Chapter 533: The Final Battle Begins: Two Scholars Join Forces to Create Synaesthesia

【The scene changed to the monster’s corpse. When Hermann received the call saying that there were only two monsters attacking, his first reaction was disbelief!】

【He was a mathematician, and everything could deceive people except mathematics. Hermann’s first thought was that there must be some clues that they didn’t know about.】

【He told Newton about the situation, but Newton was in a hurry to debug the equipment and had no mood to listen to Herman’s chatter.】

【”I am absolutely right! There is only one way to prove it. Herman picked up a synaesthesia device:”Let’s do synaesthesia together.”】

【”After all, the Rangers also share the mental burden in this way.”】

【Newton was stunned, turned around and said excitedly:”Are you willing to do it with me! No, I mean are you willing to do this for me?”】

【”If we don’t do this, the world will end. Do we have a choice?” Herman said】

【Newton held out his hand:”Brother, follow my lead! Let’s take care of this bad boy together!”】

【”Oh my god! We can definitely handle this thing!”】


Heita:”Great! Great math won’t lie!”

Ge Xiaolun:”I agree with this, after all, in some worldviews, idealists can do anything except math problems. Mathematics must have a very special status.”

Zero:”Really? But math is a subjective understanding of a civilization after all. Never mind… My head is itchy, I feel like I need to grow a brain.”

Ding Yi:”How should I put it… Mathematics is the law of the universe. No matter what, as long as the calculation is correct, math will not go wrong. It must be a conspiracy, maybe there is a monster hiding.” Orochimaru:”

Hahahaha… It seems that Newton is also very excited. It is the happiest thing that people who used to be at odds with him have recognized him and started to practice together.”

Lu Mingfei:”It’s just that Newton’s word choice has some problems. Quack! I don’t want to see gay sex!”

SpongeBob:”Wuhu! The mermaid warrior and the penguin boy are combined here!”

Roman:”Haha! The math geek and the biology genius have joined forces. This is a head-on confrontation between the pinnacle of human intelligence and alien scholars!”

El-Melloi II:”It’s rare for the dragon and the phoenix to join forces. I look forward to both of them reaching that step, hahahaha……”

【The scene changes to 907 switching to the Broken Dome. 907 Hansen is still asking Tian Tong:”So who is my partner? My dad is injured, and I can’t drive the mecha alone.”】

【At this moment, General Steck came out wearing a Ranger armor, and little Hansen’s eyes were filled with dullness and excitement.】

【Mako Mori leaned over and said worriedly:”You will die if you go back into the mecha!”】

【”But if I don’t drive the mech, everyone will die.”】

【”Listen to me.” Stek stroked Mori Mako’s face and said gently:”You are a brave girl. It is my luck to watch you grow up.”】

【”If I want to complete the mission I need your protection, can you do it?”】

【Mako Mori’s eyes were red, she clenched her teeth, and nodded gently with tears in her eyes. 】

Zhang Chulan:”Fuck! The head coach is warming up! The coach is going to play!”

Namikaze Minato:”Hahaha! This kid must be so excited, right? He didn’t expect that his partner is actually an idol worshipped by all the rangers.”

Gabriel:”This wave is led by the big guys!” Ainz Ooal

Gown:”It really is! The big guys at the launch of the server personally came out to lead the new players. This decisive battle can definitely be won, and it can be easily upgraded!”

Emiya Shirou:”General Styk, he’s really, I’m crying… He’s a partner of justice!”

Bai Qianjun:”He’s an excellent leader, a hero admired by everyone, a qualified adoptive father… He’s a very, very good man!”

Lan Meng:”Yeah… He’s very kind and gentle to his daughter, and he’s also good to his subordinates. He’s also a hero with dreams and ideals. He’s really like me……”

Su Huan-zhen:”What a meaningless guy upstairs. Everyone remembers the ultimate insult very clearly. Don’t flatter yourself.” Whitebeard

:”Poor little girl… She lost all her family in the disaster, and she will lose her beloved teacher again.”

