Although Fang Ye was at the center of the explosion, he was originally very strong and had a variety of abilities, so he would not suffer any injuries at all.

Psychological barrier!

He snorted coldly and immediately used his telekinesis to build a barrier to protect Leah to block the impact.

This mental barrier is only one of his most basic abilities, and there are many other abilities that can be used.

For example, the mental barrier just now can protect Leah from being harmed.

Of course, not everyone can master this ability, but Fang Ye happens to have a strong talent, so he mastered the key.

Fang Ye, who was at the center of the explosion, saw the black mist coming towards him. He snorted coldly and quickly retreated with Liya.

But those zombies rushed towards Fang Ye one by one, and as they rushed for too long, their bodies expanded rapidly.


There was a deafening loud noise, and a three-meter-wide gap suddenly opened in the ground, and countless pieces of earth and stone rolled up.

Fang Ye also took the opportunity to step back.

At this moment, another violent explosion came, and Fang Ye hurriedly dodged.


There was another loud noise, and a circle about fifteen centimeters in diameter was exploded.

Damn it! Are these zombies finished yet?!

Fang Ye couldn't help but curse.

Although the explosion of these zombies did not cause any harm to him at all, the smell after the explosion was very unpleasant. The whole place was filled with a rotten smell, which made people sick to smell it.

This affects people's mood.

For a while, Fang Ye's mood was extremely bad.

At this time, a short, black zombie also rushed towards Fang Ye.

This zombie looks very fierce, with black smoke coming out of its mouth and nostrils, and it looks like a big furnace.

Fang Ye hurriedly jumped to the side to avoid the big furnace.

At this time, another monster also rushed over. At the same time, several zombies also followed and rushed towards Fang Ye.

These monsters are really not afraid of death!

Fang Ye snorted coldly.

A serious punch!

Fang Ye directly released his killing move.

I saw a powerful shock wave emanating from the fist, smashing all the zombies into pieces, even destroying the hut without losing its power.

Moreover, a gully more than ten meters wide was created.

Hey, what is that?

Leah was startled, she pointed to the original location of the cabin and said.

I saw this dark cave somewhere, exuding a cold and dark atmosphere.

Fang Ye narrowed his eyes and heard the sound of armors clashing with each other from the cave.

Then a giant zombie wearing armor and holding a sword came out, followed by twenty or thirty zombies.

It's Captain Dalton, he actually became....’

Leah looked at the giant zombie, startled, and then couldn't help but feel sad.

Captain Dalton was here to fight the zombies with some militiamen for the sake of the villagers, but he didn't expect that he would end up like this.

There is something unusual about the whole zombie thing!

Fang Ye looked at the zombies and said solemnly.

Haha, outsider, although you have destroyed a ray of my clone, I am immortal. In the near future, I will eventually rule the entire world again.

Captain Dalton raised his head and looked at Fang Ye with a hint of ridicule on his face.


Fang Ye said in a deep voice.

Although he also knew that he had destroyed a ray of Diavolo's clone in Leia's body, he did not expect to encounter it so soon.

It seems that a trace of Diavolo's spiritual power is possessing Captain Dalton.

This guy is really haunted!

Fang Ye frowned and looked at the giant zombie in front of him warily.

I will kill you now and take away my container!

Captain Dalton, who was possessed by Diavolo, roared, picked up the giant sword and slashed at Fang Ye.

Fang Ye hurriedly turned sideways to avoid it, then he opened his hand and countless fireballs flew towards it at high speed.

But Captain Dalton was very agile.

He turned around and easily avoided Fang Ye's attack and launched a counterattack against him.

The big sword in his hand was swung, and it was like a violent storm, constantly hitting Fang Ye.

At this time, Lia was already standing in the distance. Seeing Fang Ye in trouble, she couldn't help but become worried.

At this moment, Fang Ye suddenly rushed over, his two fists emitting blazing flames. fire punch!

Fang Ye roared and punched Captain Dalton's chest, which immediately made a dent in his chest and blood spurted out.

Captain Dalton screamed in pain.

But the many zombies behind him seemed to have lost their rationality, and they attacked Fang Ye crazily one by one, with a desperate posture. not good!

Fang Ye's expression changed slightly. When he saw the zombies rushing towards him desperately, he hurriedly hid behind them.

At this moment, several more flames were thrown at the zombies.

Bang bang bang!!

The zombies were scorched by the flames and turned into a pile of ashes.

Now, the remaining zombies didn't dare to step forward anymore.

Fang Ye breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. He knew that these zombies should be restrained by the flames in his body.

However, his mood was not at all relaxed, because these zombies did not know the concept of death at all, and they seemed to be unconscious.

The most important thing is that they may have been improved by Diavolo, and they may not be ordinary zombies.

At this time, Captain Dalton stood up, snorted, and released his ice hockey magic.

I saw those ice balls spinning continuously in the air, then getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a huge ice pick and hit Fang Ye.

Fang Ye hurriedly punched it and defeated the huge ice pick, but then more ice cubes smashed towards him, hitting him densely, making a sound like fried beans.

At this time, Captain Dalton rushed towards him again brandishing his sword.

Moreover, the zombies around it rushed towards Fang Ye again, and their bodies expanded again, looking like they were about to explode.

Fang Ye hurriedly took a few steps back.

But he didn't expect that Captain Dalton would charge over again.

Get back here!!

Fang Ye gave a low shout, then jumped up, and rolled a flame tornado towards Captain Dalton.

Captain Dalton was swept into the sea of ​​​​fire, and his body burned rapidly.

However, Captain Dalton is now possessed by Diavolo and is not afraid of any fire at all.

It swung its sword and struck Fang Ye's head hard.

The speed is extremely fast, and it seems to be mixed with a strange dark force. not good!

Fang Ye quickly teleported and avoided the blow.

Then he found the flaw and punched out his special move.

A serious punch!

The powerful aura of destruction instantly enveloped Captain Dalton and the remaining zombies.

They almost didn't even resist for a second before they were completely reduced to ashes.

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