Chapter 404: Infinite Mebius! Cosmic Miracle Collision! Four Belias Battle

【The scene changes to another battlefield】

【Belial held the Phantom Sword Belial Dusk and kept slashing at Zoffy, but Zoffy dodged it every time.】

【Zoffy dodged and kicked Belia away, making a light gesture】

【As soon as Belia rushed to Zoffy, he was repelled again by the Z-shaped ray!】

【At this time, Zeta and Geed arrived,”Senior Zoffy, leave this to us!”】

【After saying that, Zeta and Geed each activated their strongest forms!】

【”Gather, shining stars! Zedd! / Swallow the darkness, golden storm!”】

【”Ginga, X, Orb, Zero Infinity, Geed, and Evil Belia!”】

【”Ultraman Geed Galaxy Rising/Ultraman Zeta Delpha Sky Claw!”】

【Belial saw this and leaned forward and raised Belial Dusk, showing interest,”My son, play with me!”]

Hawkeye Mihawk:”I can see that Belial really doesn’t know any swordsmanship. He was just swinging the sword around randomly.”

Tushan Honghong:”Based on his previous battles, he should be more familiar with claws and hands, rather than using weapons.”

Gaigula:”It’s interesting that Belial can’t beat Zoffy. Zoffy is really promising.”

Merlin:”Did Zeta and Geed start borrowing power on the spot? Zero was borrowing power while he was still on the battlefield, so pitiful.”

Shinjo:”Even Zeta borrowed the power of Geed next to him. The relationship between Ultraman is so complicated.”

March Seven:”Beliau Dusk, Belial, Geed, Zeta… Why are there four Belials present?”

Zhuge Yuan:”If Belia’s Spinal Sword is also counted as Belia, then there are indeed four Belials.” Rimuru

:”The special effects and forms are so fancy. Is this the new generation of Ultra Warriors? coo1!”

【The scene comes to the battlefield of Ultra Brothers】

【Without the fancy tricks of the new generation, Jackzofi and others used the most basic skills to kill the Absolut warriors cleanly and neatly.】

【Mebius was also trying hard to clean up the battlefield. At this time, hundreds of Absolut elite warriors came out of Tartarus’s portal.】

【Seeing this scene, Mebius knew that if the portal was not destroyed, the kingdom’s support would continue.】

【”Brothers! Lend me all your strength!”】

【The Ultra Brothers immediately broke free, stood in a row, joined hands, and transformed into pure light and poured into Mebius’ body!】

【Colorful light enveloped Mebius, and eventually Mebius changed into a form with a noticeable change in his body.】

【Ultraman Mebius Infinite Form! 】

Sakami Shingo:”As expected of you, Zoffy. The battle is still so neat and tidy.”

Ishigami Yu:”Ultraman Jack is also very strong! The elders of the Kingdom of Light are all very powerful, especially Jack, who is the strongest Ultraman!”

Frieza:”Oh? The strongest Ultraman? The legendary power is also an Ultraman, right? This Jack is just ordinary, how can he be the strongest?”

Sakata Gintoki:”I wonder if the people upstairs have heard of a saying, Guiman’s spark flashed, and many heads of Regis fell to the ground! Guiman is Ultraman Jack.”

Young man:”Amazing, this is not a joke, right?”

Aihara Ryu:”In the future, don’t hold back, use all your strength to destroy the portal of Absolut!! No need to protect here!”

Kizaru:”Wow~ The light of the Ultra Brothers has merged into Mebius’ body~ So scary~”

Supreme Evolution:”Incredible, light as a life form is too perfect, it has a high compatibility with everything and is simply a perfect creature!”

Alien Zarab:”Mebius in infinite forms?! This is theoretically the ultimate warrior! The people of the Kingdom of Light are really idiots. Instead of using this power to deal with Tartarus, they use it to blow up the portal?!”

Hikari:”Tartarus is also an ultimate life form! Theoretically, the only one who can instantly destroy Nalak’s portal is Mebius. This is for the sake of the overall situation.”

【Mebius raised his left hand, his left wrist radiated light, and his right palm was in a knife-hand gesture.】

【A single blow! A light blade tens of thousands meters long swept across the elite Absolut warriors! All the Absolut warriors who had just walked out were killed instantly by this blow!】

【But soon after, a large number of warriors came out of the portal again to make up for the previous losses!】

【Mebius spreads his hands, and his whole body is filled with colorful light!】

【Hundreds of Absolut elite warriors attacked Mebius together, creating a sea of ​​fire!】

【I saw Mebius flying out from the sea of ​​fire!】

【Cosmic miracle collision!】

【BANG!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!!!!!】

【Mebius’s cosmic miracle collision destroyed all the Absolut warriors! And the portal behind them was annihilated!】

【The Absolut clan completely cut off the input of troops, and the infinite form of Mebius also disintegrated here. 】

Nakano Miku:”Oh my god… Dynasty Warriors?! Is Mebius just mowing the grass!” Senju

Tobirama:”The Ultimate Warrior… He is so terrifying that Absolute, who other Ultra Warriors wanted to kill one by one, was killed by him in one blow!”

