Chapter 372: High Burning! In the name of the Emperor of Mankind, the Indomitable Crusade begins!

【Even though the Emperor has changed, Guilliman is not lost. He will still guide the Empire forward and continue the dream that belongs to mankind.】

【He cannot be confused. Countless human worlds belonging to the Empire among the stars are still suffering from the ravages of chaos and war, and countless worlds of the Empire are being affected by the Great Rift and the Subspace.】

【Time is of the utmost value. Guilliman knows that for every hour he loses, more worlds and people will fall and die.】

【He needs to gather all the forces of the empire immediately to unite the fragmented empire.】

【Under this goal, anyone who stands in Guilliman’s way, whether human or alien, is a heretic!】

【The empire that has been in decline for 10,000 years is about to begin a new chapter, and this huge and decayed chariot is about to start! 】

Wulianta Jizi:”If you are confused, just look at the Emperor and the father of the human world.”

Duanmu Yan:”If you are confused, just kill some aliens and demons to calm down.” Talullah

:”What a lofty consciousness and ideals, this is an idealist and a fighter!” Simon

:”Yes, compared with other worlds, the Empire’s territory is too large, and the invasion is also the most powerful. It is true that countless worlds fall for every minute and hour of delay.”

Sophon:”It took the Three-Body Civilization countless years to discover the Earth, or was it the Earth that took the initiative to send a signal? Are there so many habitable planets in the Milky Way?”

Luo Ji:”You should be glad that you discovered the Earth. If the Earth you discovered is also known as”One Zero Zero” Terra…tsk tsk tsk tsk.”

Patriot:”The Empire has been asleep for too long. For ten thousand years, it can be said that Chaos has been unilaterally hostile to the Empire. Now the Empire will be the enemy of Chaos.”

Esdeath:”The march is imminent, Guilliman definitely has the ability to command everyone to unite.”

【The conservatives of the Empire wanted to use their own military to defend their rights, but with the support of the radicals and the Terra Senate for Guilliman, the conservatives’ actions were of no use at all!】

【At the same time, Guilliman once again appeared in the Terran government as the Imperial Regent.】

【This is a right granted by the Emperor himself. As the Emperor’s Son, Regent of the Empire, and Primarch, Guilliman, who has these three honors, can ignore all the power structures of the Empire!】

【Guilliman had no time for political struggles with those politicians. He immediately ordered the Assassin’s Court to assassinate all the rebels who stood in the way of the Empire’s will.】

【Human unification is urgent! Anyone who stands in his way must die! 】

White-haired man:”Humph! Those useless politicians are like clowns in a circus, or even worse than the mentally ill in a mental hospital!”

Dingdang War God:”When did cousin Shounan come? Yes, I love you too! Woof woof woof!”

Young man:”Is the classic scene coming?!”

Shimura Danzo:”Hahaha! It’s our turn as radicals! Politicians, I am the regent!”Sarutobi Hiruzen

:”Guilliman… Well, Guilliman will not regret it, he is indeed right.”

Akainu:”Everything Guilliman did was to restore the empire. Who dares to stop him under this will? Who has the ability to stop him?”Rudolph symbol:”In the Terra government and even the human empire, as the son of the Emperor and the regent, Guilliman’s power is unlimited!”

Old man in the mountain:”What Guilliman did is destiny, and the night bell for those who try to stop him has already sounded.”

Altaïr:”Walk in the dark and serve the light. This is what an assassin should do, and contribute an important part to the revival of mankind.”

