Chapter 601: Natural Disaster – Thorin Chrysogen! Concept of Burning Heavenly Soldiers Galaxy War!

【The scene changes. Under the blockade of the defense organization, multiple civilizations begin to contain the United Nations on Earth.】

【During this time, the Boundary Breaker fleet continued to expand, and soon took over several civilizations on the edge of the Milky Way, totaling dozens of star systems.】

【The dangers of the Boundary Breakers have caused many small civilizations to publicize the dangers of the Boundary Breakers in the Star Ocean Community, demanding that the entire galaxy put aside all grudges and fight against the Boundary Breakers together.】

【However, most of the civilizations in the Star Sea Community are focused on the United Nations on Earth and space trade, and have no time to care about the Boundary Breakers, nor do they understand the Boundary Breakers.】

【As a result, the application for a galaxy-wide fight against the Boundary Breakers was shelved and postponed, and ranked behind other proposals.】

【Ignored by other civilizations in the Star Sea Community, the Boundary Breakers gradually grew stronger and formed a large-scale】

【The Cuizhu Civilization and Tarot Civilization, two civilizations that mainly control star regions at the border of the Milky Way, can only try their best to stop the boundary breakers.】

【However, the Tarot civilization is weaker than the Cuizhi civilization, which results in most of the pressure on the boundary breakers being placed on���Luo Wenming.

Bruce Wayne:”Damn it! How can this group of advanced civilizations be so stupid? Don’t they know that this is like raising a tiger to harm themselves?”

Otsutsuki Momoshiki:”This is what low-level creatures who look at the world from the bottom of a well do. They think they have no rivals when they unite, so they look down on foreign enemies.-”

Cheng Xin:”What have you done, Star Community? If you are not vigilant, how can you fight against the Boundary Breaker!”

Chambor:”It’s very simple. Can’t the Star Community come to C? I think the Star Community’s counter-civilizations just smiled indifferently at the Boundary Breaker.”

Lu Mingfei:”Fast forward to the moment when the Boundary Breaker refines the Star Community in an instant, leaving nothing behind.”

Wade:”Weakness and ignorance are not the root of destruction, but arrogance is. The arrogance of the Star Community made them miss the opportunity to strangle the Boundary Breaker in the bud.”

Padofilis:”I understand that this Star Community is not only cheating the Earth United Nations, but also cheating everyone in major events! The Cuizhi Civilization and Tarot Civilization must hate the Star Community to death, right?”

Kagura:”Well, this time the Cuizhi Civilization and Tarot Civilization also experienced the mentality of the Earth United Nations back then.” Rambo

:”Warning~! Warning~!”

【The scene changes. Just as the Boundary Breaker is wreaking havoc, another wave of subspace waves from outside the Milky Way sweeps across the entire Milky Way.】

【All civilizations have detected this fluctuation and intercepted the information, but they are unable to decipher it and gain nothing.】

【There is no point trying to communicate. The other party doesn’t even seem like an intelligent life form. It is impossible to communicate.】

【The United Nations of Earth sent an exploration fleet to the edge of the Milky Way. At the cost of sacrificing most of the fleet, the United Nations of Earth obtained intelligence about the aliens.】

【Combining the database of ancient civilizations, the United Nations of Earth received another shocking news.】

【The outsider is none other than one of the natural disasters, the Thorin Chromis!】

【The Thorin protozoa were also called Zerg by ancient civilizations. They had warships that were highly resistant to energy weapons, a strict division of labor, and a hive network.】

【A planet occupied by the Thorin Chromatids will be irreversibly transformed into a hive, where the Thorin Chromatids will continue to reproduce!】

【What shocked the United Nations on Earth even more was that the ancient civilization had clearly warned that the Sorin chloris were very weak when they first appeared, but once they reached a certain scale, they would become a natural disaster that was more difficult to deal with than the Boundary Breakers and Su! 】

Cerebro:”Huh? Another warp fluctuation? And there are masters? Hehehe! Civilization is really going to perish this time!”