Kryptonian Vice Admiral Ophis:”But it’s worth it for Styk. He has done everything he can, and in the end he had the opportunity to die gloriously, a worthy death.”

【After calming down Mako Mori, Steck walked to a high place in front of everyone and shouted:”Everyone!”】

【”Today, our hopes are fading and our world is about to end. But we all believe not only in ourselves, but in each other.”】

【”Everyone standing here, we are not fighting alone! We must face those monsters head-on! Take the initiative to fight!”】

【”Today we will abolish the end of the world!!!”】

【As General Steck’s inspiring words fell, the morale of the entire Broken Dome soared, and shouts of support and battle cries resounded throughout the base!】

【Everyone began to return to their posts in an orderly manner and began to mobilize all their strength and talents to do everything they could.】

【The entire Broken Dome was filled with people, and all kinds of materials began to flow and be transported. The work efficiency has reached several times the usual level. 】

Gilgamesh:”Without ex machina, without external help, they have reached this point entirely by themselves. Even if they fail, they will be remembered. Although I don’t think they will fail.” Shi Qiang

:”What a proactive battle! Although it is not a big scene or invasion, in terms of courage and bloodiness, most people in this world and this era are better than those in our world after the era of deterrence.”

Senju Tobirama:”People who pacify the doomsday of the troubled times! Risk everything to ignite vitality for the next generation!”

Yulandel:”What a lovely group of people who fight for all the beauty in the world.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”The same as���I am also moved by the organization that saves people… Let’s work hard together!”

Sanguinius:”Humanity is expanding its territory, and its future potential is the protagonist in the universe. How can it be defeated by the alien race? In the name of the Emperor and mankind, I wish you will win!”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Gojo Satoru:”Morale has been fully mobilized. The cohesion and mobilization of the Broken Dome are definitely ten or even nine times that of the past! I believe they will win!”

【After the mobilization, Steck and Hansen walked in the base. Hansen was still worried about the synaesthesia adaptation between them.】

【General Steck said calmly:”I have no distracting thoughts when I feel synaesthesia. No memories, no fear, nothing.”】

【”And you, a self-centered little guy, plus your dependence on your father, I see it clearly”】

【”But you are his son after all, I believe you can do it.” Stark said and prepared to enter the cockpit】

【At this time, old Hansen also came. Looking at his son, his eyes were red and he said tremblingly:”After communicating with a person, everything feels self-evident. But I don’t want to regret it for the rest of my life because I didn’t speak out loudly at this time.”】

【”No, I understand everything.” Little Hansen turned his head away with sobs, lowered his head and hugged the dog he had raised since childhood and kissed him:”Hey! Little handsome boy, I will definitely miss you”】

【Standing up and looking at his father reluctantly, little Hansen turned resolutely and walked towards the cockpit:”Dad, take good care of it for me.””】

【Seeing his son dying, old Hansen could no longer hold back and shouted,”Stike! The one fighting alongside you is my son! I leave him to you!””】

【Little Hansen stopped, and the father and son looked at each other with tears in their eyes. Everything was beyond words. 】

Rimuru:”No fear… Stek was definitely the protagonist of the previous era before Raleigh! He was a natural ranger!”

Jonathan Joestar:”Because you have overcome fear, you are not afraid of anything. Because you are not afraid of anything, you will not lose! Courage is engraved in Stek’s soul!”

Velvet:”Yes. For Stek who can drive a mecha alone, synaesthesia has the highest synchronization rate with anyone, because he is an army of one person!”

Uzumaki Kushina:”Old Hansen is the same… Just say it if you can… You must not regret it for the rest of your life. Because this battle is likely to… No, it is a one-way trip.”

Whitebeard:”I hate to see the old send off the young… This is a lifelong regret.”

Asakura Riku:”After synaesthesia, we are now one. The father can feel the son’s reluctance and determination, and the son can feel the father’s grief and pride.” Wuliangta Jiko:

“Yes, from the day he became a ranger, he has been the pride of old Hansen.”

White-haired man:”His father will be proud of him for being able to fight alongside the strongest. He will always be his father’s pride.”

