Chapter 37: Yuan Shen starts! The story of rebellion

【Kyubey looked at Kaname Yumeno who had made up his mind and was expectant:”If you are the one who contains the fate of countless parallel universes and becomes the focal point of cause and effect, no matter how big your wish is, it can come true!”】

【Kaname Madoka said calmly,”Really?”】

【”So, Kaname Madoka, what wish will you make in exchange for your soul?”】

Tousaka Tokiomi:”This is the real… omnipotent person who has reached the root!”

Otto Apocalis:”Kyubi’s technology can even fulfill wishes, it’s simply… not like a creation of technology.”

Fujiwara Chika:”Kaneme Madoka’s wish must be to destroy Witch Night without becoming a witch herself, right?! Then everyone will be happy!”

Lu Xiaoguo:”Nonono~ You’re too narrow-minded. Kaname Madoka is not an ordinary person. He must have great ambitions.”

【Kaname Madoka pondered for a moment, then clenched her fists and said firmly:】

【”I will destroy all witches before they are born! All the witches in the universe, past, present and future! With my own hands.……”】

【As she spoke of this, a dazzling pink light burst out from Kaname Madoka’s chest!】

【Kyubey looked at Kaname Madoka in disbelief,”This wish… if this wish comes true! It will be more than just interfering with time!”】

【”This is a rebellion against the law of causality itself!”】

【At this point, Kyubey seemed to have thought of something, and said in incredible shock:”Do you want to become a god!”

Gilgamesh:”This wish?! Hahahahahahaha! I underestimated you, Kaname Madoka! Child with a pure heart, move forward with your long-cherished wish!”

Thanos:”What a strong will… worthy of the name of the savior.” Kesha

:”The gods are not that strong. If the law of causality is really reversed, she will be above all the god-level civilizations in the known universe!”

Lucy:”She will become the same existence as me, disappearing in reality, and everywhere.”

Regido:”The new cosmic will is born.”

Black Tower:”In the universe where I am, maybe she is already a star god?!”

【”God or something doesn’t matter.”Kaname Madoka’s eyes were full of calmness and determination,””Everyone who has fought against the witch so far, everyone who once believed in hope, I don’t want them to cry】

【”I hope they can keep smiling forever.……”Kaname Madoka is full of determination at this moment!】

【”I will break all the rules and laws that prevent this wish from coming true! I will change it!”】

【”This is my prayer, my wish… Come on! Hatcher!”】

【Instantly, a pink light burst out! In a situation that Kyubey couldn’t control, the wish was fulfilled instantly! 】

Manaka Kengo:”Madoka also wants everyone to smile! Let’s work together!”

Kadoya:”Destruction is for protection, well said! Give it a try! Magical girl passing by!”

Aoki:”Madoka Kaname is so handsome! I never thought that a pink-haired little guy could be so handsome and cool!”

Fu Xuan:”?”

Rocket:”Oh~ Kyubey is going too far! But it’s true, a race without emotions won’t consider variables like emotions.”

【The magical girl Madoka Kaname stands above the ruins, with her branches opening into a bow and the flowers turning into arrows!】

【Kaname Madoka slowly drew her bow, and a pink magic circle unfolded in the sky.】

【call out!】

【The arrow flew up to the sky and collided with the magic circle, and the witch’s sister was broken in an instant! The sky turned blue!】

【Countless arrows of light spread through the magic circle, passed through time and space, and reached the magical girls in countless parallel universes and time points, purifying their despair!】

【”Their wishes will not curse or harm anyone! Therefore, I will bear all the cause and effect!”】

Boshizun:”This scene is so similar to when Teigumo became a god.” Orion

:”He loved the magical girls who fell into witches, shot them down, and redeemed them. How gentle.”

Zoffy:”Redemption across the multiverse, is this the love and potential of mankind… The assessment of the earth must be overturned.”

Shi Hao:”She is free, she is eternal, all cause and effect are imposed on her… What a great wish!”

Suzuki Miyu:”So… the reason why we magical girls have no worries and despair is because of Madoka?……”

【In just a moment! The stage witch was purified! Redeemed! The blinding white light illuminated the sky and also shone into Homura Akemi’s eyes.】

【When Homura Akemi opened her eyes again, she was lying on a white, empty planet. The sky was pitch black, and there was nothing.】

【A voice sounded in Homura’s ear:”Based on the new laws brought by Madoka, the universe has been reshaped.”】

【”Ah, I forgot that you are also a time magician, so let us witness together the end of Kaname Madoka’s existence!”

Oma Zi-O:”Destroy everything, reshape everything, is this your path? You will lose everything.”

Miki Sayaka:”Ah? What? I recruited Madoka as a civil servant, Madoka is not that cold and heartless.”

