I saw Fang Ye's body moving on its own, flashing to one side quickly, instantly escaping the red bishop's time delay, and successfully staying away from the attack range of the disintegration ray again.

"A move that stimulates instinct? It's really amazing that he was able to successfully escape from my spell. But don’t get too happy too soon, I’ll let you experience my terrifying magic next!"

After the red bishop finished speaking, he raised his hand, and a black hole suddenly appeared in front of Fang Ye.

The hole expanded rapidly in an instant, and it also exuded extremely terrifying suction, trying to suck away the surrounding people. everything

"Hum, this is my secret method, simulate a black hole! I want to see how you escape from here!"

The red bishop looked at Fang Ye and said with a sneer.

Fang Ye was surprised. He found that the attraction of this black hole was very terrifying, but with the blessing of the ultimate intention skill, he still slowly moved towards the black hole.

"not good! We must find a way to escape from this black hole!"

Fang Ye hurriedly used his mind power, trying to drive his body to move forward, but the black hole seemed to be alive. The more Fang Ye moved forward, the speed at which the black hole absorbed power also accelerated. It had even reached what Fang Ye could bear. reaching the limit, his body became more and more stiff under this powerful oppression, and as the black hole expanded, he gradually lost control, and he was about to be sucked into the black hole!

At this critical moment, Fang Fang Ye had no choice but to use the power of the holy words that Yohabach gave him.

Since Yohabach gave him the holy words, Fang Ye has absorbed the holy words into his body.

Now the holy words are printed on the back of his left hand There are three abilities in total that he was given, namely time retrieval, critical strike and thunder fury. The first time retrieval means that when he suffers fatal damage, the time retrieval skill will be triggered. The magnitude will set his entire time back by one minute.

The second type is a fatal blow, which means that when he attacks, he has a probability of triggering a fatal blow and directly killing the enemy. However, the probability of this fatal blow is very low. About one thousandth.

The third one is Thunder's Wrath, which uses spirit seeds to construct thunder magic. It has powerful single target and group damage, and it can also fill itself with thunder and speed up movement.

Now Fang Ye He had already stepped into the black hole with one foot. Even if he used other methods, he could not escape from this simulated black hole, so he decided to directly release the power of the holy text and set his time back for one minute.

The aura on his body suddenly covered his whole body, and then The whole figure begins to blur

"Um? What's this?"

The red bishop who is continuing to cast spells is a little confused. He has actually investigated Fang Ye secretly and knows Fang Ye's abilities very well.

But now the skills released by Fang Ye make him a little confused. He always feels that it is similar to the time delay just now. place.

But the next second, he was shocked.

Fang Ye's body gradually faded and then disappeared, and then his body was rebuilt on the other side.

During this process, he clearly felt that the time around him was a little strange. Same, as if Yi has gone backwards for a minute

"Huh, it seems like it was a success."

Fang Ye escaped from the black hole and couldn't help but said with joy.

He only felt that he had really gone back to just now. The position he was standing now was the same position a minute ago. His posture had not changed, and even the spiritual energy consumed on his body had returned.

"What a bug skill. It's a pity that this move is too restrictive. I'm afraid it can only be used once an hour during the battle."

Fang Ye sighed slightly.

If you can use it anytime and anywhere, then I'm afraid I won't be weak against anyone.

"What a strange skill. Was this skill given to you by Yhwach?!"

The red bishop asked doubtfully.

Yes, he gave me the power of the holy text just to defeat you.

Fang Ye said coldly.

I see. That Yhwach is really annoying, but I guess your skill has certain limitations and cannot be used anytime and anywhere. I just need to kill you during this free time! After that, the red bishop also used his secret skill.

I saw him The figure gradually dissipated, leaving behind a series of afterimages in the air. These afterimages were traces of his existence.

These afterimages rushed towards Fang Ye, and these afterimages split again as they traveled, becoming more and more.

When these afterimages approached Fang Ye, they stretched out their hands at the same time and condensed into a huge energy ball. The energy ball was the size of a basketball, and there was a trace of electric light emitting from the energy ball. It makes people shudder at the first sight.

No, this is the clone of the dark magician plus an energy ball. It seems that this red bishop is extremely proficient in the magician's skills."

Fang Ye had a gloomy face, he could see the power of this energy ball. It's very scary. If you are really hit, you will definitely be seriously injured even if you don't die.

And now that he has so many clones, they are probably trying to cover up the blows, making him unable to move or dodge.

"But I just happened to try the third ability of Holy Words, the power of thunder."

When Fang Ye thought of this, he immediately filled his whole body with thunder and lightning. Now he moved quickly. Even because he was too fast, after he moved, he pulled out afterimages.

Countless energy balls poured down, hitting Fang Ye overwhelmingly. came over, but Fang Ye was now extremely fast. He quickly shuttled through the gaps between these energy balls to avoid them.

Although these energy balls were very dense, Fang Ye successfully dodged them with little effort. , and the corners of his clothes were not even scratched

"Haha, Red Bishop, whatever other moves you have, use them one by one!"

Fang Ye found out that his ability to write holy words was extremely powerful, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He looked at the red bishop proudly, laughed and said

"Stop being arrogant! Boy!"

The red bishop said angrily.

The number of his clones has reached nearly fifty, and the strength of each clone is equal or even slightly better, so he is confident. But he also knows Fang Ye's Saint The writing was indeed powerful, so he didn’t dare to underestimate it.

So he used a black ball again. This black ball emitted a dark light, and the surrounding space became distorted, as if there was something there. It's like rushing out of a black hole, and the air around the black hole has become viscous.

Huh? What kind of ability is this that can distort space so absurdly?

Fang Ye was extremely surprised.

Humph, now let's see how you can resist it!

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of the red bishop's mouth, and then he once again controlled these black balls to fly towards Fang Ye.

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