Chapter 448: Summoning the Heroic Spirits: Fateful Night! King Arthur, the King of Heroes, and the King of Conquerors

【The scene changes. Many years later, Kiritsugu Emiya, who has been wandering around the world, has become famous as a magician killer with his guns that are despised by magicians and his one-shot-kill origin bullet.】

【During a mission, Kiritsugu Emiya was contacted by the Einzbern family, an ancient magic family from Germany.】

【The Einzbern family is a family of androids left behind by the third magician, and has been carrying on the long-cherished wish of fulfilling the third law.】

【However, the three Holy Grail Wars failed. This time, the confident Einzbern family contacted Emiya Kiritsugu, hoping to win the Fourth Holy War with the resources of the Einzbern family and Emiya Kiritsugu.】

【Emiya Kiritsugu also thought of Natalia’s words many years ago and wanted to kill all the evil people through the Holy Grail.】

【For this reason, Emiya Kiritsugu married Irisviel, the saint of this generation of Einzbern, and gave birth to a daughter, Illya.】

【Emiya Kiritsugu, who has regained his family, has slowly melted his frozen heart with the company of his wife and the liveliness of his daughter.

Gin:”Killing is very suitable for Emiya Kiritsugu’s position, after all, he is a mercenary.”

Kenneth:”Humph! What mercenary? What magician killer? It’s just a shame for the magic world. He actually uses those ordinary people’s weapons.”

Lucius Malfoy:”That’s right! As a pure-blood family, he doesn’t practice magic, but is keen on Muggle weapons. He is useless.”

UMP45:”A family of androids, or a family of humanoids? Do the androids in this world actually have souls?”

Astolfo:”Yes! Just like Sieg! As long as the android has the desire to live, he is a person worthy of his name!”

Barthelmero Lorelei:”The third law? The Einzbern family is so hidden, it turns out to be a family of magicians.”

Kuzuryuu Yaichi:”Oh, Irisviel was only one year old when she got married to Emiya Kiritsugu? Punishment! Too much punishment!”

Shiki Eihime:”Oh my God! A nine-year-old mother and an eight-year-old daughter? Death penalty! Must be death penalty!”

Whitebeard:”Tsk, I don’t know what to say, let’s celebrate that Emiya Kiritsugu has a family again.”

Hua Yingxiong:”As a star of destiny, is it really good for Emiya Kiritsugu to have a family?……”

【The scene changes to fateful night.】

【The Einzberns used their connections and resources to find King Arthur’s holy relic, the Scabbard of Avalon.】

【Standing on the summoning circle, Emiya Kiritsugu stretched out his arm engraved with the Command Seals and performed the Heroic Spirit Summoning.】

【Saber King Arthur is coming!】

【At the same time, the other six groups of masters also started summoning heroic spirits.】

【Gilgamesh summoned by Tohsaka Tokiomi, the head of the Tohsaka family, one of the three great families】

【Lancelot summoned by Matou Kariya, the second son of the Matou family, one of the three great families】

【Iskandar, the King of Conquerors, summoned by the young magician Weber from the Clock Tower】

【Hassan of a Hundred Faces summoned by Toshiomi Tōsaka’s apprentice Kotomine Kirei】

【Dimuludo summoned by Kenneth, the Lord of the Mineral Division of the Clock Tower】

【Gildred the Bluebeard summoned by the murderer Ryunosuke Ameyu in Fuyuki. 】

Conan:”King Arthur is simply a hard worker. How come King Arthur can be seen in every Holy Grail War!”

Gojo Satoru:”Gilgamesh is also a hard worker. How come these two fought two Holy Grail Wars in a row? By the way, this Gilgamesh seems to be in his youth.”

Tini:”Tousaka Tokiomi… A minister should be humble, and his path has narrowed.”

Shiro:”There is something wrong with Lancelot’s Master. He feels that he is still very young, but he seems to be dying.”

El-Melloi II:”King… I see you again.”

Flatt:”Hey hey hey hey! Is this what the teacher looked like when he was young? It turns out that the teacher was so young when he was young. It’s awkward, I can’t see the potential of the London Star at all!”

El-Melloi II:”Shut up! Flat! Ah!!! How did the dark history get exposed!”

Joyful Star God Aha:”This Kotomine Kirei… Hahahaha! He hasn’t awakened yet, but he has the potential to be a joyful person in his heart!”

Jeanne:”Gil?! Why did Gil become like this, and hang out with the murderer?”

Gudako:”Dimuldo is even more heavyweight, do you understand the value of the Japanese root?”

Kenneth:”Root? Dimuldo, an ordinary heroic spirit, has such potential?”

Hongzhong:”Hahahahahaha! He believed it! He really believed it!”

