Chapter 82 Complete Six-Core Xilin! First Sit-Up

【The scene changed and Alahato had landed on the moon.】

【Walter asked Siegfried to wait for an opportunity to act, collect the soul steel and return to Earth immediately, then turned around and walked out of Alahato.】

【Bella descended from the sky with a dreamy trail, looking down at Walter】

【”The Queen has ordered that you go to see him, and only you are allowed to go, the First Ruler.”】

【Walter followed Bella and went to the ruins. 】

Starkel Pentecost:”Is this really 2004? Alahato’s technology has far surpassed that of the Hunter mecha!”

Katsuragi Misato:”It’s easy to let the mecha land on the moon, but it’s difficult to come back. The technical content is self-evident.”

Lucy:”It’s so romantic to go to the moon in a mecha.……”

March 7:”I am still very worried about Uncle Yang, I hope Uncle Yang can survive.……”

Xing:”No! The invincible Uncle Yang will definitely defeat the Second Herrscher!”

Xilin:”Humph! Walter? He will definitely come back without a fight!”

【As soon as he entered the ruins, Walter saw Xilin sitting on the stone throne, looking at him with an inflated face and said:】

【”First Herrscher, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time~”】

【”I really didn’t expect that you would actually come. Are you planning to… exchange your life for the lives of those ants?”】

【After that, Xilin stood up, and the collapse energy gushed out violently! Three pairs of dark wings appeared behind her with colorful brilliance.”】

【Sirin looked at Walter coldly and said,”You really brought shame to the Herrscher!”

Kaisa:”One person’s life in exchange for the lives of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people is truly a righteous act. He perfectly inherited the will of the first Walter.”

Emiya Kiritsugu:”He is justice. It is worth it to trade less for more. For the sake of justice, Walter had to sacrifice himself.”

Fischl:”Although it is a bit immoral, but… Sirin! Handsome! You must be the second queen of the Pure Land of the Dark Night?!”

Little angel Sirin:”What? What Pure Land of the Dark Night?”

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao:”Handsome! Of course! The world-destroying demon king Sirin should be properly disciplined by me, the savior Jiuxiao!”

Herrscher of the Void:”Just you? Even if I carry Judas on my back and hold the holy blood of Shaniyat in my hand, I, Sirin, will still be invincible in the world!”

【Walter turned his head slightly without any answer.】

【Xilin thought Walter was scared, her expression immediately eased, and she walked behind him and bewitched:】

【”Hehe…feeling scared? This is the power of God!”】

【”As long as you kneel down and swear allegiance to me… I might consider letting you go.”】

Deadpool:”Dinosaur mom~~”

March 7:”Uncle Yang is not going to save the country in a roundabout way, is he?!”

Mr. E:”Hahahaha! The most interesting thing about human beings is choices! Walter~ let me see how you will choose!”

Utsumi Naruaki:”Then there is only one answer! Of course, swear allegiance! Everything is possible while alive, but when you die you are really dead!”

Loki:”Oh~ Maybe we are the same kind of people. I feel that Walter’s death is not really a death.”

Xing:”Uncle Yang has a cane. Does Uncle Yang have to break the cane to show his loyalty?”

【Walter closed his eyes and smiled,”I thought you would grow up after so long, but it seems that you are still like this after getting the power of God.”】

【There was a blue ball of light in Walter’s hand. Walter said lightly:”Let me show you the wisdom of mankind.”】

【”Really good at talking big~”】

【Xilin passed by, and three huge sub-sky spears slowly appeared behind him and shot towards Walter.】

【”I hope you can play with me longer this time~”

Aizen:”For the Anti-Entropy leader who has lived for decades, this newly born Herrscher is as pure as a piece of paper.”

Master Ma:”Walter has no martial ethics! Come, cheat! Come, sneak attack! This naive Herrscher girl.”

Stargazing:”The power disparity is too great. Even if Walter calculates everything, it is just to delay time.”

Simon:”Isn’t Walter’s purpose to delay time?”

【Walter, holding the Star of Eden, quickly dodged Silin’s attack and began to taunt Siegfried to buy time.】

【One after another, the Sub-Earth Spears kept shooting at Walter. Walter kept a distance from Xilin at a moderate pace.】

【As long as he delays for another thirty minutes, his goal will be achieved! 】

Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge:”What a Walter! He has really learned the essence of my fighting! With his hands and mouth working together, I can fight Kevin on equal terms!”

