Chapter 562: The Final Battle Begins! Senko Muramasa vs. Fairy Knight Lancelot

【On the other side, rebels appeared in Londinium】

【In the British Lostbelt, except for Ireland, humans are all slaves everywhere else.】

【A rebel army appeared among the humans who should have been united. They were the humans domesticated by Aurora.】

【They attacked the remaining old, weak, women and children in Londinium frantically, while the main force of the resistance army went to Oxford to help Chaldea.】

【Knight Gareth could only lead the remaining Round Table troops to fight desperately, protect the children, and wait for reinforcements to return.】

【Memories suddenly flashed through Gareth’s mind. It was when he was Ainsel and felt powerless about the future. It was not until he was reincarnated as Gareth and saw Altria that he seemed to see the dawn of hope.】

【The destiny of guiding the child of prophecy has come to an end, and Gareth, as a knight, will fight to the last moment.】

【As the bell rang in the distance, Gareth died with a smile on his face and turned into a big bell. 】

Aatrox:”Such a vicious heart…ah?! Aurora…Twilight Star Spirit! You deserve to die!”

Zhang Wuji:”Okay, okay, what a vicious woman.” Toosaka

Rin:”Matou Shinji, did you see that? Aurora’s viciousness is even worse than your Matou Zouken.”

Sun Knight Gawain:”Gareth…Damn it! If I could chain summon them, how could I let these rebels hurt Gareth!”

Tendou Souji:”You are also a child, but you are still protecting other children… It’s really too powerless to be unable to go to that world!”

Tushan Rongrong:”Ainsel?! Gareth is the reincarnation of Einsel?! Even though he has no memories in his reincarnation, he is still helping and guiding the child of prophecy… his love is too deep.”

Otsutsuki Hagoromo:”This is a fairy. Evil is pure and extreme evil. Love is love that is devoted and unreserved.” Hyuga

Neji:”Einsel also feels powerless because of fate, so Altria is the variable she can see, and the hope that can rebuild the future.”

Joseph Joestar:”He is still helping Altria until the last moment of his death… Take it, Altria! This is Gareth’s last pilgrimage bell!”

【The scene changes, and Altria completes her pilgrimage, but she is not as happy or confident as before.】

【She fully understood Morgan’s determination and will as she rang the bells of Orkney.】

【Facing Morgan, even after completing her pilgrimage, Altria had no confidence in defeating her, and even accepted in her heart that she could not defeat Morgan.】

【The scene changed, and in Camelot, the ministers and officials began to discuss the matter of Altria completing her pilgrimage.】

【However, Morgan didn’t care and didn’t even show any tension or oppression.】

【”The Child of Prophecy has completed the pilgrimage… I have done that kind of thing countless times, the Child of Prophecy is not worth mentioning”】

【The fairies below were shocked.”Queen…what did she say? Did she do it too?……”】

Natsu:”Hey! Artoria is wavering! She should be more confident in herself!”

Bai Ci Nan:”She has understood Morgan’s hegemony and ambition, and she knows that if she fights Morgan in person, she will never win, not easily!”

Otto Apokalis:”Hehe… After all, how can Morgan’s thousands of years of obsession be shaken by Artoria’s will of more than ten years?”

Lu Mingfei:”But Morgan… Why does it feel like she is setting a flag? Opening champagne in the first half will overturn the car.”

Cao Cao:”Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Morgan’s advantage is like me now in Chibi, I will never lose..!”

Zero:”Although I don’t want to attack Altria, it will be ten thousand years before Altria can catch up with Morgan’s strength.”

Tracys:”Morgan was really careless, she let the cat out of the bag. Now the chaos is not only coming from the outside world.”

Raikage Lao Da:”Morgan also did it.” Kakyoin Noriaki

:”The malice of the fairies towards the fairies in Paradise is unconditional, and the savior Ash is an example. Morgan is really facing both internal and external troubles this time.”

