Chapter 392: Good people of Chaldea, the fourth beast has been defeated by you.

【Goetia said calmly:”I lost, the light band disappeared, and the human burning became ineffective.”】

【”Now I am no longer a demon god, but more like a remnant. I cannot reverse my defeat, and killing you will not help.”】

【”If it were the old me, I would definitely not do such useless behavior, but——”】

【”If it were me, I would make the same choice.” said Fujimaru Ritsuka】

【”Yes, I am ambitious, or at least I finally have ambition.”Goetia said with understanding.】

【”I finally understand the human spirit, I finally understand it in my limited life.”】

【”It’s been a long time… three thousand years.” Goetia sighed:”You and I both have our own persistence, and this is the respect that should be expressed in words.”】

【”Then, let us begin the end of this journey.”】

Neji Hyuga:”This is fate… Goetia’s plan will definitely fail against Ritsuka Fujimaru.”

Dainsleb:”Because Ritsuka Fujimaru is the main character… There are other factors involved, but if it was A, other people would not be able to stop the burning of humanity.” Kal’tsit:”

Gods will not do meaningless things like killing people to vent their anger, but people will. With emotions, there will be indignation. Because Ritsuka Fujimaru caused the plan to fail, Goetia will definitely take revenge.”

Gaigula:”Suddenly I feel a little emotional. Goetia is very real now, without the unnecessary divinity and indifference.”

Abe Haruaki:”Perhaps this is the novelty of humans? Three thousand years of emptiness and hope are far inferior to the calmness and joy of being a human at this moment.”

Elder Souma:”The war between humans and gods is over, and now it’s time for people to settle accounts with each other.”

【Goetia no longer had any contempt in her heart, and only spoke with equality and respect:”The Grand Master who spanned seven worlds, four, six, seven, was appointed because of the burning of mankind!”】

【”My name is Goetia, an existence that destroys human principles with human principles, an existence that moves towards the extreme of no one, towards the hope of the void.”】

【”Now I am born, now I am destroyed”】

【”Even if there is no result or reward, I will destroy you! My enemy, my hatred, my………Oh, fate!”】

【”I hope you can witness that this short time belongs to my story”】

【”Such a short but cherished life is the existence called Goetia, the real life!”】

Absolut Tartarus:”Classic self-introduction link, my DNA moved. Wow, C sister is too!”

Kevin:”Empty hope? Indeed, without clairvoyance, three thousand years of endless struggle for an empty hope, his will is rarely matched.” Aizen:

“Goetia’s plan is indeed flawless. There is no mistake in the three thousand years of planning. What caused his failure is the variable outside the plan of Fujimaru Ritsuka.”

Optimus Prime:”Now the human king Goetia is born, the demon king Goetia is destroyed, and he wants revenge.”

Kamiyama Touma:”Perhaps this battle can be recorded in history and recorded as an epic.”

Black Swan:”We will remember the short and glorious story called Goetia.”

Kaneki Ken:”Life is particularly precious and beautiful because it is short. Goetia also has his own life.”

Kamen Rider:”At this moment, he is no longer fighting for the great cause of the Demon King, but for his own hatred, fighting against his old enemy and fate. This battle is the story of love and hope for Goetia.”

【One step forward! Goetia and Fujimaru Ritsuka punched each other’s broken bodies like ordinary people.】

【There is no Demon King, no beast, only a broken person named Goetia. There is no Master blessed by countless heroic spirits, no guardian without human care, only an ordinary person named Fujimaru Ritsuka.】

【Blood splattered, but no one fell down due to the pain.】

【Until the first treasure is fully effective, Goetia ushered in the final end】

【Taking a step back, Goetia, whose body was gradually dissipating, was genuinely happy and enjoying himself. He sighed::”……Life, so-called life, is surprisingly short and incredibly interesting.……”】

【beast——Goetia, the beast of mercy, is declared destroyed. 】

Hanma Yujiro:”Use force! Not strong enough!”

Tiandao:”The people upstairs don’t understand their fight. It’s not just physical strength, but also the game of will and ideas between them. Watching their fight is a kind of enjoyment.”

Rimuru:”I suddenly saw the fight between Shirou Emiya and Kirei Kotomine! They were all fist-to-fist fights.”

Sakata Gintoki:”However, the protagonist’s enemies don’t have much advantage. Shirou Emiya has a rebar, and Goetia is bleeding.”

Loki:”It’s a pity… Although I know that Goetia’s defeat is a foregone conclusion, I still feel a little sad. Three thousand years of great achievements vanished in an instant.”

Pineapple Blowing Snow:”Being able to die so decently is also the greatest respect for the human king Goetia!”

