
Ace took Wang Luffy, and the two broke through the smoke and wanted to join the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Stop them!"

The navy noticed them and rushed over here!


Boom- boom- boom- the navy pulled the trigger mercilessly.

Countless shells rained down on the two of them, looking extremely terrifying!

"Get out of the way!"

Ace blocked Luffy behind him, and at the same time his body ignited with blazing flames, and he crossed his arms!

"Yang Yan!"

The arms turned into flames, blocking the cannonballs in mid-air one by one, causing explosions in the sky!

"Tsuna on fire!"

Ace threw out a ball of flame, which exploded the moment it hit the ground, spraying out a large amount of flames like a bomb!


Luffy looked at the road divided by flames in front of him and couldn't help but admired.

Ace smiled slightly and led him to run away quickly.

"Rubber - machine gun!"

"Cross fire!"

The two of them ran while throwing out attacks, knocking away the jumping navy.

For a moment, no one could stop the two of them.


A dull voice came from behind, and Ace looked shocked!

"Luffy run!"

Pushing Wang Luffy hard, Ace turned around decisively!

He saw that the ground behind him had been melted, and Akainu, who was covered in lava, was standing behind the two of them at some point, looking straight at them


"Ace, he's still alive."

Rerect the hat with the word justice written on it.......

Akainu's right arm suddenly became elemental, and he struck decisively!

"fire punch!"

Ace's right arm also turned into a huge super-high-temperature flame, and at the same time it quickly stretched out to meet Akainu's fist!

This is Ace's common skill, and it is also his most proficient move.

If it were normal, Ace's punch It was enough to sink five ships!

But now, after colliding with Akainu's fist, he couldn't move forward at all!


Luffy yelled, stepping forward to help Ace.

"Let me do it."

A figure about the same height as Ace appeared and stood in front of Wang Lufei.

"Who are you......"

Wang Lufei looked at it for a while and said uncertainly:

"Unknown pirate?"

Fang Ye nodded and charged up a punch at the same time.

A serious punch!

Fang Ye's casserole-sized fist suddenly punched out, with an invincible momentum, and hit Akainu!


Fang Ye's fist had a huge impact on Akainu. The explosion broke a big hole in his body!

The word"Justice" on Akainu's back was burned by the spouting lava, and at the same time, a trace of blood flowed out of the corner of Akainu's mouth again.


With a grunt, Akainu jumped high into the air.

Fang Ye's sneak attack made his already serious injury even more uncomfortable.

"Damn little devil......"

Akainu gritted his teeth and looked at Fang Ye in front of him, wishing he could skin him and convulse him!

Although Fang Ye's strength is not the strongest among pirates, it is a variable that the navy has not taken into account.

And Akainu could faintly feel that Fang Ye seemed to know what was going to happen next.

"Could it be that his knowledge of seeing, hearing, and color has been cultivated to this point?"

Akainu began to doubt Fang Ye's strength.

If he could predict the future for a short time, then his domineering power must have reached an unheard of level!

In this case......

Fang Ye's danger level will rise to another level!


Sengoku's fist hit the collapsed stone pillar bitterly.

"They were clearly right in front of me, but I let them escape like that. Damn it......."

Warring States' clothes were torn, and his face was full of regret.

At the same time, Whitebeard also stood up


But Whitebeard doesn't feel good either. The skin on his face has been burnt and the clothes on his body are also torn!

He is no longer the young Whitebeard. Just being Akainu makes him very difficult to deal with!

Akainu even threatened his life several times!

Whitebeard's eyes were a little dim, but they were quickly replaced by determination!

"Listen up, Whitebeard Pirates!"

Whitebeard slammed the Cong Yunqi in his hand to the ground, and said to the pirate behind him:

"Now I give you two choices!"

"1. Say goodbye to me, continue to live, and return to the new world safely with the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates!"


Whitebeard took a deep breath and shot two rays of light from his eyes, Navy Headquarters!

"Anyone who is not afraid of death, come with me! Today we will clash with this group of navies to see who is the real maritime overlord!"

Whitebeard was so arrogant, the pirates were so morale, they all raised their steel knives high!


Looking at the serious white beard, all the pirates were moved!

"Dad is standing in front of us, why should I hesitate?"

Jin Guduo, the captain of the 11th Squadron, chopped down the navy in front of him with one sword and raised the big sword in his hand!

"Count me in! Today I, Lak, vow to live and die with my father!"

The person who spoke had brown dreadlocks and was holding a huge meteor hammer in his hand. It was very intimidating! The meteor hammer in his hand had been dyed red with blood, and countless sailors had their heads smashed by it.

Watching them proceed one after another. Baibeard smiled happily.

Then, he became serious again

"No one has returned to the ship. Do you want the Whitebeard Pirates to disappear?"

He shouted loudly, and then Whitebeard turned around and looked at the people behind him.

"Captains of teams 13 and 14, lead your men to break out and return to the ship!"


The six-meter-tall"Buffalo" Atmos was holding two giant knives and stood there at a loss.

Similarly, Speedo Kil, who held a shield in one hand and a spear in the other, was also at a loss.

"What are you waiting for? Izo, you should follow and escort them back to the ship!"

The beautiful man in female clothes looked shocked and said in a panic:

"Dad, how could I......"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Whitebeard interrupted coldly and continued:

"If you don't listen to daddy......"

Sighing, Whitebeard did not say the second half of the sentence.

Yizang's face was ugly, how could he want to live an ignoble existence?

But just as Whitebeard thought, he was one of the few people on the entire ship who would not let his emotions overwhelm his rationality.

If you don't listen to Whitebeard's orders,......

It is very likely that the entire Whitebeard Pirates will be here today!


Yizang made up his mind, gritted his teeth, turned around, and said to the pirate behind him:

"Come back to the boat with me!"

"team leader......"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Yizang had a fierce look in his eyes, holding two pistols and pointing them at the person who just spoke.

"Are you going to disobey dad's orders?"

The pirate didn't dare to speak. He could see the deep pain that he had hidden in Izo's twinkling eyes.......

"Yes, Captain!"

The rough man couldn't help crying either. He held a steel knife and left with the people behind him.

Led by them, the pirates gradually returned to the ship one after another.

Looking at their backs, Whitebeard smiled.

"Don't blame Dad, this may be Dad's last order......"

After saying that, he turned around again and looked at the Navy Headquarters!

"Brats, are you ready?"

Whitebeard laughed and scolded, and asked the captains around him.

"Of course dad, I'll clear the way for you!"

Marco turned into a flame and rushed forward at an extremely fast speed!

He, who has always been extremely rational, finally released his nature at this moment.

Marco laughed and kicked away countless pirates in front of him!

"Hahaha, I’m here to clear the way for daddy too!"

Layoke threw the meteor hammer in his hand heavily......

Several pirates' bodies were shattered by this blow, and they quickly flew backwards while vomiting blood!

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