【After resolving the internal problems, Guilliman re-examined the Chapter he had once established. This was the wrong choice.】

【The Astronomican was relit, the astropathic communication was reconnected, and Guilliman’s orders resounded in the ears of all the chapters distributed in the human territory.】

【All the regiments in the galaxy abandon their existing bases and gather in the solar system immediately!】

【Guilliman knew that his order was extremely cruel and would lead to the destruction of countless worlds, but he had to do it.】

【The weakened empire is slowly dying. Only by uniting all forces can we take the initiative and reverse the situation!】

【Guilliman looked up at the vast starry sky and the various taboos deeper inside, and swore in his heart】

【(When this expedition begins, all enemies of humanity will pay with blood!)】

Kotomine Rimasa”For ten thousand years, the laws and scriptures have been fixed, and even the writers cannot change them too much.” Sengoku

“If they could be changed, Guilliman would probably want to tear up the scriptures with his bare hands.” Akainu

:”Wow~ World conscription? The entire human empire has gathered on the home planet under the sun. What a big deal! He is indeed a man with the same will as me!” Artanis

:”Here he comes! He needs to regroup his troops! To ensure the smooth progress of the expedition.”

Kaisha:”Wise and decisive. Although the choice will destroy many worlds in an instant, these sacrifices are dispensable compared to the long-term future.”

Rimuru:”The best way is to explode the troops! Distributed operations are not good anywhere, but if they are assembled, they will definitely win wherever they fight!”

Sky Strike General Feixiao:”If the entire army of the empire is united, how can the so-called Chaos Demons be their enemy? The victory is over!”

Oma Zi-O:”You have really inherited your father’s great ambition… Can you really settle everything and rebuild the glory of the Great Crusade? I’ll wait and see.”

Suho-sama:”Guilliman! He is really the light of mankind!”

【The huge machine of the Empire began to operate. Mars, Jupiter and other forge worlds began to forge weapons for the expedition under the personal negotiation and request of Guilliman.】

【After all the preparations were completed, Guilliman came to the meeting of the High Lords of the Empire. Looking at these High Lords who once held the highest power in the Empire, Guilliman showed no concern or respect for them.】

【”I will implement a new expedition plan to unite all the forces of the empire. All departments of the Terra government must assist me.”】

【Before the high lords could speak, Guilliman continued:”This is not a request, but a notice, by the will of the Emperor, by the will of my Imperial Regent.”】

【After that, Guilliman left the meeting, and only the High Lords collapsed in their seats, weak and exhausted. They really became mascots. 】

Nian:”Good fellow! Guilliman is really going to replicate the Emperor’s Great Crusade! I remember that the casting lines on Mars and Jupiter have not been opened for 10,000 years.”

Boros:”Alas… This is a catastrophe for the alien life in the universe. If it weren’t for me, who could protect the universe from the human cavalry?”

Kazushi Kadoya:”Yo yo yo! Isn’t this the High Lord of the Empire? I haven’t seen you for a few days. You’re so lame?”

Honjo Niya:”Happy! Why don’t these High Lords have the momentum and means to fight against the Cursed Founding Army?”

Joser Fu Joestar:”Hahahaha! Conspiracies are useless against the Primarch, and the status of the High Lord is far inferior to that of the Primarch plus the Imperial Regent.”

Aatrox:”If the Imperial High Lord dares to go against Guilliman, he will be chopped off by Guilliman. How dare those cowards go after Guilliman?”

Lelouch:”What a great momentum! This is the spirit and courage that the Imperial Regent and the Light of Mankind should have!”

Little Emperor Zanaka:”When… can I also say to everyone like Guilliman, not a request but to stop?”

【With the support of the Inquisition and the Assassins’ Chamber, Guilliman organized a massive purge!】

【All the heresies and religious persecutions that were born in the name of the God-Emperor in the past ten thousand years, those who were suspected of corruption and chaos among the high-level officials, etc., have all been purged!】

【Those who wanted to use political means to fight against Guilliman were simply suppressed by force by breaking into their homes!】

【At the same time, Guilliman found Cawl and took over the second mission that Cawl had completed, which was the new type of Astartes, the Primaris Space Marines!】

【This is a more powerful Astartes that Cawl developed on behalf of Guilliman and has kept privately for thousands of years. It inherits the complete genetic material of 20 Primarchs!】

【And there are tens of thousands of Primaris Space Marines who can fight one against a hundred! They will become the sharpest spearhead of the expedition! 】

Cursed Arm Hassan:”Everything we do is justice! This will make our colleagues in the Assassin Court have a good time killing!”

