Chapter 594 Top 8 Stars – Galaxy Disaster Flying Earth United Nations Birth

With the end of Top9, the gold list rewards appear

【Dimension Gold List】

【List of the ten major natural disasters in the universe】

【Top 9: Emperor’s War/Omnic Crisis】

【Reward: Erase the effects of the Anti-Organic Equation and restore the destruction caused by the Emperor’s War in a non-interference timeline】


After the Golden List Rewards appeared, the anti-organic equations implanted in all inorganic life forms in the universe were erased.

The planets and civilizations destroyed by the Emperor War that swept across half of the galaxy for more than a dozen Amber Ages also appeared in the eyes of the memory star god Fuli.


With the end of Top9, Top8 of the Gold List soon appeared on the Dimension Gold List

【Dimension Gold List】

【A review of the fifteen major natural disasters in the universe】

【Ranking in no particular order】

【Top8 Stars——Galaxy Disaster】

【Cleanse the universe and eliminate natural disasters; embrace the void and take control of the void!】

【All great works require sacrifice to be created. Other life forms in the galaxy may not understand it, but they must obey!】


Marvel World


Nick Fury’s face darkened for a moment, then he breathed a sigh of relief

“The Milky Way… The Milky Way is so big, it’s impossible for Earth to be on the list, right?”

There are cases where a world is on the list multiple times, and Nick Fury is like this. Every time Earth is on the list, Nick Fury will wonder if the disaster is the Earth in their world.

So when he saw that it was the Milky Way, Nick Fury was relieved. After all, compared to the Milky Way, the Earth is too small.

But when Nick Fury saw the cleansing universe and thought of the term natural disaster, he froze.

“Oh my god!”


Runeterra World

Ancient Shurima

Setaka sat on the throne with a thoughtful look on her face. She”297″ obviously noticed the ascension.

For her and Shurima, ascension is the evolution of life forms, becoming immortal, and possessing enormous power comparable to that of a demigod.

And the ascenders need to deal with and solve things like the Scourge that will have an impact on Shurima.

For example, some ascenders will use powerful magic to control and soothe sandstorms.

But the top of the gold list this time is a combination of the Scourge and Ascension, which makes Setaka feel puzzled.

Regardless of the good or bad character of the ascenders, they are always hostile to the Scourge because they are loyal to Shurima.

Except for the Darkin who can symbolize the Scourge in the previous inventory.

Setaka has a hunch that the ascension in this inventory may not be the ascension they can understand, or even some more terrifying ascension.

Current timeline Ionia

The Fate Master, Jin Mojin saw the last paragraph of the gold list introduction and closed his eyes in ecstasy

“Yes… Art must be quite cruel. Art… is worth suffering for!”

“All great works must be set off by countless failures and blood! This is… greatness!”

Jin muttered to himself frantically, and seemed to agree with the existence that achieved the final goal through the golden list.

Thinking that there were individuals or even groups in other worlds who had very similar beliefs to him, Jin felt a twitch and his thing couldn’t help but pull out!


The second half of the poem in the introduction of the Golden List of Pili World caused a stir in the martial arts world.

It was nothing else, embracing the virtual realm and controlling the great void was too much like the martial arts of the martial arts world.

Many powerful masters even speculated whether the virtual realm was a realm of cultivation, and whether the great void was a kind of power, a realm, or an authority?

Jun Fengtian was calm in his heart, but there was a hint of bad warning.

He could feel that this so-called embrace of the great void was indeed very powerful, but the consequences, as well as the so-called cleansing of the universe mentioned above, were not very friendly things.


DC World

When everyone saw the domineering and unquestionable tone in the last sentence, they couldn’t help but think of Darkseid.

Clark Kent was extremely embarrassed. In his eyes, this protagonist on the gold list might be like Darkseid, who wanted to enslave or even sacrifice other civilizations for some selfish purpose.

Bruce Wayne remembered Thanos’ words that the most noble ideals require the most determined will.

However, the word ascension is selfish even if it is understood literally. What’s more, it is a natural disaster?


The world of the under one person was in an uproar.

The excitement in the world of the aliens was because they saw the word”ascension”. The Golden List had not counted any cultivation in such a long time, let alone the legendary immortal cultivation and ascension? They subconsciously ignored the words”galaxy” and all the fanatical aliens were impatient and just wanted to see a little bit of immortal cultivation from the Golden List this time.


Dimension Gold List Chat Area

Hikari:”Galaxy Disaster Flying… is it a natural disaster ascending?! It doesn’t sound like a good guy.……”

Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge:”Hmm? Taixu? Embracing what Taixu? I… I… I have the Taixu Grip!”

