Chapter 500: Water Drops Attack Natural Selection, move forward four!

【The scene changes, and when Luo Ji wakes up from hibernation, it is already 185 years later.】

【Luo Ji walked out of the bunker and rubbed his eyes, staring at the ever-changing world in front of him in amazement.】

【High-tech underground cities, strange high-rise buildings, and flying vehicles flying all over the sky are only seen in science fiction works.】

【Buildings hang on pillars like fruits on tree branches, and various artificial synthetic objects appear.】

【The current political and power structure has also changed. The Earth World, which is dominated by traditional national concepts, and the Fleet World, which is dominated by the concept of space fleets.】.

【What shocked Luo Ji even more was that the Human Space Force already had two thousand interstellar battleships that could reach 15% of the speed of light!】

【It is precisely because of these two warships, which are twice the number of the Trisolarian fleet, that the Earthlings have cleared their gloom and no longer regard the Trisolarians as a threat. 】

Reimu Hakurei:”Wow…it’s been two hundred years, it’s like two lifetimes in a flash.”

David Martinez:”This new future is even more cyberpunk than cyberpunk!”

Luo Jia:”It’s better to say it’s a very cutting-edge garden world.”

Tony Stark:”Wow, it fits my fantasies about the future world. Flying vehicles and dungeons, and so many… artificial foods.”

Yuyuko Saigyouji:”Are artificial foods delicious?”

Choji Akimichi:”Artificial foods are probably like the Bingliang Pills? They are not delicious except for filling your stomach.”

King Litang:”The regime has split into traditionalists and reformists, I’ll test it.”

Ge Xiaolun:”Oh my god! A spaceship at 15% the speed of light can beat the fleet of the Taoji troops! The pure speed of the Taoji fleet is not as fast as the”Er Ba San”!”

Angel He Xi:”The breakthrough in technology is from 0 to 1, and it just needs to snowball. It’s already 15% the speed of light, and we should be able to develop light-speed spaceships in another hundred years.”

Sun Quan:”Two thousand to one thousand, the advantage is mine! Behind the natural barrier of the solar system is the iron wall of the earth!”

Zefa:”Too arrogant… They shouldn’t be so arrogant. They have already started to imagine the strength of the other party before they even meet the Three Body?”

Lu Mingfei:”Opening champagne at halftime, I’ve already thought about the end of the earth”

【When Luo Ji asked about the wall-facer, the nurse who was taking care of him thought about it and said it was an ancient joke.】

【Luo Ji’s era has become history, and Luo Ji has become a name in history books.】

【People think that Luo Ji’s curse on the stars is the biggest joke and the funniest thing.】

【This era is glamorous and everyone is perfect, like an AI-generated person. Social welfare allows people to live well even if they do nothing.】

【Because of this perfect society and strong military environment, everyone naturally thought that the Trisolaran world wanted to negotiate with them.】

【After all, the Trisolaran world has no choice. Their technology is powerful, and the number of fleets is twice that of the Trisolaran world, and it is still increasing.】

【When Luo Ji mentioned ETO, the people of the Planetary Defense Council told him not to worry, ETO had been completely wiped out a century ago, and Luo Ji was absolutely safe outside now. 】

Zhongli:”It’s only been two hundred years, has the Wall-Facing Man become history? The history of mankind……”

Ueshirazawa Huiyin:”This period of history is far more than just two hundred years for mankind. The changes in the world and the transformation of the times symbolize their complete farewell to the old era.”

Barry Allen:”To be honest, I also think Luo Ji is quite humorous. The curse on the star has been going on for two hundred years, and there has been no movement at all.”

Senju Tobirama:”Bold assumptions, careful testing. This is Luo Ji’s thinking. He must have his purpose for doing this. Imagine Luo Ji.”

Keqing:”I have to say that the future of this human world is the ideal world in my eyes… Everyone lives a glamorous life.”

Roman:”And they haven’t lost their motivation to move forward under the pressure of the Three-Body Civilization. This is the perfect beginning of pan-human history!”

Bai Yuechu:”So cool! In this era, I can eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks even if I go begging! No, it seems that I don’t even need to beg!”

Chen Huijie:”Everyone can have enough food, live a good life, there are no refugees, and the society is perfect… When can our world reach such a social environment?”

Walter Yang:”Such a social environment is certainly beautiful, but humans seem to be too arrogant. Everyone is like Xilin, I feel a little uneasy.”

