Chapter 569: The Man-Made Son of Prophecy vs. the Dragon of Disaster, the Glorious Spear of Destiny!

【The scene changed, and now all three disasters have awakened. In an hour and a half, the strongest Cernunnos will appear in Britain in its entirety.】

【Holmes sorted out the information and found out the difficulty of Cornunnos. Because of his cursed body, it was almost impossible to harm Cornunnos by physical means.】

【Only Grimm and Altria’s non-physical means, such as blessings, can cause trauma to Cernunnos.】

【Just when Holmes had finished the division of labor and finalized the plan to deal with Bagster as quickly as possible, Storm Border’s right side suffered a heavy blow!】

【Nemo checked the recorder and found that it was a red beam that shattered the outer armor of StormBorder. The lethality had reached the level of God-made weapons!】

【Behind StormBorder, the Albion Dragon absorbed the magic of the atmosphere and accelerated to supersonic speed, circling StormBorder at a rapid speed! 】

Ghost Hunter:”Three disasters to be solved in one and a half hours, time is tight and the task is heavy!”

Jiulang:”It seems that only very positive forces can effectively attack a body composed of a curse.”

Albus Dumbledore:”Yeah, such as the Patronus Charm, or the blessing that Holmes mentioned.”

Thor:”Grimm, please help! Father! As long as Odin, the king of the gods, takes action, everything will be fine.”

Tony Stark:”Fuck! It has accelerated to Mach 3 and is still increasing its speed? Could it be that this Albion Dragon is not subject to air resistance?”

Ange:”Meluce is definitely a dragon beyond the level of Dragon King. Although it has not yet revealed its power, its destructive power has surpassed that of Dragon King.”

Spider-Girl:”How terrible! The last one to attack with a weapon comparable to that of a god was the Moon Goddess’s Star-piercing Gold!”

Draco Malfoy:”But I can only say that this dragon is so handsome! She is more handsome than any dragon I have ever seen! She is simply a dream dragon!”

【According to Holmes’ analysis, it was probably because Chaldea already had the Holy Sword of the Star, and the Calamity attacked Chaldea because it sensed a threat.】

【However, the next attack of the Albion Dragon is about to strike, and Artoria stands up at the critical moment.】

【Muramasa replaced her destiny. After the pilgrimage, she returned to Paradise and became the guardian of the Holy Sword. She now has enough power.】

【But if Altria protects StormBorder, then Chaldea won’t be able to lure the Albion dragon to land on the deck for hand-to-hand combat.】

【There must be a paradise fairy to attract the attention of the disaster】

【Percival then stood up and said:”Then let me attract the dragon.”】

【At this moment, Percival’s life is about to come to an end. He has lost everything and lost his love, but he still has something he must save and protect.】

【As the man-made child of prophecy, holding the Spear of Selection, which symbolizes the fairies of paradise, it is Percival’s destiny to fight against the Dragon of Albion. 】

Sesshomaru:”It’s the instinct of a beast… the instinct to be alert to threats. Yes, there is almost no one in Britain who can threaten her except Cernunnos.”

Kirisame Marisa:”Hey! Why do we have to fight hand-to-hand? Isn’t air combat good? I remember StormBorder’s firepower is very strong! There are also barrage attacks!”

Biker Warrior Tornado:”Didn’t you see how lethal the Dragon of Disaster is upstairs? Nemo said that if StormBorder comes again, it may crash.”

Altria Pendragon:”Percival really wants to stand up… As an artificial human, your lifespan is not long. You have less than ten years left.”

Hayakawa Akira:”Everyone has their own obsessions and things to protect, and Percival is no exception. She chose the same approach as Orion. That is to help her beloved sister get rid of it.”

Kiana Kaslana:”The way Percival went to his death is really similar to Teacher Himeko.……”

Joseph Joestar:”It’s really… a bit like it was planned… The duel between the Child of Prophecy and the Dragon of Disaster is also the end of the family. Since it is fate, Percival, then you will accompany us to the end.”

【The scene changes, and the dragon of Albion soars into the sky. She is the corpse of an ancient dragon, the wrath of 8,000 northern fairies, and the final device to burn the earth to punish the fairies.】

【The Dragon of Albion only had simple thoughts and instructions. In order to prevent the collapse of Britain, he captured the fluctuations of the Paradise Fairies.】

【However, as she gradually approached and saw a familiar figure, her heart ached slightly, and the thought of Melusine began to awaken.】

【Percival was holding the Spear of the Chosen One. Before he left, he knew that this was the end of his life.】

【He told Chaldea not to resent Britain and the fairies, that life has its good and bad parts, everything has a beginning and an end, and so does pan-human history.】

【In Percival’s eyes, the fairy kingdom of Britain was once beautiful, even though it has fallen to its current state.】

【What should be destroyed will be destroyed, what should continue will continue, and all life will be redeemed in the utopia. 】

Romani Achiman:”The Doomsday Device?! It turns out that the Dragon of Albion is not a wild disaster, but the will of the planet and the remains of Albion?!”