Fanatic:”In our faith, such corrupt people should be killed!”

Black Jeanne:”Eliminate religion? It seems!”

Thor:”This group of pagans must be eliminated. Who knows if the ghost things they worship will really appear in the subspace?……”

Darius:”This is the result of playing political tricks in front of soldiers. In front of military power, any strategy is useless.” Orochimaru

:”Huh? Kawl has a trump card? An Astartes containing the genetic material of 20 Primarchs?!”

Zhang Chulan:”Bigger! Stronger! Big guy!”

Artoria:”It is a capital crime to keep private soldiers, but Kawl is too loyal! Ten thousand years of loyalty can explain everything!”

Ultraman Zeta:”He knows how to play with both machines and creatures. He is worthy of being Warhammer Hikari!”

【As the expedition is about to begin, more and more fleets are gathering in the solar system, and even the sun cannot contain them.】

【Expedition fleets were formed one after another. Even the smallest fleet had hundreds of space battleships, logistics supply ships twice the size, countless Astartes and hundreds of millions of combatants!】

【Guilliman split tens of thousands of Primaris Space Marines into various chapters, and at the same time let two generations of Astartes cultivate brotherly feelings and try their best to erase the friction between the previous chapters.】

【After Guilliman’s return, the Weepers’ bad luck has completely dissipated. The High Lords who suppressed them are powerless, and the prejudices between the chapters have disappeared because of Guilliman.】

【No one issued unreasonable and stupid orders anymore. Under the leadership of the Primarch Guilliman, all the chapters like the Weepers had a new dawn in their eyes.

Luo Ji:”Too many… The solar system cannot accommodate all the fleets of the Empire. How rich must the Empire be during the Great Crusade!”

Liang Bing:”I guess! Queen, if I had a demon army of this size, I would kill them all!”

Tony Stark:”Too powerful… The entire expedition fleet alone has more than 10 billion or even hundreds of billions of combatants, not to mention countless Astartes and logistics teams.”

Theresa:”Humanity is always weakening… Technology depends entirely on archaeology, and is falling behind. Archaeology from the golden age of the Great Crusade is being excavated in this era, and the Weepers are being excavated in the Great Crusade.”

Senju Tobirama:”The conflicts between the chapters have been eliminated single-handedly, and they have not been excluded. The Weepers have finally made it through 4.8.””

【The scene changed, and the expedition fleet had now been fully assembled. All the power of the Human Empire was integrated, and the expedition began with the solar system as the starting point!】

【Behind the golden list screen, a solemn and solemn melody sounded.】

【This time, humans will no longer have to hide in fear, and they will once again dominate the chaotic galaxy!】

【Guilliman will lead humanity to wipe out all enemies of humanity and restore the glory of the Great Crusade!】

【Countless incomplete warbands born in the darkness were assisted and rebuilt, and those worlds enslaved in the eternal night will be liberated and redeemed!】

【Those aliens, demons, and traitors who have brought thousands of years of pain, blood, and tears to the human empire will all meet their end at the hands of the Angel of Death!】

【In the name of the Emperor of Mankind! The Indomitable Crusade has begun!】

The Emperor:”Ohhhhhh! This BGM! I feel numb all over! I’m on fire!”

Shanks:”Hahaha! Cheers to the expedition of Guilliman, the light of mankind!” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Rick:”Since it’s Guilliman, I believe he can lead mankind to the top!”

Vandel:”This is the inheritance of the father. Guilliman still has humanity in his heart. I think he will go further than the Emperor.”

Tallulah:”The Empire that has been sunk in darkness for 10,000 years is finally about to usher in the dawn of victory!”

Liu Chuang:”Not going on an expedition is awesome! I’m really on fire!”


The top 1.5 scene ends here, and there is no follow-up.

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