Chapter 465: The Four Great Creatures, the Origin of the Sea, and the Disaster of the Pre-Civilization

【The screen of the Golden List suddenly changed, and the contents of the four documents also appeared in the eyes of the audience.】

【The first born – the first sea heir, possessing the power and body of a giant beast. All the sea heirs so far are their offspring.】

【Growth, survival, reproduction, and migration are the four initial】

【The God of Survival – the lifeblood of the origin, the culprit of the original Great Silence, in charge of the power of transformation and prosperity】

【”We have souls, we are change itself”】

【It is the integration of marine microorganisms and the environment, and the purpose of the deep-sea bishops is to drive the lifeblood of the origin into madness and induce the awakening of another newborn in Skadi.】

【At that time, a world-destroying silence will sweep across Terra! The world they dreamed of with only Hai Si will be born.】

【At the same time, the document also shows the peculiarity of the lifeblood of the origin. He changed the environment of the sea and cannot be killed – unless the sea dries up, he will never be defeated. 】

Azusagawa Sakuta:”Newborn!”

Shiya:”It is indeed quite new to cause a world-destroying disaster on Terra.”

Xi:”A body and power like a giant beast… This is terrible, the sea gods are guaranteed to be of the level of 20. Oh, by the way, 20 is the god who was killed by the whole country of Dayan.”

Nashida:”If the whole country of Dayan can kill a giant beast, it would be a piece of cake for all four giant beasts on Terra to fight against them?”

Nian:”You seem to have misunderstood what my little sister said. The sea gods are much older than 20. , years old is only the lower limit of Poseidon, the upper limit of Poseidon is unknown.”

Elini:”Is the Great Silence of Iberia caused by this so-called Continuing Poseidon… Evil God!”

Magnus:”Change itself… It has the flavor of the Lord of Change.”

Jibril:”Can just evaporating the ocean kill this so-called God? That’s quite simple, but it seems that there is no force on Terra that can evaporate an ocean.”

Huanlong:”Inducing Poseidon’s madness to cause the Great Silence of Destruction? I like this kind of guided art of destruction”

【Poseidon of Growth – spreading branches, with the power of growth and adaptation】

【The deceased pioneer god of the sea, whose consciousness has disappeared and only his huge body continues to grow.】

【The spreading branches can no longer understand the meaning of life, and what grows out are also rotten branches.】

【However, it is these branches that nurture and feed countless young sea urchins.】

【Due to unknown reasons, the consciousness of the spreading branches completely disappeared, but the human emotions of self-sacrifice, dedication, and grief for the loss of certain things still exist in the core organs.

Orochimaru:”Even if the consciousness dies, the body is still immortal and growing?! As expected of the God of Growth, I like this powerful body and immortality!” Gloria

:”So… as long as the body of the God of Growth is completely killed, the Sea Heir will not reproduce?” Doctor

Who:”Reproduction is under the control of the God of Reproduction, not the God of Growth. Besides, the reproduction of the Sea Heir is the self-value of the tribe, not from the God of Growth.”

Mizuki:”Self-sacrifice and risk are in line with the power and characteristics of the God of Growth, but… why do I feel uncomfortable when I see this?……”

Siduri:”One of the first sea gods actually has human emotions! Or only humans can understand… Could it be that the sea god is also a human transformation!”

Homura Akemi:”The grief of losing something… What is it grieving about?”

Conan:”If it is an unknown existence related to the sea, it can only be the previous civilization. Could it be that it is grieving for the disappearance of the previous civilization?”

Mobius:”If this conjecture is correct, then the sea and the previous civilization are definitely not hostile.”

【Migrating Sea God——Ishamara, the Heart of Corruption, controls the power of exploration and struggle】

【”We fill every trench, we increase our value by preying”】

【The Heart of Corruption is responsible for commanding large groups to expand territory and prey on other creatures.】

【Because of the nature of exploration, Ishamara chose to use Skadi’s body to escape Terra.】

【After successfully traveling to Terra, Ishamara discovered that the land was not that powerful.】

【So it was only natural that Ishamara decided to awaken the power of struggle and lead a large group to attack the land. 】

Altria Pendragon:”Exploration and struggle… Isn’t that just starting a war!”

Angel:”It’s still the insect sea tactic. If all the sea scions go ashore, even if the land can win, it is estimated that no life except the behemoths will survive!”

Ubuyashiki Yoya:”I see, Ishamara relies on Skadi’s eyes to explore and understand the strength of the countries on Terra.”

Lu Mingfei:”It’s a pity that Iberia, which once dominated Terra, was silenced by the sea scions, and the countries on Terra are no match for it.”

Young man:”Ishamara: Terra means a little too urbanized.”

Kaneki Ken:”I think so. The sea scions are obviously creatures without emotions, and the sea gods are even worse. Why do they insist on attacking the mainland?”

