Chapter 522 “Your Color” Prison Fire: Let me try the strength of Huangquan

【After parting with Walter, Sunday, the head of the Pinocchinone family, has already caught the traitor.】

【Gold Dust is also taking every step carefully, and at the same time conveying the news to Jade and Topa outside Pinocchio.】

【The Star Dome Train Group also took action】

【The scene changes, Hanabi and Sambo are talking face to face, Hanabi returns the mask that belonged to Sambo to him】

【At the same time, Hanabi also leaked a piece of information, that the disaster of Beloberg is about to wake up, and Sambo will return to Beloberg.】

【After Sambo warned Hanabi not to cause trouble at Beloberg and left, Hanabi pouted:”Why take it so seriously?”】

【Bored, Hanabi held her chin up and looked around. She remembered the anomaly of the black swan she had discovered by chance, and thought of Huangquan. 】

Sunday:”Damn… did the Emerald and Topaz also arrive at Pinocchio?”

March 7:”Hey! Old Sambo’s mask! I just remembered that Old Sambo was the Masked Fool but didn’t have a mask. It turned out that Hanabi had taken it away.”

Bronya Lan��:”The disaster of Beloberg is coming?! Hasn’t the star core disaster of Beloberg been resolved? The frozen soil is also slowly melting.”

Esther:”Yes, the frozen soil has melted, and the frozen antimatter army will also wake up, right? If possible, it is recommended that Beloberg can apply for the assistance of the city builders.”

Seele:”Old Sambo is surprisingly reliable. Is he protecting Beloberg from other masked fools on his own?”

Sarco:”Little Hanabi is beautiful and kind, and is our best partner! So what if she goes to Beloberg? Why take it so seriously!”

The Herrscher of the Thousands:”Hanabi’s heart is very lonely. One person with a thousand faces is her way to relieve loneliness.”

Gabriel:”No… Hanabi, you also want to try the strength of Huangquan? You are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers!” Gojo Satoru:

“Don’t you know the fate of Lao Gong and Lao E? I have reserved the name of Lao Huo for you.”

Prisoner:”Man! Huahuo~out!””

【The scene changes to show Huang Quan walking on the main street of Pinocchio with a paper umbrella. It is raining heavily. There are pedestrians on both sides of the road and the sound of advertisements is heard everywhere.】

【”Dye it with your color”】

【A familiar voice sounded in Huang Quan’s ears, and then the cold-toned streets turned into a strange golden red.】

【Goldfish floated past Huang Quan, and Huang Quan felt a flash before his eyes, and his memories seemed to be triggered.】

【The heavy rain is still falling, and the bubbles reflect the mischievous laughter of fireworks wearing fox masks】

【Huang Quan opened her eyes and saw a man holding a sword walking towards her on the empty street, laughing devilishly.】


【The Star Core Hunter Blade appeared in the pink bubble, and Huang Quan murmured:”Is it an illusion?”】

【”Guess!” Blade jumped up and slashed at Huang Quan, but Huang Quan dodged sideways.】

Ayanami Rei:”The sense of déjà vu is a bit strong……”

Kikyo:”How many Amber Ages have passed? Yomi has forgotten a lot, but she still hasn’t forgotten the habits she had in Izumo.”

Uchiha Izuna:”Hanabi has taken action? This… is an illusion! It is definitely an illusion of a large scale!”

Abe Haruaki:”Hanabi’s illusion is very strong… It can even affect the Void Commander! But the only thing she didn’t do well is to learn from the Black Swan to evoke Yomi’s memory.”

Benzhong:”Hanabi, stop kidding! How can you go too far just after you start kidding? If you keep kidding, you will backfire on yourself!”

Blade:”Ah Minos!”

Natsuki Subaru:”I couldn’t hold it back. It’s the laughing boy Blade. Blade’s laughter is still as magical as ever.”

Uchiha Madara:”The surroundings are covered… I guess the illusion created by Hanabi may have covered another fake Pinocchio on the dream of Pinocchio.”

Shimura Danzo:”Such a strong illusion! Is it a dojutsu… .. ?”

【”After all,……”】

【Huang Quan turned around, kicked the flying blade, threw down the paper umbrella and said,”The evening rain will eventually fall.”】

【At this time, two more footsteps approached, and the pink bubbles gradually condensed into Kafka】

【”I don’t quite understand.” Kafka said as she wiped her gun.】

【”How about you speak human language?” Silver Wolf also came up to him, spitting bubble gum.】

【Huang Quan turned his back to Kafka and Silver Wolf and said calmly:”Let’s go together”】

【As soon as the words fell, the three of them approached Huang Quan like a horn!】

【Huang Quan dodged Kafka’s high kick and picked up the scabbard:”This life is like morning dew, and my body and reputation will be gone.”】

【Huang Quan easily resisted the blade’s attack, and used the scabbard to easily deflect Kafka and Silver Wolf’s bullets. 】

Qi Tiandi:”Hiss, hiss! There is a completely opposite charm to Mei Yi! I love it!”

