Chapter 551 The Original Sin of the Six Fairies, Poisoning the Deer Horn God, and the Utopia That Can No Longer Be Reached

【The scene changes to 12,000 BC】

【Because the six fairies indirectly caused the destruction of the world and the fall of civilization, the restraining force Gaia drove the six fairies out of the inner sea of ​​the star】

【The six fairies who came to the surface world looked at the boundless ocean and sighed naively:”It’s so pitiful that the world has become like this.”】

【At this moment, a huge figure emerged from the sea, soft and furry.】

【He is the only remaining god who went to the inner sea of ​​stars before the war began – Cernunnos】

【Because of the sins of the six fairies, Gaia, the restraining force, sent Cornunus and his witches to supervise the six fairies to pay for their sins.】

【Since this world has become a Lostbelt and has been edited, as long as the Holy Sword of the Stars is reforged by the six fairies, the turning point of history will disappear.】

【The mutation that supports this Lostbelt will no longer exist, and then the six fairies can return to the inner sea of ​​the star. 】

The First Emperor (Lostbelt):”Just drive them out of the inner sea of ​​the star? The restraint seems to be a bit indecisive. I suggest cutting them into pieces.”

Duanmu Yan:”Yeah! Mother Earth is still too kind. Rotten oranges are rotten oranges, and these fairies will be like this for the rest of their lives!”

Liu Chuang:”Fuck, I can’t stand it! You still have the nerve to sigh why the world has become like this? Isn’t it because they have become like this!”

Albus Dumbledore:”The nature of these fairies is completely different from mine. It feels like they are very simple. They simply enjoy goodness and can also enjoy evil.”

Xiong Er:”Hey! This Cornunus is also a mountain god! So cute with fur! I think of Tuanzi……”

Bei Miao:”Humph! Rotten oranges are rotten oranges. If they neglect their duties now, they will neglect their duties in the future. Is the planet’s restraint sick? Can this kind of sin return to the inner sea of ​​the star?”

Zhongli:”The sins committed in the past cannot cease to exist because of reparation. Besides… can’t the inner sea of ​​the star be entered by innocent people?”

Merlin:”Innocent people can enter. In fact, they have the determination to pay for their sins and a positive attitude towards the future. In this way, they can still enter the inner sea of ​​the star.”

Old Taoist:”This is the nature of goblins. It is as difficult as ascending to heaven to reforge the Holy Sword of the Star without materials and tools. This atonement can be regarded as a tempering for them. Since the Lostbelt can disappear because of the forging of the Holy Sword, everything is not too late.”

【Life on the ocean is not easy. There is no land to support you, and huge waves come from time to time.】

【The restraining force Gaia asked the six fairies to forge the holy sword, but now they have no tools, no land, no materials, and no clues.】

【However, the Paradise Messenger Cernunnos is a very gentle god. Even though the six fairies have unforgivable sins, they still believe that they can pay for it.】

【He used his huge body to block the huge waves for the six fairies, allowing the six fairies to move on his body.】

【The only surviving human, the witch of Cernunnos, also protected the six fairies.】

【At this point, fairies and gods became friends.】

【The six fairies are grateful to the gentle gods and witches, and they also yearn for their gentleness.】

【They believe that one day, they will reforge the Holy Sword of the Stars, pay for their sins, and return to the Inner Sea of ​​the Stars.

Clark Kent:”Are there no mermaids or Atlanteans in the sea? The civilization detection of the Wandering Planet Soldier does not seem to detect the ocean.”

Aquaman:”The Atlanteans are also humans who transformed into a civilization that entered the seabed. All humans are gone, and the ancestors of Atlantis no longer exist.”

Diamond Dia:”It would be great if there was a small piece of land… maybe gem people would be born after countless years.”

Otakemaru:”The sea should have given birth to the sea people, but the damn Wandering Planet Soldier killed all life including the ocean!” Rimuru:

“By the way, it seems that the fairies can’t go back to the Inner Sea of ​​the Stars. The material of the Holy Sword of the Stars is the wishes and fantasies of humans. All humans are Without them, how can we collect fairies?”

Rick:”Cornunnos is such a gentle god. I feel that the kindness of all the gods combined cannot compare to that of Cornunnos.”

Xiong Er:”Of course! Cornunnos is obviously a super good god!”

Amama Hakuli:”The priestess who can be protected by Cornunnos and serve him is also a gentle child.”

Angel Yan:”Maybe the six fairies are not bad by nature, but too simple, like a blank canvas. Look, aren’t they infected by Cornunnos and the priestess now?”

Shiki Yingji:”Since they can atone for their sins with hope and gratitude, they can be forgiven. Anyway, wait and have hope.”

