Chapter 51: Fusion Warrior Plan, restraining tragedy, the birth of the Fire Chaser!

【After this assassination attempt, Mei realized that their enemy was not only Honkai, but also an enemy from within.】

【She threatened to protect Sakura’s sister and took control of Sakura’s knife, which became her trump card and private soldier in the Fire Moth to intimidate the villains. 】

E:”It’s the moment of civilization’s survival and they are still thinking about internal fighting! Fuhahahaha! So this is what makes humans interesting!” Sarutobi

Hiruzen:”What the above said makes sense, what’s the point of a group’s internal fighting? Danzo, remember, I am the Hokage!”

Gin:”Being a killer still has weaknesses? Sakura is an incompetent killer!”

Arata Ichito:”Report! General Raiden took Yae God Child in his backhand!”

【The screen of the gold list jumped, and soon it was the sixth collapse outbreak.】

【After a hard fight, Kevin led his team to defeat the Herr】

【Just when the Herrscher was about to be executed, he actually showed his humanity!】

【Faced with the humanity revealed by the Herrscher, Kevin wavered and hesitated for a moment.】

【However, it was this moment of hesitation that caused the Herrscher to remove his disguise and explode with power before dying, killing millions of ordinary people in the city. 】

Ashina Isshin:”Kevin, if you hesitate, you will fail!” Huang Gai

:”This is a self-torture trick!”

Duanmu Yan:”She is a Herrscher for one day and a Herrscher for the rest of her life! There is no room for redemption!”

Gagula:”Kevin is a newcomer, so it is inevitable that he is not very mature. But the price of one million lives… is too cruel.……”

Wade:”@Cheng Xin, watch out. The consequences of a single thought are unimaginable. He is the savior on the list, but you are not!”

Before the collapse of the world,

Kevin’s pupils trembled. He never thought that his little kindness and sympathy would indirectly kill millions of people!

Even with the comfort of Mei and Su, Kevin could not get out of the shadow. This planted the seeds of the Herrscher’s must-kill in Kevin’s heart.

【Afterwards, Kevin fell into guilt and self-blame, believing that the deaths of millions of people were caused by his hesitation.】

【Alicia didn’t know how to comfort Kevin, so she could only open her heart to him and share these sins.】

【Kevin looked at Alicia in confusion and asked:】

【”Ai Lishiya, if it were you, would you choose the minority or the majority?”】

【Facing Kevin’s question, Alicia thought for a moment and then replied:”I think my answer is the same as yours.”】

【”Kevin, if one day in the future you could save most people by just pulling the trigger on me, what would you choose?”】

【Kevin did not answer.

Emiya Kiritsugu:”If we can save most people, sacrificing a small part is worth it.”

Kaisha:”From the perspective of justice order, sacrificing the small self to save the big self is the wise thing to do.”

Conan:”But Alicia seems to be hinting at something, why does she expect Kevin to pull the trigger on her?!”

Kuroyon:”Could it be that Alicia is actually Pink and Black, and her heart and her behavior are always different?”

Vi Ole:”Then this scheming is too terrible, right?”

【The scene of the Golden List jumps to one year later】

【Something happened that shocked the Fire Moth and greatly reduced its morale.】

【During the seventh Honkai outbreak, Himeko, the captain of the fifth squad of the Fire Moths, was corrupted and transformed into the Herrscher of Flame!】

【One week after the birth of the Herrscher of Flame, the Australian continent was reduced to scorched earth! The entire continent was engulfed in flames!!!]

Sayaka Miki:”She was caught by Honkai! If I’m not mistaken, the birth of the Herrscher must be related to her inner despair!”

Luo Ji:”So Honkai is also an alien product? But I always feel that it is not……”

Kiritani Kazuto:”Damn it! Any time teammates become enemies it’s a huge blow to morale!”

Charles:”Burn an entire continent!!!? Even the strongest mutant right now can’t do that!!!”

Yang Dong:”It was said before that the Herrscher is the ultimate embodiment of a physical law… then her power is to control the movement of molecules! But… why doesn’t she use it? Can’t she?”

Su Chang:”Then I’m really glad that the Herrscher is illiterate like me!”

【In order to fight against the strongest Herrscher of Flame so far, Mei proposed the Fusion Warrior Plan.】

【The Fusion Warrior Project is to integrate the DNA of Honkai Beast into the human body to create a super warrior with powerful strength.】

【But the Fusion Warrior Project is just Mei’s theory, just an idea that can be said to be a hypothesis, with a success rate of 0%!】

【Even if the 0% data was placed in front of Kevin, he did not waver at all.】

【”I believe in Mei more than I believe in numbers”】

Dr. Lizard:”The fusion of human and animal DNA is not compatible, and there are even powerful side effects, not to mention the product of Honkai, Honkai Beast!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Belief is Kevin’s magic! In the eyes of the savior, it is either a 100% death or a sure win!”

