Chapter 542: The flaws of digital life, the destruction of the Ark plan, and Tu Hengyu’s obsession

【The scene changes, and digital life technology has made a huge breakthrough, but also has disadvantages.】

【Digital life cannot last forever】

【Due to the limitations of quantum computer technology, scientists have discovered that today’s digital life can only survive for two minutes】

【Because people’s personality, memory and thinking are mostly derived from the surrounding environment and other genetic factors.……】

【The digital life that can be converted at this stage is just a fragment of a person’s consciousness in a period of time, and it will be reset after two minutes.】

【If you want digital life to truly become life, you need to improve and stabilize the virtual world. The larger it is, the more stable and sustainable the existence of digital life can be.】

【Since then, countries around the world have begun to vigorously develop quantum computer technology, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has also produced a 550 series of quantum computers.

Alien (artificial intelligence):”In our civilization, a person can only use a fragment in a timeline to reproduce, but it is difficult to last long.”

Otto Apocalis:”That’s right, the world does not allow life to collect dissipated consciousness, not to mention that the human soul cannot be replicated by technology.”

Merlin:”The soul is mysterious, and only mystery can witness the existence of the soul. Digital life is still too ridiculous.”

Hikari:”Digital life that can only exist for two minutes is more like a fragment composed of AI with infinite extension possibilities. And the so-called human personality is more like calculated by AI.”

Orochimaru:”Hehe… That’s not necessarily true. I am more inclined to believe that this is limited by technology.. If the performance of quantum computers becomes more powerful, can the existence of digital life be extended? Until there is a complete scale.”

Death Karl:”It is similar to the phantom. I personally think that the length of digital life is determined by the performance of the computer. If there is a large clock as a carrier, then digital life is truly immortal.”

Ancient One:”It is very similar to the form of soul existence. After all, the soul is attached to the world, and the world is also built by the source code of reality. It can be understood that the soul is an existence attached to the world, which is a large computer.”

Ding Yi:”The technological explosion of this world’s earth is still continuing. It feels that the quantum computers that are iterated in my lifetime can realize the digital life of a complete life scale.”

【The scene changed, and a scientist named Tu Hengyu appeared on the gold list.】

【He is a scientist at the Huaxia Academy of Sciences who studies the Digital Life Project】

【In a car accident, Tu Hengyu’s daughter Yaya was seriously injured and could not be saved.】

【Tu Hengyu, who didn’t want to lose his daughter, took a gamble and transformed his daughter Yaya into a digital life.】

【The quantum computer at this time was still 550A, and could only allow Yaya’s consciousness to run for two minutes in a small room.】

【In constant prayer and expectation, Yaya’s digital life was run 915 times by Tu Hengyu. For him, each time was almost the same as killing his daughter.】

【Finally, Yaya’s digital life developed true self-awareness in the constant restart, but it can only exist for two minutes.】

【In order to let his daughter have a complete life in the digital world, Tu Hengyu is more determined to make a digital plan.】

【At this time, the bad news came that the coalition government completely banned digital plans, and his teacher also advised Tu Hengyu to let it go and not do anything impulsive.】

【With his fists clenched, Tu Hengyu’s face was expressionless in the darkness, and he turned his back to his teacher in silence. 】

Romani Achiman:”Converting your daughter into a digital life? This… Although I know that you love your daughter, this behavior is still against human ethics~”

Whitebeard:”What about human ethics? Is family more important? In my eyes, Tu Hengyu is a qualified father!”

Namikaze Minato:”Although it is inhumane and a bit disrespectful to Yaya. But I can understand the love of a father for his children. No one wants to watch his child die like this.” Otto

Apokalis:”For the sake of the one you love, you should feel that it is right even if it is wrong. At least don’t let down the love you have for the one you love.”

Tony Stark:”But… you can only exist in a small room for two minutes. It is too cruel for both Tu Hengyu and his daughter.……”

Lancelot:”Every restart resets the memories and emotions of the present time period. What’s the difference between this and killing your daughter 915 times yourself?!”

Viego:”It hurts! It hurts too much!”

