Chapter 406: Sword Master Luo Ji! The Lonely Old Swordsman! Cheng Xin Runs for Sword Master

【Two centuries later, in the Deterrence Era, because of the half-century of peaceful coexistence with the Trisolaran World, humans once again showed their foolish nature and became arrogant again.】.

【They conspired with the Trisolarans to plan a return scam, tricking the Bronze Age back to Earth with the news of returning home.】

【In the message, everyone on the Bronze Age learned that they were the survivors of the Doomsday War, they were heroes of mankind, and they would be awarded the highest military rank.】

【Everyone was so excited that they began to imagine finding their loved ones or being surrounded by honor.】

【The Bronze Age decided to return immediately, and the Earth also sent a large gravitational wave-emitting warship, the Gravitational, to meet the Bronze Age.】

【However, just after the Bronze Age landed at the Earth Spaceport, everyone was subdued by the army and the Bronze Age was controlled.

Chu Xuan:”Sure enough… the only lesson humans can learn from history is that they can’t learn any lessons.”

Liu Chuang:”It’s weird, how come there are so few tough guys in this era? They are all sissy, like transvestites!”

Rimuru:”That’s right! Whether they are tough guys or sissy girls, people in this era are stuck in the middle, unable to go up or down, just like that silver.”

Dr. Mei:”Alas…die in comfort…they have forgotten that they can live in peace with the Trisolarans because of Luo Ji. If there is no Luo Ji, they are just lambs to be slaughtered.”

Smoke Mirror:”No. Humans who seek the skin of the tiger are already lambs to be slaughtered. Do the Trisolarans really care about these people? They are only afraid of Luo Ji as an individual.”

Qin Liu:”Why did the Bronze Age believe in the return scam? I heard the grin of the conspiracy!”

Magneto:”If you don’t make a decision, you will suffer the consequences! Zhang Beihai used his life to make them grow, but they are still thinking about the so-called home and honor.”

Remus Luthor:”It’s really disappointing…People on Earth can no longer be called human beings. Real people are already in the universe. I just hope that the Blue Space will not return.”

【In the military court, all those who should have been heroes were judged as criminals and charged with crimes against humanity.】

【The actions of the Dark Battle were exposed, but the crew of the Bronze Age remained calm and expressed their warnings.】

【This is the reality of the universe. The attack was approved by all members through voting. When humans are truly exiled to space, totalitarianism only needs five minutes.】

【The captain looked at the judge and warned:”The arrival of life on land from the ocean is a milestone in the evolution of life on Earth, but those fish that come ashore are no longer fish.”】

【”Likewise, people who enter space are no longer human. All human beings, when you step into the universe and never look back, you must think carefully.”】

【”The price you have to pay is much greater than you imagined.”】

Shiki Eiji:”What a crime against humanity! If there really is a crime against humanity, shouldn’t the executor of the Doomsday War be the one who should be executed the most!”

Shimura Danzo:”How bold! The person who can direct the fleet’s international human space force to form a formation, his power is unlimited on Earth!”

Pluto:”Ye Wenjie’s words are the most true portrayal of this universe. Survival is the first need of civilization, and the new human is a new civilization.”

Fu Hua:”The chain of suspicion… the competition for resources has all happened on the starship humans. For the survival of everyone, including yourself, totalitarianism really only takes five minutes, or even shorter.”

Qilin:”Is it so dark?! Sooner or later, the humans here will leave the earth and enter the universe. Will they also………”

Holy Kesha:”This is the meaning of the existence of justice and order, so that the universe will not become a dark forest, and people who go to the universe will no longer be totalitarian.”

Zhongli:”Those who are not of my kind must have different hearts… It’s just like what he said… The fish on the shore are no longer fish. People who enter the universe are no longer the people they know.”

Gul’dan:”Entering the universe is what humans want, but can you bear the price?”

