Chapter 589: The Battle of Hunting Gods, Taiyi’s demise, and the Amber King’s explosive killing of the Insect King!

【The scene changes, and the battle to hunt the gods begins!】

【Although there were many star gods participating in the battle, the only ones who actually participated in the battle were Taiyi, the star god of order; Oboros, the star god of greed; Klipper, the star god of preservation; and Taiziyulus, the star god of reproduction.】

【Taiyi, the Star God of Order, took the lead in initiating a collision with the Star God of Greed. As the oldest star gods and the ancient beasts left over from the twilight era, they caused a surge of violent imaginary energy!】

【The Star God of Greed frantically bit and devoured the body of the Star God of Order, while the Star God of Order suppressed the Star God of Greed with absolute power.】

【The galaxy shook, and countless galaxies were annihilated in the aftermath of the battle between the two star gods, or were swallowed by the greedy star god!】

【The collision of two destinies, each wanting to destroy the other’s destiny, for the Star God, as long as the injury to the divine body is not fatal, it will not affect the general strength.】

【The damage to the concept of destiny is the real serious injury. 】

Hong Kai:”Each star god is a top existence. How many lives will be destroyed if the war started by at least four star gods is destroyed?……”

Emiya Kiritsugu:”But if we don’t fight, all life in the universe will perish at the hands of the Greedy Star God and the Breeding Star God. If there are sacrifices, they are necessary.” Otsutsuki Momoshiki

:”Oboros’s attack method, which is similar to Inukai Kenmei’s, is somewhat familiar. Hehe, don’t lose, Oboros.”

Uzui Tengen:”Oh! What a gorgeous battle! I’m seeing a battle between two star gods in the true sense!”

Suo:”Hiss – such a huge amount of imaginary energy has formed an energy tide! The star gods are really… so terrifying! No wonder no one would think of killing the star gods, it’s impossible!”

The Hunting Star God Lan:”?”

Evilwood Guardian:”If I’m not mistaken, the Gluttonous Star God is also devouring the power of the Order Star God, right? This”697″ battle is just a stalemate, and it’s hard to determine the true winner between the Star Gods!”

Holy Lord:”But being able to tear off a piece of meat is a huge gain for the Gluttonous Star God! Facing the oldest Order Star God, it’s not shameful for Him to do this.”

Yakumo Yukari:”Yes, even the non-aggressive Abundance Star God cannot be killed by the Patrolling Star God. Perhaps unless the fate of the Star Gods is destroyed, they cannot be truly killed at all.””

【On the other side, the guardian star god Klipper left his sub-crystal light wall and began to follow the trajectory of the universe locust plague in the universe to find the breeding star god.】

【The Amber King, who is older and brighter than the stars, wanders the starry sky with a giant hammer in hand, and gradually discovers a large-scale swarm of insects.】

【The breeding star god who was being followed did not notice the danger coming at all, because the pure concept of breeding filled Him, and the perception of danger no longer existed.】

【On the other hand, the Joyful Star God Aha has returned and has given his good friend, the Pioneer Star God Akiveli, a big surprise.】

【The star god Hippie was pulled over by Ahura. Hippie looked at Akivali lovingly, as if inviting him to join】

【Then Aha told Akivali that the Order Star God Taiyi had fallen, and the fate of order was assimilated by the broader harmony.】

【Taichi, the Star God of Order, died completely from the Star God himself to his fate, not even ashes were left! 】

Camille:”He’s here to catch you. Is it really meaningful for such a magnificent God to take action? Protection… should not be aggressive.”

Aki Tomoya:”This is a bit funny. How could the Star God of Protection take action to hurt others? If he takes action, he will probably protect the Zerg and the Breeding Star God.”

Gold Dust:”Hahahaha! Kid, protection also has priorities. Guess which is more important than the entire universe and a Star God?”

Deadpool:”OMG~ My God! The weak, pitiful and helpless cute little bug was followed by a terrifying perverted killer stone with a hammer!”

Robin:”Hey! So the Harmony Star God also participated in the action of besieging and killing the Breeding Star God? But… shouldn’t harmony also include the Zerg?”

Raiden Wangchuanshou Mei:”It’s different. The harmony of accepting the locust plague of the universe is far lower than the harmony of accepting all beings in the universe, just like the harmony of rejecting Just like nothingness. The star gods measure the value of a thing by priority.”

Liang Bing:”Fuck! An ancient being like Order Star God Taiyi died?! This is… the initiator of the Hunting God War was the first to die? Where is the Amber King? Save him!”

Conan:”No, what happened? Did the Greedy Star God kill the Order Star God? Or… after both were injured, the Harmonious Star God attacked the Order Star God?”

Duanmu Yan:”Harmonious Star God is very suspicious. After all, he is the beneficiary of the Order Star God’s death, and Xi Pei should be the biggest winner after Taiyi’s death.” Bruce Wayne:

“I feel that the Joyful Star God Aha is more suspicious. After all, he said in a weird way that he wanted to help Taiyi at the beginning, and the Harmonious Star God was found by him.”

