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“It’s our turn next?”

Yuzao joined Arthur and Chi Yulei in an uncomfortable moment.

“It’s not your turn to act cute, go all the way!”

The serious atmosphere that Arthur finally shaped was destroyed by Yuzao Qian again!

“Why! People want meow …”

Yuzao reached out in disbelief before taking off Arthur’s pants.

“It’s enough!”

Arthur stretched out his hands to pull Yuzao’s cheeks into various shapes, and then tapped one on his head.

“X incompetence! That woman is like that. You haven’t … We’re so cute, you don’t care, it really is sex X!”

Yuzao puckered in front of her mouth.

“Believing or not I will push you now. Do you think it’s easy for me to endure me! You stupid fox, you Master, but I’m striving for maximum benefits, do you understand?”

Arthur covered his face and knew that summon this guy came out!

In other words, Shikigami should disappear after running out of energy? Why does she still exist?

Probably a wonderful reaction happened?

After Arthur accepted the death of the Dragon Roar Cannon, the link to Magic Power in front of Yuzao was broken. When resurrected using the Fountain of Life, not at all reconnected.

Before summoning jade algae with killing stone as a medium, killing stone is a Legion Item of infinite dimensional nature. It is the only item that can take effect in any world, although there are killing stones in many Dimensional World But those killing stones are very different from his killing stones. His killing stones are the only ones that can’t be copied, so the power is much superior to those of the world.

Therefore, because the summon’s jade algae is unique, it can’t be said that Arthur summon came out with a super troublesome thing. The current jade algae should be a weakened jade algae. After all, Arthur only saw a tail, and the real jade algae should be Nine-Tails, but it is also possible that she is hiding.

But no matter whether she is strengthened or weakened, it is very difficult to deal with, and she is still full of energy now, which shows that she has been able to take energy from the world like Magician or Onmyouji to maintain her own existence.

All in all, she may be a big trouble. Arthur can’t get rid of it in a short time, unless she can continue with Magic Power in front of Yuzao. In this way, she can bring Yuzao back with his subjective will.

“I don’t understand, I don’t understand, I want to be a wife! Hum, there is no man who I can’t handle before Yuzao, even if X is incompetent, I will let you become a night 7 Yulang!

Yuzao set up a super FLAG.

“7 people in one night, you want me to die!”

Arthur was speechless.

“I don’t want to live … Lord Lei Zhen, see you in the afterlife …”

Sun Wheel, the earth gate that climbed up from the ground, ran towards the window …

“No! Sun Wheel … Yaya …”

Chi Yulei really jumped out and greeted Yaya to help him save the Sun Wheel. Although Arthur is not on a high floor, if he does n’t do anything, he will be crippled if he does n’t die.


At the same time, Arthur was charging ahead.


“Why is there a jumper?”

After Arthur jumped out of the window, he was a bit slower than Akabane. When he thought he didn’t need his help, another silhouette jumped from the roof. It looked like … Charlotte?

The girl has a beautiful profile like Charlotte, loose hair wandering in the wind, wearing a hat similar to Charlotte on her head, very similar to Charlotte, but Arthur clearly felt her The Magic Power is not as good as Charlotte, and the body is more petite, and the color of the hair is slightly different.

Charlotte’s hair was shiny, light blonde hair, and the girl’s golden hair was a little dark and dark golden, and there were some differences in the way of wearing a hat. Charlotte wore a hat high, a look of toes, But the girl put her hat on her eyebrows, giving a timid feeling, no, it should be inferiority?

So is it the genius elder sister and the incompetent younger sister?


Of course, these thoughts just slipped through the split second in Arthur’s mind. Without much thought, Arthur caught Charlotte’s body.

On the split second, the girl still didn’t feel anything, as if she thought she was dead.

“You guy is Charlotte’s younger sister? Welcome you to the kingdom of ghosts, your elder sister just killed me, so to compensate for her fault, you will be my bride in hell, give me birth A bunch of little demon heads … “

Arthur said jokingly.

“Don’t Ah … Stinky man! People don’t want to have a bunch, at most one!”

The girl pushed Arthur away and shivered coldly in the corner.

“How can this be done, at least 3333 Asuras are needed. As the Asura King, I want to command the 100000000 10000 ghost army. This is just the beginning! Blame it on you, elder sister, kill me, Asura King. Alright! “

Arthur was close to the girl …

“Woo… It ’s going to be that many people will be exhausted. Let ’s talk about it. Is it okay to take a rest for a year? Ghosts will be exhausted …”

The girl asked weakly.

“No! First year student once, once twin … no, 3 twins … or 6 twins, 6 6 Da Shun lucky!”

Arthur extend the hand.

“6 … 6! No, people don’t fit that many in their stomachs, and don’t they talk about auspicious ones?”

The girl stretched out 2 small fingers, “At most 2 at a time, and people have to have delicious fruits and the like, do not eat people …”

“Haha ……”

Arthur couldn’t help laughing, he was such a cute guy—

“Why are you laughing?”

Said the girl timidly.

“This is not hell, you are not dead, I saved you …”

Arthur explained.

“Ghost !!!!!!”

The girl suddenly screamed, and the entire Raphael dormitory heard.

“I’m not a ghost, I’m resurrected, but you have to tell me why did your elder sister attack me?”

Arthur quickly reached out and covered the girl’s mouth.


The girl felt relaxed after feeling Arthur’s skin temperature, but soon struggled again—

“Don’t come near me, stinky man … wū wū, to be ruined …”

“Well, well, I won’t touch you, then you tell me why your elder sister attacked me, did anyone want to threaten her?”

Arthur asked loosely.

“… You still ruin me, I don’t know anything! Use your beasts to ravage me to your heart’s content! Quickly, I’m at your disposal! You can do whatever you want!”

After a moment of sluggishness, the girl instantly changed her tone and closed her eyes in a self-effacing manner.

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