Chapter 578: Gann’s Creation, the Birth of the Black Tower Multiverse, the Ancient Saints, and the Todash Space

【Screen starts】

【In a secret military base, a group of scientists activated a special instrument under the protection of the army.】

【As the machine started to operate, a dazzling blue beam of light burst out and shot towards a stone door made of an unknown substance.】

【As the beam of light shone directly on the stone gate, it gradually began to melt from the center. A crack slowly opened up, and it even began to wriggle as if it had life!】

【The scientists just revealed an ecstatic and inquiring look when the surrounding military commanders changed their expressions and ordered the soldiers to carry the scientists present and evacuate them urgently!】

【I saw some strange black matter spreading along the cracks like inorganic life, gradually stabilizing the cracks.】

【Then, a thick fog poured out from the crack! It instantly filled the base and spread to a small town under the mountain where the base was located!

Nick Fury:”Oh my god! It’s the Earth again? No… why does this scene look familiar?”

Hawkeye:”It feels like if there is another Cosmic Cube, the scene of summoning Loki in the first New York Battle will be reproduced.”

Clark Kent:”It’s like this again. Humans always want to try to control and explore things that cannot be controlled and touched, but in the end they only hurt themselves.”

Raleigh:”Oh my god! This crack… is it an alien invasion again? What is going on? If the crack expands and monsters come, won’t we have to build a hunter mecha?”

Doctor Strange:”This… The crack even seems to have life, I saw it wriggling!”

Gang’e Wushen:”The shape of the crack, and it can still wriggle… Hehehe, I’m also super!”

Ito Makoto:”The person upstairs is really hungry. He is worthy of being Gang’e Wushen. He can easily do things that others can’t do!”

Gwen:”I’m a little uneasy. The spread of this thick fog is very similar to the Soul-Eating Night. If it is black and green, it will be exactly the same as the Curse of Ruin.” Mebius

:”I don’t know what the spread of this thick fog will bring. Will there be a virus? Or a deadly toxin, or even a substance that can deform people.”

【The scene turned and came to a void】

【This is the origin of everything. There is no matter, no world, no universe, no concept, it is pure nothingness.】

【There was only the primordial magic surging in the primordial water in the void, and a phosphorescent soup like an amoeba.】

【He ate the nothingness in his hunger, changing the concept from nothing to something. He was no longer ignorant, but entered the era of Hongmeng.】

【Then, the primordial water surged, and the black tower spirit named Gann was born from the primordial water.】

【A colorful door stood on Gann’s forehead, and a huge black and gray tower began to rise higher and higher!】

【The primordial water began to flow out of Gann’s navel, and the powerful primordial magic gave birth to a huge world called the Middle World.

Miyamoto Musashi:”Oh! This feeling is as terrifying as the previous part of the void. There is nothing, just pure nothingness.”

Star Forging Dragon King:”I remembered the world of the Primordial Breath, but the world in front of me is even more ancient, and it can’t even be called a world.”

Tiansha Jie:”There was nothingness before the birth of the universe, and there were monsters before nothingness. How great is the phosphorescent soup?”

Liang Bing:”Fuck! Can nothingness be eaten? Isn’t nothingness nothing? Even concepts. It directly ate the void itself? It ate loneliness or? I’m CPU!”

Ryze:”The primordial water and primordial magic… are more terrifying than the world rune. I can’t imagine what disaster will happen if someone with malicious intentions obtains and controls it.”

Walter Yang:”Only infinite nothingness can be eaten. An insatiable appetite… This reminds me of an existence in the past inventory, the Death Star Beast Kog’gas.”

Ancient One:”This primordial magic… is too deep and too ancient, it can be said to be the source of life for the creation! Is the essence of this universe still a magical universe?”

Li Jing:”This tower… is not simple! The tower that was bred in the Hongmeng period at the beginning of the creation is definitely a treasure!”

Estelle:”Huh? Black Tower? This primordial existence that feels more mysterious and ancient than the Star God is also called the Black Tower?”

Merlin:”It’s the Dark Tower, but in the beginning, His image can indeed be called the Black Tower, and His original name is Gann.”