Ge Xiaolun:”Ji! I knew that if the Earth was quiet, the solar system would not be quiet, and if the solar system was quiet, the Milky Way would not be quiet! How come the Earth can never escape being affected by various natural and man-made disasters in the end?”

Guilliman:”There is the warp, there are intelligent machines, there are Zerg, human aliens, and there are strong men sent from the sky by humans… It is a similar universe… If there are evil gods in the warp, it will be even more similar.”

Artanis:”It’s the Zerg again. This time the Zerg is similar to our world, with a mature hive network and a clear racial division of labor.”

Ruan Mei:”Indeed, it is not very similar to the Universal Locust Plague. After all, the Universal Locust Plague has no sense of community, but it is also It is the power that corrupts the planet, coupled with the strict division of labor among the species… it is enough to be called a natural disaster.”

Sanguinius:”The Zerg that can build fleets definitely have a mastermind or a queen, and they are not the unintelligent ones that breed star gods.”

Odin Odinson:”That ancient civilization’s mark is correct. The high-dimensional invasion of the Boundary Breakers can also be considered as the invasion range of the Zerg. It is possible that the natural disasters are enemies.”

Hikari:”The technology of the Boundary Breakers should develop very slowly. I think the development speed of the United Nations on Earth will soon crush them. The only advantage of the Boundary Breakers is that they are endless.”

Mebius:”Yes, as long as the Boundary Breakers’ portals are cut off and the subspace rifts are sealed, the Boundary Breakers can be fought. But there are many things to consider against the Thorin chlorina.”

【The scene changes to the edge of the galaxy, where the Cuizhu Civilization and the Tarot Civilization are doing their best to resist the Boundary Breakers. However, in their star field, the Thorin Chromis also appears!】

【The United Nations of Earth stopped expanding and instead stepped up its efforts to use the knowledge gained from studying the Void Realm to create special alloys and build a fleet specifically to fight against the Thorin Protozoa and the Boundary Breakers.】

【At the same time, the scale of the Boundary Breakers has reached a level that cannot be underestimated, and they have even attacked the remaining civilizations of the ancient times.】

【However, the fleet of the Ancient Civilization was unable to inflict any effective damage to the Boundary Breaker fleet and was beaten back.】

【The ancient civilizations were helpless. The information about the Boundary Breaker Fleet was learned by the Star Sea Community, and they finally realized the horror of the Boundary Breaker Fleet.】

【After learning that the Xinghai Community finally paid attention to the Boundary Breakers, Cui Zhuo Civilization and Tarot Civilization submitted intelligence about the Solin Chromatids.】

【The news of two natural disasters attacking the Milky Way made the Xinghai Community truly choose to unite all civilizations to resist the natural disasters! 】

Cu Chulainn:”Good fellow! The Cuizhu Civilization and Tarot Civilization are pure unlucky guys! Even more unlucky than me! Two natural disasters besieged two intermediate civilizations……”

Wendy:”The value of Tarot Civilization and Cui Zhu Civilization is still rising just like me. Fighting against two natural disasters on their own is too powerful!”

Emperor of the East China Sea:”Fight (hush)”

Apollo, the Sun Star God:”I can see that the United Nations on Earth is the light of the galaxy, the Guardians of the Galaxy! Only they can rely on the virtual realm to continue to develop and become stronger!”

Bai Qianjun:”This ancient super civilization is disappointing. It has survived the natural disasters and continued to develop for so long, but it still hasn’t fought against the natural disasters?”

Liang Bing:”Byd, is the ancient super civilization locked in technology? How come… Why haven’t you made any progress?”

Gudako:”Surprise, surprise? Surprise? Galaxy Community, how do you feel now? How do you feel? When the Galaxy Community was still scheming, the Milky Way had been hit by two natural disasters.”