Alicia:”Yes! The contrast between being innocent and knowing everything is a kind of contrast! I like Huang Quan so much!”

Raiden Mei Yi:”?”

Yae Miko:”Yoquan is more powerful than Ying, and his strategies and observation of things are more thorough. He is worthy of being a wanderer who has been wandering for thousands of years.”

Xing:”Hey hey hey! Kafka’s mother? Hanabi can become Kafka’s mother? I like it even more!”

Silver Wolf:”Aren’t they sisters! It’s okay if you’re trying to fool me, but why are you so unforgiving with your words? Although I’m like that too, it depends on who I’m fighting against.”

El-Melloi II:”In ancient times, three heroes fought Lu Bu, and now there are three hunters fighting Yoquan.”

Deadpool:”Wow~ This flick knife is so cool! Yoquan and I are simply the best partners!”

Tushan Rongrong:”Hanabi can only imitate the skin in the beginning, right? Blade’s demonic body doesn’t even have anything.”

Hanabi:”Don’t worry! I’m going to get the real stuff soon! I’ll reverse it! I’ll get new stuff in the next round, believe me, little Hanabi!”

【”The river of oblivion is calm, leading the wandering”】

【After Huang Quan dodged Silver Wolf’s lasers continuously, Blade, Kafka, and Silver Wolf jumped up at the same time and surrounded Huang Quan and chopped him down!】


【Huang Quan bent down and held the scabbard with his sword in reverse to block the attack of the three Star Core Hunters, then narrowed his eyes slightly】

【”I mourn for the dead… Let the knife light of the past flow”】

【Thunderous imaginary energy exploded from Huang Quan’s body, knocking the three Star Core Hunters away. Then Huang Quan leaned over and drew his sword, holding the blade.】

【Shadows of Huang Quan flashed and lingered around the trio, and a purple dimensional slash was slashed out!】

【As Huang Quan retracted her sheath, the illusion shattered into pieces! 】

Black Tiger Afu:”This move is the Antelope Leap!”

Fulu Little King Kong:”Wow~ She blocked it! Huang Quan is a burly woman.”

Nero:”Wait! This posture is……?!”

Vergil:”am the storm that is approaching!”

Kiritani Kazuto:”Pull! You can pull! Pull the sword light hard! Huang Quan is the undisputed sister of sword light!”

Keqing:”This move is similar to my sword light like me, cutting off all the clutter!…Okay, I am trying too hard.”

Black Zetsu:”A world made up of illusions was chopped into pieces? What kind of tiles are these?!”

Uchiha Shisui:”No… It’s not a layer of illusion. Huang Quan only cut through the Star Core Hunter and this area, but he didn’t leave, and the pedestrians around him didn’t appear. Hanabi should have created two layers of illusion.”

Ancient One:”Perhaps this layer of illusion is the real main event, and the Star Core Hunter in front is just a test.”

Lu Mingfei:”Hanabi really took out the real thing?”

Hanabi:”I told you~ I’ll reverse it~ It’s so light and loose, simple and simple!”

【However, the moment the illusion was shattered, a blood pupil appeared, and then the real Huangquan flashed by, and countless skeletons and Huangquan holding the blooming red spider lily on his back flashed by one by one.】

【Huang Quan opened her eyes wide, a pair of hands covered her face, and red and blue water foam accompanied by a whisper woke Huang Quan up.】

【”Dye this lost memory again…with your color”】

【Huang Quan looked up at the big screen, and Huang Quan in the Izumo period was staring at Huang Quan now.】

【”Find me…the final you, and the original me”】

【There is a kind of magic and suggestion in her words, which constantly evokes Huang Quan’s past and suggests that Huang Quan should find the lost past and self. 】

David Martinez:”《Collapse of Huangquan》Huangquan’s mental state has a kind of cyberpsychosis beauty.”

Sayaka Miki:”With this color, I thought Huangquan was going to become a witch!”

Black Swan:”Little Hanabi is courting death again. Some people’s past cannot be searched for……”

Shinji Ikari:”Why does this feel like a space-for-rent advertisement?”

Maki Zenin:”This Yomi at this time is Yomi in Izumo?! Is it a bit strange to let her past remind her of her present?”……”

Lufa:”Fools are playing with fire… Huang Quan’s past has become nothingness, and letting a non-existent past remind the present self to look for a non-existent past…tsk tsk tsk.”