King of Ultra:”From my perspective, the Middle World is definitely a huge world comparable to the multiverse. I can see that the structure of the Middle World itself is extremely complex and huge, and it will definitely gradually decompose.”

【The scene changes, and as the black tower extends, the Middle World begins to collapse and split, being divided into a multi-dimensional parallel world.】

【With Gunn as the axis, the densely packed universe like sequins revolves around him like a nebula】

【The rotation of the multiverse created time, and Gunn fixed time on his axis.】

【The stars began to rise, and the concept of the black tower began to expand and converge.】

【The concept of the universe emerged, and size is the secret of the universe. In the multiverse called the Black Tower, the size of the universe includes life, and the Black Tower includes size.】

【As time passed, the Black Tower became the Lord of Creation. He contained infinite universes, and within the universe there were countless universes.】

【And if you can cross the infinite universe or find the door, you can really reach the edge of the Black Tower. 】

Hikari:”What a powerful middle world! The collapse of the world actually differentiated the multiverse! It’s too outrageous… I really want to study the original water!”

Ruan Mei:”Original water can exist in nothingness, can give birth to the multiverse and the Dark Tower… It may be the concept of life in the absolute sense.”

Raiden Wangchuan Shou Meiyi:”I am more inclined to believe that this substance represents existence itself, an existence that cannot be erased even in nothingness.” Ge Xiaolun:

“Fuck… What kind of boss is this! The last time I saw such a spectacular scene was when Simon fought the Anti-Spiral King and Ashura fought the Wheel King.”

Heimerdinger:”Oh my God! Time was created by the Dark Tower? Then the concept of time is centered on the Dark Tower. Heart is fixed?! What a magnificent existence!”

Cero:”So… the Dark Tower is not only the hub that connects the operation and maintenance of the multiverse, but also the dimension that contains the multiverse?! Obviously, the last inventory was still the Earth and the fairies, and now it jumps to the creator god who created the multiverse?”

Drasion:”There are also gaps between creator gods, and the Dark Tower is a real great god. Creating the multiverse… Even I only created one universe.”

Arceus:”I have to admit that the Dark Tower is the real creator god.”

Dark Tower:”It is an honor to have the same name as this great existence that surpasses the star god… No! I should be the one who offended. Do you want to change your name?……”

Woz:”How magnificent! I would call it the Black Tower Doll Universe!”

【The scene changes, and with the birth of the infinite multiverse of the Black Tower, the Black Tower also converges into a physical entity in the universe.】

【In the physical Black Tower, the Black Tower is the intersection of all universes, all worlds, and all dimensions!】

【An entrance appeared in the golden list screen. Open the door and enter Him. A staircase suddenly appeared.】

【Following the stairs, the life you step on can reach God directly, can replace God, can become anyone, can go to any world, even to reality.】

【And the reality above reality, the endless reality above, can even reach a world that is more realistic than reality. 】 (To read the most exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Some of the Black Tower’s multiverses are prosperous and beautiful, some are as terrible as hell, some have nothing, and some can even transcend time and replace reality! 】

(This is the author’s menu in the original setting. It seems that at the top of the Black Tower you can reach the upper narrative, which is the author’s room.)

(Don’t mind the collapse of the battle power world level. The Dark Tower is just a background to introduce the origin of the monsters in the fog. The plot does not involve the Dark Tower.)

Loki:”Ahaha, the multiverse intersection point (dbef) and the like, it feels very much like the Time Management Bureau.”

Randolph Carter:”I think it’s more like an oversized silver key, which can enter the infinite universe through the Dark Tower and become yourself in each parallel universe.”

Jewel:”Even the second magic is far from the Dark Tower in front of us… This is the real law of God from outer space.”

Ancient One:”The setting of this multiverse is quite similar to mine. Some are thriving garden worlds, while others are dark, dangerous and full of aggression.”

Zu:”Impossible! God is an omnipotent God! He cannot be replaced! Things like the Dark Tower… are ridiculous! This is an insult to God!”

Constantine:”It can be seen that the people upstairs really love God, but judging from the performance of the Dark Tower, God is really a very humble existence.”

