Chapter 587: The Last King’s Ramblings: Breeding Star Gods and Ascending to Godhood!

【The scene starts, and the scene directly arrives at a planet called the Worm Star in the universe.】

【When this galaxy was first discovered, the planets were crawling with bugs, so it was named the Wormwood Galaxy.】

【The leader of an army called Elidishna discovered this primitive, undeveloped, yet vibrant system.】

【The leader is a capable person who thinks he is omnipotent. He leads his army to conquer countless planets and establish countless civilizations. He is worthy of being called a super warlord in the universe.】

【However, the leader himself suffers from a strange disease and only has three days of memory. The joy of conquering the planet will turn into confusion after three days.】

【The confused leader has not lost his ability, but he cannot find the meaning of his existence and pursuit】

【Until he discovered the Dragonfly Galaxy, he felt ecstasy and excitement, and he heard the ancient and mysterious whispers.:】

【”He launched conquests, he built civilization, and finally found his lost self”】

Morgan le Fay:”A planet full of bugs?! Stop disgusting me, I’m going to vomit. It’s better to destroy such a planet.”

Steve:”Uh… woodworms, sorry, I thought of something bad, nasty relic bugs.”

Himeko:”Elaidicina… I remember it was a resource-depleted world that was helped by the unknown guest of the Star Train. Later, it couldn’t change its nature and became a warlord of the universe.”

Mordekaiser:”A warlord of the universe… When I am reborn for the third time, my footprints will also extend across the stars and into the universe!”

Conqueror King Iskandar:”Wow! The way of conquest! This king follows the same domineering path as this king! Hahahahaha! Conquering the universe… How fascinating!”

Altria:”Really conquest? The domineering way of the conqueror king is just to expand the territory, but this king doesn’t seem to be like that……”

Subaru Natsuki:”Hey, three days of memory, this is a bit like memory replay… replaying to the memory three days ago… Could it be that there is also a person who can die and return, and dies every three days, and the side effects only apply to this person?!”

Nyako:”Oh~ Ancient mysterious whispers~ Are there evil gods in this universe? There should only be star gods.” Deadpool

:”From a universal rational point of view, the ones who can come up with such whispers are either some mysterious and meaningless star gods, or Aha from the Groove.”

The Lion King:”Conquer the world, build civilization, find myself… Am I only one step away from this last step? But my subconscious tells me that this order is wrong”

【The gold list screen prompts that the whispers come from the 953 God of the End Star, and the leader can actually understand and interpret the meaning of the whispers of the God of the End Star!】

【The End Star God is an existence that goes against time, telling ancient and incomprehensible prophecies and witnessing the end of the universe.】

【The End Star God, who travels against time, is omnipotent in another sense, witnessing everything that has happened.】

【Most of the prophecies of the Doomsday Star God carry warnings. If they are interpreted correctly, disasters can be avoided to a certain extent.】

【However, the mad leader who was searching for self and meaning only grasped the last words of the last star god.】

【He felt that being able to hear this whisper was God’s will, and it was an opportunity for him to find his own meaning.】

【The leader told the last words of the Last Star God to a navigator and asked him to remember them.】

【After that, every three days when his memory is reset, he will be told this again to strengthen his path to finding himself. 】

Kiana Kaslana:”The End Star God? The End, the End, are these two related?……”

Hikari:”A creature that goes against time?! That’s impossible… Then how was the God of the Ends born?”

Goetia:”Going against time, that is, going back from the end of the world to the original starting point… The principle of His existence is similar to the great feat of going back in time – the creation light-year of the Reverse Light Canal.”

Aozaki Aoko:”Yes, yes, yes! That’s right! It’s like the fifth magic of walking. If the God of the Ends was born at the end of the world and went back in time, then what is certain is that He absolutely observed and knew everything that would happen in the future!”

Mystique:”Doesn’t that mean… the God of the Ends is the savior? He can tell the present about future disasters to reverse the tragedy.”

Black Supreme:”Child, knowing does not mean breaking. I think the future witnessed by the God of the Ends is the sacred timeline. He can only predict it vaguely and walk His path. , otherwise the consequences will be unbearable for Him.”

Ancient One:”That’s right, although the Star God is a conceptual creature, it still exists in the universe in the final analysis. Shaking the foundation of time events will surely be backlashed by the universe.”

Pluto:”Besides, the Star God does not distinguish between good and evil, but only abides by his own destiny. He will not do things because of the human ambition of saving the world.”

Oma Zi-O:”Time is an absolute thing. Even if He is a time-reversing life, maybe everything He does is something that will happen. His interference or non-interference cannot affect the future that will definitely happen.”