Xuan Yizi:”The will of the planet tends to punish fairies, the resentment of fairies and Albion’s desire to protect the world of this Lostbelt have led to such a contradictory dragon of disaster.”

Darkness:”It’s not very pure. Didn’t Melusine give all her love to Aurora? Why would she still feel heartbroken because of Percival?”

Uchiha Itachi:”But Percival is also Melusine’s brother and her relative.” Oga

:”Melusine gave all her love to Aurora, but family affection is not love. Her family affection was given to Percival.”

Li Haotian:”Percival is right… You can’t look at a thing in a general way. At least there are evil people among humans, and there are good fairies among fairies.”

Jifu Taro:”Is pan-human history really beautiful? At least it’s not beautiful in my opinion. I am struggling at the bottom and my life is not as good as that of humans kept by fairies.……”

Wang Ye:”Percival is very open-minded. He just leaves it to fate. Who will go and who will stay is determined by fate.”

Raiden Wangchuanshou Meiyi:”Even though the nature of fairies is not good, it is undeniable that this fairy country that has been passed down by Morgan for two thousand years is really beautiful. It’s like the fairy tales I read when I was still in Izumo.”

【The scene changed, and the Fire Calamity Albion Dragon descended on the deck. The Chaldeans tried their best to repel it, but failed to defeat it.】

【If the Albion Dragon escapes, recovers from its injuries and then attacks Chaldea, then Chaldea will have no hope of victory.】

【At this moment, Percival, who was gathering strength in the rear, came forward and said,”The winner has been decided.”】

【Nemo was still a little confused, but Mashu seemed to understand something:”Captain, just go at this speed. Trust Percival, he is the strongest knight in Britain.”】

【Percival looked at the figure of the Albion Dragon, and his past with Melusine emerged in his mind.】

【Both teacher and student, both mother and son, both sister and brother】

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

【Melusine taught Percival strictly, but also counseled him, and because she did not understand emotions, she comforted him clumsily.】

【She gave all her love to Aurora, and her last tenderness to her brother Percival. 】

Muzan Kibutsuji:”After fighting three disasters in an hour and a half, they are going to be wiped out after just one? Tsk tsk tsk, so weak.” Chu Zihang:

“It seems that Chaldea is very weak, but it is very strong to fight the Albion Dragon, which is transformed from the corpse of the strongest dragon species.”

Himeko Muliangta:”Ah, the moment of the decisive battle has come! The next battlefield will be handed over to this pair of siblings, it’s time to make a decision.”

Sun Knight Gawain:”Among the knights I have fought, I have never seen a person with the will of you, Percival! I, Gawain, would like to call you the strongest!”

Great White Shark Heaven Said:”Melucine’s feelings are very complicated, but there is no doubt that she really regards Percival, her apprentice and brother, as her adopted son.”

Whitebeard:”Melucine is not heartless. Her relatives are also out of reach for her, and Percival, her brother and adopted son, carries all her affection and tenderness.”

Hiraga Saito:”Melucine, who is emotionally dull, gave all her love to Aurora, but Percival gave all his love to Melucine…Melucine’s love for Aurora is one-way, but the affection between her and Percival is definitely two-way!”

【In the memory, Percival cried because he was the only one chosen as the child of prophecy. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Melusine’s clumsy attempt to comfort Percival only made him more sad and at a loss.】

【After thinking hard, Melusine remembered something she had been taught and passed on to Percival.】

【”It doesn’t matter if you feel guilty towards your friends and can’t do what you want to do, there will always be something more important than yourself, because it’s the same for me!”】

【”Don’t forget, Percival. Although Britain is a cruel world, as long as there is something you love deeply, even if there is only one thing, it will be……”】

【Percival opened his eyes and said,”Yes… I have deceived many people, so I will accept this punishment.”】[]

【”Holy Lance, the court is in session! O Lance of the Chosen, render me the correct verdict.”】

Hikigaya Hachiman:”Melucine’s EQ is really low… but it can be seen that she is really trying to be a good sister.”