Finina:”Have you experienced it? A simple and short life is the greatest happiness. You can experience human emotions, Goetia.”

Phosphophyllite:”Hey hey hey! Don’t talk so sadly! Isn’t Goetia not dead?”

【Da Vinci’s message came, and Fujimaru Ritsuka looked dazed, dragging his broken body slowly towards the soul transfer point】

【One step, two steps……】

【Just when he was close to the spiritual particle transfer point, the stone under Fujimaru Ritsuka’s feet broke!】

【”——Tsk, obviously… just a little bit more……”】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka closed his eyes. At the moment of death, Fujimaru Ritsuka was very calm, but he felt a little guilty towards Mashu and Roman.】

【”It’s not over yet! Hold out your hand! Senior! Hold out your hand!”】

【Suddenly! Mashu’s voice came! Fujimaru Ritsuka opened his eyes and looked at Mashu who was holding out her hand to him in disbelief, and held that hand with all his strength. 】

Deadpool:”Oh my God! If I didn’t know that Fujimaru Ritsuka was still in the Lostbelt, I really thought Fujimaru Ritsuka was dead!”

Ron Weasley:”Oh my bloody hell! Merlin’s pants! I almost thought Fujimaru Ritsuka was dead!”

Merlin:”What the hell?”

Tokiwa Sougo:”A new problem has arisen. How did Mashu come back to life? Wasn’t she evaporated by the human cannon?”

Kiritani Kazuto:”Yeah, Galahad’s spirit base has dissipated. Mashu must have really died. Why is she alive again?”

Warfarin:”And looking at Mashu’s complexion, how come her physical condition has improved after resurrection? She doesn’t look like someone whose time is up.” Gabriel

:”There is only one answer! Mashu has a resurrection coin! It should be a backup left by Roman?”

【The scene changes to a beautiful uninhabited island with four seasons like spring.】

【Fufu lives here, being taken care of by the flower magician Merlin.】

【He is a beast that holds the principle of comparison, feeds on competition and growth, jealousy and regret among humans, and has characteristics that are stronger than the other.】

【Cathy Palug, also known as the Primate Killer】

【As long as she doesn’t exist in human society, Cathy is a harmless little animal.】

【Until one day, Merlin picked up Cathy’s neck and threw her out of the tower into the human world.】

【Cathy, who was stranded in Chaldea, turned into a harmless little beast and followed the simple-minded Mashu and the determined Fujimaru Ritsuka on their journey to save humanity, witnessing many good and evil things.】

【And Mashu, a pure and kind child, has always deeply attracted Cathy. 】Shirou

Emiya:”Is this Avalon? So creatures like Fufu live here?”

:”《Habitat””Biology” Hahahahaha~ Come on, Fufu, let me see your kind.”

Sengoku:”Puff! What?! Fufu is a beast?! The enemy is lurking beside Fujimaru Ritsuka?!”

Nobi Nobita:”The beast of comparison looks so powerful! His characteristics are similar to a Doraemon gadget!”

Liu Chuang:”Primates… Aren’t all Kamigawa-types primates? Damn! If I had this characteristic, I would kill people all over the universe!” Yakumo Yukari

:”Fufu is really a hidden talent. Who would have thought that a little beast that can only act cute would be one of the seven evils of mankind who possesses the principle of comparison?” Nick Fury

:”Stay away from little animals that can only act cute. I know how dangerous they are.” Otakemaru:

“Merlin, this old idiot, has done so many bad things. Isn’t throwing primate killers into human society cultivating disasters? Fortunately, Fufu is still a young beast.”

Kikyo:”No, the essence of the young beast is also one of the seven evils of mankind. It was Mashu’s purity and Fujimaru Ritsuka’s enthusiasm that suppressed his nature.”

【The scene changes. In the empty world, Mashu’s consciousness is awakened by Cathy.】

【”Mashu, there is no time to talk too much. I plan to bring you back to life, although you may think it is too nosy.”】

【”But, as the magician said, kindness is like a hard sell, so I’ll imitate him.”】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Cathy’s body exudes a huge amount of magic power, mixed with the authority of the beast beyond mystery.】

【”Use the magic power accumulated for a hundred years to create a miracle that even magic has never achieved. Complete resurrection of the dead”】

【”Although the death of the Grand Time Temple is not realistic, what I want to do is to transfer the power of destiny and extend your remaining three days of life to the length of an ordinary person.”】

【”Well… because I haven’t grown up yet, this is all I can do.”】

【”I will lose my intelligence and characteristics and become an ordinary beast. My previous roars had meaning, but from now on they will only be pure roars.”】

【”But it doesn’t matter, nothing has changed for you”】

Muzan Kibutsuji:”Who has the right to meddle in other people’s affairs?”���Apokalis:”The dead were completely resurrected… There was no corpse at all, it was truly a miracle beyond magic……..”