Xiongba:”It’s bad! This guy… The prophecy of the Doomsday Star God is worth a fortune, why did this guy only listen to the last sentence?!”

Mingyue Shengwang:”This prophecy may be his whole life, but naturally, if he abandons the past, he is destined to have no future.”

【Then the scene changes to show Eliedishina’s army coming to the Star of Warthog and carrying out his previous conquest of civilization.】


【The Zerg, which had no civilizational significance and no thoughts of higher life forms, but only instinct, were slaughtered inhumanely!】

【In addition to the massacre, some species of insects with the ability to self-divide and some giant insects were also captured by the Elidisina army and used as weapons.】

【On the other side, a woman appears in the picture】

【She is the leader of the universe bounty hunters, a person who is said to have the same reputation as the Joy Star God Aha.】

【After experiencing a nightmare, she ordered bounty hunters to come to the Star of the Drosophila to hunt down the Zerg.】

【When facing some newcomers, she comforted them:”It’s okay, don’t be nervous, the opponents are just bugs, just treat it as a game.”】

Nightbringer Yasuo:”Another slaughter, another in the name of conquest……”

Paimon:”Hey! I thought he was a wise leader, but he turned out to be a villain!”

King of Conquerors Iskandar:”Is this his conquest? Wherever his iron hoof steps, there is no life… This kind of conquest is not tyranny, but extinction.”

Shen Gongbao:”Could the locust plague in the universe be caused by this group of unknown guys? Then the cause and effect of the destruction of the entire universe is really……”

Shiki Eiji:”Guilty! Guilty! The bugs are living well, and the lives of bugs are lives too! They called invasion conquest, and if the locust plague was really caused by them, then their sins will be hard to redeem for eternity.”

Seele:”Really… They are the same as the Interstellar Peace Company, except that one does it secretly and the other openly.”

Sakata Gintoki:”Hey… this female bounty hunter is so beautiful! The same reputation as Aha? Isn’t that shameless!”

Bounty Hunter Miss Fortune:”As everyone knows, Aha’s reputation lies in how much he treats you. ‘s interest, if he has no interest in you… then he has no credibility.”

Joyful Star God Aha:”Woo woo woo~ Aha is used as a negative example, it’s so funny~ Aha’s credibility is not believed by everyone, Aha is so embarrassed~”

Nayako:”Damn Aha, I would rather believe that normal people have star fields for you than believe that you have credibility!” Deadpool

:”Fuck! It’s a big deal! Take me with you! I want to blow up Aha’s dendrobium!”

Jim Raynor:”This woman is too crazy, what a mere bug… When she said that, I can only say that the leader has a good idea”

【The scene changed and the disaster broke out.】

【The bounty hunters’ frantic killing of Zergs has caused them to become bloodthirsty for unknown reasons. They can no longer distinguish between humans and Zergs, and will attack any living creature they see.】

【Even the leader of the bounty hunters died on the worm star, and the crazy bounty hunters clashed with the Elidishna army.】

【Unlike the bounty hunters, the Elidisina are a regular army and have mastered the use of Zerg and domesticated them into weapons of war.】

【In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, limbs and blood flew in the air, there were corpses of people, corpses of insects……】(ajcd)【An unprecedented massacre took place on the Worm Star, while the leader of the Elidisina army merely teased the captured bugs and admired his conquest!】

【Even irrational insects can’t help but feel grief when they feel the rich blood and instinctive wailing of their own kind.】

【Originally, there were many types of Zerg on the Star of the Dead, but they were wiped out one by one in the massacre. 】

Jestis:”What happened? How come… they killed people and Zerg and couldn’t tell them apart? This is a tragedy.……”(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ghost Shark Laurentina:”I think the Zerg must have some kind of infectious and corrosive nature. The more they kill, the harder it is to distinguish themselves.”

Tanjiro Kamado:”After killing to this point… what’s the difference between these demons and evil spirits!”

Holy Kesha:”I must consider the Elidicina Empire as evil. Even that bitch Morgana didn’t do such a bad thing as slaughtering an entire planet!” Gamora

:”Compared to this guy… I suddenly feel that my father is more merciful and will leave half of them fairly.”

Sky-Horned Ant:”Elidicina Empire, I will kill every last bit of you! The lives of insects are not lives?”[]

Jade:”The Interstellar Peace Corporation has officially labeled the Ilaidishina Empire in history as a chaotic evil force, and has launched a humanitarian strike against the remaining forces.”