Winter Soldier:”I see the shadow of Steve in Kevin, but in his eyes is the girl named Mei.”

Viego:”This love transcends everything! Kevin is destined to survive!”

Luna:”Kevin, just think of it as for Mei, do your best to survive!”

【With Kevin’s belief that he would survive to see Mei and protect her, the fusion warrior plan with no chance of survival was successful!】

【Kevin has merged with the emperor-level Honkai beast Pavanti, who possesses the power of ice and snow, and now possesses a strong physique and recovery ability, as well as Pavanti’s power of ice and snow!】

【Under Kevin’s leadership, humans defeated the Herrscher of Flame and ended the Seventh Collapse! 】

Fujiwara Chika:”Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Kevin survived! Is this the power of love?!”

Teng Yang Tianxia:”Fuck!!! Ice——!!!”

Esdeath:”The power of freezing? It is indeed very restraining to the Herrscher who can only play with fire.”

Tony Stark:”This is Kevin’s bargain. He should be thankful that the Herrscher is an illiterate who is not proficient in physics.”

【However, Kevin was in great pain. The Sixth Herrscher’s yin and yang were still hidden in his heart. He once again killed his comrade who was suspected to still have human consciousness.】

【And because of the side effects of the Fusion Warrior Program, Kevin’s body temperature remained at minus 30 degrees Celsius after he became a Fusion Warrior, and anyone who came into contact with him would get frostbite.】

【He must endure loneliness for the rest of his life and will never be able to hug his lover again. 】

Hiraga Saito:”If I pick up the sword, I can’t hug you. If I put down the sword, I can’t protect you.”

Viego:”It hurts~”

Uchiha Obito:”The pain is only a moment. If the price of protecting the power of love is only this, it’s worth it!”

【Kevin suffers from mental illness because of killing his comrade. Whenever he closes his eyes, he sees Himeko and sees his comrade leaving him.】

【Kevin is becoming more and more like Mei, pushing himself very hard】

【After the seventh collapse, he began to prepare for the eighth collapse.】

【At the same time, Mei designed the Key of God Project after the collapse, and used the Herrscher Core of the Herrscher of Flame to create the first weapon that could exercise the power of the Herrscher.】

【A pair of black, white and red guns appeared on the gold list screen, and then the two guns extended into a red sword!】

【Key of God·Key of Destruction·Judgment of Heavenly Fire! 】

Ryze:”The past has become his nightmare today, and this wound can only be healed by time.”

Shinobu Kocho:”Every move is turning towards Mei, why is that? Are you afraid of losing her?”

Exiah:”Let’s not talk about the sadness first, I feel a sting at first sight! I love this gun so much!!!”

Qiong:”It seems like the Flame Lance… Why do I always can’t help but want to shout out the Heavenly Fire?”

Feiyangyang:”I have a hunch, this is definitely a weapon that only the God of Pure Love can unleash its maximum power!”

【Before the eighth collapse, because of Kevin’s example, humans quickly used their lives to pile up eight fusion warriors.】

【The gold list screen jumps, the eighth collapse is coming】

【Millions of people fell into sleeping sickness and died in their sleep】

【Kevin asks the fusion warrior Aponia to impose the shackles called Discipline on him】

【Under the commandments, Kevin ignored the power of the Herrscher and easily killed the Eighth Herrscher.】

【But after that, Kevin also lost the right to dream, and he no longer had dreams.

Aihara Ryu:”Every time the casualties start at millions… Compared to them, what we, who are helped by Ultraman, face is just a joke!” Daiko:”Zijera… dying in a dream, I’m ptds.”

Uchiha Madara:”The world in dreams is the most beautiful world, but you who have lost the right to dream… I, Uchiha Madara, would like to call you the worst!!!”

Gwen:”But Kevin is not affected! With the commandments, he can be said to be even more powerful!”

【The gold list scene jumps to one year later, when the ninth collapse comes!】

【This time, the collapse almost broke the backbone of human civilization!】

【The pseudo black hole caused by the Ninth Herrscher, Herrscher of Rock, swallowed up Mu Continent, where the crystallization of human civilization gathered on the ground!】

【The entire human social order collapsed and the level of basic science and technology regressed!】

【With Hen’s sacrifice, humanity tragically defeated the Herrscher of Stone】

【After the ninth collapse, 85% of the human land was destroyed.]

Hua Ye:”Fuck! Black hole?! How can the power of a black hole be controlled so accurately?!”

E:”Fuhahahahaha… Ha?↗! Black hole? How can a mere native of Earth have the power of a black hole?!”

Luo Ji:”If Mei, Kevin and some high-end talents were all in Mu Continent… human civilization would really be wiped out!”

Zero:”85% of the land is destroyed! How can humans survive?! Unforgivable collapse!”

Garp:”85% of the land is destroyed. Are we entering the Age of Exploration? Haha! Just kidding.”

Countless Earth civilizations in the Ten Thousand Worlds looked at the masterpiece of the Herrscher of the Rock in fear.