Kenneth:”Beyond magic? Isn’t that an exaggeration?”

Aozaki Aoko:”The first method changes everything, the second method is just the interference of infinite parallel universes, the third method’s soul materialization is not resurrection, the fourth method is meaningless, and the fifth method is just the time reversal caused by the increase in negative entropy, which is not resurrection.”

Yatogami Tohka:”Wow! Transfer of destiny, it sounds awesome! This way Mashu can survive! Long live Fufu!”

Gul’dan:”Transfer of destiny… then what is the price?”

Kamishiro Ken:”The price is that Fufu is no longer Cassie, she is just Fufu from now on, but Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu can’t understand Fufu’s words, so it really doesn’t make sense to them.”

Spitwagen:”How can it be meaningless! Fufu is the partner who has been with them for the longest time! Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu have already lost Roman, they can’t lose Fufu again!”

【The magic power burned more and more, and the beast of disaster – the beast of comparison appeared!】[]

【”Mashu, this is our final farewell.”】

【”Goodbye, for me, the journey with you is a very happy and refreshing memory”】

【”I am so cheerful that I often turn into an ugly person, but I can still maintain this look.”】

【”Mashu looked at Fufu’s panicked expression and stretched out his hand to stop her,”Fufu! Fufu – wait a minute!”】

【Cathy seemed to recall the past and said:”The magician once said, go and touch the beautiful existence”】

【”——Yes, I really saw something beautiful.”】

【”There is evil that can be defeated without killing, and there are answers that can be found without bloodshed.”】

【”Congratulations, kind people of Chaldea. The fourth beast has been defeated by you.”】

Alicia:”Fufu has seen a flawless era and has seen true beauty!”

Uchiha Obito:”Mash is all the beauty that Fufu has encountered in her long and boring life.” Wendy

:”What’s important in a journey is not the destination, but the meaning of the journey itself. Fufu has found the meaning of travel, which is love and protection.”

Tendo Souji:”Kathy and Mash’s feelings go beyond friendship and can be said to be family. They can’t live without each other, and they would feel uncomfortable without one of them.”

Siegfried Kaslana:”So… in order to protect the one it loves the most, it is determined to sacrifice its rationality.”

Finina:”Wuwuwu… Fufu… Fufu… Wuwuwu……”

Doctor Who:”Don’t forget Cathy’s nature. She is a beast. Perhaps one day rationality will be born. That will be her next journey.”

【The scene changes to Chaldea】

【Everything was as peaceful as ever. Mashu vaguely felt that someone said something very gentle to her, but she couldn’t remember it clearly.】

【The burning of human principles has ended, the subjugation of the Grand Time Temple has been completed, and the one who has not returned is one person.】

【At the same time, the screen changes to 1.6 and the collapsed Grand Temple of Time】

【In the dark space is a pure white jade throne, on which the Ten Commandments are placed, and the Agent of God has disappeared.】

【Step… step… step……】

【There was a sound of footsteps, and a man wearing Chaldean doctor’s uniform, who looked like Roman but had golden pupils, took Roman’s ring.】

【At this time, the gold list prompted a few words: The power of the beast is manifested alone A (anti-paradox)]

Miyamizu Mitsuha:”How can you… forget? You can’t forget it, you can’t forget it!”

Lucy:”It’s okay to forget it. Forgetting is Fu Fu’s last kindness to Mashu.”

Kaname Madoka:”The one who didn’t return is one person… one beast……”

Tornado:”Huh? Did the doctor win the resurrection match?”

Kiritani Kazuto:”No, look at the pupils, they are the golden pupils of the Human King, he is Goetia!”

Kinomoto Sakura:”Wow, Roman brother… I finally understand how King Gilgamesh felt when he saw King Kong.……”

Luo Ji:”Shouldn’t Goetia be dead? She was covered by the First Noble Phantasm… Anti-paradox……”

Dragon Maid Thor:”Anti-paradox? What does that mean?”

Angel Hexi:”Roman’s first treasure erased everything about himself and created a time paradox. Goetia, as Solomon’s late creation, was also covered up, but the essence of beast is variable, and anti-paradox allowed Goetia to survive.”

King of Ultra:”Don’t worry, Goetia of the Age of Gods will help Fujimaru Ritsuka. Their grievances have disappeared in that battle.”

Tet:”Goetia understands human will and Roman, so he should be like Roman, to witness the story of mankind.”


The Top 10 Gold List ends here


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