Chapter 47 Who else will love you? Dumbledore! My love and I both died in the tower

【However, Newt’s strength is no match for a group of saints.】

【The Saint killed the Kirin, took the Kirin cub, and didn’t kill Newt for Albus’ sake.】

【Newt found the second Qilin cub in Qilin’s belly, and after burying Qilin, he took it back to Eagle Country.

Ganyu:”Qilin’s mother was killed?! How could it be?”……”

Very good at talking, Zhenjun:”How dare you! Killing the auspicious beast deserves death!”

Dongfang Yuechu:”After all, in this world, Qilin is also called a magical animal, maybe not that powerful. But I still feel sorry for it.……”

Fu Xuan:”Luckily, the second one survived.”

【The scene turns to Nurmengard, where Gellert kills the Kirin cub and uses black magic to turn it into a puppet.】

【He planned to let all wizards see at the Wizengamot meeting that the entire wizarding world was watching that Kirin would bow down to him, so that his influence would radiate to the entire wizarding world and start real change!】

【At the same time, the news that the other Qilin was alive and Credence was missing also reached Gellert’s ears.】

【Gellert was furious and summoned the saints to use various means to prevent Newt and his party from going to the Wizengamot Conference. 】

The First Emperor:”Too evil! Such dark means really make me angry! What about the magic world in China? What are they doing?”

Abigail Williams:”Maybe just like the witch hunt, something may have happened in China in that era, and wizards are not having a good time.”

Pluto:”Decisive and ruthless without losing strategy, Gellert’s future is so terrifying, but it’s a pity that he has an old enemy.”

Ouyang Xiaofeng:”Come on, big brother Newt! You must pass it over to thwart Grindelwald’s conspiracy!”

Mo Duoduo:”Gellert’s conspiracy will never succeed!”

【The screen changes again】

【At the Wizengamot meeting, Gellert released the little unicorn in front of everyone present.】

【The little Qilin shook his head and looked around, then knelt on one knee and bowed to Gellert.】

【When this scene was projected onto the magical world, the entire magical world was in an uproar!】

【The originally wavering pure-blood wizards all began to revel and shout! Gellert’s smile was reflected in everyone’s eyes! 】

Bad Commander:”The war between the two worlds is about to begin. It’s time to let those who indulge in peace know what real chaos is!”

Wonder Woman:”Qilin’s surrender is like a fuse. With Gellert’s character, the war is about to begin!”

General Ross:”Damn wizard! Starting a war before humans have invented powerful weapons! How despicable!”

Clark Kent:”Doesn’t anyone see that this Qilin is fake, not a living thing?”

【Just then, Newt arrived.】

【He released the living little unicorn】

【The little Qilin sniffed around the dead Qilin, then jumped away.】

【Gellert looked unhappy. Everyone could see that Newt’s Kirin was the real living Kirin.】

【The little unicorn walked around for a few times, then knelt on one knee and bowed his head in front of Albus who was hiding in the crowd.】

【The wizarding world of Eagle Country and the wizards who opposed Gellert began to celebrate, firing spells into the sky to celebrate Albus Dumbledore’s leadership of the wizarding world.】

【However, Albus refused this duty. In his opinion, he was ambitious, so he could not control huge power. 】

Alina:”Sure enough, there is another little unicorn as a reference for comparison, so everyone can find that the fake unicorn is controlled.” Jingzhe

:”Killing the ancestors… Gellert is unforgivable! The magic world must bring him to justice!”

War Wolf:”Kind! Don’t worry! Any evil will be brought to justice!”

Aponiya:”Albus Dumbledore is a real spiritual power. He can control his desires and ambitions without relying on precepts.”

Frigga:”Such a sober Albus is really distressing. A talented and ambitious child is forced to restrain himself. He must have suffered a lot these years, right?”

【Gellert quietly took out his wand and was about to kill Qilin, when Credence came out.】

【The moment he saw Credence, all of Gellert’s doubts disappeared, and he shot the Avada Kedavra at Credence with murderous intent!】

【At the same time, in order to protect Credence, Albus and Newt also fired a spell together to counter the Killing Curse!】

【When Albus and Gellert’s spells collided, the blood alliance had a logical fallacy and error.】

【Because the spells that Albus and Gellert had cast without any killing intent on each other were actually exchanged, the Blood Alliance began to disintegrate! 】

Gilgamesh:”Huh? Hahahahahaha! What is this? Did the marriage certificate explode? Hahaha!”