【Suddenly, Noknalei contacted Morgan】

【Noknarei is the successor of Mab and inherited everything from him. She firmly stated that Altria is her best friend.】

【She inherited everything from Queen Mab. According to the agreement between Mab and Morgan, she was the legal heir to Britain.】

【Now she officially notified Morgan to move out of the castle tomorrow, vacate the space, and return to Avalon to spend the rest of his life.】

【If Morgan doesn’t agree, then forget about their army marching across the border and taking Britain by force.】

【The scene changes to the Chaldea base camp, where Noknar is talking to Altria and trying to persuade her.】

【Habertlot and Sage Grimm are in the middle and will not participate in the battle with Morgan, nor will they help Morgan.】

【Percival was emo by himself, while Da Vinci and Chitose Village were discussing the British Lostbelt and Altria. 】

Fulu Little King Kong:”British Queen! Aren’t you in Camelot with your three dog knights? We will meet you soon!” Gudako

:”Morgan! Don’t let me see you in Camelot Castle tomorrow. I will slap you in the face when I see your crown being pulled off!” Nocnare:

“Morgan Le Fay, I’m here!”

Sun Quan:”The time has come, let’s start the war today! How can there be a prince for thousands of years in the world?”

Hakurei Reimu:”Morgan is old, he has become a BBA. This fairy country is also very annoying, it’s better to take a woman with you. Go back to the inner sea of ​​the star and spend the rest of your life in peace.”

Virgil:”The same old saying, if you want it, come and get it yourself, Fujimaru Ritsuka knows the rules.”

Senju Tobirama:”The decisive battle with Morgan really depends on Altria herself. Chaldea can’t help, and the others are useless. Sage Grimm and Tetrot are the first generation of the savior team, and they won’t have the heart to fight Morgan.”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Mordred:”I can only pray that Fujimaru Ritsuka doesn’t summon me out. My lovely mother and my lovely father can’t raise their swords against anyone!”

【The scene changed, and Altria, who had been enlightened, found Oberon and stared at him.】

【Altria was born with fairy eyes that can see through lies and human hearts.】

【The rebellion of Londinium and Altria’s observation through the fairy eye can prove that there is something wrong with Oberon. Altria even suspects that Oberon is an undercover agent.】

【But the destruction of Wales and Oberon’s help along the way were not false, and Altria was also a little embarrassed.】

【Auberon just smiled:”Sooner or later, the time will come to confess what is hidden and what is important. Isn’t that what a pilgrimage is all about?”】

【”It’s okay. Maybe after I confess, everyone will laugh happily.”】

Conan:”I have long guessed that Oberon’s identity is not right, and there are many doubts. I don’t know whether he stands or not.” (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Kal’tsit:”Oberon is a very complicated fairy. I can only say that if I know his inner thoughts, I will understand them. If I don’t understand, there is no need to know. The interests are too complicated, and it is not good to know too much.”

W:”Why are there Riddlers everywhere? (annoyed)”

March Seven:”Is Oberon a fun-loving person like the Masked Fool? Everything is done to create guest actors, and then to set up the stage, the script, and finally to put on a good show or something.”

Hayakawa Aki:”That’s not the case. Oberon’s help along the way is definitely greater than the doubts. Besides, his own hometown of Wales was also destroyed. If he really planned everything, Wales would not be destroyed.”

Isayama Yomi:”Oberon can be regarded as chaotic neutral. He may have his own ideas, but his heart still leans towards Chaldea and the Son of Prophecy.”

Xiaoyu:”Hmmmm! Maybe Oberon has some unspeakable difficulties. When the truth is revealed, everyone should understand Oberon with a smile.”

Camille:”Will you really laugh? You know, lies don’t hurt people, the truth is the sharpest knife.”