【In order to fully display his own methods, Emiya Kiritsugu asked Irisviel to pretend to be King Arthur’s master.】

【He and his assistant Maiya sneaked into Fuyuki, looking for opportunities to assassinate the masters of other groups.】

【Saber and Emiya Kiritsugu do not get along well. The two are incompatible and their relationship is only related by the Command Spells.】

【When Emiya Kiritsugu saw that King Arthur was a woman, his first reaction was anger. He was angry that all the responsibilities were put on a woman in that era, and he was even more angry that King Arthur just accepted his fate.】

【The scene changes, King Arthur and Irisviel look through the window at Kiritsugu Emiya and his daughter Illya playing the game of finding walnut buds.】

【When he is with his daughter, Emiya Kiritsugu will smile for the first time in decades, and will become gentle and patient, as if he has returned to that island, but it is not the same.】

【However, Emiya Kiritsugu is not as happy as he seems. The more gentle he is, the more painful it is. Irisviel is the container of the Holy Grail.】

【As long as the Holy Grail successfully manifests, Irisviel, as the container, will lose her functions and die. This is an irreversible outcome.

Speedwagen:”How despicable! Shouldn’t the war between heroes be glorious?”

Levi:”This is what war should be like. Although there are only seven people in the Holy Grail War,���But that was also a war.”

Rimuru:”Indeed, if it weren’t for the appearance of the boss Sakura in the Fifth Holy Grail War, it would really feel like playing house.”

Ubuyashiki Yoya:”Emiya Kiritsugu and King Arthur are destined to be incompatible. One abides by the code of chivalry, and the other does whatever it takes.” Aizen

:”Emiya Kiritsugu is an extreme realist, and King Arthur is an extreme idealist. The conflict between their two philosophies cannot be stopped.”

Gawain:”But this is indeed our incompetence… The king is carrying the responsibility of an era alone, which is not something she should face.……”

Luo Ji:”It’s sad… Illya is still an innocent child, but Emiya Kiritsugu has been through a lot.”

Gu Yue Fang Yuan:”Just a little bit of hardship. He can no longer find his former self. All we can do is prevent Illya from becoming who he is now.”

Hua Yingxiong:”There is nothing more unlucky than this… In the previous inventory, Illya used the third method to sacrifice herself to close the Holy Grail, and now his wife is going to die.……”

Yingshan Jin:”Lost your wife… Emiya Kiritsugu, fate has never spared you.”

【In the snow, Illya rode on Kiritsugu’s neck and asked happily:”The next game will have to wait until Kiritsugu returns from Japan.”】


【”How long will it take Kiritsugu and his mother to complete their work? When will they return?”】

【”Dad will be back in about two weeks, but Mom will be back for a long time.”】

【””Yeah!” Illya responded with full energy:”I heard from my mother, she said it would be a long separation.”】

【”Mom said that even if she could never meet Illya again, she would always be with Illya, so Illya would never be lonely!”】

【Emiya Kiritsugu stopped, put Illya down, squatted down, hugged her gently and murmured:”Dad promises you…I will come back as soon as possible.”】


Boruto:”I feel so sorry for Illya and Kiritsugu. These few moments with her parents may be the few happy moments in her life.”

Eren Yeager:”Her mother can’t come back… I don’t want to lie to her, but telling her the truth is too cruel.……”

Uzumaki Kushina:”Although she is only nine years old, Irisviel is already a qualified mother… As long as Illya remembers, her mother will always live in her heart.”

Harry Potter:”It seems to be separated, but in fact it is protection. This is the magic of love that Irisviel casts on Illya.……”

Xilin:”Really… a woman as gentle as Cecilia.”

La Lune:”The moon is bright in the sky, her heart is still there, she whispers to the light in her soul, Irisviel is with her.”

Lu Mingfei:”The flag cannot be established! If Kiritsugu Emiya says so, he will definitely not come back!”

Illyasviel:”He really didn’t come back… Is the flag so magical? It makes Kiritsugu a liar.……”

Natsuki Subaru:”In the fifth Holy Grail War, Illya became the Lesser Holy Grail, which means that Emiya Kiritsugu failed to save Illya.……”

Muryota Himeko:”Illya is really… a child surrounded by love and misfortune.……”(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The scene changes, and many forces gather in Fuyuki】

【Kenneth only regarded this magic ritual from the Far East as a trip to gild himself, and did not take it seriously at all. Instead, he let Dimuludo release his magic to invite him to fight.】

【King Arthur accepted the invitation to fight and started a knight-on-knight duel with Dimulud.】

【Among Dimuludo’s twin guns, the magic-breaking red rose can ignore the magic power and directly hurt King Arthur, while the inevitable yellow rose will make the wound unable to heal when it causes damage.】

【For a moment, the two sides were evenly matched, and in the distance, on the unfinished building of the construction site, a Barrett was looking for the figure of Kenneth, the master of Dimuludo.】

【Kiritsugu planned to kill Kenneth directly and make the Lancer the first to be eliminated, but he discovered Hassan’s figure.】

【With the King of Conquerors Iskandar, the King of Heroes Gilgamesh, and Lancelot intervening on the battlefield, Kiritsugu Emiya had to retreat and look for another opportunity. 】

Ved:”Hehehe…weakness and ignorance are not the reasons for failure, but arrogance is.”