02:”The token of love with Darling exploded, Gellert and Albus must be very sad?”

Dr. Roman:”Neither side’s attack was aimed at the other, perhaps this is what caused the Blood Alliance that fell into logical errors to self-destruct!” Cocolia

:”The shackles have been opened, to what extent will the Black and White Demon Kings fight?”

Aatrox:”Is the decisive battle about to begin? Tap! Tap to open!↗!”

【Albus and Gellert’s eyes were filled with disbelief and shock! As the Blood Alliance collapsed, the surroundings were pulled into the white space by the twisted magic.】

【The two looked at each other and took decisive action!】

【The fierce magic light collides to create red fireworks!】

【Spells shot out from the wand one after another! They were dodged by Apparition again.】

【Gellert and Albus attack with all their strength! Red magic collides! Light spots like lava splash out! 】

Lancelot:”This is welding! It’s definitely welding!”

Tomoe Mami:”No one can touch each other, the game is really intense.” Shirai

Kuroko:”Albus’s use of teleportation is like instinct! Too scary!”

Asuna:”Although the magic they use is not a large-scale aoe, the attack strength is too high to kill anyone who touches it!”

Dyna:”Since ancient times, the left side loses in a wave. Gellert stands on the left, so he is sure to lose!”

【Gellert, with the help of the Elder Wand, gradually overwhelmed Albus, and Albus gradually fell into a disadvantage】

【But Gellert looked at Albus’s expression of resistance and his frayed face, and he softened his heart and reduced his efforts.】

【Gellert deflected the spell, and the two used Apparition to get close to him. Spells flew across the air, including evil spells, defensive spells, killing spells, and destruction spells.】

【Finally, the two of them put their wands against each other’s hearts and pointed them at their heads.

Dyna:”Isn’t that right?! You can win by standing on the left?! What kind of throwing tile is this?!”

Issei Hyoudou:”It’s the power of the Deathly Hallows! The power gap between Gellert and Albus is not that big, and it is inevitable that Gellert, who has obtained the Deathly Hallows, will win.”

Itachi Uchiha: But people are people because they have feelings. Look, Gellert let it go.”

Carl:”Letting it go just because of an old lover, and even the possibility of giving up interest, is love really worth it?……”

Harry Potter World.

Everyone was stunned to see the two demon kings fighting in the picture!

Even Slytherin who hated Dumbledore and the professors in the professor’s chair were impressed by their strength!

This battle was a wonderful experience that Hogwarts students could never experience in their lifetime. Various magics were combined with attacks, which made Slytherin, who advocated power, full of admiration!

At the same time, in the Ministry of Magic of Eagle Country, Minister Fudge broke out in a cold sweat!

He thought Dumbledore was old and not very powerful. He never expected that Dumbledore just didn’t want to pay attention to him, which didn’t mean he didn’t have the strength to rule the magic world!


【Feeling the rhythm of the heart and the breaking of the barrier, the light on the two wands dimmed. Albus turned around and prepared to leave without saying anything.】

【Gellert was angry and a little���Feeling sad and grief-stricken, he shouted at Albus unwillingly:】

【”Who else would love you? Dumbledore!”】

【Albus paused and turned his head slightly,”I am alone too.”】

Victor:”Who says that only those who stand in the light are heroes? He is just a lonely man who has lost everything.”

Viego:”Is there no room for redemption? It hurts~ Too much~”

Otto Apocalis:”The results of the collision of ideals are often unsatisfactory.”

Nanami Aoyama:”Ahhhhhhhh! I love you, Mr. Albus!”

Countless girls in the worlds began to shout fanatically while their hearts were broken.

Gellert never thought that those who wanted to take over his business would line up from Tresen Academy to Kassel College.

【The scene of the Golden List changed, and two old men appeared in the split screen.】

【Gellert died on the tower of Nurmengard, and Albus fell from the tower of Hogwarts.】

【The gold list scene ends here. 】

Kama:”My love and I both died in the tower, and I and my heart are left in the midsummer. What a miserable life.”

Whitebeard:”Perhaps when he was young, he was unwilling to be ordinary because of his unfulfilled ambitions, but when he is old, what he longs for most must be his family, right?”

Harry Potter:”Well, the headmaster once said that what he longs for most is someone to give him wool socks at Christmas, and wool socks represent family.”

Cadoch:”Shattered ideals, broken family, and a love that is destined to be fruitless.……”

Oma Zi-O:”They are all kings, but what a pity…Only on the road to Hades can the kings not meet in this life.”


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