【The scene changes, and the long years pass by】

【The six fairies still face an endless ocean, and the future of forging the holy sword and returning to the inner sea of ​​the star is also far away.】

【Fairies are playful and innocent, and they are also unreasonable because of this innocence.】

【The six fairies, gradually feeling desperate and impatient, began to put all the blame on Cornunnos.】

【The six fairies resented Cernunnos. If Cernunnos had urged them not to play around in the inner sea of ​​stars, this would not be the case.】

【The gentle exhortations of the witch in the past also became irritating and harsh in the ears of the six fairies.】

【The six fairies looked at the boundless ocean, but Cornunus, who had blocked the huge waves for them, began to recall the land.】

【”Although the ocean without waves is nice. We still miss the earth after all!”

Fujiwara no Mohong:”Here it comes, the characteristics of the immortal species. The ocean is so boring, and immortality is too exhausting. Maybe the hope at that time was just a whim of the six fairies.”

Twilight Star Spirit Zoe:”Ah~ I can still understand the boredom of the six fairies! After all, the ocean with nothing is spectacular, but you will get tired of looking at it all the time~ Not to mention that you can’t play around!”

Hanabi:”Indeed. There is nothing outside the ocean, and it’s better to die if you can’t find any fun in life.”

Yasi:”That’s right~ The six fairies looked at the endless ocean as if the four of us brothers were looking at Shirojiman three months later, wow! So fucking boring!”

Misaka Mikoto:”Hey hey hey! That’s not right! It’s boring, but why should we blame everything on Cernunnos and resent Him? Does it have anything to do with Cernunnos?”

Bai Qianjun:”What a classic story of the farmer and the snake and not working hard to blame others for not urging you. What does the fairy’s dereliction of duty have to do with Cornunus who lives in the inner sea of ​​the star?!”

Zhang Chulan:”It’s indeed a classic! I understand the thoughts of the six fairies. Putting aside the facts, even if the world is destroyed because we did not forge the Holy Sword of the Star, does it have 1% relationship with you Cornunus living in the inner sea of ​​the star?”

Ye Tiandi:”Good punch! This punch is that even if An Lan comes, he will have to shout Yu Tuo to save me!”

Immortal King An Lan:”The king cannot be humiliated!!!”

Kaneki Ken:”Missing the land… The six fairies will not have any bad intentions towards Cornunus, right?”

Aozaki Orange:”The kid upstairs thinks too much. Cornunus is a paradise messenger sent by the planet’s suppression force, and he is also a god. Can a mere sword-forging fairy hurt Him? Do you think the six fairies are Senko Muramasa?”

【The scene changes, and the six fairies offer joy to the gods.】

【The six fairies made wishes for the gods】

【The six fairies offered…themselves to the gods!】

【In order to thank Cernunnos for protecting them from the storms for so long, the six fairies decided to hold a celebration for Cernunnos.】

【The witch who felt something was wrong but couldn’t explain it wanted to stop Cornunus from attending the banquet, but this time Cornunus didn’t listen to the witch he trusted.】

【He felt that the six fairies had finally come to their senses and was overjoyed. After all, although He was very gentle, He also hoped to return to the paradise-like inner sea of ​​the star.】

【At the banquet, the six fairies presented Cornunus with fine wine that had not appeared since the earth disappeared. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Cornunus happily drank the wine offered by the fairy, but then he felt severe pain and weakness, and death was lingering on his body.】

【The six fairies who could forge the Holy Sword of the Stars gathered their wisdom and brewed a cup of poisonous wine that was enough to kill the gods! 】

God Liu Bei:”Hongmen Banquet!”

Da Yan Tianshi:”Why is this script so similar to Da Yan’s killing of gods thousands of years ago? Maybe I’m overthinking it.”

Yu Zhuanjin:”Listen to the witch! At least, we should be on guard, Cornunnos”[]

Li Xin:”After all, this sea is not Cernunnos’ home. He also misses that paradise… A good god is a good god after all.”

Peter Parker:”They say that with great power comes great responsibility. But I really don’t want Cernunnos to fulfill his responsibilities… I feel like something bad will happen.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Wait! This is fake… How is it possible?! The messenger of paradise, the great god Cernunnos, was poisoned by a glass of wine?! It’s impossible no matter how you think about it!”

Ge Xiaolun:”Is this a goblin? This is clearly the same as Leif’s Grand Bomber, a Grand… Poison Master!”

Pluto:”As mentioned before, fairies are pure creatures that can be said to have extreme good and evil. Their good can forge the Holy Sword of the Star that can sever enemies outside the planet, and their evil can brew poisonous wine that can kill gods.”