Belia:”Purify the universe? Hehehe… It seems that the protagonist of this inventory is going to be the enemy of all civilizations.”

Emperor Qi Tian:”Why purify the universe instead of destroying it? Natural disasters are not necessarily evil. We should think about the problems of this universe. The universe is filthy again. Only filth needs to be purified.”

Duan De:”Oh my god, can it be our universe? What is Taixu… natural disasters… purify the universe… God King Jiang Taixu can do it!”

Sea God:”Jiang Taixu? What kind of God King are you?”

Ye Hei:”It’s obviously the technology side of the universe… and we have nothing to do with natural disasters, where do natural disasters come from.” Pluto

:”The weak cannot understand and have to be dominated… It seems that this is another cruel universe where the strong prey on the weak.”

Bai Wunan:”There is nothing wrong with all the great power belonging to oneself. What is wrong is that other lives should not be implicated. Even if you are strong, you should fulfill the righteousness of the strong.……”

Evil Bai Wu Nan:”Oh? Then what? Since you are a weak person, you have to obey and be dominated! No will is required, and no thinking is required! As for this Galaxy Disaster Flying, well… I like it very much~”

Fu Lu Xiao Jin Gang:”The strong are like this, the weak only need to obey, but the strong have to consider much more.”


In the communication of the audience from all over the world, the Top 8 of the Golden List began

【Screen starts】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【A galaxy called the solar system suddenly appeared on the screen. Then the screen zoomed in and a planet called the Earth appeared.】

【The scene changes, the social status of the earth is thriving, and the technological development is slow. It is still in 2020.】

【Until the growing conflicts and frictions between countries escalated and war broke out, the impact of the war made mankind realize the pain.】

【After the ceasefire, the earth entered a new era and began a technological explosion, with rapid technological progress.】

【The cultures of all regions of human civilization merge, and discrimination, prejudice and contradiction are abandoned.】

【Until this time, human society entered a state of great harmony. On the basis of the original United Nations, all human countries formed a united government.】

【At this point, the United Nations of Earth was established.

Nick Fury:”Fuck! Earth again? Earth again?!”

Apollo, the God of the Sun:”Hahaha! I knew that old Gaia was not simple, he was born to be the protagonist!”

Ye Hei:”I now have some doubts about the specialness of Earth in the myriad worlds. My Earth is not simple, and the Earths of other worlds are even more heavyweight.”

Luo Ji:”Did the Earth of this world also experience a great trough… What caused the steadily developing countries to experience a great trough without the intervention of alien civilizations?” The

Great Commander of Heaven, Hell:”It’s power! Fighting for power is human nature. Even if there are no strong magnetic field masters and no external enemies, those politicians and countries will start wars for the right to rule the world.”

Uzumaki Nagato:”Sure enough, if you don’t experience war, don’t feel the pain yourself, and experience the pain, you can’t understand the true peace.���”

Liu Peiqiang:”United government?… As expected, no matter how the social structure of Earthlings develops, they will unite. But this Earth United Nations sounds pretty domineering.”

Yihua Luoji:”I feel… it’s not as cool as the Planetary Defense Council.”[]

Johnny Silverhand:”To be honest, I’m quite surprised. After experiencing the world war, we should be happy that our world has not become as dilapidated as ours!”

Emiya Kiritsugu:”A world of great harmony… How beautiful! This kind of world is the closest to my ideal and a real world.”

Jor-El:”How should I put it? The current social structure of the Earth is very similar to that of Krypton. I guess the biggest contradiction during this period should be the struggle between radicals and conservatives, right? But it is all for the sake of civilization itself without any interference from interests.”

【The scene changes. At this time, there are no contradictions inside the earth, and the entire civilization begins to study technology and explore the universe.】

【From the study of basic physics to the progress of advanced physics, humans began to move beyond their home planet and explore surrounding planets, build bases, and mine and transport resources.】

【Then the United Nations on Earth built its own space station in space.】

【After decades of rapid development, human civilization soon gained control of all the resources of the solar system and invested in research and construction.】

【Due to the lack of resources, humans’ desire for external exploration is gradually increasing, and the call for colonizing other galaxies is also getting louder.】

【Because the high voice and the resources of the solar system are not enough for the next development of human civilization, the United Nations of Earth created an exploration fleet and began to explore the outer solar system from Earth.】

【It was not until the end of the 21st century that humans accidentally discovered a subspace wormhole at the edge of the solar system when they were exploring the solar system! 】

Ding Yi:”I feel jealous. This prosperous era is just what I wish for.”……..Physicists in civilizations that have not been blocked from basic physics are so happy!”