Absolute Diavolo:”Mebius is also an extremely dangerous existence!”

Duanmu Yan:”Who cares about the original intention of the Absolutes? The invasion is Oxer! Kill them all!”

Manaka Kengo:”Sigokuichi! This cosmic miracle collision is so powerful! Nalak’s portal was completely destroyed! The output of the infinite form of Mebius has surpassed the Ultimate Radiance Zero!” Suoh- sama:”One Ultimate Radiance Zero, one infinite Mebius, and the three brothers of the cosmic boxing and Libut can fight against the backbone of the kingdom. I don’t know how the Kingdom of Light can lose.”

Xie Bai:”You can’t lose! You absolutely can’t lose!”

【The scene returns to the Fantasy Beast Battlefield】

【Regulus and his two companions were unable to defeat Diablo, and Diablo was also unable to defeat the three brothers.】

【In order to break the deadlock, Regulus clenched his fist in the air,”Leo, Astra, take it!”】

【Three spirit beads fell from the sky and were held in the hands of Regulos and his three companions. These were the spirit beads of Regulos’s senior brothers and sisters, which housed their power and the cosmic beasts.】

【”Please use the power of your brothers… to avenge the blood feud between us and Diablo!”】

【The power of the cosmic beasts was unified, and the three of them worked together to condense a terrifying colorful ball of light!】

【”Fantasy Beast Overlord Fist!”】

【Diablo didn’t even have time to react before he was completely destroyed by this blow! He disappeared from the battlefield!】

【Regulus breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. Today, he finally avenged himself against the Fantasy Beast Sect!】

【What the three of them didn’t notice was that a golden heart rolled down where Diablo disappeared. 】

Tanjiro Kamado:”It was the power of Senior Brother Regulus and Senior Sister. Regulus, who bears a blood feud, must be very angry now.……”

Linglan:”Regulus, I know it! Use my power to severely defeat the traitor Diablo!”

Lou Yuan:”Let the inheritance of the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist be cut off. It is unforgivable to betray the sect and harm the master! Use my power well and kill Diablo with our anger!” Old Heavenly Master:

“In any sect, betraying the teacher and destroying the ancestors is a serious crime and unforgivable. Death is Diablo’s belated retribution.”

Kagura:”You are right, but why is the Fantasy Beast Overlord Fist a light cannon?”

Demon God Souji:”Is there any problem? The ultimate of kendo can be a light cannon, why can’t the ultimate of boxing be a light cannon?”

Okita Souji:”I disagree! Kendo is kendo, why should it be related to light cannons!”

W:”Lame! This Diablo is lame! The craziest of the golden trio is Diablo, I really didn’t expect him to be the first to die.”

Uchiha Sasuke:”According to common sense, the weakest person is the craziest one.” Fujimaru Ritsuka

:”Huh? Not dead yet? Beaten into a meatball?”

Yakumo Yukari:”The Absolut people are in a period of transition, and these pillars should have backup plans, maybe the heart is the key to their resurrection.”

【The scene returns to the battlefield of Tregear】

【Taiga held Tregear in his grip and tried to persuade him,”I know you are not the Tregear I know. Can’t you become the messenger of light again and fight with us?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【”There is neither light nor darkness in this world!”Tregear pushed Taiga away and kept hurting him with his light.】

【Just as Titus and Fuma were about to lend their support, Taiga stopped them and said,”Don’t interfere! This is a matter between the two of us!””】

【Tregear felt even more pained and stabbed at the sight,”The upright looks in your eyes are so disgusting!”】

【Absolut’s power was used, and Taiga was instantly beaten into his basic form and fell to the ground. 】

Camille:”The world is neither black nor white, but a delicate gray. These children in the Kingdom of Light are too extremely bright and have not seen the dark side of the world.”

Professor X:”Tregear’s curiosity and sensitive personality allowed him to see the essence of the world, but his three views conflicted with his essence, so he naturally fell into confusion.”

Kamen Rider:”And Taiga is too young and too idealistic. He never thought about what crime Tregear’s betrayal of the Land of Light and his surrender to the Kingdom was? What kind of punishment would he receive?” Sarutobi

Hiruzen:”The above person doesn’t understand. The Land of Light is a utopian country. People who return from the lost will be given the greatest acceptance. Secondly… in the Land of Light, as the grandson of Ultra Father, Taiga still has some power.”

Joseph Joestar:”Just don’t mention Taiga. Tregear is Taro’s old lover and a talented junior recognized by Hikari. Naturally, he will have the greatest preferential treatment.”

Remus Luther:”Then Belia has really become a clown. Both Cero and Tregear have people to protect them, but Belia doesn’t. How happy!”

Kiana Kaslana:”Tregear is struggling too… He is a smart man. It will be difficult to turn back if he takes the wrong path.”