Kiana Kaslana:”If there is such an accident, just blame it on the Deep Sea Church. (cgfd) Doesn’t the Deep Sea Church want Ishamara to be destroyed? It’s one of them.” Angel

Yan:”I can’t figure out the brain circuits of these lunatics. They are all a group of people as crazy as Carl.”

【The God of Reproduction – the unmelting iceberg, has the power to provide nourishment to all.】

【It is responsible for breeding and raising newborn cubs and controlling the overall health of the sea cubs.】

【It will issue orders for every seaman to love and protect his fellow man.】

【But when a sea turtle dies, it will rely on the principle of the food chain to let other sea turtles happily devour their fellow sea turtles and continue to grow.】

【The four sea gods can fight without destroying the interests of the group and the group, and the winner will become the actual leader of the sea group.】

【The action tendency of a large group will also be more inclined towards the power represented by the leader. 】

Golatia:”It seems to be the source of the real sea heir. Even if the sea heir can reproduce after being killed, it will not be so fast.”

Mutant Darwin:”Wait! An unmelting iceberg? Aren’t sea heirs living creatures? Why is this sea god an iceberg?”

Kabuto Yakushi:”Sea heirs are not animals in the pure sense. Since the growing sea god is a tree, isn’t it reasonable that the breeding sea heirs are inorganic?”

Moffitt:”Yeah – can’t stones have life? The body of the breeding sea god is as hard as a rock.”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”Tsk, this creature’s desire to survive is even stronger than mine , are they trying their best to reproduce and grow regardless of everything, even if it means eating their own kind… Who is threatening them?”

Daigu:”What is the purpose of such desperate evolution and growth? It can’t be that Isamara is going to go to war with the land and is starting to evolve at full speed?”

Kuonji Yuju:”I have a bold guess, no, it should be the fact. That is, before the Great Silence, the controller of the Haisi swarm should have been the God of Survival, until it caused the Great Silence for unknown reasons, and Isamara, who represented the struggle, took control of the swarm.”

Deadpool:”Oh~ Isamara is a bit aggressive!”

【At the same time, Hai Si’s characteristics were also displayed to the audience of all worlds.】

【Super efficient reproduction ability, almost unlimited learning and adaptability, honeycomb network thinking mode, archive synchronization group】

【The sea is endless, and the entire ocean is a hotbed for sea creatures. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【At the same time, the evolutionary ability and characteristics of the sea urchins themselves change and evolve according to the external environment. After a sea urchin is attacked, it will adapt and evolve a way to fight back.】

【Synchronous uploading means synchronizing all the knowledge and evolution of one sea turtle to all the sea turtles in the entire group!】

【What is even more confusing is that a little girl appeared in the picture and saw a Hai Si. Hai Si was about to attack, but the girl handed Hai Si a flower.】

【Hai Si slowly rolled up the flower with his tentacles, and friendship was born. 】

Wailer:”Emperor above, Sanguinius above! Is this thing a branch of the Tyranids?”

Liang Bing:”Fuck! Such a perfect creature cannot exist in the universe! Cold and emotionless, with advanced learning ability and data synchronization? How the hell do they synchronize?” Black Tower

:”Only computers and AI can read the uploads of all, but what does Hai Si rely on? Quantum transmission? Hai Si is definitely not as simple as a pure creature!” Yulandel

:”It even has super strong adaptability and evolutionary power, which is terrifying… This ability combined with synchronous uploading is not as simple as killing Hai Si. Attacking Hai Si will make their entire group stronger!”

Joseph Joestar:”This is the ultimate creature! Even because they don’t have high intelligence, they won’t become rampant and wave because of external factors like Kaz!”

Lina:”As the strongest civilization ahead of Terra, Agor has been fighting with Hai Si for many years. I dare not imagine how strong the entire group of Hai Si has become.……”

W:”No wonder Agor wants to unite all of Terra, it turns out he raised a big daddy! Isn’t the upper limit of Agor the lower limit of Haisi? What the hell!”

Nashida:”This picture… Life is a blank sheet of paper at the beginning. What kind of treatment you give will determine what kind of reward you get. Haisi is not extremely evil.”

Ultraman Max:”It looks familiar. I thought of Ye Fu. Good intentions can bring harmony, while malice can only bring destruction. If I guess correctly… Agor is a Class A war criminal!”

【At this point, the origin of Haisi itself is about to be revealed, because Haisi God was created from the Deep Blue Tree Laboratory.】

【The screen changes to a blue heart, and the information contained in it is presented in the form of text on the gold list screen.】[]

【The core organs of the newborn that died at the beginning of its birth can only be assimilated by Hai Si, but only humans can understand the grief contained in it.】

【”Ahhh… even if evolution continues, their pain still exists.”】

【At this time, several figures flashed across the screen. With the birth of Hai Si, Hai Si’s true identity was completely revealed.】

【Haisi itself is a planetary environment purification system created by a previous civilization. Through the characteristics brought to Haisi by the four newborns, the planet is transformed into a habitable planet.】

【And when the planet is purified, thousands of scales will return to one body, and all the Hai Si will be able to ascend into the universe. 】

Ge Xiaolun:”Fuck! It’s explosive! The Sea Heir was actually created in the laboratory of the previous civilization?! How crazy must the previous civilization be to create such a horrible life?”