Lan Tongtong:”Tu Hengyu’s heart must be bleeding too… but I understand! If there is a chance to save your child, you must do it even if it costs more!”

Ge Xiaolun:”What a pity… The United Government has cut off Tu Hengyu’s thoughts. After all, there are too few people who want to use the digital plan in the right place.”

Oga:”What a pity… If it were updated a few more generations, his daughter’s life would be complete.”

Uchiha Sarada:”I feel that Uncle Tu Hengyu will not give up just like that. He will definitely continue to resurrect Yaya”

【The scene changes, and many forces on Earth are fighting openly and secretly.】

【Among them are the coalition government that supports the three major plans and the planetary faction composed of the majority of the people.】

【and the Virtual Life Organization, Digital Party, which is a banned but enthusiastic supporter of the Digital Project.】

【At this time, the space elevator had been built, a large amount of materials were transported to the moon, and the lunar planetary engine was successfully built.】

【At the same time, the Ark space station was also successfully built.】

【At this moment, the Virtual Life Organization blew up the space elevator with a suicide attack, which indirectly led to the crash of the Ark.】

【The communication between the moon and the earth was destroyed, and the Ark Project failed. The Moon-Chasing Project did not suffer too much loss because the planetary engine had been built. 】

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”In a party dispute, one party will definitely perish, either the planetary party or the digital party.”

Conan:”Logically speaking, the planetary party is the one that everyone expects, but the number of digital people is actually more than the planetary party!”

Lucy:”After all, there are more ordinary people in this world, and most people only know about digital immortality and enjoyment in the digital plan, so they will naturally support the digital plan.”

Natsukawa Haruki:”Sri Lanka! All three plans are progressing! It seems that they can be carried out at the same time!”

Deadpool:”Is the person above really a genius? I’m jealous of your talent! I think this is really possible!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”The space elevator was blown up? The Ark space station also crashed?! Why did the digital faction want this? What should they do?”

Danzo Shimura:”Maybe they think that destroying other plans will restart the digital plan. Little do they know that this plan that shakes the foundation of civilization can never be restarted.”

Five-star reviewer MacArthur:”When I saw that the Ark Plan proposed by the Lighthouse Nation was extinguished, I knew that the Lighthouse Nation was going to make a move.”

Luo Ji:”It doesn’t matter, let the Ark Plan be destroyed. The Mountain Moving Plan is the best solution. The correct solution is to not shake the Mountain Moving Plan.”

El-Melloi II:”I always feel something is wrong. The space elevator can be rebuilt, and the extinction of the Ark Plan is only a possibility. On the other hand, the virtual life organization suffered heavy losses. I always feel that there is a black hand behind the scenes who is secretly checking and controlling various plans.”

【The scene changed. After the attack, the planetary engine ignition test was successful, greatly increasing the United Government’s confidence in the Mountain Moving Plan!】

【So far, according to the coalition government survey, the supporters of the planet party have surpassed the digital party for the first time in this era.】

【All the products of the three major plans except the Mountain Moving Plan were used to assist in the Mountain Moving Plan. Global resources began to tilt towards the Mountain Moving Plan.】

【Quantum computers are beginning to enter planetary engines to assist in computing operations, greatly reducing time costs】

【The space elevator was rebuilt, the Navigator Program was launched, and the Navigator Space Station was built to guide the Earth forward.】

【In 2058, the Moving Mountains Project was officially renamed the Wandering Earth Project】

【However, on the surface, the whole world is supporting the Wandering Earth Project, but in fact, there are undercurrents.】

【After the Ark Project proposed by the Lighthouse Country went bankrupt, it withdrew 90% of its financial support for the Wandering Earth Project and called for the restart of the digital plan. 】

Romani Akiman:”I knew that when the Mountain Moving Project had hope of success, people still hoped for the Mountain Moving Project the most. After all, it is best to live in the world where you grew up.”

Professor X:”Looking at it this way, except for the Mountain Moving Project, all the other four plans were either banned for various reasons, or resources were tilted towards the Mountain Moving Project.” Conan:

“I even suspect that there is someone in the Mountain Moving Project who is checking and balancing the other plans to make the Mountain Moving Project a success.”