85% of the land on which humans depend for survival has been destroyed. Even if they survive the collapse, humans will not be able to return to the golden age!

【The gold list screen continued to jump, and the tenth collapse broke out】

【Although the individual strength of Herrschers is weak, there are thousands of them in every corner of human society. Even the top leaders have become Herrschers.】

【Finally, the tenth collapse ended with Mei being used as bait and the blank key and the destruction key being used to kill her.】

【Mei’s body was also seriously stressed by the use of the Blank Key, leaving irreversible trauma.

Nick Fury:”Fuck! The destructive power this Herrscher brings to human society is far greater than those pure powers!” Gin

:”An organization full of traitors is chilling.”

Bruce Wayne:”If this thing is allowed to become a high-level or even a leader, the consequences will be disastrous!”

Ye Wenjie:”Then a chain of suspicion will be born among humans, and humans will fall into a situation where they can never unite.”

【After the tenth collapse, Kevin hated himself for not being able to protect his comrades and Mei’s power, so he took the initiative to find the notorious scientist Mebius.】

【In the conversation with Mebius, Kevin mentioned the power of artificial collapse, which is the liberation of the wildness in DNA.】

【Under the planning of Mebius, the Chimera Project, which combines the DNA of multiple Honkai beasts, was born. 】

Hikari:”I said Mebius has the talent to be a scientist!”

Sajo Aika:”Artificial collapse? It’s interesting to reproduce the power of beasts in human bodies.”

Amiya:”Huh? Chimera Project? Are you going to create the demon king Kevin?”

Arjuna of God:”Brahma’s hundred beasts, it’s the right idea to add them to this body… Be the only one, there will be no trivial matters……”

【The gold list screen changed again, this time with a bloody rendering surrounding the screen.】

【The eleventh collapse is coming!】

【The Eleventh Herrscher, the Herrscher of Constraint, created a barrier with a radius of 100 kilometers.】

【All the energy and Honkai energy in the barrier will be weakened, or even suppressed to the point of being ineffective! 】

Liang Bing:”What the hell is the point of ineffectiveness of any energy?!”

Reina:”Such a powerful thing would come to our universe and not just kill people? You know, the god-making civilization relies on energy to drive the super gene!”

Absolut Tartarus:”No, the shielding of her barrier must have an upper limit, and she can’t maintain this form for long”

【The Fire Moth used almost all of its strength to fight against the Ruler of Constraint, but the battle was like mowing the grass, and all the fusion warriors who entered the barrier died!】

【The large number of lives lost brought Kevin an opportunity, and the Holy Judgment of Heavenly Fire slaughtered his comrades indiscriminately!】

【Finally, Kevin stood on the red ice condensed from blood, looked at the Herrscher of the Region and the red earth and said numbly:】

【”As I said, everyone went to the battlefield without hesitation even though they knew the outcome. We had no choice.……”】

【”We can’t dwell on the past, we have to fight for the future”】

Harry Potter:”This is a victory of life and death… We won, but it seems we didn’t win.”

Ascended Aatrox:”This is a necessary sacrifice. You know, if we don’t kill him, more people will die. These people’s sacrifice is glorious!”

Asada Shino:”Death… So many people died?!” Tsugikuni Yuichi

:”If God really exists, then please tell me, is life really worthless in front of such an existence?!” Fujimaru Ritsuka

:”There is no time to be sad, no time to be depressed, this is a war to take back the future from the collapse!”

【Aponia believes Kevin needs to atone for his sins, while Alysia believes Kevin has become an extension of Mei’s will.】

【No one cheered for this desperate victory.】

【At the end of the eleventh collapse, there were only 13 fusion warriors left, and only three cities remained for humans. This collapse was called the Tragedy of Restraint.】

【Human civilization is on the verge of extinction.

Lex Luthor:”How can humans perish? How can humans perish? Humans will never perish! Humans are great!”

Kal’tsit:”Only three cities have hope of survival, but it will probably take until the next generation for them to have vitality.”

Luo Ji:”Although locusts have been wiped out time and time again, they have never been eliminated, and the same is true for humans!”

【In order to unite and consolidate the remaining strength of mankind, Alicia proposed a group called the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire.】

【It consists of 13 fusion warriors including Kevin. 】

Nayako:”I suddenly feel curious. Those who can survive the tragedy of restraint are the elite among the elites, right? What are they like?”

Polnareff:”The 13 Fire Chasing Heroes sound pretty cool! I wonder if we can see the style of these 13 people?”

Kuriyama Mirai:”They must have their own strengths… just like Kevin can only fight.……”

【Just as the audience was still trying to figure out who the 12 people who could survive the tragedy like Kevin were, the gold list changed instantly, and the list of the Fire Chasing Heroes slowly appeared on the screen.】

【The life stories of those thirteen people appeared on the screen one by one along with their messages.】

【The Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire】



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