God of Stories Loki:”Reaching a reality above reality, hehe… Is it the House of Ideas? Interesting”[]

Deadpool:”OMG! That means anyone with the ability can break the fourth wall through the Dark Tower and do some embarrassing things with the author-sama! Ah!”

Altair:”That’s enough upstairs!!!”

【The scene changes, and an ancient intelligent life form called the Ancient Saint is born in the world within the world of origin.】

【For unknown reasons, the Ancient Ones want to destroy the entity of the Dark Tower standing in the Middle World.】

【The actions of the Ancient Saints caused the primordial water that gave birth to the Dark Tower to gush out from the surface and flow into the Dark Tower.】

【The Dark Tower is the entrance to the multiverse, where the flowing primordial water flows into a warp called Todash.】

【Todash itself is a dark world, with only endless darkness, no life and no matter, and even the boundary of the universe is just a thin film.】

【The primordial water that gave birth to all things gave birth to countless distorted and terrifying unknown monsters in Todash, and the haze field that allowed them to retain their physical bodies.】

【Primordial magic did not endow these monsters with rationality and intellect, only primordial wildness and appetite.

Emperor:”Ancient Saints? Huh?”

Horus:”Don’t tell me there are Star Gods and Necrons in the Middle World.”

Rune King Thor:”The Dark Tower is the origin of the multiverse. Did the Ancient Saints destroy the Dark Tower to destroy the multiverse? Or do they have other intentions?” Star

Forger Dragon King:”Oh! Seeing the stupidity of the Ancient Gods reminds me of those insignificant remnants of the Giant Gods! Ants born under the grace of God still want to rebel against God?”

Aizen:”Although it is stupid and overestimating one’s own ability, did the Ancient Gods really interfere with the Dark Tower? It is not a good thing for the Primordial Water to flow to other worlds.” Setaka

:”The things that symbolize the existence of the material universe have entered a universe similar to the void and bred Only wild and hungry monsters?!”

Ascended Aatrox:”I think if the monsters in Todash are strong enough, and even have aggressive power… then Todash is another void!”

Holy Kesha:”It’s different. The monsters in Todash are still limited. The primordial water is not a violent force. I think these monsters have no entity after leaving this haze field.”

Sanguinius:”It’s bad, it’s more like it. Those evil gods in the warp cannot come to the material universe and have entities at will. No wonder Todash is also called the warp… Could it be that evil gods can be born there?”

Nayako:”Although they are not the same evil gods as the evil gods mentioned above, those tentacles have the taste of evil gods.”

【There are only two ways to enter this universe where primordial water flows.】

【The first is the door that Gann, the spirit of the Black Tower, has in the Black Tower. The other is the man-made magic door created by the ancient saints using the original magic.】

【The scene turns back to the military base. In order to explore other dimensions, the military launched a bold attempt called Project Arrow.】

【Use technology to interfere with space, try to detect other worlds, and gain benefits for research.】

【Unexpectedly, the experiment went out of control, and human technology inadvertently created an artificial door that connected to the subspace Todash!】

【The monsters in the dark world saw the light and began to consciously follow the door into another world.】

【The thick fog that maintained the monster’s entity also spread along the door to another world.

Doctor Strange:”Magic door… It seems that the ancient saints should have mastered the original magic, and only the original magic can interfere with the multiverse.”

Ryze:”The ancient gods are the original race bred in the original world of the Middle World. It is normal for them to be powerful. It’s a pity… They coveted the Dark Tower and took the wrong path.”

Nick Fury:”Fuck! This style is not wrong. Is it the 1990s? Was human technology so advanced in the 1990s? They can even create magic doors?!”

Tony Stark:”This should be just an experimental accident. Besides, Fury, didn’t you use energy weapons to fight Hydra back then? Don’t laugh.”

Azir:”As ignorant and stupid as those Ekassia people back then, they didn’t know that their greed and stupidity brought disaster to their own world.”

Asako Mori:”My God… Is it really an invasion? But it’s not alien, but another universe.……”

Peter Parker:”It’s a bit scary. It reminds me of a movie called Edge of Tomorrow.””


I’m not exaggerating. The setting of Dark Tower is translated from the official setting of a foreign country. It is indeed this strong, but it is just a background board.

Everyone, remember to recommend masterpieces such as natural disasters.

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