Xilin:”Are you polite?”

【The scene changes, and in a familiar yet strange new world, Luo Ji sees Shi Qiang, who has also woken up from hibernation, and his excitement is beyond words.】

【Shi Qiang came here to inform Luo Ji that the last meeting of facing the wall was about to begin.】

【At the meeting, the Planetary Defense Council ended the 205-year-long Wall-Facing Project and restored their civilian status after thanking Luo Ji and others.】

【Just as the meeting was over and everyone was about to leave, Yamayama Keiko suddenly said,”Wall-Facing Man Hines, I am your Wall-Breaker.”】

【At this moment, the air froze. The scene was even more dead silent than when Rey Diaz was breached.】

【Keiko Yamashiro revealed the truth about Hines’ plan. He has always been a pessimist and reversed the positive and negative signs of his ideological stamp.】

【In other words, all the Steel Seal warriors who have received the Thought Steel Seal now believe that humanity will inevitably fail.】

【After that, Keiko Yamazaki committed suicide, and Hines withdrew his identity as the Wallfacer and became the liaison between Luo Ji and the Planetary Defense Council. The meeting to end the Wallfacer Project was forced to end. 】

Yakumo Yukari:”It’s like meeting a fellow villager. How happy it is to see people from the same era in a strange era?”

Captain America:”Yeah… I can’t stand it for just seventy years. Luo Ji must be very excited to meet a familiar friend after two hundred years.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”Isn’t it a bit of a waste to restore the civilian status of the Wallfacer?”

Shanks:”Don’t worry, it’s a good thing for the Wallfacer. The pressure on the Wallfacer is not ordinary. It’s good to be able to restore the civilian status.”

Viego:”This moment is finally here. It hurts! It hurts so much!”

Feiyangyang :”My eyes are filled with tears. Hines is so miserable. He fell in love with a bad woman! Wuuuuu~ Decades can’t warm a woman’s heart.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”The Planetary Defense Council is also stupid. When they were about to cancel the Wallfacing Project after 200 years, the Wallbreaker came out.”

Gagra:”Hienes’ plan is meaningless to humans now. 200 years is already three generations for humans. The original Steel Seal tribe is almost dead of old age.”

Conan:”Eto’s brainwashing is horrible… A man’s love for decades can’t warm a woman’s heart. Instead, he lurked for 200 years and committed suicide after breaking the wall.……”

Ito Makoto:”Ninja hug! Hate Saidan! If I just take down Yamashan Keiko!”

【After the meeting, the remnants of ETO did their best to launch seven assassination attempts against Luo Ji!】

【However, under Shi Qiang’s protection, Luo Ji survived without any harm.】

【Shi Qiang also drove to a place with logic, where all the people who woke up from hibernation and could not adapt to the new era gathered.】

【From Shi Qiang, Luo Ji deeply understood what happened in the world during his 185 years of hibernation.】

【In the twentieth year of Luo Ji’s hibernation, the world fell into an economic crisis and severe famine, because the fear of the Trisolaran civilization made everyone give up on themselves.】

【During this period, humans wantonly destroyed the environment, attacked each other, and highly polluting heavy industries began to develop rapidly.】

【The famine caused tens of millions of people to flee on a large scale, recreating the history of cannibalism during the Great Famine.】

【The global climate began to be affected, land desertification and soil erosion became more and more serious, and in less than half a century, the original 8.3 billion people were reduced to 3.5 billion. 】

Lu Mingfei:”I really like the words of the Planetary Defense Council:”The current society is absolutely safe.”

Aizen:”So the arrogance and arrogance of mankind completely exposed their ignorance. Two hundred years have passed, and ETO is still assassinating Luo Ji. Doesn’t it mean anything?”

Guilliman:”Yes, the Trisolarans are still afraid of Luo Ji, while humans don’t care because of their inflated cognition of themselves.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Daishi! My Superman! So safe! He protected Luo Ji two hundred years ago, and he is still the same two hundred years later!”

Newt Scamander:”Is this Luo Ji’s patron saint? He is worthy of it!”

Old Taoist:”The great low… famine and escape… how could it be? This is more terrifying than the famine back then.……”

Shu:”There was a great famine, people were eating each other… natural disasters are also man-made disasters… I can’t imagine what kind of hell that is.”

Ge Xiaolun:”This, this, this! Even if the earth falls here, there is no scene of billions of people being reduced! Damn it!……”

Merlin:”Whose fault is it that people eat each other? All we can say is that human nature is evil…Survival is the first need of civilization. Ye Wenjie’s words are applicable everywhere.”