Uchiha Itachi:”Hanabi gave a strong hint, there are only two results, Huang Quan went berserk because of the confusion of memory, or Huang Quan had no feelings at all.”

Matou Shinji:”I feel there is a third possibility, that is, Huang Quan draws his sword and chops up the whole world by himself! Then catch the female ghost Hanabi and torture her severely!”

Maple Sugar Marshal:”Indeed! Lock Hanabi in the QQ space and humiliate her severely! And don’t cut your fingernails!”

【The raindrops fell on Huang Quan. She closed her eyes, took light steps, raised the Zhao Dao, and grasped the hilt.】

【”All the past… has become nothingness……”】

【Huang Quan’s right hand turned blood red, and his arm swept across his face, which had turned into white hair and blood pupils, shedding bloody tears.】

【”¨「 ¨「 Just like tears, they will eventually disappear in the rain”】

【Huang Quan slashed around, and the picture on the golden list changed to the top of Huang Quan. A black hole of black, white and red appeared in the picture, which was constantly rotating and converging!】

【Huang Quan stared ahead, and the imperial sword slashed from bottom to top, leaving behind a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!】


【The world began to crack and collapse!】

【”Don’t look back, there is nowhere to go…”】

Thanos:”All the past has returned to nothingness… just like me, so all people like us can do is look forward.” Hubie:

“Hubi is a little sad. How can a person who doesn’t even have a past face the future with such determination?”

Yakumo Yukari:”Yes… she is an immortal. The void keeps chasing her footsteps, and the future she faces and experiences will eventually become a non-existent past.”

Uchiha Itachi (young):”Then life has no meaning… since the past will become the past, then Huang Quan’s future has long been a void.” Hakurei

‘s mother:”Huang Quan can’t turn back. The only way she can go is the future. The way she came is Swallowed up everything, with no way to go.”

Tokiwa Sougo:”That’s not true! Huang Quan’s life is like a clock. It seems to be going back to the starting point, but in fact, she has already experienced the people and things she has encountered! Existence is engraved in her heart!”

Lei Film:”As long as Huang Quan still remembers everything, they will live forever.”

Rick Dicka:”Tears will eventually disappear in the rain, so… cherish the present and respect the current life. It is precisely because it cannot be found that the past is called the past.”

Ge Xiaolun:”Exploded… Exploded?! That black hole shouldn’t be real, right? TMD Huang Quan cut the teeth of the whole world!”

Sambo:”Fight! (Close-up of unknown meaning)”

【Huang Quan put the Zhao Dao Wu back into the sheath, but she did not change back, because the world had lost its color, leaving only gray tones and the blood red that symbolized billions of blood debts!】


【The ground in the illusion of Pinocchio began to blur and the world began to break apart!】

【Countless buildings began to collapse, turning into fragments and flowing back into the sky!】

【All of Huang Quan’s past in Izumo flashed across the golden list, and finally a dark red black hole that could swallow everything appeared in Pinocchio out of nothingness!】

【The roar of an engine and the harsh sound of brakes accompanied by the collapse of the black hole shocked the vision and hearing of every audience member!】

【Everything was annihilated in the black hole, and eventually the entire illusion was completely annihilated by the black hole!!】

【Huang Quan stood quietly with his eyes closed, and among the countless fragments in the sky, the Fool Mask of Hua Huo also turned into fragments and dissipated with the wind. 】

Crimson Prisoner Shadow:”The Fool’s cage was cut off by her!”

Liang Bing:”Fuck! What kind of throwing tiles is this! The world is eclipsed! Did she directly cut Pinocchio into the original picture?!”

Brownie:”What the hell, if Hua Huo used Pinocchio as a prototype and copied the source code to cover it, then Huang Quan’s knife directly cut the entire code into 1s and 0s!”

Hua Ye:”Fuck! This black hole! Cut out by a knife?! Don’t mess with me! This woman is ten or even nine times more fierce than the old aunt!”

Black Tower:”It makes people… Amazing power… This Void Commander should be the most powerful one among all the Star Gods in the universe, right?”

The Great Emperor:”Oh oh oh oh oh! The brake sound and the electronic music! I had an orgasm in my head! It was so cool!”

Gojo Satoru:”Where’s Lao Huo? What about the reversal you promised?”

Lao Huo:”What should I do, Lao Shi, Lao E, Lao Gong. It’s as easy as kicking a stray dog ​​to death on the side of the road to crush me to pieces. What should I do, Aha-sama~”

Joyful Star God Aha:”The formula of the hook groove is really funny~”


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