Liu Chuang:”I really can’t help crying… Old Hansen finally entrusted his son to General Steck.……”

Guan Yuetong:”Not stopping is the duty of a soldier, pride is the earnestness of a father towards his child, entrusting is his last love to his son.���Love and worry……”

【On the other side, in the cockpit of the Danger Ranger, at this moment of decisive battle, Raleigh also opened his heart and said:”Mako, I have been living in the past all these years and have never thought about the future.”】

【”Until now… I haven’t seized the right opportunity.”】

【Mori Mako smiled shyly when she heard Rowley’s words about other reasons, and then the cockpit began to descend.】

【Mako Mori and Raleigh had a successful synaesthesia, and the emotions hidden in their hearts were self-evidently felt by each other.】

【On the other side, Hank and Steck also succeeded in synaesthesia. At the moment of synaesthesia, both of them had a deeper understanding of each other.】

【Steck felt that he should change his view of little Hansen. He was not just a self-centered child who depended on his father. He was also an adult who loved everything around him and wanted to protect everyone.】

【And little Hansen also felt all of General Stack, like a deep trench, with no fear to remember, only the courage to move forward and the determination to protect the world. 】

Lu Mingfei:”Rory, don’t set a flag!”

Sakata Gintoki:”We’ll get married after this battle, right?”

Yomiuri:”I… I already have PTSD about this flag. Otherwise, everyone will die this time!”

Tushan Rongrong:”Their love has long been understood, and they know each other’s feelings without saying it.”

Tokiwa Sougo:”Although Hansen’s attitude at the beginning was not very good. But since he can sacrifice his life for the world and become a ranger, he is a hero!” Homelander

:”Shouldn’t we be tolerant towards heroes? What’s more, it’s just a little temper.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”After all, Hansen is just a young man, but few young people have this kind of will. Our understanding of him is too one-sided.”

Irelia:”General Styk’s heart is also… He is a calm sea and a raging storm. But his determination to protect mankind remains unchanged.”

Red A:”I will change my mind, but if he becomes a guardian, perhaps he will not waver no matter how many years pass?”

【The scene changes to the monster’s corpse, where Herman and Newton are ready to communicate】

【As synaesthesia begins, the monster’s memories flow into Herman and Newton’s brains, and Newton’s knowledge of biology and Herman’s knowledge of mathematics, as well as their intelligence on the Broken Dome, are also understood by the alien creatures on the other side through the honeycomb network.】

【In an instant, everything they had learned since childhood, including advanced mathematics, various mathematical formulas, various theories, and mathematical concepts that Herman had learned, all poured into the monster’s honeycomb network.】

【The two saw an alien named Prophet using technology similar to a 3D printer to mass-produce monsters.】

【I saw the various targeted transformations that the prophet made to the monsters, as well as the conditions and usage of the space rifts for transmission.】

【It must be a monster that can return to the Prophet’s world through the space rift. There was a loophole in the plan formulated by Stek from the beginning!】

【As the synaesthesia ended, Herman rolled his eyes and bled from his nose, took off the synaesthesia device and held���Bucket Open】

【Then the two of them immediately drove back to the Broken Dome. They must tell them all the loopholes before the mission begins! 】

Wang Ye:”Isn’t it… that mathematical knowledge has also been passed on?”

Nobita Nobi:”Okay, okay! Let the aliens also know the pain that mathematics brings us!”

Deadpool:”It feels like knowledge is stabbing my brain in another way. Cuckoo! I don’t want to see it!”

Li Huowang:”Fun! Let advanced mathematics torture the aliens severely.”

Ding Yi:”Although the advanced mathematics and other knowledge on Earth may not be strange to aliens, it is not impossible. In case that kind of thing happens… I still can’t help laughing.”

Mebius:”The world over there has begun to mass-produce monsters to invade comprehensively. It will be bad if the portal cannot be solved!” Hikari:

“There is no big problem with the plan formulated by Stek. The only flaw is that you must go with the monsters to enter their world in reverse! I hope Newton and Herman can notify them in time.”


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