Chapter 408: Dark Forest Strikes! The Three-Body System Is Destroyed! Declaration of Universe Security

【As Gravity sent out its death signal, Blue Space and Gravity escaped into space again.】

【Guan Yifan and others who exited the four-dimensional space saw with their own eyes that the four-dimensional space began to fall towards the lower dimension.】

【Countless rays of light converged. It was a strange sight that was beyond words for mortals to describe. The four-dimensional space took shape in the three-dimensional space, then continued to fall, and finally turned into a straight line and disappeared completely!】.

【On the other hand, the water droplets on the earth have been withdrawn, and the entire earth is no longer threatened.】

【Facing Cheng Xin’s doubts, Zhizi smiled and said,”The solar system no longer needs to worry about our invasion. It has become a place of death that the entire universe avoids, just like the Three-Body Galaxy.”】

【Human society has regained its former tranquility from the turmoil, and the Deterrence Era has come to an end.】

【The era of broadcasting has begun! 】

Hakurei Reimu:”What is this? It looks scary.”

Kirisame Marisa:”This is a mutation, Reimu! And it’s a cosmic mutation!”

Dr. Mei:”You’re overthinking. It should be a dimensional fall. Since the four-dimensional space has become fragments, it means that the current state of the universe is three-dimensional, and the four-dimensional cannot exist forever.”

Liang Bing:”Fuck! I have a bold guess. Could it be that the universe itself has been reduced to three dimensions layer by layer?”

Hikaru:”It is very likely… But I can’t imagine the existence of ten-dimensional life. Even the Kingdom of Light, which has developed for hundreds of thousands of years, cannot develop to that level.”

Tony Stark:”The fall was too severe… The fragments actually fell directly to one dimension? Will there be one-dimensional creatures?”

Tomoya Aki:”Then are two-dimensional creatures two-dimensional?”

Nayako:”What the hell is two-dimensional? Paper people, right?” Cu

Chulainn:”It can only be said that it is time and fate… The luck of the Trisolarans seems to be worse than mine. The Gravitation Fate happened to encounter the four-dimensional fragments that had not fallen yet, and just happened to kill the water droplets.”

Drizzt:”This wave is the goddess of luck blessing the earth. The goddess of luck is smiling~”

【The scene changes. Six years later, Cheng Xin wakes up from hibernation and has surgery to regain her sight. Her company has become a giant in the aerospace industry under the operation of Ai AA. 】270

【The two warships that launched the Dark Forest attack were worshipped as heroes, and humans once again showed their stupidity because of their peaceful and quiet life.】

【People are beginning to question the Dark Forest Theory】

【Because of their deep-seated prejudice against Luo Ji, some people began to question Luo Ji’s Dark Forest Theory, believing that the so-called Dark Forest Law was a lie.】

【Until one night, humans looked up and witnessed with their own eyes a magnificent fireworks display four light years away!】

【The Trisolaran Galaxy was destroyed! The light from its destruction was so bright that it could be seen even from Earth, four light years away!】

【The Planetary Defense Council discovered in the probe that the method of destroying the Three-Body System was exactly the same as the method used by the stellar curse to destroy it!】

【Even humans have observed something terrifying, that is, the light particle attack was launched by an unidentified spacecraft!

Bruce Wayne:”I don’t really want to admit that most of the people on Earth in this world are human.”

Zhu Xingtuan:”There’s nothing wrong with humans. They also have advantages. The premise is that they are people of Luo Ji’s era. Since the explosion of technology, humans have been indescribable.” Mobius

:”Tsk tsk ~ stupidity is incurable ~ Doesn’t the fact that the Trisolarans left the solar system explain the problem? Do you have to question Luo Ji?”

Mo Lin:”That’s right! The Trisolarans gave up the meat at their fingertips. Do the people on Earth think that the Trisolarans would be afraid of a fictitious thing? Don’t be kidding! Think about it normally. You can imagine it!”

Holy Kesha:”The entire star system of the Three-Body Civilization was destroyed?! Although it is the general environment of their universe, it is too evil!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”The civilization that is difficult for humans to surpass is just destroyed like fireworks?”

The Fourth Disaster:”I blindly guess that the overall environment of the universe has been hit crazy, otherwise such a waste of resources would be thrown casually? Civilization is like the stars, and the resources that can be collected are not a small number when added together.”