Tony Stark:”So the Star Age would make such a mistake… Why did you have to choose to be an Avenger? Can’t you be a Preventer?”

Sophon:”To the unknown existence, arrogance is a common problem of civilization. At this moment, the Galaxy Community underestimated the Boundary Breaker, just like the Three-Body Civilization underestimated Luo Ji at that time.”

【The scene changes, the defense organization lifts the border blockade of the Earth United Nations, and the Earth United Nations, which claims to lead the galaxy forward, begins to support other civilizations.】

【The Tasharus and Pisok civilizations were the most recently invaded by the Boundary Breaker fleet.】

【In the battle between the United Nations of Earth and the Scourge, the Tasharus Fleet and the Pisko Fleet could only serve as cannon fodder and targets to cover the United Nations Fleet of Earth.】

【After the main fleets of the Tasharus Civilization and the Pisko Civilization were completely annihilated and the Earth United Nations Human Fleet Mercury Fleet was damaged by 70%, the Boundary Breaker Fleet was annihilated.】

【However, this victory has greatly frustrated the United Nations and other civilizations on Earth.】

【The situation on the Scourge battlefield is not optimistic. The three civilizations joined forces to achieve a tragic victory. However, the destroyed fleet is only a small part of the endless fleet of Boundary Breakers.】

【After the war, the research warships of the United Nations on Earth captured the wreckage of the Boundary Breaker fleet, reverse-engineered the technology, and developed weapons specifically for the Boundary Breakers. 】

Shen Gongbao:”How ironic, blockade when not needed, and accept help without guilt when needed?”

Gu Yue Fangyuan:”They should sit back and watch the natural disasters attack other civilizations, seek opportunities for their own development, and finally wait for the civilization to become extinct, then take action to suppress the natural disasters and gain control of the galaxy.” Mr.

E:”Hehehe… they still have to have some face, at least on the surface the United Nations on Earth calls itself the Guardian of the Galaxy, the leader of the galactic civilization.”

Wonder Woman:”It’s so terrifying… the main fleets of the Pissoko and Tasharus civilizations can only be cannon fodder?”

Gagula:”To be honest, it’s bloody enough for these two civilizations to bet everything on being cannon fodder. After all, they were almost blown up by the United Nations on Earth before.”

Holy Kesha:”Boundary Breakers… should not be underestimated. I thought the United Nations on Earth was strong enough, but under the cover of two civilizations, it turned out to be just A miserable victory?!”

Jing Yuan:”This Boundary Breaker fleet is only a small part, the chance of the Galactic Civilization winning is too small. No wonder the Boundary Breakers are called natural disasters.”

Kal’tsit:”At this time, we can only rely on humans. The growth of the Boundary Breakers is the responsibility of the Star Ocean Community, but it is the responsibility of humans to attract the Boundary Breakers.”

Bai Yuechu:”No, the Human Federation buddy is invisible? Still in seclusion? Come out and help! Don’t slack off now that you have mastered psychic energy!”

Gabriel:”Human Federation, is there something wrong with your play this time? The Human Federation is still brushing the jungle!!!”

【The scene changes, and the Tarot civilization is destroyed by the ravages of the Solin zoan and the Boundary Breaker.】

【This is the first tragedy in the galaxy where civilization was extinct due to external forces.】

【Without the Tarot civilization as a barrier, the Thorin chloris and the Boundary Breaker faced off head-on!】

【The Scourge is also an enemy of the Scourge. The Thorin Protozoa and the Boundary Breaker collided successfully and launched a fierce war.】

【The Star Sea Community breathed a sigh of relief, and then all civilizations put aside all grudges and began to unite!】

【Led by the United Nations on Earth and assisted by fleets of multiple civilizations, the galactic civilization began to purge the boundary breakers whose battlefields were divided by the Thorin chrysogens.】