Kuroi Matao:”Melucine is simply talking about her own life, but… isn’t it a bad idea to teach Percival to live for the people he loves more and to make himself lighter for the things he loves more?……”

Koro-sensei:”Melucene’s education can only be described as sad. The outrageous thing is that in the environment of the Fairy Kingdom, this is the most suitable guidance for Percival.”

Otto Apocalis:”There is no doubt! The Fairy Kingdom is a beautiful and cruel world, but love can make people do everything in this cruel world.”

Harry Potter:”Yeah… So Percival listened and did it. The one she loved deeply was Melucene! Love is the strongest protection. The love for Melucene made him move forward and invincible!” The

Great Commander of Heaven and Hell:”Percival’s life span is not enough to use the Spear of the Chosen, right? But… Love is the strongest driving force. Because of love, he will die to redeem the one he loves deeply and wash away all her sins.”

【The fateful duel began, the artificial child of prophecy and the mechanical dragon of disaster confronted each other.】

【The Spear of the Chosen in Percival’s hand glowed with light. He looked at the Dragon of Albion and murmured::”……Everything is lost…but I still have the only reason to fight”】

【The two looked at each other, the Albion Dragon roared, and the red light cannon bombarded Percival, but was blocked by the light of the Selected Spear.】

【Percival clutched the liberated Spear of Choice and ran towards the Spirit of Albion, roaring out all his love and sorrow in a heart-wrenching voice!】

【”Beautiful fairy, ugly disaster. If the so-called love can even take away fate! Then I will use this gun and this love to smash it.……!!!”】

【The golden light turned red, and all of Percival’s love for Melusine was condensed into the Spear of Selection.】

【”Farewell, my love”】

【The Spear of the Chosen pierced the heart of the Albion Dragon, and Percival’s life was completely sucked away by the Spear of the Chosen, turning into ashes and disappearing into the sky. 】

Kujo Jolyne:”This is the fate of blood… From the moment Percival and Melusine formed a bond, the fate was determined.”

Orion:”She overthrew Morgan but failed to stop her sister’s fall. She lost her love and turned into a disaster, and she won’t even ask for help. Percival, perhaps saving Melusine is your destiny.”

Emiya Shirou (HF):”Yes… Love drives Percival forward, even if her home, friends… are all lost, but the person she loves has not been saved yet!”

Irena:”Skokuichi… Is this Morgan’s throw? Even if Morgan dies, the afterglow of the Spear of the Chosen left behind can withstand the attack of the Dragon of Disaster! She is worthy of being the invincible queen Morgan in the world!”

Gingünhild :”I can’t help crying…Percival’s love is so noble and pure!”

Lelouch:”Melucine’s love for Aurora took away everything from her, then Percival will prove that his love for Melucine can shatter Aurora’s false love.” Viego

:”Aurora, you are the singer! This time I stand with Percival! Support NTR!”

Artemis:”Percival is a real man like Orion! Both are fools… But I believe that when Melucine is in trouble, Percival will definitely show up.” Autumn:”They are all dead… Melucine’s love is her curse. But perhaps it is because Melucine is so stubborn that Percival loves her so much.……”

Luna:”Percival, use the Holy Lance on her for Melusine’s sake. (clenched fist)”

【The dragon of Albion fell from the sky due to losing its power.】

【Her eyes saw the scene of Percival’s death, and her heart began to feel great pain and sorrow.】


【”Percival – Percival——”】


【”——I, my – brother, brother——”】

【”Pain roams in the empty heart, the roar of fire and wind is like Melusine’s cry and sorrow”】

【After killing her beloved with her own hands, she also killed her last bit of tenderness. Melusine’s life came to an end, calling out her brother Percival’s name.】

【The Red Calamity Flame – Albion Dragon! Destroy!】

Musashi II:”Longing for unattainable love, killing the beloved with her own hands, turning into a disaster to destroy the fairy kingdom, and finally killing the only gentleness with her own hands… This may be the ultimate insult to Melusine. Her path to the demon land has been completed.”

Kamiyama Touma:”The last thing she cherished was also dead… Looking back at Melusine’s life, it was all tragedy.”

Oga:”A dragon trapped in love… He was used all his life to do things he didn’t want to do, and killed everything he loved and cherished… How similar and nagging is my life?”

Finina:”Don’t cry, Longlong… I can feel her sadness and despair. A dragon who has not lived for himself will die with regret and sadness even if he dies… Why is it like this?……”

Jiraiya:”The sky dragon fell to the earth. Although Melusine’s life was a very bad story, Percival also gave Melusine a good ending.”

………ten feet….

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