【The scene changed, Bagster and Melusine, who were sent to guard Camelot, were chatting with each other.】

【Melusine kept hinting to Bagster that she was safe guarding the main gate, guiding her intentionally or unintentionally.】

【Bagster also said that even if they won, Morgan had no intention of stopping the spread of the disaster.】[]

【All battles are in vain, the goblins are destined to meet a tragic end, does it matter whether they win or lose?】

【The brain waves of the two fairy knights with ulterior motives collided here, and they looked at the sky and sighed about life.】

【On the other side, the extremely unstable Bawanshi was captured by Spriggan and waited for the decisive battle tomorrow.】

【Aurora’s army also began to gather, but Morgan ordered them not to enter Camelot.】

【The scene gradually rises to show Camelot, which is shrouded in dark clouds. Except for Morgan, everyone has ulterior motives.:”.Listening to the conversation between these two fairy knights… Don’t Morgan have any loyal subjects around him! (annoyed)”

Lufa:”Okay, okay! One fairy knight turned against us, and the other fairy knight’s heart is with Aurora. I want to see how Morgan calms down this farce.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”Hint? Melusine has already made it clear that Bagster should guard the gate, hoping that Camelot will be in chaos.”

Shimura Danzo:”Humph! This little girl doesn’t have so many thoughts. It should be Aurora who wants to make Camelot in chaos, right? Melusine should have said so because of Aurora’s instigation.” The

First Emperor:”Morgan doesn’t understand the minds of her subordinates, and there is no need for her to understand them. Her subordinates don’t know Morgan’s past. If the monarch and his subjects are not of one mind, there will be internal strife.……”

Altria Pendragon:”Is this a curse? Even if the wise and intelligent princess sits on the throne, she still doesn’t understand people’s hearts, just like me.” Sato Kazuma

:”Is Spriggan going to cause trouble too? How many lives does a human have? How dare he be as reckless as Beryl? Isn’t he afraid that Morgan will be defeated by him?”

Aizen:”Wow~ Aurora’s army. Tsk tsk tsk. Morgan still made a fatal mistake, that is, he was too confident in his own strength and ignored the deeper dangers of the fairies.”

Baku:”You can’t say that about Morgan! If I were as powerful as Morgan and could fight against the Lostbelt alone, I would have become a native of my country long ago!”

【The scene changes and the decisive battle officially begins!】

【The new Queen’s Army led by Noknarei launched the first attack. With the blessing of Sage Grimm, humans can now fight fairies at close range.】

【At the main gate, Bagster began to release water until the main gate was breached. Bagster led her subordinates to rebel.】

【On the other side, the sound of weapons colliding on the side walls continued to be heard, and then Qianzi Murakami fell from the wall and threw out his cloak.】

【Melusin swooped down, and the fairy sword Arondate and Sengoku Muramasa’s Myojin-kiri collided violently!】

【Although Senko Muramasa is the apostle of the alien god, Melusin’s true form is terribly strong and almost crushes Senko Muramasa!】

【At the critical moment, it was Grimm’s protection that allowed Sengoku Muramasa to barely tie with Melusin.】

【Melusin, who wanted to continue fighting, suddenly heard a secret order coming with the breeze, turned around and sped away.

Kenzaki:”Bagster! You really betrayed me!” Lufa

:”Huh! Betrayal! Bagster, you are not as good as me. The greed buried in your body will make you pay for everything sooner or later!”

Gilgamesh:”Wow~ Shirou Emiya, let me see what kind of strength you can show with a stronger spiritual base… No! Are you acting too?”

Red A:”Don’t get me wrong, I’m not acting, I really can’t beat Jia.”

Izayoi Sakamaki:”Melusin’s true identity is unknown, Bagster is just a reverted Yaling, and Bawanshi is just a Vampire fairy. Who knows what Melusine’s true nature is?”

Cu Chulainn:”Why is it that Shirou Emiya is more vulnerable as his spiritual base gets older?”

Hawkeye:”Doesn’t Senko Muramasa have Tsumukari Muramasa? I remember that was a sword that could cut off karma and sin.” Gabriel

:”That thing has a long lead time, and it costs lives. Although Senko Muramasa doesn’t care about this life, there must be time for him to knock off Tsumukari Muramasa now.”

Valon:”Is the fairy knight Lancelot also betrayed? The secret order in the wind… Could it be Aurora?”


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