Qin Liu:”Have you heard the cries of the larvae! Have you seen the tribes falling apart! Have you ever thought that without friends, home is no longer home.……”

Duanmu Yan:”But we are human! There is no need to pity the bugs, right? Although the Elidisina Empire is not a good thing, we can’t sympathize with the disaster.” Zhenzhong Kengo

:”It’s hard not to sympathize… After all, the Zerg are too innocent, too innocent, and have no desire to attack. The invasion wiped out the race.……”

Duanmu Yan:”Yes……”

【When the Coleoptera were slaughtered, only one Coleoptera insect was left, buried under the debris and corpses, barely surviving.】

【Living in groups is the instinct of living things. However, extinction of a race is the fear that life wants to avoid, which is engraved in its DNA.】

【Coleoptera insects have no rationality, but they can feel the death of their companions, feel that they will not be able to continue to reproduce normally, feel the cold and dead loneliness, and……】

【A very distinct hatred, and the loneliness of having no one of the same race!】

【As the last member of the Coleoptera, the desire for loneliness ignited His destiny!】

【All the insects on the Worm Star that were fleeing in all directions due to instinct trembled, their king was born!】

【All the soldiers of the Elidisina army on the battlefield looked at the bizarre and terrifying scene in front of them in shock.】

【All the Zergs stopped running away and began to reproduce beyond common sense and worldview, giving birth to countless identical individuals! 】

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao:”Huh? The protagonist? This bug is the protagonist?”

Guyue Fangyuan:”The only existence that survived the massacre was chosen by the gold list for a close-up, which is enough to be called a great fortune.”

Xijo Nagi:”Aren’t Zergs irrational creatures? Why do they feel lonely and hateful? They don’t have the function to support them to have such emotions.”

Xia:”Is the function really important? The race has been exterminated, and the creatures can’t feel the movement of their companions instinctively. This is the hatred engraved in the blood! It has become an instinct!”

Woz:”I don’t know why, but I have I can’t help it anymore! Rejoice! The insect king who survived the massacre and commanded everything with blood hatred has been born!”

Angel Yan:”This… is this the insect swarm? The real insect swarm? Their breeding is totally unreasonable! What about the law of conservation of energy? Where does a bug get the matter and energy to breed so many bugs?” Black Tower:”It’s a draw in fate. Although I’m not sure, I still guess that the breeding fate has appeared at this moment.”

Black Supreme Qiyi:”Destiny is the embodiment of concepts. Since they are already concepts, they are basic laws. There is no need to worry about physical laws or the like.”

【Suddenly, a soldier saw a coleoptera insect flying into the sky in blood, flesh and mucus under the pile of corpses not far away, crossing death, slaughter, and gun smoke.】

【The purest desire from a race without wisdom but only instinct has opened up a destiny that belongs only to Him in the universe – reproduction!】

【The sky turned purple, and a vast amount of imaginary energy began to emerge, causing shock and curiosity among all forces in the universe.】

【Taiyi, the star god of order, watched the existence in front of him without making any move. His ascension would not disrupt order.】

【The soldiers of the Elidishina army below the worm star looked ashen. Having conquered the universe, they would not fail to understand what was before their eyes.】

【The Coleoptera insects have a name, Taiz-Yuros!】

【With endless loneliness and hatred, concepts are gathering, destiny is being born, Taiziyuros ascends to the throne, and ascends to become the God of Breeding! 】

Mebius:”This is the moment of the birth of the Star God! It is also the moment when life evolves to the conceptual level! This is… the moment of ascension!”

Azir:”A rare sight of ascension! Although it is just a bug, it has been chosen, which must have the meaning of its ascension.”

Pluto:”Destiny is an extreme philosophical concept. The Star Gods have wisdom, but Taiziyuros does not. The purest instinct and desire, the destiny opened up is likely to go the farthest.” Jie

:”Huh! Taiyi, the Star God of Order… As a Star God, he can’t see the future of the crazy Taiziyuros cholera universe. Come and fight the terror of the insect swarm. It’s no wonder that such a narrow vision as destiny will be killed.”

The same associative star god Hippe:”Taiyi! Narrow-minded! Deserve to be punished!”

Joseph Joestar:”It’s so cool to watch! Doesn’t the Elidicina Empire army like to kill? Now that the star god is born, why bother with the breeding star god?!”

Jing Yuan:”It’s really the source of chaos… The Elidicina Empire has been nailed to the pillar of shame. Carrying the infamy for all eternity.”

Ryze:”Star God, the pinnacle of the universe. The crazy insect king became a star god, and his destiny must be crazy. Disaster is coming.……”

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