【The Earth side did not pay attention to what the captain of the Bronze Age said, but issued a guilty verdict and imprisoned him in a space prison.】

【Before entering the prison, the relevant personnel of the Bronze Age must go to the Bronze Age to hand over the authority.】

【Just as he was approaching the control panel, the captain suddenly broke free and ran to the control panel to quickly contact the Blue Space.】

【At this moment, he seemed to think of Zhang Beihai, the man who was desperate for the continuation of mankind.】

【It doesn’t matter, it’s all the same】

【The humans on Earth and the Starship have long been strangers to each other. Shot through by a bullet, he used his last breath to warn the Blue Space.:】

【”Don’t turn back! This is not home!”】

【This life warning was transmitted to Blue Space along with the sound of gunfire, and Blue Space turned to escape the solar system at the fastest speed.】

【The United Nations sent the Gravitational to pursue, accompanied by two water drops. 】

Mei:”The humans on Earth have not changed, and are still as arrogant as before. I can’t imagine what the Earth would be like without Luo Ji’s support.”

Homelander:”Perhaps all of humanity will become worse than Ni Ge? No… maybe they won’t even be able to eat fried chicken and watermelon.”

Captain Hyperion:”The captain of the Bronze Age is a real man! It’s not too late to wake up at the last moment!”

Aizen:”Finally woke up, the gentle home is just an illusion, the dark forest is your destination.”

Nagisa Kaworu:”Even if we are separated by the two sides of the galaxy, the starship humans are still alive. We are still compatriots of the same civilization.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”It’s a bit sad… I know too well the feeling of being homeless… There is hostility everywhere, and there is no way back.”

Yinyuejun:”The humans on the starship are like rootless duckweed, destined to never grow. Although the starry sea is vast, it has nothing to do with them.”

Liu Chuang:”What the hell are you doing! Chasing after the Blue Space with the water droplets? The Three-Body Civilization is the real enemy? Chasing after our compatriots who have entered the universe with the enemy?”

Simon:”Blue Space, don’t look back! Don’t let the sacrifice of the Bronze Age go to waste!”

【The scene changes, the return scam comes to an end, and an old man who is extremely old but has sharp eyes appears in the scene】

【He is Luo Ji half a century later.】

【After the showdown with the Three-Body World, Luo Ji was only happy for two years before his wife and children passed away.】

【Luo Ji once again regained his deterrence system and became the Sword Master, sitting quietly in a pure white secret room deep underground day after day for fifty years.】

【Luo Ji knew that Zhizi had been watching him, but he had no desires or requests, and looked at the world four light years away with determination and coldness that came with sacrificing everything.】

【Because of this, the Trisolarians have always been wary of Luo Ji, and because of Luo Ji’s sword, they dare not act rashly or make any extraordinary moves.】

【In just a few decades, Luo Ji went from a cynical playboy to a sword-wielding man who has been guarding human civilization for decades. 】

Zhang Chulan:”Fuck! Luo Ji has become a master! This momentum is too sharp! It feels more powerful than a master!”

Xu Si:”It feels like Luo Ji is facing ten old masters! This is awesome!”

Old Master Zhang Zhiwei:”Don’t flatter me, Luo Ji is the real master. This is the passion of our older generation!”

Huang:”His life was too bitter, and those who have achieved enlightenment are destined to be lonely.” The First Emperor:”He is a person who can ascend to the throne of heroes, a judge who is worthy of being called the crown, and judges the life and death of two civilizations… The crown is not enough to represent his great achievements.”

Angers:”For the Trisolarans, only the deterrence system controlled by Luo Ji is the most important, because Luo Ji can really decisively sentence the death penalty to the two worlds.”

Zhongli:”Luo Ji is called a god, too.” It’s not too much. His thoughts and ideas transcend humans, witnessing history and protecting future generations. Maintaining the safety of a world.”

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao:”It’s on fire! It’s really on fire! Luo Ji, the savior, is my goal!”

Pluto:”He can endure loneliness, enjoy loneliness, and adapt to loneliness. Luo Ji is a real strong man.”

Jingliu:”Luo Ji is the strongest swordsman, and his sword is also the strongest sword. He can only draw one sword, and there is no return! Once the sword is drawn, it is the annihilation of two worlds.”

Liang Bing:”tnnd is really awesome! This is a real male god, right? If I were a Trisolaran, I would also be scared. If I let people look at me like this every day, if something is wrong, they will die together. Whoever changes will be honest!”

