, and are betrayed and abandoned.”

【The scene changes to a slaughterhouse, where the weepers fight for mortals, to protect slaves and all weepers.】

【However, the black rage engraved in his body suddenly erupted, and the uncontrollable Weeper prayed to the protected Effort:”Detonate the explosives! Let us die quickly!”】

【Having never felt the light and kindness, he kneeled on the ground with grief at the sight of Astarte in front of him.】

【”Great Angel Son, I kneel down and beg you to leave! I will survive you, leave, I will return to the Golden Throne voluntarily, please!”】


【As the barrels of explosives exploded, all the Astartes under the Black Rage were submerged in the sea of ​​fire. 】

Himeya Jun:”Fighting for mortals… They are heroes! Heroes among mortals!”

Reid:”Hey! Aren’t the Astartes supposed to protect humans and the Empire? Why do you say that?”

Frost Star:”Let me put it this way. Except for some Primarchs, most Astartes don’t care too much about the lives of mortals, let alone slaves? They treat slaves as people. From this point, it can be proved that the Weepers are definitely a war group that betrayed and succumbed to Chaos!”

Gagra:”The Black Rage has broken out… If you don’t want to succumb to the Black Rage and kill slaves, you can only choose death. Is it necessary to go to this extent?” Tamamonomae

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

:”They are redeeming each other with the slaves. The Weepers saved the slaves, and the slaves don’t want the Weepers to die because of them.”

��:”What kind of warband are the Weepers? They can be thanked by slaves from the bottom of their hearts.……”

【The scene switches again. The Weepers are isolated and helpless due to a faulty driver, and are betrayed and besieged by their brother regiments.】

【He did nothing wrong, knew nothing, and wanted to protect everything, but was punished to go on a 100-year atonement expedition.】

【They could only cry in a low voice and had no words to say.】

【However, the lone chapter was massacred by the main force of the Tyranid Zerg swarm at the very beginning of the Atonement Crusade and was nearly wiped out.

Patriot:”Their end… is unbearable… Being betrayed by brothers and comrades on the battlefield is the most tragic way to die, and it is also the most intolerable behavior!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”It seems that the Empire is not monolithic. If nothing unexpected happens, power struggles and factionalism should be common. The Astartes are not as close as when the Emperor was in power.” Najeshitan

:”Humanity is lucky to have an Emperor. If the Emperor is asleep, it would be strange if the huge human empire is not corrupt. Perhaps the top leaders are already rotten to the core.” Tony Stark:

“I guess only the Inquisition outside the independent Imperial organization formed by the Grey Knights left by the hero Malcador has not been corrupted.”

Kamijou Touma:”All the bad luck of the Empire has fallen on the Weepers. I wonder if they are the same unlucky God’s Chosen as me.”

Black Tower:”Huh? Tyranids? I don’t know how it differs from the Locust Plague on my side.”

Raynor:”A swarm is a swarm. No matter which universe or world they are in, they are a disaster that destroys everything.”

【The scene returned to the dark corner again. The weeper knelt on the ground and raised his head and said helplessly and sadly:

【”The Emperor……”】


【”We really tried our best.……”The weeper cried out in grievance】

【”We saved your people! We defended your honor! We love you……”】

【”So please……”The weeper cried out in grievance:”Please answer me!”]

Konpaku Youmu:”They are so wronged… They have done nothing wrong, but they are treated like this.……”

Kaneki Ken:”Are good people supposed to be betrayed and backstabbed like this? They are not wrong, the fault lies with the Empire and those who play with power!”

Guilliman:”Has the Empire become like this while I’m away… Soldiers loyal to the Empire shouldn’t be treated like this!”

Tokiwa Sougo:”I think the Emperor should be watching them, right? But he can’t respond. The experiences of the Weepers are just a few fragments, I just think they are so miserable.……”

Rick:”Tetu responded to my wish. I hope the Emperor and Sanguinius can respond to you. Poor Chapter.……”

Joan of Arc:”We can’t let the soldiers loyal to the Empire shed blood and tears! So Emperor… please wake up quickly, even if it’s just to show your spirit.”

【The scene changed, and the Lamenters appeared in front of the audience.】

��After the death of their Primarch, the Chapter was split up, and the Lamenters were created from the gene-seed of the Blood Angels, whose Primarch was Sanguinius.】

【The Weepers were born during the 21st Founding, a campaign by the Adeptus Mechanicus to perfect their gene-seed and reduce its flaws.】

【However, the genetic technology of the Adeptus Mechanicus was completely inferior to that of the Emperor and his institutions, so the gene seeds they created had more defects.】

【The Astartes created by these gene seeds have more defects, and many mutations will threaten the bottom line of the Empire, even if they are loyal.

Victor:”I don’t think it makes sense! Why does the Mechanicus want to engage in biology?”

Hemer:”The profession is completely unrelated. I can’t imagine how those oil guys want to engage in genetic technology.”

Tony Stark:”Is it because of the mismatch in profession? It’s not a prosthetic transformation. The gene seeds were first developed by the Emperor. Wouldn’t it be better for these Mechanicus to just engage in machinery?”

Bruce Wayne:”This result led to the gene seeds of the Mechanicus giving birth to some aliens and deformities.”

Koro-sensei:”Fortunately, even the deformities and aliens are loyal to the Emperor and completely loyal to the Empire, otherwise the Mechanicus would have made a serious mistake.”

【Because the warbands formed during the 21st Founding had deeper flaws, many people had varying degrees of mutation and corruption, and were even connected to the power of Chaos.】

【Therefore, many colleagues and space marines avoid them, and even feel disgust and rejection towards them.】

【They called this 21st founding the Cursed Founding, and the people in these chapters the Sons of the Cursed】

【The Lamenters were created during the Curse Founding using Blood Angels modified gene seeds.】

【Because of their flaws, they can feel more deeply the grief and despair of Sanguinius’ death, and they also become depressed because of their flaws.】

【However, due to the multiple defects of blood thirst, black rage, and depression, the Weepers overcame their blood thirst, but began the most tragic fate. 】

Rayleigh:”I seem to know why the Weepers are so miserable.……”

Yakumo Yukari:”The power of chaos is the red line of the empire. If you touch it, you will be liquidated. However, most of the chapters in the 21st founding of the army are more or less tainted with chaos… Tsk.”

Uzumaki Naruto:”But even so, we can’t exclude them! There are innocent people! The chapters are obviously brothers!”[]

Inuyasha:”Brother? That was the era of the Primarchs. The Empire has changed now, a lot has changed.”

Kiana Kaslana:”Hasn’t there been a single person in the Lamenters who bowed to Chaos? Without a doubt, they are the most tenacious chapter in the Cursed Founding!”


I have to catch up on a few events in the Atonement Crusade and the Rebellion, so it might be a little slow, but I’ll still update in the second half of the night, more than two chapters, but it’s a little slow.

After all, I still have to catch up on some details of the Warhammer plot.

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