Chapter 528 Broken Dome Red Storm

【The scene changes. Five years later, most of the Hunter mechas have been retired.】

【Humans have built a so-called indestructible wall of life that can withstand all threats from outside the human realm.】

【It was not until the wall of life built in Sydney was smashed by a monster like a blunt axe that the entire wall-building plan became a joke.】

【At the critical moment, Hansen and his son drove the retired mecha Eureka Raider to stop the raging monster, caught it and hit it with three uppercuts, knocking the monster unconscious.】

【Seeing the monster being knocked back a certain distance, the Eureka Raider’s chest armor unfolded, and six heavy cannons extended out and hit the monster!】

【So far, the monster was killed in Sydney.】

Chuan Jianguo:”Maga!”

Alina Rand:”This wall is made… I feel it can’t resist large creatures like monsters.”

Alice:”If it’s a biochemical crisis, this wall can definitely resist zombies, but it’s difficult to resist monsters. I can see it at a glance.”

Alan Yeager:”That day, people once again remembered the fear that monsters brought to them.”

Bruce Wayne:”Building a wall from the beginning was the stupidest plan! Blindly escaping will eventually lead to destruction!”

Sheng Zhangren:”Maybe this wall was not designed with I didn’t think about the thickness of the foundation according to the size of the monster. Now it’s like paper, it breaks with a poke.”

Zero:”Oh! Is this Eureka Raider a new generation of mecha? It feels that the flexibility has increased a lot! And it would be even better if the back wing could stand up!”

Walter Yang:”It’s really cool. If the Danger Wanderer can be equipped with a back wing, it will definitely be super cool!” Xiachuan

Haruki:”The facts prove that the Hunter Plan is better. Although the Hunter Plan is costly, it can indeed kill monsters. On the other hand, the Wall of Life… can’t do anything.”

【In a wall-building factory, Rowley, who had just finished get off work, walked out of the factory and saw a helicopter descending from the sky.】

【The general got off the helicopter. Since Raleigh retired, almost all the third-generation mecha pilots died five years ago.】

【Even though the mecha has been upgraded to the fifth generation, the general still has a special liking for the man who drove the mecha back to the coast by himself.】

【The general cleaned up some of the old junk and upgraded and refurbished a hunter mecha that Raleigh was familiar with.】

【Of course, Raleigh understood the general’s intention, but the blow he received five years ago was too great:”Listen, I won’t let anyone get into my head anymore. I’ve had enough!”】

【”He was even connected to me when my brother died.” Then Raleigh was about to leave】

【The general did not get angry, but turned around and shouted:”Have you heard, Mr. Beckett, the world is about to end?”】

【”Where do you want to die? Here? Or in a mecha!”】

【Rowley stopped and was about to leave.

Nick Fury:”Rowley retired? Maybe the accident five years ago really caused him some serious psychological trauma.……”

Captain America Steve:”But the general still found him. Maybe in the general’s eyes, the man who controls the mecha alone is the most suitable ranger.”

Mechanical Priest Cawl:”The Danger Wanderer has been rebuilt? The Machine Spirit is very happy about this.”

Jack Cooper:”Indeed, in my eyes, Raleigh is the most suitable person for the Danger Wanderer. They are close to each other and can be said to live and die together.”

Tony Stark:”But is he really suitable for driving a mecha now? I mean, maybe he needs psychological counseling.”

Thor:”Oh~ Don’t underestimate a man’s will. I can see from his eyes that he still has regrets and unwillingness, and he is hesitating.”

Walter Young:”It’s on fire! If the ending must be death, then I will choose to die in the mecha!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”《”The Temptation of Returning to the Mech”

Sett:”It must be in the mech! Who can resist the temptation of this behemoth? Especially an old partner!”

【The scene changed, and Raleigh took a helicopter to the last Hunter base and manufacturing factory – Broken Dome】

【Under the introduction of the general, Raleigh met the girl, Mori Mako, who was the head of the third generation mecha maintenance program and his student.】

【At the same time, Raleigh also learned from the general that they were no longer an army, but a resistance organization, and that the funds were not provided by the United Government, but by other channels.】

【The huge portal opened, and the general proudly said to Raleigh:”Welcome to the Broken Dome.”】

【Behind the gate was a huge military factory, with people and vehicles coming and going, as well as scientists and technicians.】

【The largest area is occupied by three mechas that are standing here and are undergoing repair and maintenance!】

【There used to be five such bases with a total of thirty Hunter mechas stationed there, but unfortunately there are only four left now. 】

Zhang Chulan:”Oh? Sakura girl, love it!”