Jizi:”This horrific attack was only launched by a small spacecraft? What role did the civilization behind it play?……”

【The scene changes, and Zhizi invites Cheng Xin and Luo Ji to tell them about the destruction of the Trisolaran Galaxy.】

【The light particle strikes a hole in the sun, and the gushing energy and heat burn the Trisolaran world into a Mars.】

【The star then collapsed and destroyed all the surrounding planets, leaving less than one thousandth of the Trisolarans to escape the universe on a spaceship.】

【At this moment of despair, Luo Ji recalled his conversation with Ye Wenjie and the dark ice lake.】

【Luo Ji had an idea for a plan to save the world. That was to send a cosmic security statement to the universe to avoid the attack of the dark forest.】

【But Luo Ji didn’t say much. He couldn’t think of a specific method, nor did he have the energy and courage to think about it. Humans should decide their own destiny. 】

The Fourth Calamity:”I’ll say it again, efficiency is efficiency, and waste is really wasteful!”

Ultimate Creature Kaz:”Gua! Being enveloped by the energy eruption from the sun’s core, even I can’t survive! It’s absolutely impossible!”

Liang Bing:”I feel like I can’t survive if I come to this universe. It’s all Lao Liu. I’ve been wiped out by a random light particle!”

Aozaki Orange:”The Trisolarans with light speed flight technology can only run one thousandth of the way. If it’s a human… they can’t survive at all! The estimated ending is total destruction.”

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao:”Wait! Luo Ji is still alive?! Hahahaha! This is the savior! Although he is old, he is not dead yet!”

God King:”What a hypocritical person, if you want to save him, why don’t you save him to the end? In the final analysis, he is just incompetent!” Black Emperor:”What are the dogs barking about upstairs? Luo Ji has done his best to give an idea! If Luo Ji was treated like this, I would shoot the people on Earth!”

Walter Yang:”Humanity is ashamed of Luo Ji, and Luo Ji is no longer obligated to give everything for mankind. It is mankind’s own choice that things have fallen to this point.……”

【Luo Ji’s words spread to the top leaders of the United Nations. Even though they were afraid and rejected Luo Ji, they had to believe that what Luo Ji said and did was right.】

【However, the cosmic security statement is too abstract. How can a weak civilization understand it?】

【Soon, a date was invited to Cheng Xin.】

【It was a date three centuries apart, a date with Yun Tianming from countless light years away.】

【In the past three centuries, Yun Tianming has integrated into the Three-Body World, achieved a high social status, and invited Cheng Xin to have a date across the galaxy through the Three-Body technology.】

【Even though Cheng Xin may have hurt Yun Tianming’s heart, even though he was abandoned by humans, Yun Tianming has always been concerned about Cheng Xin for three centuries.】

【From Zhizi’s generosity towards Cheng Xin to Shuidi’s disregard for Cheng Xin, Yun Tianming’s intervention was also the reason.】

【He still loves Cheng Xin. Three centuries, just like before. 】

Kiana Kaslana:”Let me understand. The cosmic security statement may be a way to prove that civilization has no potential for development, so it will not threaten them.”

Roman:”Ah this… yes… since the future has been cut off, there is no need for other civilizations to do things that may expose their coordinates.”

Yakumo Yukari:”If you can’t resist, compromise is also good. At least you can live a life of worry-free civilization.”

Feiyangyang:”Huh? Date? Damn! Brother Yun Tianming! Brother is still licking! It’s been three hundred years!”

Viego:”And you, Yun Tianming, my friend, you are the real god of pure love!”

Kevin:”Yun Tianming… Ming believes in Cheng Xin more than anything else. Even if Cheng Xin is very disappointing… maybe this is the tolerance of a lover.”

Severus Snape:”Yun Tianming, not bad. Your love has never deteriorated, just as always.”

Kenneth:”Yun Tianming, so you can chase a girl this way? Not giving up for three hundred years… Then it will take me less than ten years, I will definitely catch up with Sora!” Yukimi:

“A date across the galaxy~ Too romantic! Although Cheng Xin is not a good person, I will die for Yun Tianming!”

Hannibal:”I will teach her how to be a human being?”