Shao Nian Lang:”Byd knew that Aha was a troublemaker. Before the fight even started, the initiator of the team battle was directly killed by Aha!”

【The scene changes to the starry sky.】

【After the battle with the greedy star god, Taiyi, the injured order star god, met Xipei, the same star god that Aha had found.】

【Adhering to the truth that everything was for Taiyi, Aha directly tricked Taiyi to death】

【The God of Balance seemed to have intervened as well, muttering:”Everything is for balance.”】

【The Fate of Harmony assimilated the Fate of Order. Taiyi, the Star God of Order, one of the oldest Star Gods, died completely, while Xi Pei became more powerful, and the Fate of Harmony became broader.】

【The gluttonous star god Oboros disappeared after a battle with the order star god Taiyi. His whereabouts are unknown and he disappeared without a trace.】

【At this point, the hunting battle to kill the breeding star god has not officially begun, and two star gods have already died and one is missing.】

【The death of the God of Order caused countless worlds to lose their suns and fall into eternal darkness, with only the statue of the twins entangled in a state of balance hanging high in the universe.】

Asakura Riku:”It’s all for Taichi’s own good, so you just need to accept my insignificant concern, right?”

Hanabi:”Hehehe! As expected of our God, you’re really good at making things happen!”

Joyful God Aha:”Wow, it’s all Hippie’s fault. Aha originally wanted to introduce Hippie to Taichi, but who knew that Hippie, the little greedy cat, would just start eating.……”

Fictional historian:”According to the records of the universe, the star god of harmony, Xi Pei, threatened the star god of joy, Aha, and if he didn’t take him to find the star god of order, Taiyi, he would capture Aha and sell him to the family as a hook.”

March Seven:”Ahhhhhh! Enough of the hook literature!”

Master Kushuo:”Did the star god of balance also take action… But there is a reason, after all, order destroyed balance.”

Fragrant White Lotus Su Huanzhen:”Old man, I don’t know why order destroyed balance. Isn’t this one and the same?”

Pluto:”The ideas of the star gods are very extreme, and The Star God of Greed and the Star God of Fertility, one is endlessly giving birth, and the other is endlessly eating, isn’t that a balance?”

Dad:”You can’t just think like that, maybe the balance that is really broken in this universe is the inequality in the number of Star Gods on the side of order and good and the Star Gods on the side of chaos and evil.”

Romaniachiman:”That makes sense, and Taiyi’s order also destroys the development of the universe. All in all, this is more like a trap set for Taiyi using the locust plague as an excuse!”

Peter Parker:”The Star God of Greed is gone too. I don’t know if he was killed or………”

Qingque:”Maybe he’s full and is looking for a place to sleep, right?”

【The scene changes, and the Joyful Star God Aha arrives at the tavern and calls out to all the Masked Fools.】

【At this time, the Masked Fools were drunk and were discussing how to make wine with insects.】

【”Come on, help the gods to kill the breeding star god!”】

【The masked fools suddenly woke up and realized that it was really the will of God from Ahab. They immediately began to be wary of Ahab trying to trick them.】

【The Masked Fool stole the Mourning Actor’s spaceship and took away the nameless guest hiding in the spaceship.】

【Along the way, each masked fool had his own agenda, secretly getting up in the middle of the night to change the route, but was then changed back by other masked fools.】

【In the midst of the daring noises and pranks, more and more enthusiastic people from various factions boarded the ship, including city builders, law enforcement officers, and unknown guests.……】

【As more and more people joined, the Masked Fools disappeared, and even the wife of a city builder was kidnapped.】

【Just like that, this group of people missed the God Hunting War.】

Old Heavenly Master:”Wow, bugs from the Universal Locust Plague are used to make wine? The Masked Fool is playing it very well.”

Pioneer Star God Akivali:”To be honest, except for feeling guilty towards Taichi, Nanook, and many others, Aha is quite human at other times. If there is something, He will really do it!”

Lu Mingfei:”Where’s the wine! Where’s the person?! Where’s my apprentice?! (Tiger Brother’s voice)” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ainz Ooal Gown:”Wow! My first reaction after receiving the imperial edict was Aha is trying to trick them? The Masked Fool and Aha are birds of a feather.”

Mourning Actor:”Chao!”

Sakata Gintoki:”Hahahahahahahaha! I’m dying of laughter! Why did everyone secretly change the route? The destination is no longer the most open destination!”

Pineapple Blowing Snow:”Aha and Akivali are indeed good buddies. Even the Masked Fool and Nameless Guest under their command are adventuring together!”

Tony Stark:”Gift Crab! You gathered enthusiastic people and made a fortune for yourself, right? You even kidnapped someone’s wife?”[]

Caterpillar:”Quack! That’s amazing! The Masked Fool insulted the City Builder. The Masked Fool is the best in the world!”