Shirou Emiya:”Indeed, the Mountain Moving Project is the ultimate beneficiary. But who on earth has the ability to manipulate the other three plans and bring all the benefits to the Mountain Moving Project?”

Doctor Strange:”The timeline should be on the right track here. The Wandering Earth Project and the Navigator Project have both started. I guess the Spark Project in the dark has also started, right?”

Dr. Mei:”To put it bluntly, the Digital Project and the Ark Project are not suitable for various reasons, but the Moon-by-Moon Project can still be applied. If the Wandering Earth Project is thoroughly established, then something will definitely happen to completely destroy the Moon-by-Moon Project.”

Uchiha Sasuke:”`.The world’s human beings still can’t unite in the face of the solar helium flash… This beacon country is really a nuisance.”

Luo Ji:”The only ones who are not united are the rebels. Except for the rebels, all human beings are united. I guess something must have happened to force all human beings to unite.”

【Because of the Wandering Earth Project, the construction of the underground city began, and preparations for the qualifications for living in the underground city began.】

【At this time, undercurrents surged, either for the sake of interests or for the qualification of the underground city, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was torn up. 】 (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【There are as many as 33 countries in the world that possess nuclear weapons, which has greatly increased the global tension.】

【The scene changes, and 14 years have passed since the 550A era】

【Because of the prohibition of teacher Ma Zhao, Tu Hengyu has not seen Yaya for 14 years. Even the latest generation of 550W was not allowed to come out.】

【Tu Hengyu’s longing for his daughter grew stronger and stronger until he saw a young man named Liu Peiqiang interacting with his family.】

【In the base late at night, Tu Hengyu seemed to be hesitating in the dark, but finally he stood up and picked up his tool and walked towards the room with the 550W quantum computer.】

【He hasn’t seen his daughter for 14 years.

Nick Fury:”So the dungeon qualification selection starts so early… Fairness is only superficial, the earliest dungeon qualification is still a game between various forces.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”At least I don’t believe that all those who are at the top can draw the qualification, and I don’t believe that there will be a high-level person who can’t enter the dungeon because of not drawing the qualification.” Shimura Danzo:

“Laugh. Hiruzen, you are too naive, they need to draw? They are directly selected.”((Nohao Zhao)

Tony Stark:”Wait! The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is gone? If there are nuclear weapons, humans will definitely not be so united… Will all the nuclear weapons of mankind be gone in the future? What will they do then?”[]

Liu Chuang:”Fuck, can’t we use it to fight S3 and destroy it?”

Koro-sensei:”If we use it to fight S3, the planetary engine will be blown up. Do you know how many nuclear weapons there are in the world?”

Whitebeard:”Time flies… Has Tu Hengyu not seen his daughter for 14 years?……”

Namikaze Minato (Pure Land):”If I count carefully, I haven’t seen Naruto for 16 years. I have no hope, but Tu Hengyu does. He must be suffering.”

Wolverine:”Oh~ Liu Peiqiang. I didn’t expect to see Liu Peiqiang in the previous timeline. It’s a bit familiar.……”

Liu Qi:”Is this what Daddy was like when he was young? Could it be that he wasn’t married to Mom yet?”

Lan Meng:”Tu Hengyu, Tu Hengyu, the opportunity is right in front of you. 550W already has the highest AI computing power, and the chance for your daughter to be resurrected is right in front of you. You have to do something big~ Do something big!”

Sun Quan:”The first 14 were all patient, and now the opportunity is right in front of you. If you don’t act now, you’re not worthy of being a father! The time has come, raise an army today!”


There are too many foreshadowings and details in Wandering Earth 2. I wonder how to write it later.

Liu Peiqiang probably won’t have many scenes, after all, the main focus is on the lunar crisis and Moss.

And the TMD Niu Niu has a stamp, I am so upset! I can’t help laughing, even a little.

Still a warning, everyone, when you go to the toilet and sit on the toilet, don’t throw cigarette butts into the toilet!.

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