Chapter 628: Black Existence and Red Existence, the Fate of the Two Gods, and the Prelude to the Second Battle of the Two Gods

【WAN began to tell the truth, which was the truth about the extinction of the ancestors of the old world.】

【After the collapse of the Tower of Babel, the ancestors of the old world followed the guidance of God, used the light of science to split the mysterious fog, and discovered the network at the border of hell.】

【The ancestors of the old world penetrated the net and eventually became the net. They cut a gap between the net and reality, completely blocking it.】

【The supreme god named Pattern Screamer took shape in the gap at the end of the world, preventing the gods from coming to dismantle this eternal network.】

【The ancestors of the old world were also destroyed because of this. Everyone mistakenly believed that the roar of the Pattern Screamer destroyed the ancestors of the old world.】

【If the War in Heaven had not happened, this would have been the end of the Children of the Night and of humanity. The end of civilization is to achieve unity.】

【As written in the Broken Mind, it merged into the will of the Broken God. This is the inevitable path opened up by MacKahn and the destiny given by the Machine God. 】

Amiya:”Huh? Tower of Babel?”

El-Melloi II:”The light of science splits the fog, which probably means exploring the mystery.”

Gabriel:”What an abstract statement. I can’t understand it anymore. What is this net and hell?” Justice

:”The only thing that is certain is that the ancestors of the old world broke the mystery and found the net, and then perished on the way of exploration.”

Kamijou Touma:”Isn’t this Pattern Screamer the supreme deity who laughs at the Stag? I thought He was at the same level as the Stag, but now it seems to be at the same level as the Crimson King or something. Ah.”

Kirigaya Kazuto:”Another supreme deity described in depth. Are Yaldabaoth and Macan going to be put in the back as well?”

Endsworth:”Is Pattern Screamer taking the blame? Just by being born, he is guilty of being one of the main culprits in destroying the race. But for a being like him, there is no such thing as a crime.”

March Seven:”Eh… the path of Mecha… From this perspective, the path of Broken God Macan seems to be very similar to that of the Tongxie! Directly united as one!”

Alice Megatron:”This statement is more like the same as Mecha, united as one and then broken apart.”

【Then WAN’s words made the Broken God Cult leader’s pupils tremble】

【This is the truth after the battle between the two gods. If the broken god MacKahn is complete again, then Yadabos will also break through the seal.】

【On the contrary, if Yaldabaoth breaks the seal due to an accident or change, the Broken God MacKahn will also be complete!】

【All the efforts made by the Sarkic Cult and the Broken God Cult so far will only lead to another outcome.】

【The second battle between the two gods!】

【Because of the destruction of McCann, the multiverse has undergone changes that cannot be ignored. No matter which side has the greater advantage in the second battle of the two gods, the result will not change.】

【The Broken God Mackan will be broken again, and the God of Flesh and Blood Yaldabaoth will be sealed again.】

【The leader of the Broken God Cult couldn’t understand it. It was clear that Yaldabaoth and MacKahn were opposing gods, but they seemed to be tied together by fate and cause and effect.】

【Is it the fate of MacKahn as a Broken God that she cannot defeat Yaldabaoth? 】

Jie Xusheng:”These two gods are linked by the iron chain?”

Bai Yasha:”What is the true origin of Yaldabaoth and MacKahn? Why are two unrelated gods so closely connected?”

Mingyue Saint King:”They are more like destined enemies, either live together or die together. And they cannot break the stars, their fate is firmly locked by a higher narrative.” Night Messenger:

“Chaos and Order are enemies! There will be no winner until the end of time!” Dawn Messenger:”Majority is useless, win by the blade!”

Dad:”Oh! Isn’t this the black and white in the world! Absolute balance, a balance that will not let one side dominate! I think no matter which side has a stronger advantage, the other side will make up for it in other ways.”

Gagula:”In other words, all the efforts of the Sarkic Cult and the Broken God Cult are to promote the second, third, or even countless battles between the two gods?”

Him:”Hehehe… He is the creator, but he is the creator of destruction. The cause and effect of a battle between the two gods is unbearable for the universe. There are countless battles between the two gods. I am afraid that the Hytoth universe is not enough for them to toss.”