Pete:”Is it that easy to reshape the universe? Her power has surpassed mine, and she has completely become the embodiment of the rules.”

Virgil:”What is this throwing tile? (puzzled)”

【As soon as the words fell, a huge planet with a colorful outer surface surrounded by a dark curse color passed by the planet and flashed through Homura Akemi’s eyes!】

【”This is Kaname Madoka’s soul gem. To achieve such a great vision, the curse that Madoka carries is equal to the hope of creating a universe.”】

【”In other words, this represents the despair of ending a universe!”】

【The dark line is crossing the universe! The strongest witch who uses the entire universe as a witch barrier, the Space Witch is born! 】

Sakuta Azusagawa:”What kind of talents are our Japanese junior high school and high school students!”

Dark Star Queen Lux:”This star is full of ominousness and filled with the fantasy of gods! She can destroy the universe!”

Evil Sword Immortal:”Your own inner demons and malice? How can you fight against an existence as powerful as you?”

Carl:”The Space Witch… This is the ultimate fear! This is the void! It must be!”

【Homura Akemi stared blankly at the terrifying witch in front of her, tears streaming down her face. All of Madoka’s efforts were in vain.】

【”No, it’s okay.”】

【Suddenly, Kaname Madoka’s gentle voice rang in Homura Akemi’s ears, and a bright pink light bloomed in the dark universe.】

【Madoka Kaname appears in the universe with the starry sky as her skirt, and countless galaxies embellish her behind her. 】

Devil Flame:”God Madoka, start!”

Kengo Shinaka:”This is the light of hope that illuminates the universe!”

Star-Forging Dragon King:”All the stars have descended to dust because of you. As gods, she is much more kind than the remnants of the giant gods.”

Visitor:”She is like that silver giant god, bringing hope and warmth, giving civilization hope!”

【”My wish is to destroy all witches. If that were to come true… then there would be no need for me to despair anymore!”】

【After saying that, Kaname Yuan looked at the Cosmic Witch with his golden pupils, the Principle of the Circle unfolded, and countless light arrows shot towards the Cosmic Witch, destroying her in an instant!】

【The entire universe was illuminated by the light generated by this attack. 】

Loki:”Gift Crab! She is a paradox! A witch who is always stronger than a magical girl and a magical girl who is always stronger than a witch! I dare not imagine how terrifying her power is!”

Artosh:”The power of infinite superposition is enough to become the strongest. It is a miracle born among monkeys.……”

Liang Bing:”Fuck! The gods are so powerful! Where are the demons on the list with her? Why are they just standing there watching?”

Fu Xuan:”With this level of expansion, you’ll be in trouble if you even touch it!”

【Kaname Madoka’s existence was completely elevated to an unreachable realm, and her existence was completely wiped out in the universe. Only the reincarnated being Homura Akemi remembered that Kaname Madoka had ever existed.】

【Madoka Kaname saved all the magical girls but she forgot her best friend, Homura Akemi.】

【Homura Akemi fell into complete despair!

Lucy:”She is everywhere!”

Hikigaya Hachiman:”The magical girls have been redeemed, Madoka Kaname has fulfilled her long-cherished wish, and everyone has a bright future.”

Viego:”Only Homura Akemi has become a clown, it hurts~ It hurts so much~ I believe that Homura Akemi will meet her again in the end! And I will do everything for it!”

Denji:”Homura Akemi, who wanted to save Madoka Kaname, indirectly saved all the magical girls, but lost the only one.”

Angry Child:”She… is in hell! The next step she will definitely create a world with Madoka Kaname!”

【The scene stops when Kaname Madoka becomes a god and reaches the supreme realm, and then switches to a strange scene.】

【Under a statue of the god Kaname Madoka, Homura Akemi kneeled on the ground, blood flowing from her hands as she grabbed the stone statue.】

【Blood and tears flowed from Homura Akemi’s eyes, countless red spider lilies bloomed, and the dark curse turned into rivers flowing in the city. 】

Arthur Pendragon:”This is… a beast?! The Holy Sword of the Stars is warning me!”

Otto Apocalis:”We are both wanderers in the world… hope has turned into despair, and this time it really doesn’t exist.”

Kevin:”No matter what the cost, I believe she will bring back Madoka Kaname, although she is very dangerous.”

Viego:”Love is so cruel, but it can conquer everything! I look forward to the day when Homura Akemi and Madoka Kaname meet again, and the day when I meet Isolde again.”

Red spider lily:”The most evil negative emotions in the world are all in that river. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s hell on earth.”

【The screen of the Golden List gradually dimmed, and then five words appeared on the screen.】

【A story of rebellion. 】

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