Liu Peiqiang:”No wonder people live in underground cities in the future. Food cannot be grown on the ground. This will cause disasters for thousands of years……. ”

【Finally, after suffering enough, humans finally woke up and realized a sentence:】

【Give civilization to the years, not years to civilization】

【Human thought began to be liberated, technology began to develop explosively, and half a century later, the world was completely new, and two major political regimes began to take shape.】

【Zhang Beihai also woke up from hibernation and stepped into the star-class interstellar battleship he had always dreamed of, becoming the executive captain of the Natural Selection.】

【Zhang Beihai replaced the original captain Dongfang Yanxu and learned that when a star-class battleship enters the forward four state, it can sail at the full speed of 15% of the speed of light.】

【When Zhang Beihai took over the authority of the Natural Selection, he immediately said coldly:”Everyone enter the deep sea state, and the Natural Selection’s power engine will start.”】

【Dongfang Yanxu’s face changed drastically, but under the threat, he still ordered all members to enter the deep sea state.】

【Zhang Beihai looked at the starry sky and said to his father:”Beihai, think more about”】

【He thought of the inevitable defeat of mankind and his responsibility as a soldier to preserve the human race, and said::】

【”Natural Selection, Go Forward Four”】

【At a speed of 400, the Asian Fleet’s Natural Selection battleship defected! 】

Ryze:”Well said…Give civilization to the years, not give years to civilization…If every country can understand this sentence, perhaps Runeterra will not have so many wars and natural disasters.……”

Bedivere:”Thoughts are flying. Humanity has broken free from the cage of internal friction and has developed again.”

Heita:”However, the only lesson humans can learn is that they will not learn lessons. Besides, basic physics is locked, and the current prosperity is just a flashy vase.”

Kevin:”The Great Depression is a test imposed on this civilization, and the technological explosion is the reward for the cross-domain test.”

Sengoku:”He defected right away! What is this guy Zhang Beihai thinking? Is he from the Steel Seal Clan!”

Emiya Kiritsugu:”No, his thoughts have not been stamped during his hibernation period. He is a pure defeatist soldier.” Jingyuan

:”The human thoughts in the new era are completely inferior to those of their time. Zhang Beihai sees it clearly that humans cannot win. He is a great soldier.”

Rick:”Is human supremacy his creed… No, it should be said that as a soldier his mission is to protect mankind. Under the general trend, preserving the fire is the only right thing to do.”

Atanya:”Natural Selection, move forward four… Zhang Beihai, you are a respectable human”

【On the other side, the Planetary Defense Council observed the probe from the Trisolaran civilization and was particularly excited.】

【They decided to send all the human fleets to conduct a military parade to welcome them, to show the current strength of 3.5】

【All the citizens burst into laughter after learning the Space Force’s order:”One probe is worth sending out two thousand warships?”】

【”Why use a butcher knife to kill a chicken?”】

【”Hahaha! Two thousand cannons to kill a mosquito?”】

【”Wouldn’t this scare the Trisolarans to the point of peeing? If the Trisolarans had pee,”】


【The whole world is celebrating and watching this moment with excitement. The United Nations is already formulating negotiation procedures and follow-up conditions.】

【Only Luo Ji and Shi Qiang looked at this scene with heavy faces, and no one knew what they were thinking. 】

Xilin:”This is what humans are like… They are more arrogant than me, they will be defeated!”

Fu Xuan:”Too arrogant, I have already thought of the end of the Space Force. Laugh, you won’t be able to laugh for a while.”

El-Melloi II:”This dense fleet matrix is ​​too unwise! Don’t the Space Force leaders have any military tactics at all!”

Uzumaki Naruto:”Not really. The Space Force is just showing off the space armed forces of mankind. There is no fighting at all, so of course the positioning is as spectacular as possible!”

Sanguinius:”A probe shouldn’t cause any waves… I’m a little uneasy, it should be an illusion.”

Seiya:”The person above is not an illusion, Luo Ji feels something is wrong, there must be something wrong with this probe!” Namikaze Minato

:”They have started to formulate negotiations before the battle… This ideology should not appear during the war.”

Sun Quan:”I don’t understand any basic physics, I only know that two thousand giant god soldiers are fighting against a small drop of water! The advantage is mine!”

Young man:”Little overlord, great idea!”


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