【The entire galaxy was destroyed in the flames of war, and brave warriors of all races and civilizations died in this battle that swept across the galaxy. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【The existence of the Earth United Nations is like a reassurance for all civilizations. Each civilization fleet defends its own star field, waiting for the Earth United Nations fleet to jump in for support.】

【In the end, most of the frontline fleets of the Boundary Breaker were destroyed, and multiple dimensional anchors were destroyed. Without the support from the rear, the battle line was infinitely pushed back.】

【At this time, the Earth United Nations is fully capable of confronting the natural disaster head-on, and begins to send fleets to attack the Thorin protozoa and the Boundary Breakers.——!!!”

Gale Warrior:”Could it be that the Tarot Civilization is really a loser? It has never offended the United Nations on Earth, nor has it done anything wrong, but was inexplicably attacked and destroyed by the two Calamities?”

El-Melloi II:”Sure enough, the Boundary Breakers and the Thorin Protozoa are fighting! These two natural calamities are essentially enemies!”

Orochimaru:”One regards the life of the universe in this dimension as food, and the other is a swarm of insects that reproduces endlessly. They are born with an absolute hostile relationship.”

Huolinfei:”I actually saw the galactic civilization unite! And it was led by the United Nations on Earth!”

Emperor:”Humanity is the universe of all worlds. Light! It is the supreme being that leads everything!”

Romani Achiman:”Putting aside other grudges, this moment is when the stars of the galaxy shine! Every civilization is fighting to protect their homeland!”

Poteo:”It makes me so excited! If possible, we, the Sea Patrol Rangers, would also like to get involved. We love these natural disasters!”

Liu Chuang:”Awesome! TMD! Who else can resist? Who can resist?! I have already felt the hegemony of mankind, and I have already felt the determination of mankind!”

Peter Parker:”It’s outrageous… I’m afraid that the United Nations on Earth has been experiencing a technological explosion! Are they really counterattacking the natural disasters?!”

【The research on the virtual world within the Academy of Sciences has also reached a major breakthrough – tearing the barrier between the two worlds and controlling the energy of the virtual world.】

【After long-term research and simulation, the scientific community has come up with a theory that the energy of the sun can be concentrated into a point and accumulated to achieve energy surge penetration.】

【This can effectively ensure the integration of the virtual world and the real universe, but in order to complete the plan, it is necessary to collect the energy of several suns.】

【In response to this plan, the Academy of Sciences proposed the concept of a star-destroying weapon – the Burning Heaven Weapon.】

【Although the destruction of a star will sacrifice a galaxy, the opportunity to control the virtual world is at hand.】

【Besides, the United Nations of Earth has no confidence in fighting against two major natural disasters at once. If they continue to fight, it will only lead to a slow death.】

【At this point, the internal decision of the United Nations on Earth was passed, and the development of the Burning Heaven Divine Weapon began.

Aizen:”Are you going to mention the topic again? Control the virtual world, embrace the void… hehe… I am looking forward to it and curious.”

Death God Carl:”The energy of multiple sun-level stars converges at one point to drill… Theoretically, if it is to break the dimensional barrier of the known universe, it is indeed possible to succeed.”

Di Lena:”But if I am not mistaken… the technology of this universe in the use of stellar energy is not very mature, and the highest seems to be the Dyson Sphere.”

Creator God Otan:”Destroying stars… destroying stars can certainly collect huge supernova explosion energy in an instant, but the damage to the galaxy is too great.……”

Gu Yue Fang Yuan:”Do you remember the sentence in the introduction of the Golden List? The creation of all great works requires necessary sacrifices. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the creatures of the Milky Way surrounded humans and helped them ascend to heaven?”

Lipia:”The Burning Heaven Divine Weapon… It sounds like a powerful weapon, and its lethality may be greater than we imagined.”


I fell asleep after getting off the plane. There are still two chapters to come. There may be one more chapter.

I am still writing.………Four…[]

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