"However, based on the things and clues I discovered, I have some conjectures. I am afraid that the evil god does not come from here, but from another world."

Urahara Kisuke said

"Another world?"

Fang Ye was surprised.

"good. You should have seen Kurosaki Ichigo's state just now. The terrifying power exuding was not the power of death at all. Moreover, I have read many classics before, and I have never heard of the name Evil God."

"Moreover, I had survived in secret that the agent of the god once told Aizen the name of the evil god. His name was Diavolo."


Fang Ye realized that this is the final boss of Diablo! He was once the powerful villain of the Diablo Trilogy, but in Diablo III he destroyed the entire divine world by himself!

Those agents of gods will What does this boss want to do when he lands in the world of death?

"But looking at Kurosaki Ichigo's appearance, I'm afraid this person has not completely descended, but only part of it."

Urahara Kisuke said with a frown.

Isn't this nonsense! If the real body comes, then stop fighting and just admit defeat.

Diavolo is the strongest among the Seven Dark Demons. All the Death Gods are tied together. It's not good enough for others.

Who else can beat it except Nephalem, who is a bad guy?

But I always feel that something is wrong.

Fang Ye pondered for a while and said.

Oh? What's wrong?

Urahara Kisuke asked.

Logically speaking, Aizen and Red Bishop are probably strong enough, but why do they still want to summon Diavolo? Could it be that they have other plans?"

"Is there something else hidden in Soul Society?"

Fang Ye asked

"If we talk about Soul Society, then there is only the Soul King who was sealed in Seireitei."

Urahara Kisuke said.

Soul King?

Fang Ye thought to himself. He also understood that Soul King was said to be the god who created the three realms, but he was betrayed by the four nobles of the Soul Society and sealed in the Seireitei.

Could it be that they Is it for the Spirit King?

Fang Ye also hesitated for a while.

"No matter what, we need to go to Seireitei! Maybe the truth lies somewhere."

Fang Ye stood up and said slowly

"I understand, I'll go with you."

Urahara Kisuke also nodded.

The two decided to leave here tonight and go to the world of death to see if there are any secrets there.

Mr. Urahara, the power of the evil god in you......

Fang Ye suddenly thought of this important question.

Don't worry, I'm fine, I've already eliminated it with Bengyu!

Urahara Kisuke said with a smile. good!

Fang Ye also nodded after hearing this.

He had long known that Urahara Kisuke was very powerful, but now that he saw it, he was indeed worthy of being a captain-level Shinigami.

After the two discussed some details, they took Jinta and Xiaoyu out of this space gap and prepared to go to Seireitei.

But when they arrived at Wandering Street, they couldn't help but be surprised.

I saw that Youhun Street was full of collapsed houses and dead bodies on the ground. In some places, there was even billowing smoke.

An extremely dangerous atmosphere enveloped the entire Wandering Soul Street.

No way, what's going on? Could it be said that Xuqun attacked Seireitei?!

Jinta and Xiaoyu's expressions changed greatly.

Probably not. If it was a virtual group, I'm afraid not even the corpses would be left, and their death time should only be a short hour or two from now. I thought, I'm afraid the enemy is just ahead.

Fang Ye said coldly.

His consciousness has already covered every inch of Wandering Soul Street.

Suddenly his eyes opened and he looked ahead.

Where! There is a person!"

After that, Fang Ye rushed out, followed closely by Urahara Kisuke.

He had only seen a few streets, and happened to see a man in white clothes and glasses pulling a bow, aiming at the escaping ghost.


Urahara Kisuke hurriedly flew over and stood in front of the man.

"Who are you! Why come to Soul Society to kill innocent people?!"

"innocent? You gods of death don’t have a single good thing! They all deserve to die!"

After saying that, the man suddenly released the bow string, and saw an arrow of light rushing towards Urahara Kisuke.


Urahara Kisuke was startled. He quickly pulled out his soul-cutting sword and cut off the light arrow, but when he raised his head, he saw more light arrows flying towards him. They were densely packed, as if they were like locusts. Fang

Ye arrived in time. With a wave of his hand, countless flames spurted out, turning into a giant dragon and sweeping towards the light arrows, destroying them all in an instant.

"Uryu Ishida?!"

Fang Ye looked at the man and suddenly said

"You actually know me?"

Uryū Ishida held his eyes and said with a sneer.

Fang Ye fell into silence.

Before coming to Soul Society, he was ready to find the key plot character of Death, Uryū Ishida.

But unfortunately, it took him a long time to find it. But I didn't find it.

I didn't expect to show up here.

Could it be that all this was caused by Yuhabach?!

Just when Fang Ye was surprised, two more people came to Ishida Yuryu. They looked at Fang Ye and Urahara Kisuke sneered and said,"I thought everything here had been wiped out, but I didn't expect there were still two people."

Fang Ye understood when he saw the attire of these two people.

This is exactly the costume of the Knights of the Star Cross. At this critical moment, Yhwach led the Quincy to launch a thousand-year bloody war against Soul Society!

No wonder I can’t find Uryu Ishida!

It turned out that Yhwach found him first! No wonder I met Yhwach when I found Inoue Orihime!

Yhwach's target is the Soul King!

And the agents of gods and their targets may also be the Spiritual King!

For a moment, Fang Ye connected all the things together and understood.

"Huh, let me take care of these two people!" One of the Quincies came out, with the holy word :"Everything is connected!" I saw a spirit rifle appeared in Lijie Barrow's hand, and he fired a shot at Fang Ye. The silver-white bullets burst out with a powerful aura of destruction, hitting Fang Ye like a cannonball. But Fang Ye still remained Without moving at all, he just raised his right arm lightly, and then grabbed the bullet that was shot at him. Bang! Fang Ye held the bullet in his hand and gently crushed it into powder. This is not possible


Lijie Barrow's eyes widened.

He looked at Fang Ye in disbelief.

In his hand, the bullet couldn't even resist his strength?!

He is the captain of the Knights of the Holy Cross, but he is no match for this man?!

Who are you?!

I am Fang Ye!

Fang Ye said calmly, and then punched Lijie Barrow.

Lijie Barrow hurriedly raised the spirit rifle in his hand and struck Fang Ye's fist. boom~~~!

A violent wave of energy exploded on the streets of Wandering Soul Street, forming a huge mushroom cloud!

Lijie Barrow felt a stab of pain in his hands, as if his bones were about to be broken.


He vomited blood and flew more than ten meters away.


The other Quincy was immediately shocked and flew to Lijie Barrow's side, trying to help Lijie Barrow up.

But he was roughly pushed away by Lijie Barrow.

"You deserve to die!"

He opened his left eye surrounded by sacred words.

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