Genji:”When I see this little girl, I always feel that she will say something incredible and do something incredible.”

Nick Fury:”How can they build and repair mechas without the support of the United Government? Hmm? This cost cannot be afforded by individual organizations, right?”

Tony Stark:”Okay Fury, you must have underestimated the weight of Western capital? You know, we are taxpayers.”

Bruce Wayne:”Yes, I have money. But even with the support of these people, it is difficult to support large-scale manufacturing of mechas. From thirty to four, the gap is too big.……”

Yato:”To be honest, the name Broken Dome is really cool! It is worthy of being the Hunter Base!”

Roman:”Broken Dome can be regarded as a collection of technological geniuses from all mankind, right? Whether it is the maintenance of mechas or the update and upgrade of mechas in the past five years, the development of technicians is indispensable.”

Walter Young:”Broken Dome is simply heaven! Three such huge mechas! Bliss~”

Xing Mal: ​​”Wuhu! I like the plan that looks stupid, but has a sense of power and beauty!”

【The first thing that comes into view is a red Hunter mech, the Storm Red from Shenzhou.】

【Storm Red is different from the previous Hunter mecha. It is a lightweight long-range specialized mecha operated by a group of triplets.】

【In terms of strength and tonnage, Storm Red is not as good as other mechas, but its flexibility and micro-control are worse than all other mechas】

【As a long-range specialized mecha, Storm Red has a wider and more distant field of view, as well as long-range strong firepower coverage.】

【The Storm Red’s thundercloud formation, combined with the aircraft design, can be fine-tuned thousands of times per second to adapt to any battlefield environment.】

【Since its service, Storm Red has killed nine monsters individually or in cooperation with other mechas and is still standing strong! 】

Fu Hua:”Shenzhou, Storm Red, cool!”

Victor:”A mecha with three hands, and the limbs and the whole are very coordinated and simple, it should not be a mecha that focuses on counterattacks.”

Tesla:”But Storm Red is not a stationary heavy firepower output, but a more balanced roaming firepower machine, and it feels that the operation difficulty will be very high.”

Kiritani Kazuto:”High operation difficulty means high upper limit. Although I haven’t seen the combat scene of Storm Red, it should be pulling and using turbine blades to create wounds while using heavy firepower to cause effective long-range attacks.”The mecha that kills.”

Lu Mingfei:”The micro-control master mecha from Shenzhou, I can only say that the general manager has a brilliant idea!”

Tony Stark:”It is outrageous that this giant mecha can make a thousand fine-tunings per second, and the fact that these three mechas are still holding on shows that these three mechas are definitely the strongest ones.”

Gabriel:”There is a saying in the gaming circle that seven kills will lead to death, but Storm Red can still win with nine consecutive kills! What a magical machine.” Kenan:

“After all, it is a micro-control mecha controlled by three people. Although the damage may be humorous, if the operation is good, no matter how strong the monster is, it can be slowly killed.”

【The general then took Raleigh to see another mecha, which was the oldest generation and also the most brutal mecha – Cherno Alpha.】

【The overall structure is not that complicated, but it is as solid as an iron can, and the two fists are extremely conspicuous.】

【The Cherno Alpha is powered by nuclear energy. The design concept is based on the characteristics of the Chinese people, so there is no escape pod. It’s either you or me.】

【The two fists are Tesla fists, which can release strong electromagnetic waves and have steam pumps to store power.】

【There are explosive steel nails on the soles of the feet, which can allow the Cheno Alto to enter the sea window and keep the lower body absolutely stable】

【Although the original Hunter mech had a glorious record of six years of undefeated. 】

Chen Huijie:”There is a kind of numerical beauty.”

Skadi:”Pure power!”

Bronya Zajcek:”It really fits our style.”

Sett:”Oh~ Although this Cherno Alpha is not as handsome as Danger Wanderer and Eureka Raider, I really like his design! The monsters were beaten black and blue!”