Ms.:”Humph… His strength is not that great, but he is quite talkative. I want to see what he can say when he is caught?”

He Xi:”With Walter’s current state, he can’t delay for thirty minutes anyway, right?”

【Xilin seemed to have seen through Walter’s purpose, so she stopped chasing him and stood still in the air with her hands emitting blue light!】

【A pair of huge hands appeared behind Walter and grabbed the defenseless Walter!】

【Xilin leaned over and said with a nasty smile:”Fly, you’ve fallen into the trap~ You can’t escape now”】

【”Hum… this is better…”】

【Behind Walter, the Star of Eden in his palm was completely released! A pseudo-black hole opened up between the two of them!】

【However, the same move was ineffective the second time. Xilin’s current strength is enough to use power to fight against the pseudo black hole! 】

Ye Hei:”Oh my! The Void Handprint!”

Rosemary:”It’s a stand that looks like me……”

Seven:”Is this a way to use telekinesis?”

Shazam:”Black holes swallow everything, and Sirin is no exception! Uncle Walter must win!”

Hua Ye:”No matter what, this is a simulated black hole, not a real black hole, otherwise the planet will be gone!”

Kal’tsit:”A fully awakened Herrscher can already use pure power to resist the black hole, and Walter may be powerless to save the situation.”

【Xilin continued to push the pseudo black hole, and at the same time she also realized that Walter’s strength seemed to be only half of the first time. 】

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【As the light of Alahato taking off in the distance came into Walter’s eyes, Walter smiled.】

【”Well done, Siegfried.”】

【The pseudo black hole slowly disappeared, the Star of Eden shattered, and Walter fell on the surface of the moon, no longer able to fight back. 】

Mo Lin:”Why is Walter’s power only half left? Is his power used up a little bit?”

Hatake Kakashi:”It may also be that Walter’s power recovers slowly.” Makise

Kurisu:”I think it may be because Walter is not a native Herrscher, and the compatibility between his core and him is not as high as Joyce, so using power has side effects.” Itsuka Kotori:

“That makes sense, no wonder Walter is always injured.”

【Xilin walked up to Walter and was about to kill him when suddenly Walter grabbed Xilin’s hand!】

【A huge burst of Honkai energy fusion began to operate! Walter tried to detonate the Herrscher Core and pull Sirin’s Herrscher Core to self-destruct together!】


【At the critical moment, Xilin pierced Walter’s body with one of her tentacles and took out the Herrscher core.】

【”You almost succeeded~”]

Aatrox:”Let him go, let’s rush into destruction together!”

Luo Ji:”It’s a plan of life and death, but it’s very useful. Mutual destruction may be the best ending.”

Kuang Xinzi:”Heart-wrenching… It looks only slower than the speed of the delusional heart sound……”

Nick Fury:”Fuck… six! What kind of alien is this Thanos?”

Alicia:”Half of the power of the Herrscher is concentrated in the second Herrscher. It is a very difficult test, but I believe that people of this era will definitely win!”

Harry Potter:”I also believe that the magic of love will overcome everything.”

【Xilin laughed wildly as she devoured and absorbed the core of the First Herrscher. Countless knowledge poured into Xilin’s mind!】

【”Now the knowledge and power of the First Herrscher are mine!”】

【Xilin waved her hand, and the aircraft carrier and other weapons began to be built.

Warlock Adam:”How similar is the core of the Herr of Reason to the Fruit of Wisdom in the Garden of Eden in the legend?”

Xing:”Uncle Yang——!!!”

Himeko:”Walter won’t die so easily. The fact that he’s still in the train is proof of that.”

Loki:”Do you think he’s really dead? Wrong! He’s definitely the same type of person as me! He cherishes his life too much!”

Aqua:”Wow! Sirin has wisdom! How can Earth defeat her with both wisdom and strength?”

Qingque:”There will always be a way when you reach the mountain. We have a direction! We will definitely win! Don’t forget that Earth still has Kevin, the BOSS.”

【Walter’s body gradually turned into ashes like a puzzle and disappeared completely.】

【The scene comes to Siberia on Earth】

【The aircraft carrier turned into a meteorite, carrying countless Honkai beasts with it!】

【The complete Xilin is back!

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