Xu Que:”I’m not surprised at all. The Masked Fool can definitely kill his teammates in times of crisis, especially the Masked Fool who is in the same team as him………”

Black Emperor:”I don’t believe that the Masked Fool of the BYD group doesn’t have eight hundred minds. I can’t help but enjoy fighting with the air! I want to howl!”

【The scene changed, and after the imaginary energy that shook the universe ran wild, the battle to hunt the gods officially began!】

【At this moment, the Star Gods participating in the battle were extremely united. In the ensemble of billions of voices and piercing laughter, the actions of the bound Star Gods were】

【Then, the Star God of Preservation, Clipper, swung his giant hammer at the Star God of Reproduction!】

【The huge sound seemed extremely dull, it was the silent sobbing of the breeding star god】

【Mucus and blood splattered onto the face of the pioneering star god Akivali, while Clipper just mechanically hammered the breeding star god again and again!】

【His shell, heart, and body were stripped away by Klipper, and his concept of destiny was gradually diluted and shattered under Klipper’s hammer.】

【The body of the Breeding Star God began to dim, and the Harmonious Star God Hippe took advantage of the situation and assimilated the concept of the cluster that was broken by the Breeding Fate into his own body. 】

Year:”You still say this is not acting Taiyi? Once Taiyi dies, we will directly unite!”

Ultraman Titas:”This! Could this be the long-lost skill in the universe, the Seven Days of Love? It can actually lock up the Breeding Star God!”

Crazy Bull:”Quack! It turns out to be three terrifying Star Gods! Silver’s smile, philosophical movements, and Hippe who is comparable to billions of gays! Klipper’s secret weapon, the hammer, can give the Breeding Star God endless surprises~!”

Crazy Dave:”《”What’s the difference between this and Tall Nut killing one Gargantuan with one punch?”

Lu Mingfei:”Eighty! Eighty! Eighty!……”

?Louis Fleming:”Quack! Ahhhhhhh! Lord Amber King insulted the Breeding Star God! Lord Amber King is invincible!”

Dongfang Qixing:”This is Lord Amber King’s value! This is Lord Amber King’s greatness in protecting the universe! Those fertile universe locust plagues, antimatter legions and the like only need to be destroyed, but our Lord Amber King has a lot to consider.”

Ultraman Zero:”What a terrifying power… Although the real heavy damage between the Star Gods is only the destruction of destiny, but Klipper actually Can it use its strength to forcibly extract and smash the concept of reproductive destiny?!”

Wang Xiaoer:”It feels like the Protector Star God is just like an honest man, working quietly on weekdays, but when it comes to taking action, he is the most ruthless one!”

Hakurei Reimu:”This Harmony Star God Hippe is really greedy, she has been fed with everything! If Aha hadn’t called her this time, would she have eaten so much? She must kowtow to Aha?”

Joyful Star God Aha:”Kowtow one by one! Hey… Hippe has three faces, which face should I use to kowtow? It’s so fun!”

【The primordial egg wanted to escape from the breeding star god. Death and reproduction continued to happen to him, destroying his body.】

【Finally, as his destiny was completely shattered, the breeding star god Taiz 4.9 Yuros died, leaving only a faint breeding destiny in the universe.】

【His concept was extracted and shattered by Klipper, and hammered into star god fragments.】

【Because reproduction is an essential behavior of life, Clipper simply broke the fate of reproduction into countless tiny concepts that can never be aggregated and grown, and can only maintain this state of existence.】

【However, because the breeding destiny still exists, even if the breeding star god dies, the locust plague still exists, it’s just not as strong.】

【In the midst of the insect invasion, the various worlds gradually took a breath and began to organize forces to fight against the insect plague.】

【Until the locust plague of the universe that still existed swept through the galaxy called Adrifen.

Barry Allen:”Oh my! The breeding star god who only has the concept of breeding has been beaten into PTSD and fear of death?”

Peter Parker:”If the eggs escape, it will go against the fate of breeding, and the breeding star god will really die!”

Muzan Kibutsuji:”Hold on! Try your best to escape first, and when you come back, kill Clipper in one fell swoop and smash his wall!” Atsuya Kusakabe

:”Huh? He beat Clipper? Really? Even if the breeding star god is given hundreds of thousands of years of development, he can’t beat the preservation star god!”

Sakata Gintoki:”Hey! The breeding star god was beaten into star god fragments!”

Kiana Kaslana:”I remembered an old friend who was broken into pieces by Sister Huangquan.”

Duke of Hellfire:”Children, do you miss me? This is not funny.”

Holy Kesha:”I understand. Krippo’s approach is to prevent the universal locust plague from recurring while maintaining the universe and breeding to continue life.”

Ubuyashiki Yoya:”Although the universal locust plague is still there, at least we can see the dawn and see a future of successful resistance.”


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