Gilgamesh:”Siduri?! I see… It’s normal that only the Sea Heir can assimilate the core organs of the Growth Sea God, but the grief that only humans can understand… I think the Growth Sea God is a human from the previous civilization.”

Agni:”Even if you give up the human form, you still have to live… What kind of despair would make the humans from the previous civilization survive so desperately?”

Pozhen:”It’s sad that the humans from the previous civilization had no choice but to become Sea Heirs but longed for the return of humans, while the Deep Sea Church would do anything to become Sea Heirs. How ironic is this?”

Kongo (Land of Gems):”Evolution never stops and the grief still exists… I think the Growth Sea God is waiting for humans just like me. Unfortunately, no matter how perfect he becomes, that hope will never come to fruition.” Zhongli

:”The consciousness of the Growth Sea God is human… The long wait and loss have worn away his consciousness. Perhaps the death of his heart in the wait is the reason for the death of the consciousness of the Growth Sea God.……”

Black Tower:”It’s quite amazing. Hai Si’s explosive life is just a planet purification system? Purifying a planet requires such a big fuss?”

Tony Stark:”I have begun to guess the technological level of the previous civilization and the disasters they feared, such as ascending to the universe. This is not just a simple planet purification system.”

【The scene changes, going back to endless years ago】

【The chief researcher of Deep Blue Lab created the sea creatures because he was amazed by the diversity and variability of life.】

【At first, the sea worms were parasitic organisms at the cellular level, parasitizing humans to give them the characteristics of the current sea worms.】

【The researcher’s plan is wonderful. He hopes that all people in the world can achieve peace and mutual benefit through Haisi technology and jointly create a utopian planet for the future.】

【However, an accident happened at this time. A disaster that was enough to destroy the previous civilization appeared. Even in the far future, as long as life can still think complexly, it will not be able to escape.】

【All the energy of the former civilization was put on the continuation and escape of civilization, and Hai Si was forced to become one of the backup plans for the survival of civilization. 】

Guilliman:”Sure enough, the sub-humans of Terra are also the creations of the former civilization. The former civilization is all pure-blooded humans.”

Jace:”Oh~ Researching for a better tomorrow and future! The former civilization seems quite harmonious.”

Kaneki Ken:”Haisi’s original idea was actually this? Doesn’t that mean everyone is a perfect creature?”

Kaz:”Impossible! There is only one ultimate creature, Kaz!”

Alicia:”Disaster… Jinbang didn’t give a specific picture of the disaster, but what made the former civilization so desperate, could it be a disaster similar to the collapse?”

Mei:”It sounds serious, so serious that life and thinking will be locked, then doesn’t this cut off the hope of civilization?”

Luo Ji:”I guessed it, each individual of Haisi is a single cell, forming a thinking system called a large group. This vast and unique thinking system is one of the backup plans for the continuation of the former civilization! Just to escape the disaster”

【Time is running out, and with grief, scientists in the Deep Blue Laboratory refer to all known records of life and genetic maps to transform the first four sea heirs.】

【At the same time, they also set up the most profound underlying logical tasks for Hai Si, which were to transform planets, integrate planetary resources, and ascend to explore the universe.】

【They stored the seeds in the lab’s mantle and created an automated process to grow new life.】

【In order to make the plan go smoothly, the chief researcher, with his dreams and grief over the destruction of civilization, transformed himself into the god of growth – the spreading branch.】

【As the god of the sea with the highest authority, he will restrain and look after Hai Si and other backups left by the former civilization, and wait for news of the return of the former civilization with hope.】

【Ten thousand years later, his consciousness had been completely worn away by waiting and hoping, and disappeared. 】

Mechanical God Zeus:”The mission setting of Haisi is really similar to our Olympus Fleet.……”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”So the Haisi is not only a planetary purification system, but also a sustenance created by mankind to explore the future and the universe.……”

Cheng Lixue:”No wonder Hai Si couldn’t understand this feeling. Only humans can understand how sad and heavy waiting is.”

Wendy:”Sure enough… It was once a human being. When it was destroyed, it was waiting for hope to come, but it was worn out in the long time.”

Bruce Wayne:”Maybe he was waiting for the news of the return of humans until his death… During the years he was still alive, Hai Si did not pose a threat at all.”

W:”Even someone like me thinks he is great and his plan is perfect, but it’s a pity that a war criminal like Agor messed it up!”


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