But when he was about to release the magic, he suddenly found that the energy condensed in his body suddenly dissipated.

Moreover, cracks gradually appeared in his body, which were densely packed and spread from his chest to his whole body at an extremely fast speed.

"How is this going? How could my power be like this?"

The red bishop looked at himself in surprise. He couldn't figure out why his body was about to collapse in an instant when he had the upper hand. Fang Ye, who was on the side, couldn't help but be overjoyed after seeing it.

"Ha ha! The punch just now was a fatal blow! God helps me!"

"What? impossible! I am sure of victory, how could I be killed by you? And I clearly dodged that punch just now!"

The cracks on his body gradually expanded, and the red bishop also knew that he was about to disintegrate, but he never figured out what happened with the punch just now.

"It's simple, I did it."

Suddenly a strange voice came from behind, which surprised both Red Bishop and Fang Ye. They looked around and found that the crystal where the Spirit King was originally had disappeared.

But the Spirit King was suspended in the air, faceless. said with an expression

"It's you?!"

The red bishop looked at the Spirit King in astonishment, unable to believe his eyes.

"That’s right, outsiders. While you were attacking each other, I was secretly absorbing your power, and now I have broken free and been reborn."

"As for you, I just slightly tampered with the results. I have many abilities, one of which is to tamper with the results and change things that did not happen to have already happened."

"Now you know why you were killed."

The Spiritual King looked at the Red Bishop and said lightly.

"Why? Why do this?!"

The red bishop's aura gradually declined, disintegrating at a speed visible to the naked eye. I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for long.

"It's simple, what you are going to do is ruin it all, and I won't allow it."

The Spirit King said expressionlessly.

"Is that so? It’s really superficial. Only destruction can lead to rebirth. Don’t you understand this truth?"

"It's a pity that after ten years of planning, it still failed, but I believe we will eventually win and completely change the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Red Bishop completely disintegrated, and then his entire body dissipated.

The Spiritual King turned around, looked at Fang Ye who looked shocked, and said lightly:"You are Fang Ye, right? Thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to come out of the crystal so easily.

Fang Ye forced out a smile:"You're welcome.""

"Great, things haven't been settled yet, so come with me."

After saying that, the Spirit King tore apart the space casually and walked over.

Fang Ye breathed a sigh of relief. The pressure the Spirit King gave him just now was too strong. If he fought against him, he would most likely lose.

But look It seemed that the Spirit King was on their side, so Fang Ye breathed a long sigh of relief.

But now he still couldn't figure out what the Spirit King wanted to do, so he decided to follow the Spirit King first to see what the Spirit King wanted. what to do......


In the spirit space constructed by Yhwach, Kurosaki Ichigo still stood there blankly.

But in his heart, an earth-shaking war was breaking out

"call! call! Kid, you are really difficult! Diavolo looked at Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him, with a trace of fear on his face.

This guy was really too strong. He tried his best to gain a slight upper hand, but to completely defeat him, I'm afraid it would take a long time. It takes a long time to decide the winner

"Damn it! How did this guy become so strong in an instant!"

Diavolo had no idea what happened to Ichigo Kurosaki. He became very powerful, especially the skills released by his soul-cutting sword.

Although there was only one move, it was so powerful that its spells were almost unmatched.

If it weren't for With the demon's powerful body, I'm afraid it won't be able to hold on for long.

"Bone prison!"

Diablo quickly released his skills, and saw countless white bone spurs suddenly rising from the ground, forming a circle, and then firmly trapping Kurosaki Ichigo there.

"Crescent moon clashes in the sky!"

Kurosaki Ichigo grabbed the soul-cutting sword in his hand and slashed it towards the bone prison.

Click, click, click.

The wall of bones collapsed instantly, and countless bones fell. The bone fragments falling on the ground made a crackling sound.

Bones. Prison!

Diavolo used his skills again, and saw one white bone after another rising from the bone prison, once again blocking Kurosaki Ichigo's attack.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two attacks continued to collide, and the bone cage competed with each other. Once it was seriously damaged and was eventually blown to pieces by Ichigo Kurosaki.

"If you have any other skills, use them one by one! Now I've almost seen through your moves."

Kurosaki Ichigo said calmly.

"Kid, don’t be happy too early! I'll show you the power of hell fire!"

Diablo was furious. He used his trump card again. He was holding a flaming sword in his hand, and the flaming sword was actually burning with blazing flames.

Moreover, the flaming sword had extremely powerful effects. And the dark power almost surprised Kurosaki Ichigo.

He clearly felt that there were tens of millions of souls in this flaming sword.

Haha, at this time, my artifact, the Hell Sword, although It's just a projection, but it's enough to deal with you! Die, boy!

Diavolo sneered, and suddenly swung the Hell Sword in his hand, and the hell fire drew an arc and rushed towards Kurosaki Ichigo.


Kurosaki Ichigo dodged the Hell Sword with his body slightly sideways, but was still burned by the flames, leaving a scorched black mark on his clothes.

What a strong flame!

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the Hell Sword in shock.

This The hot breath emanating from the Hell Sword made people feel a little afraid, and the sound of the soul wailing from the Hell Sword kept echoing in his mind, which made Kurosaki Ichigo very uncomfortable, as if It feels like my head is going to explode.

"Hum. My sword of hell has ninety million souls. Most people will go crazy if they hear their painful wails. But you can hold on, which really surprises me."

"But this way. Can you still have the speed and movement skills you had just now? I'm afraid it's impossible for you to attack now!"

Diablo said with a ferocious smile.

Kurosaki Ichigo's expression changed several times. He felt that his head was buzzing and he could not concentrate on fighting Diavolo.

He was originally at a disadvantage, but now I am afraid that the situation The crisis became even more serious.

Kurosaki Ichigo gritted his teeth, forced himself to endure it, and tried hard to think of a solution.

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