Black Tower:”The five great magics are one of the ceilings in their world. They regard the Holy Grail War disguised as the third magic as a gilded journey? Tsk tsk tsk.”

Yi:”A true master has the heart of an apprentice. Obviously, he is not a true master.”

Fushigawa Yami:”This must-kill yellow rose is simply a weapon to kill demons! If the injury cannot be restored, even Muzan Kibutsuji can’t do anything about it!”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”Stupid! I won’t cut off the entire wound area and grow it again?”

Gabriel:”Armor piercing and aggravating injuries, Dimurudo’s skill set and treasures are something!”

Itsuka Kotori:”Kiritsugu Emiya is really the sixth, but his efficiency is also top-notch. He really succeeded. The first night, although the high-threat master was out.”


Fate World

Clock Tower

Kenneth pounded the table in embarrassment.

With his prodigy brain, he knew at a glance that if he continued along the path of the gold list, he would definitely die in the Holy Grail War!

Emiya Kiritsugu’s unscrupulous means, the origin bullet that could kill the magician, and the gold content of this Holy Grail War all made Kenneth sweat drip from his forehead.

At the same time, the Clock Tower opened the Crown Decision.

The content of the meeting was about the fate of the materialization of the third magic soul on the spiritual vein of the Far East.

Unlike the Aozaki family, which still has surviving magicians, since the third law is ownerless, the Einzbern family can’t realize it, so don’t blame them for coveting it.


【The scene changes, and the weaknesses of many Masters and the gaps between them and their Servants in this Holy Grail War are also exposed on the gold list.】

【Tohsaka Tokiomi, who wanted to play it safe and keep his trump card, used the Command Spell to force Gilgamesh to leave the battlefield, which caused Gilgamesh’s dissatisfaction.】

【Weber was reprimanded by Kenneth for writing a paper in the Clock Tower that said his magic talent had nothing to do with bloodline and inheritance. In order to prove himself,���Kayneth’s relic to participate in the Holy Grail War】

【Kenneth wanted to gild himself and show off, so he brought his fiancée Sora to participate in the Holy Grail War. However, he didn’t expect that Sora fell in love with Dimuludo because of his charming mole.】

【When he was young, Matou Kariya had a crush on Zenjo Aoi. Many years later, he returned to Japan and found that his childhood sweetheart had married his mortal enemy, Tohsaka Tokiomi, and had given birth to two daughters, Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Rin.】

【What made him even more angry was that Toosaka Tokiomi sent his daughter Toosaka Sakura to the Matou family. The Matou family was a nest of insects. How could he not know how disgusting it was?】

【Love for the people is also for the people in the family. In order to save Sakura, Matou Kariya chose to be implanted with the Crest Bug, squeezed his life as a source of magic power and became the master of Lancelot. 】

Tini:”You dare to order the king. Tōsaka Tokiomi has taken a narrow path. It will be great if he can live to the end of the seven days.”

Matou Kariya:”Hahahahahaha! Everyone can see what kind of character King Gilgamesh has. Tōsaka Tokiomi, you have already chosen your own death!”

Ichinose Honami:”Speaking of which, Weber is also very miserable… He was born in a humble family and was suppressed by his teacher Kenneth. Can’t a poor family make a name for themselves in the Clock Tower?”

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka:”Idiot!……”

Lucius Malfoy:”Huh! That Weber has to thank Kenneth for being a pushover. The magic world in this world is much larger than ours, with more factional rivalries and pure-blood nobles. If his paper gets sent out… hehe.” El

-Melloi II:”Yeah… I was immature back then, and I thought the teacher was suppressing me. If the teacher hadn’t chosen to protect me and withheld my paper, I might have died the next day.”

Tony Stark:”Uh… Kenneth, the charming mole is just one reason. I can see that Kenneth doesn’t understand romance and can’t pick up girls. Come to the comment section some other day, and I’ll teach you what to do with the male lead.”

Ito Makoto:”Yeah, Kenneth, we’ll help you become a master at picking up girls and take down Sora!”

Kenneth:”Thank you all in advance, is it really me who doesn’t understand romance?……”

Viego:”Matou Kariya is even more of a heavyweight. My childhood sweetheart has become someone else’s wife. It hurts! It hurts so much!”

Cao Cao:”Wasn’t it better to be someone else’s wife? I think Toosaka Aoi is still charming.”

Feiyangyang:”Wuwuwu! Brother Matou Kariya, please stop licking me. I feel bad!” Whitebeard

:”Tousaka Tokiomi is really not a qualified father! He is absolutely responsible for Sakura becoming what she is now!”


I drank a little wine and forgot to take cefuroxime the day before yesterday. I’m going to the hospital. I’ll update tomorrow.

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