Fragrant White Lotus Su Huanzhen:”There must be a big hand behind the scenes controlling the fate of these two gods. It may be the existence in the supernormal state of the final territory, or it may be a higher-level narrative.”

【The truth about WAN’s revelation of God is far more than this】

【God is broken yet whole, God is the reason for everything】

【He is complete, He is perfect, He is complete, He is the rule for all】

【He is the God of Perfection, Logos. In the ancient civilization texts, he is also called the Black Being and Holos to distinguish him from false gods like MacKahn and WAN.】

【The Golden List screen begins to explain what the so-called black existence is】

【Black existence is the absolute law and rules, the ultimate order and cause and effect! In the eternal end, it is the concrete manifestation of the narrative concept that imprisons all time and space, and is the embodiment of conveying God’s will!】

【Only Taiyi is the pinnacle of transcendence—the so-called true God, the pinnacle and super logic, the way of all things in the true or upper narrative, which is above Him!】

【The Broken God, MacKahn, who also represents absolute order, is the projection of the Black Existence. 】

Sunday:”It makes sense. Even if MacKahn cannot win, she will not be wiped out, because she is order and the cornerstone of the universe.”

Pluto:”The same is true for Yaldabaoth. Chaos is also the cornerstone of the universe. It and MacKahn are more like being used to fight and check and balance each other to achieve a balance. No one can dominate the universe.”

Otto Apocalis:”Huh? Black Existence? Compared with Black Existence, MacKahn is a false god? My friend, the gold content of this false god is a bit high.”

Yagami Light:”The Broken God and Yaldabaoth are both false gods, so this Black Existence is… the real Kami?!”

Izumi Sagiri:”It’s bad! When Black Existence appears, the Crimson King, the Screaming Demon, MacKahn, and Yaldabaoth are all defeated! How can there be a master? ?!”

Ancient One:”Absolute order and law, cause and effect are also under control… If McCann is order, then the Black Existence may be the absolute existence that symbolizes order under the supernormal state.”

Liang Bing:”Oh my God! This term confuses me! But I can draw the conclusion that all the gods under the supernormal state at the top of Taiyi have been suppressed by the Black Existence!”

Walter Yang:”So that’s it… McCann is a projection of the Black Existence. It seems that the existence that frames McCann’s fate is above the top of Taiyi.”

Conan:”Wait! If McCann is a projection of the Black Existence, then isn’t her nemesis, Adabaoth, also a projection of a god of the same level?!”

【The opposite of black existence is the concept called red existence, which is complete disorder and chaos, severing all cause and effect and rules!】

【Yaldabaoth, who represents chaos and disorder, is the incarnation of Red Existence and is born to be the opposite of MacKahn.】

【The reason why MacKahn and Yaldabaoth can combine and give birth to offspring is because of the most basic laws of the universe represented by the Red Existence and the Black Existence.】

【It is the combination of physical laws and mathematical logic, the wisdom born from order and the soul born from chaos, which is the essential origin of life!】

【However, even the black existence and the red existence have not been able to reach the realm called true narrative. Everything is in the fate arranged by the upper narrative.】

【In the fate arranged by the upper narrative, order must be dead】

【The existence of all things requires operation and ups and downs of the plot, and chaos is the reason for driving the story and creating conflicts.】

【In order to create conflict and contradiction to advance the story, Yaldabaoth or the Red Being appeared】

【A fate of conflicting with the black existence and opposing it to create contradictions and disputes is thus entangled with Adabaoth and McCann. 】

Randolph Carter:”Oh~ Chaos, disorder, blindness, stupidity, I thought of something bad.” (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Romani Achiman:”This endless battle between the two gods is the essential conflict and opposition between the two true gods.”

Otsutsuki Hagoromo:”Order gives birth to wisdom, chaos gives birth to soul… What a clever statement!”

Shi Tianwu:”That’s right, the soul of life itself has only instincts but no wisdom and consciousness. Order fixes the basic laws of the world, which makes the soul rational.”

Altair:”True narrative… I think the true narrative is to the true god of that world, just like me.”