Giant Shark King:”Oh! How strange! The technological explosion is so strange! It is said that every time the people of the earth are massacred, they will quickly restore their previous technological level!”

Death God Carl:”Can the technological explosion be used in my universe? Conduct a cosmic massacre war and start a technological explosion in the entire universe.……”

Liang Bing:”Karl, you are a bit too extreme.jpg I don’t know if the technology will explode if you do this, but you will definitely explode.”

Dr. Mei:”Controlling all the resources of the solar system for decades… This earth is a little bit wrong, is there any external interference?”

Walter Yang:”My Otto inherited all the knowledge of the previous civilization and led the earth to improve the level of technology in advance, but he was not able to explore the moon. If there was no interference from Honkai, he would not be able to control all the resources of the solar system for decades… It’s too weird.”

The famous V:”No, buddy… Is there anything on this earth?”

Emperor:”External colonization, or the development of pure-blooded humans starting from 2k, without aliens and other messy forces… I like this Earth United Nations.”

Prime Minister Malcador:”I am also optimistic about the Earth United Nations���The future, nothing else, because the Emperor saw the United Nations on Earth smile. Humans who can win the Emperor’s smile are absolutely amazing.”

Luo Ji:”The wormholes around the solar system, I hope there are friendly civilizations or no civilization. No one knows whether this universe is a dark forest.”

Lipia:”Friendly civilizations are naturally good, and dangerous civilizations can also be prevented in advance. I am afraid that it will be a guy like Mephilas who appears to be kind on the surface but hides malice behind the scenes.”

【The discovery of the subspace wormhole symbolizes the possibility of the existence of other civilizations outside the solar system, and the wave of colonization intensifies.】

【Although the Earth United Nations is now a unified environment, there are still hawks and doves.】

【The doves’ intention is to explore wormholes, trade, learn and form alliances with extraterrestrial civilizations, and develop together.】

【The hawks are extremely xenophobic and radical, their goal is colonization.】

【Finally, the Ulysses Project was launched, and three groups of people boarded three interstellar spacecraft to explore the universe.】

【The dove ship carried 250,000 colonists, all of whom were pacifist idealists.】

【The hawkish spacecraft took away some hawkish representatives and extremely xenophobic and decisive people.】

【The last spaceship is a merchant capital with skills and courage, marching towards the universe with talents and desire for cosmic trade. 】

The Fourth Disaster:”Human Union:”Earth Union, you will regret it!” Earth Union:”Human Union, I am the origin of mankind!” (Music)”

Disaster Jane:”Fuck! The person above is a local? Talk about your universe in detail! No! Is there something wrong with your nickname? Why didn’t you also count the gold list?”

The Fourth Disaster:”How can you assume that I am not included in the inventory?”

Vader:”The thinking of the Dove 0.0 faction is too idealistic. How can there be so much love and kindness in the universe? The biggest possibility of other civilizations seeing you for the first time is to destroy you.”

Darius:”Indeed, I like the thinking of the hawks very much. Strike first! Colonization is over!”

Regent Guilliman:”I like this hawkish thinking. Humans are supreme. Other races are all aliens, extermination is the greatest mercy!”

Melina:”These three groups of people will eventually have three different endings. And their positions may no longer be as pure as they are now.”

Topa:”Huh? Merchant Capital also has a spaceship, eager for the prospect of space trade… What kind of world-class giant enterprise are you going to set up?”

Xier:”Don’t do it upstairs, don’t think that everyone is like you. I believe that the giant enterprises in this world are definitely not as dirty as you.”

Zhang Beihai:”The fish that have come ashore are no longer fish. After leaving the earth, they may gradually erase the humanity and tenderness engraved on the earth.”


(The plot of Stellaris is a bit fragmented, with a chain of events, and the main subsequent development direction depends on the players’ choices and imagination, and does not necessarily follow the official plot background, so the content is a disaster flight plot video of a big boss that the author watched combined with the official plot cg of Stellaris.)

(The plot comes from: Earth United Nations: Galactic Disaster Flight microfilm and Stellaris DLC.)

(So the author’s inventory takes the Earth Union as the perspective, taking the route of mechanical ascension – and then transforming into a natural disaster to ascend to the virtual realm.)

(It is not mainly about the fourth natural disaster with the console turned on, the kind of fleet that pushes forward, these will be written later.)

(The Rectification Protocol and so on will be written in the top later when writing about the Human Union.)

(If there are any errors or additions to the plot, setting, and details, you can put them in the book review area)

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