Sion:”No escape���Cabin, no way out, fighting, cool!”

Peter Parker:”And nuclear power energy seems to be more powerful. Monsters will evolve. If there is a probability of electromagnetic shielding, nuclear power can continue to fight.”

Tesla:”And my business? Tesla Fist? Hahahahahahaha! It’s better to call it Titan Father Fist! One punch will hammer the monster into monster pieces!” Virgil:

“From the perspective of the people in their world, there are only two words to describe the Chernobyl Alpha mecha, and it’s awesome!”

Dagu:”I like Chernobyl Alpha too. Why not use Chernobyl Alpha to fight from the beginning?”

Ding Yi:”It has been in service for six years since the start of the Hunter Project and has not been defeated. This is probably one of the most successfully designed mechas.”

【At this moment, Raleigh’s old comrade Heike came over and expressed regret for what happened that year.】

【The general also introduced the Eureka Raider, the only fifth-generation mecha currently in existence.】

【Sydney’s living wall is broken down a day after Australia retired it】

【The general also told Raleigh that the purpose of this operation was to use the nuclear warheads provided by the Russians to enter the seabed space crack and blow up the passage between the two worlds.】

【The scene changed, and the general came to a laboratory. This laboratory seemed to be divided into two styles, as if it was marked with the 38th parallel. Kiryu

Battle Rabbit:”No wonder it was so easy to kill a monster in Sydney, it turned out to be a fifth-generation mecha?”

Hanabi:”Smile, family, the wall was smashed the day after I gave up the mecha, what a clown~”

Deadpool:”The slap in the face came so unexpectedly.” Iruma

Megumi:”Blocking the space channel once and for all can indeed solve this disaster, but… can human nuclear bombs interfere with the space channel?” Tomoko

:”Invading civilization in this way shows that the invading civilization itself is not much stronger than the Earth civilization, and the space technology is also very simple. Nuclear bombs can completely affect the fragile space channel.” Dr.

Mei:”And it doesn’t necessarily have to affect the space channel. Sending nuclear bombs through the space channel to the opposite world and destroying the equipment that creates the space channel can also be done.” Captain

America Steve:”But the question is where did the Shatterdome get the nuclear bombs? It’s no longer a military organization, and you can’t get nuclear bombs with money.”

Winter Soldier Buggy:”The Russians have a lot of leftovers, and they can get you anything you want. Don’t forget that the ranger driving the Cherno Alpha is a Russian”

【Two scientists who were pure to the extreme and insulted each other rushed to express their opinions to the general.】

【Herman calculated the frequency of monster attacks and double attacks, and also predicted that as the frequency of monsters appears faster and faster, the space channel will become more stable, and then nuclear warheads can be sent into another world.】

【Newton interrupted Herman and said that although these monsters have different shapes, according to the analysis of the specimens, they are clones.】

【If we can make the brains of humans and a small number of monsters communicate, we can learn about the information of that world.】

【Newton’s words shocked the general, who forbade him to continue with this idea, and then asked the proud Hermann to submit the experimental report to him.

Tesla:”My God! The relationship between these two scientists is just like that between me and Chicken Coop!”

Mash Kyrielight:”Hey… these two are famous talents, there is no need to be so tit-for-tat, right?”

Orochimaru:”You don’t understand, scientists must be recognized for their academic ideas, two scientists and a powerful person, that’s a competitive relationship.”

Holy Son:”I don’t know what to say… It’s amazing that they can persist for six years. If the frequency gets faster and faster, or even two monster attacks a day, humans will definitely perish.”

Walter Yang :”Yes… and from the conclusion drawn by Connewton, the monsters are definitely man-made, and they are still undergoing targeted modifications based on the Hunter mecha.”

Tony Stark:”It’s mainly a matter of time. The frequency of monsters appearing will increase later, and there will be no time to repair and maintain their mechas. You know, there are only four mechas!”

Mebius:”But this Newton is quite bold. He has synaesthesia with the monsters… Isn’t he afraid of being distorted into a monster?”

Gold Dust:”Hahaha… This is a gamble my friend. Either you are distorted into a monster, or you get the intelligence.”


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