Kal’tsit:”It’s a pity that this world is not competitive, and humans are not competitive. Humans don’t deserve Luo Ji.”

【Now that Luo Ji is old, the Planetary Defense Council has decided to replace the Swordbearer.】

【The scene changes, Cheng Xin just woke up from hibernation and was assassinated by Wade, but Wade’s assassination still allowed Cheng Xin to escape】

【Then, Yun Tianming sent���The star was requested to be recycled by the United Nations because of its suitable environment, and Cheng Xin also gained a large sum of wealth.】

【Then, she transformed into an oriental woman, dressed in a kimono, and invited Cheng Xin to a tea party, hinting that Cheng Xin would run for the sword bearer.】

【Soon after Cheng Xin signed the transfer document of the star at the United Nations, the top leaders all hoped that Cheng Xin would run for the position of Sword Holder.】

【In the outside world, Cheng Xin’s portrait floated in the sky, and a huge crowd of people were cheering for Cheng Xin. A mother handed her baby to Cheng Xin. At this moment, she was like the Virgin Mary.】

【With the support of the public, Cheng Xin had no choice but to run for the position of Sword Holder!】

【It’s not her own selfish desire, but the human race chose her! 】

Mebius:”Huh? The Earth in this universe has experienced a technological explosion and the technology sharing of the Three-Body Civilization, but there is no technology to extend life?”

Guilliman:”If Luo Ji can transform himself into a life similar to Astartes, perhaps he can continue to deter the Three-Body World for a few centuries.”

Zheng Zha:”Hiss – why would someone like Vader assassinate Cheng Xin? It doesn’t make sense, unless Cheng Xin’s existence is detrimental to the human world.……”

Danzo Shimura:”The answer is obvious. Cheng Xin will most likely be elected as the Sword Holder. What are these useless people 587 thinking? How can someone as indecisive and skillless as Cheng Xin be worthy of being the Sword Holder!” Makoto

Ito:”Eh! Tomoko has become a beautiful girl? To be honest, I… boki!”

Commander Maple Sugar:”Sister, you smell so good.”

Riku Asakura:”Even the Trisolarians want Cheng Xin to be the Sword Holder… If Cheng Xin is really elected, then all Luo Ji’s efforts will be in vain!”

Gagula:”I can already… It is determined that after Cheng Xin becomes the Sword Holder, the deterrence system will never be activated!”

Liu Chuang:”No, sister! Are you awake? You don’t know what you are and you still want to be a Sword Holder?”

Ordinary man Chang Julang:”Cheng Xin is just an ordinary person after all, what’s wrong with him?”

Snow Queen:”This is the choice of all mankind. It’s not that Cheng Xin wants to become a Sword Holder out of selfish desires, but that mankind chose her.”

Red A:”The humans in this world are stupid enough. The guy who can be chosen by a group of idiots must be an idiot above all idiots.”


The faces of the people on Earth were extremely pale, some were purple, some were red, and some were blue.

Some were so angry that they cursed, some lowered their heads in shame, and some could not accept the evaluation of them by the audience in other worlds.

However, when they looked back on their past, they could not help but remain silent.

“”Did we do something wrong?” a citizen murmured.

On the other side, the UN leaders also felt a little red and ashamed.

From the perspective of God, what they did was indeed not human, and even they themselves could not accept it.

“Humanity… is indeed ashamed of Luo Ji and all the members of the Bronze Age.……”

Intelligence Bureau

Cheng Xin was in a trance, still thinking about the mother holding her child in the picture of the gold list. She saw human nature.

The reason why humans are human is because of human nature.

Humans chose her and chose human nature, so she would not regret it!

Thinking of this, Cheng Xin’s confused look became firm.

“Am I not qualified… Then just wait and see. In the sequel to Jinbang, I will definitely fulfill the mission of the Sword Holder perfectly and protect the two worlds with absolute deterrence!”


I have a question. Staring at your phone every day waiting for messages, staring at the homepage in a daze, is this a sign of becoming a dog-licker?

I’m sorry, there are some inexplicable problems in the past few days. When the author has a big problem, he will make up for it with a burst of updates.

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