Jing Yuan:”Putting the world in crisis again and again, but still being protected like this, meeting Yun Tianming is the luckiest thing in Cheng Xin’s life”

【This date is not just a date, it is also the transmission of fire】

【The Universe Security Statement had already been understood by the Trisolarans, and Yun Tianming was going to pass this information on to Cheng Xin.】

【This is a dialogue that Yun Tianming has carefully crafted over three centuries, containing multiple metaphors and abstractions that only humans can understand.】

【This information was published and circulated in the Trisolaran world as a story, so even if the conversation was monitored, the Trisolarans still did not notice anything unusual.】

【Yun Tianming told Cheng Xin three fairy tales, which contained the declaration of cosmic safety and the method of avoiding the attack of the dark forest.】

【Cheng Xin looked at Yun Tianming with emotion. The guilt and regret from three centuries ago were like a torrent of water.】

【She promised that in the future, they would meet again on the planet that belonged to them. 】

Hanabi:”Happy! The Trisolarans lost. They knew the declaration of cosmic security, but they didn’t keep their home, they didn’t occupy the Earth, and only one thousandth of their people were left.”

Azusagawa Sakuta:”There is a traitor among the Trisolarans~”

Crazy Bull:”TMD Yun Tianming, is the Trisolaran sister not attractive? Or is the Trisolaran sister not beautiful?”

Xu Xian:”I feel that with our simple concepts on Earth, Yun Tianming should not be able to accept the aesthetics of the Trisolarans, right?” Slaanesh

:”My evaluation is, both are fine! But if Yun Tianming insists on coming, it’s better to let the Trisolarans use Sophon to make a Cheng Xin. What if the machine soul is revealed?”

Matou Shinji:”Hey hey hey! I just realized! Isn’t Sophon a super-intelligent… Can you customize your wife? You can customize whoever you want!”

Trisolaran:”Earthlings are really good at this, we can’t understand. But Yun Tianming…are our Trisolaran girls really not in your eyes?” Deadpool

:”My evaluation is that it’s better to fight a suburb than to talk about feelings with an alien humanoid.”

Steel Jaw Martial God:”What the hell is Yun Tianming doing? Earthlings? Trisolarans? Two of the same thing!”

Rimuru:”Steel Jaw Martial God? When did you come?!” Denci

:”I always feel that Cheng Xin is making big promises to Yun Tianming. It’s not certain whether Cheng Xin can survive this time.”

Jerry:”Poor Yun Tianming, he is being played around by Cheng Xin.”

【The scene changes, and humans learn three ways to avoid the Dark Forest by analyzing the story.】

【1. Shelter Plan. By building a space city on the dark side of the planet facing the star, the space city will remain intact even if it is hit by light particles.】

【Second, the Black Domain Plan. Transform the sun into a low-speed black hole to form a black domain covering the star system to declare the safety of the universe.】

【But the price of this plan is that humans have no future. They will never be able to leave the black zone and explore the universe.】

【Secondly, humans cannot find a way to turn stars into low-speed black holes.】

【3. Lightspeed spaceship plan. By building a lightspeed spaceship to leave the solar system and find a new home. This is also the plan used by the Trisolarans.】

【Among the human voices, the most popular and recommended one is the bunker plan. 】

Ge Xiaolun:”The Trisolarans are so unlucky. With three suns orbiting around them, the bunker plan has been scrapped.”

Houyi:”One luminous one is enough!”

Fulu Xiaojin Gang:”Fuck! Farm!”

Dr. Mei:”The bunker plan is indeed feasible. Given the distribution of planets in the solar system, if it is just a light particle attack, it will not threaten the space city.” Kiryu

Battle Rabbit:”The Black Domain Plan is a bit ridiculous. Low-light-speed black holes and the like… Transforming black holes can already destroy galaxies, not to mention the experiment of low-light speed.”

Hua Ye:”Earthlings can’t make black holes either! Ah! I forgot that these three plans were purely realized by humans from stories.”

Roman:”Is this probably the most standard cosmic security statement? It’s a pity that human technology can’t realize it.”

Walter Young:”Even if it can be realized, humans won’t do it, because humans need a future, a future to be explored, not a locked future.”

Zero:”The light-speed spaceship plan is used by the Trisolarans. It’s no different from throwing away their homes, but if light-speed spaceships are developed, humans can at least survive”


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