【Taiga got up in a panic and murmured:”No matter what you say, I will continue to radiate my light.”】

【”Because I am the brave warrior who embraces the sun, Ultraman Taiga!!!”】

【When Tregear heard the words”The Hero Embracing the Sun” and”Tiga”, he felt dazed and nostalgic for a moment. The choice and complicated emotions tore his heart apart.】

【Taiga stood up and shouted at Tregear:”This is the name you and father gave me!”】[]

【These words completely crushed Tregear, destroying his spirit and fighting spirit.】

【At this moment, Tregear suddenly realized that his past with Taro was so beautiful, but he could not turn back now, and he would not turn back. Taro and Taiga were too shining, so shining that he could not look directly at them.】

【Tregear sighed and said:”How can you elites understand my feelings?……”】

【After saying that, Tregear left, no longer wanting to continue fighting. 】

Deadpool:”Fuck! What’s the difference between Taiga’s behavior and calling her mom in person?”

Hoshi:”He’s calling her mom! He’s calling her mom!”

Tartaglia:”Is their relationship really that complicated? I can see that Tregear has lost all his fighting spirit because of this sentence.”

Kokushibo:”Because Tregear also wants to embrace the sun. Perhaps the hero who embraces the sun was originally his expectation for himself.……”

Tanjiro Kamado:”Tregear… you must be tired after chasing the sun for half your life. You know, the moon is also unique.……”

Star-Lord:”Their past must have been wonderful, so wonderful that no one could have imagined it.……”

Uzumaki Naruto:”A friendship that was misplaced became a lifelong obsession for two people. If everything went well, their paths might never cross again.……”

Jing Yuan:”He is too self-conscious and sensitive. Everyone has their own talents. Blindly chasing after others will only lead you astray.”

【The scene comes to the Belia battlefield】

【Belia wielded Belia Dusk frantically, and his aggressive style of attack forced Geed and Zeta to dodge and look for opportunities.】

【At this moment, Belia Twilight suddenly became out of control.】

【”What’s going on?” Beria looked at Beria Dusk unhappily.】

【Belia said at dusk:”It’s enough to let you drive me for a while. You are really too boring. You and I are the same to some extent. I can understand your heart.”】

【Belia was enraged by this and threw Belia Dusk away,”What do you know with just a sword?”】

【”Father……”Looking at Belia’s appearance and words, Geed felt a little heartbroken and sad. 】

Long Kui:”Ah! So this Fantasy Demon Sword actually has a sword spirit!” Mitaka

Chao:”Poke, it’s Belia’s Spinal Cord Sword, and the consciousness template is naturally Belia!”

Hayakawa Aki:”What Belia Dusk said is correct. Only Belia knows Belia best, not to mention the bystanders.”

Aha:”Aha! This sword is definitely a fun sword! He definitely likes the kind of host that can bring fun!”

Hawkeye Mihawk:”It can control itself and choose its own master. This sword is definitely a rare artifact!”

Aatrox:”Poor Belia Dusk, he can only be a (good) sword in this life~”

Lai Ye:”Xiao Lu… Until now, you haven’t walked out yet?……”

Zero:”Beria…Beria is not worthy of being Geed’s father, but perhaps at that last moment, Belia fulfilled his responsibilities as a father.……”

Whitebeard:”Hmm? This warrior named Geed is quite young, right? I roughly guessed that he wants a family, but it’s a pity that Belia is…”

【Belial flew back to Zeta’s hands at dusk and said,”Let me see the original owner’s courage.”】

【Hearing this, Zeta nodded excitedly, raised Belia Dusk and shouted:”Well! Lend me your strength, Haruki! Go!”】

【The black mist emitted by Belia at dusk was absorbed by Zeta, and Zeta’s whole body turned black and gold, completely sublimated into the Dissim Sky Claw!】

【Zeta gathered his hands together in front of his chest and drew a red Z,”Zestimdis Explodes!”】

【The light turned into darkness, and the explosion of pure dark energy completely defeated Belia, leaving him seriously injured and without the possibility of fighting back! 】

Orb:”Wait! Did Zeta really shout correctly? I remember Haruki is his human body, right?”

X:”You heard it right, Zeta was indeed talking about Haruki, but… why did the Ultra Warriors borrow power from the human body? Does Haruki have any hidden identity?”

Belia Dusk:”Because I like Haruki, a polite child, understand?”

Manaka Kengo:”Siguoyi~ It turns out that Delta Sky Claw is just a sword rack, and the real owner of Belia Dusk is Haruki! Zeta is afraid that Belia Dusk will not let him use it, so he wants to borrow Haruki’s power!”

Natsukawa Haruki:”Zeta is really… I’m just a human being, it’s too shameful and embarrassing to borrow power from me.……”

Pava:”Zeta has lost enough people, this one is not a big deal.”

Tallulah:”In this form… is Zeta going to dig coal?”

Graysh:”Strange color combination, it looks a bit like… Absolut Zeta?”

………Dust… still typing).

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