Bei Miao:”What did I say? A rotten orange is a rotten orange! A whim can’t change the nature of a rotten orange! Even if you are talented, you don’t have to use it in the right place!”

Gilgamesh:”It is extremely rare among the gods in human history to be so gentle, but he was killed because of his gentleness and trust… these bastards!”

【After the six fairies poisoned Cernunnos to death, they mistook the huge corpse of the god floating in the sea for land.】

【The witch who was crying because of the death of Cernunnos naturally could not escape the clutches of the six goblins.】

【Fairies like human emotions. If they want to continue their existence and be happy, they naturally need human emotions.】

【However, the witch alone is not enough】

【So the six fairies very carefully chopped the witch into small pieces of meat and kept her alive to use as material for making humans.】

【Before being chopped up, the witch drew the original sins of the six fairies on the wall and predicted the future of the fairies.】

【Spring shock, summer conflict, autumn celebration, winter war, and the disaster that can easily gnaw everything – the insect of hell】

【Thus, a new land was born, the body of Cernunnos】

【New life was born, it was the six fairies that multiplied on land.】

【New slaves also appeared. They were humans that the six fairies used the minced meat of the witches to create captives.】

Ultraman Seven:”The six fairies are a bunch of Babars! Their nature is worse than the worst aliens!”

Carmilla:”Tsk tsk tsk… Compared to the fairies, Hitram looks like a human being.”


Ron Weasley:”Take human happiness as nutrients… Isn’t this a soul eater! I knew fairies are not good things!”

Duanmu Yan:”Miss the witch is so gentle… She was treated like this!!! Cut into pieces alive?! Where’s Yatales! I’m going to kill all the fairies!”

Mingyue Saint King:”This! This is the first time I, Mingyue Saint King, have seen someone worse than Lan Meng, this dog donkey. A creature that is countless times the size of a dog or a donkey, and six of them?!”

Holy Kesha:”It’s 100 unbelievable… This creature with neither a divine river body nor a beast body can be so evil! Even Hua Ye’s evil will be reduced countless times in front of a goblin!”

Seshomaru:”Even as a monster, it is difficult not to let them be born. A monster among monsters is really an insult to monsters!”

Funina:”Miss Miko’s prophecy is so good! Although I don’t like this kind of prophecy of world destruction, this time I sincerely pray that Miss Miko’s prophecy must come true!”

March 7:”This is the most supportive disaster on the list of natural disasters! Destroy it! I’m really tired!”

【The scene changes, because the goblins themselves are the life bred by the planet, their bodies will turn into soil after death】

【Then the offspring of the six fairies began to multiply, die, and turn into soil to fill the sea.】

【With the body of Cernunnos as the center, the land began to expand continuously, forming a new British Island that belongs exclusively to the Lostbelt.】

【The six demons knew they were wrong and wanted to use their offspring’s bodies to cover up their past crimes.】

【However, Cernunnos could never forgive the six fairies. The anger and rejection caused by being poisoned caused a rotten wood to surround the sea around Cernunnos’ body.】

【As the sea dried up, a bottomless pit of hatred and death appeared.】

【In anger and regret for not fulfilling his duty, Cernunnos cursed the fairies, vowing to fulfill Paradise’s mission and continue to control the fairies even if he died.】

【The six goblins had no idea that the moment they poisoned Cernunnos, they would never be able to return to the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.】

【The utopia where only innocent people can enter refuses to bear the life of the original sin that cannot be erased. 】

Bai Junlang:”Even unconscious marine creatures will protect their own kind according to instinct. Such cold-blooded creatures should not exist in this world.”

Fu Hua:”Using the lives of their offspring to fill the sea and expand the land? It’s a bit creepy to see… Do these guys really have no feelings!”

Akemi Homura:”The highest evaluation I can give to the fairies is that they are beasts of the same level as Kyubey.”

Hubie:”The deep pit where Cernunnos sleeps may be brewing a disaster that will destroy the world. But… it has nothing to do with Hubie and everyone else.”

Xu Tingfei:”It doesn’t matter? Explode and destroy the fairies!”

Artoria Pendragon:”I never thought… Britain in the Lostbelt is so sinful and filthy!”

Duanmu Yan:”Cornunnos, he really made me cry! Anyone can let down Cornunnos, only fairies and the Earth cannot let down Cornunnos!”

Merlin:”The six fairies can never go back to the inner sea of ​​the stars. If forging the holy sword to dissipate the Lostbelt is atonement, then poisoning Cornunnos is a sin that can never be washed away.”

Shiki Yingji:”This is the original sin. Still want forgiveness? I’ll forgive you, Cirno!!!”


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