Dimensional Chat Room

Chapter 437: Enchantress and camera

Chapter 437

Yuanzang Mountain, where the night fell, seemed extremely quiet.

The lines on the soles of Ye You's feet were filled with dim brilliance, Ye You always stood outside the lines, never stepping into it.

He let go of his mental power, covering the entire big hole, feeling all the wind and grass here.

Fortunately, no accidents happened.

After about ten minutes, Paqiuli walked back.

"After the analysis?"

Paqiuli gave her a blank look, "How is it possible. Just memorized the magic program."

"I understand, I understand." Speaking of this, Ye You was quite touched. "It's like the zero-to-zero type and infinity-to-infinity type of the Law of Pida. Remember the formula first, and then study how this formula is obtained. Here, why can it be used like this."

The two walked out of the tunnel,

"About when will the analysis be completed?"

Paqiuli raised her palm and lit the compass, "I don't know, let's look at luck."

After a simple answer, Paqiuli stepped forward.


Ye You didn't ask much.

He also probably understands what it is to analyze the magic equation. He has found a breakthrough in the tedious, long and unpredictable program. Maybe there will be results tonight, but on the contrary, if you can't find it, you will always be stuck in place.

"Are you going to go to Dongmu City?" Paqiuli suggested.

Since the battlefield where the vicious battle is about to begin, since it has already come, there is no sign that it seems unreasonable.

"It just so happens that I have this idea too."

The two chose another road down the mountain, from here you can see the stretch of national highway extending in the direction of the urban lights, and the undeveloped forest on the other side. Along this road across the county border, the national highway winds quietly ahead.

Although it is a two-lane highway, there are almost no cars on the national roads with few street lights. The road in the early morning seems to be forgotten in the corner of the world.

"Ha ha."

Ye You, who was about to jump onto the national highway from the ridge, suddenly smiled, and he glanced at a treetop somewhere.

He and Paqiuli looked at each other, and the witch nodded silently, as if saying, "Did you find it too?"

Then Ye You disappeared in place like lightning, and appeared on the top of the pine tree in the next instant, holding a bat in his hand.

"This is... the enchanter?" Pa Qiuli flew over, looked at the bat in Ye You's hand, and said carefully: "It seems that there is a subtle difference with the enchantment magic I am familiar with."

Then Pa Qiuli took the bat and used special confinement magic to observe it carefully.

Then Paqiuli frowned,

"What's the matter? The manipulative technique of this servitor is too rough."

Too rough to guess the intentions of its owner.

There are mostly two uses of envoys, detection and combat.

Since this bat envoy was placed here, it was obviously for surveillance purposes.

When used for surveillance, the master will acquire the perception of the envoy and synchronize the five senses of sight and hearing to a certain extent.

But Paqiuli couldn't feel the magical connection between it and its owner, which meant that what the demon saw and heard could not be passed on to its owner.

So what is the point of this surveillance?

However, it may also be a difference in the magic system.

Or what other purpose?

Miss Witch sighed slightly: "The magic of the Moon World is really unique."

Ye You understood Pa Qiuli's thoughts, and he took the bat again and took out a tiny device from its abdomen.

Paqiuli noticed Ye You's behavior, thinking it was a new type of magic attire, and couldn't help asking: "What is this?"

"CCD camera."


"Charge coupled device-short for chargecoupled device. It is a kind of monitoring equipment that is widely used because of its small size, light weight, unaffected by magnetic fields, and vibration resistance."

Miss Witch was stunned.

What the hell?

Ye You fiddled with the CCD camera: "Magicians mostly use illusions, camouflage enchantments, hints, etc. to confuse others. Almost no magician would think of guarding against electronic devices..."

Paqiuli just came back now, "Human technology?"

Use the products of science and technology on the magician?

Ye You also found the circuit in the camera, and then found the messenger.

"That's it. He is the only person who can use magic like this. He is probably the only one in this world. Keiji Uemiya, but he is not used to using magic magic. It should be his subordinate Hisou Maiya."

Ye You made a judgment on his master instantly.

"Then are we exposed?"

"No." Ye You shook his head, "The cameras of this era have to pass through a circuit if they want to transmit data in time. Everything it records is stored here."

Ye You squeezed the CCD camera, a blue arc flashed, and the camera with the data stored in it turned into dust, a burst of burnt smell spread.

"In this case, at best, she can only let her know the fact that her servant has been eliminated."

Then Ye You crushed the bat in a hand, causing the demonized light spots to disappear.

"So..." Paqiuli nodded, "Perhaps the biggest weakness of magicians in this world is their carelessness. They have no doubt that they are the middleman between the mystery and human wisdom, and they firmly believe that except for gods, Only the same magician can pose a threat to them..."

Paqiuli flew down the treetops and landed on the national highway, "but she was fooled by this ubiquitous technology product."

"Let's go." Pa Qiuli shouted to Ye You behind her: "Perhaps, Winterwood City is far more interesting than imagined."


An ordinary hotel in Fuyuki City.

Only the lobby and the front desk are decent, at best they are cheap hotels equivalent to business hotels. From travellers who drag their homes to the men and women who only stayed for half a night or a bowl, the guests here can be described as diverse.

But because of this, it has become the best place to hide.

Three days ago, Jiuu Mai received the news that she was on standby here.

After receiving news from that person, she rushed over.

Jiuyu Maimi received only one order, to detect and stand by.

So after that, I stayed in this room and never left.

The detected locations were sent over by telegram, mainly including Yuanzang Mountain, Tosaka Mansion, Maki Mansion, the airport, and the main national highways entering and leaving Fuyuki City.

According to the method taught by that, install a CCD camera on the magician, and then just install it in a suitable place.

This method is not only the least expensive, but also the most efficient.

Ordinary humans would not think of cameras on bats, and magicians would not guard against human technology. In the past, there was almost no disadvantage.

And just now, Hisa Mai felt cut off from one of the envoys.

"The people at Yuanzang Mountain... are they used as food by owls?"

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