Homura Akemi:”Does the true god also have his own creator… Is all the pain I’ve experienced brought to me by the so-called true narrative!”

Melina:”The destined death of the Broken God McCann… The irresistible sorrow from the true narrative.”

Ashura:”How ironic! All the suffering and destruction of the universe brought about by all conflicts are just for the so-called ups and downs? For the so-called promotion of practice? TMD… TMD!” Deadpool

:”Oh~ To be honest, Sister McCann, I think you are so miserable. If you have the ability to break the fourth wall, you must give the author a hammer!”


At this moment, all the audiences in the Ten Thousand Worlds who had experienced tragedy began to wonder whether the misery and despair in their lives were the ups and downs that the so-called upper-level narrators wanted to create.

People like Akemi Homura, Agni, and Aatrox all wore masks of pain on their faces.


【WAN knows this, the truth is very clear, that is, the Broken God McCann can never defeat Yaldabaoth!】

【If MacKahn defeats Yaldabaoth and order is ushered in, that is the moment when the narrative is caught in the web of order, the moment when the narrative dies.】

【The upper storyteller would not expect this to happen, so McCann cannot always be complete.】

【The essence of God is brokenness!】

【The WaN episode completely announced that the hope of the Broken God Cult might just be a dream within a dream, a delusion within a delusion, like a dream shadow of a paradise, even more unreal than the underlying narrative under the infinite narrative.】

【However, the leader of the Broken God Cult remained unmoved. She did not know what the upper narrative was, nor did she know what the true narrative was. 】


【But if she can make the Broken God whole again, she will do anything. 】

Kamiyama Touma:”I think for the storyteller, if a story doesn’t have something to push the plot, then the story ends badly, which is the so-called narrative death.”

God of Story Loki:”So these storytellers are so disappointing! They created the story and still have to watch it go on?”

Duke of Hellfire:”The Broken God Macan is admirable, but it’s a pity that she is destined to be broken. I mourn for her.”

Young Man:”Youth has no price. I will revive Lao Mai. Lao Mai, come back! We miss you (crying)”

Raikage Lao Da:”I believe that Adabaoth must be fighting the resurrection match underground. Adabaoth has tried so hard, and McCann, who is sitting next to him, will definitely survive!”

Evil Bai Wunan:”Am I the only one who thinks that Adabaoth is more complicated? Adabaoth and McCann are linked by fate, so what is the difference between the so-called powerful targeting McCann and targeting Adabaoth?”

Dream Pozu:”But! This woman’s belief in the Broken God makes me sigh and admire! What a firm belief!”

Aqua:”If I had such a loyal believer, I would wake up secretly in the middle of the night with joy!”

【With the title of Archangel of Mecha, as well as supreme power and wisdom, she revitalized the Broken God Cult.】[]

【Even though he knew that the Broken God could not be complete, the fragments were turned into fragments of fragments, or powder and dust in the disaster.】

【But the Broken God Cult, which has expanded to the infinite multiverse, is still collecting and searching for the fragments of the Broken God and putting them in their original places.】

【She believed that the Broken God MacKahn did not belong to their multiverse, nor to the entropy of the defect.】

【All they can do is never give up until the end of time!】

【This is the Broken God Cult, starting again from the end of time and heading towards the next end!】

【The second end, the third end, until ?0, this is the first year of eternity】

【Under the horrified gaze of the audiences from all over the world, the Broken God Macan, whose fate was destined to be broken and incomplete, is gradually becoming complete! 】

Belisarius Kaur:”Quack! It’s the Chosen of Mekhan! It’s worth dying to see the Chosen of Mekhan!”

Gin:”What a terrifying organizational cohesion. An organization without traitors and traitors can still be spread across the infinite multiverse?! I’m jealous.”

Chario:”Although fate is fixed, fate must be broken! I believe that the Broken God Cult can restore Macan. The heart of belief is their magic!” Xing

:”That’s right! Who cares about the upper narrators, the rules are meant to be broken!”

Miki Sayaka:”It’s so strange, I actually saw the shadow of Homura Akemi in them. Wandering outside of infinite time just to save Xiaomai.” Aatrox:”

Ah! Macan! From now on, until the end of time, they will save you over and over again!”


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