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Arthur took the data from Evan and inquired about it. Ionaira was not studying Magic Circuit, but Magic Power’s transducer [transformation conductor] this thing.

Under normal circumstances, the circuit operation of the automatic puppet can be controlled by itself. However, in fact, the really complicated and difficult Magic can only be controlled by Magician himself, and he can control it by himself. This is why the battle of the automatic puppet is needed. Doll makes.

Excellent Magician can bring Magic Circuit to the limit or even beyond the limit. The combat manipulation of automatic dolls is like performing a beautiful waltz dance. Above the ball, if you want to become a Prince in the heart of women, you must be able to be above the rhythm. To guide women’s dance steps, they should not only be elegant but also be able to cooperate with dance music, but also consider that women’s hearts are sometimes surging and calm and calm.

The same is true for the control of puppets. In addition to the output of Magic Power, puppets also have to divide each Magic Power into the same or different fields, focusing on speed, or attack, or defense, Magic Power, etc. The control of the output power level, even if there is a little out of control, the automatic puppet control will fail.

To put it simply, the automaton is a race car, and the puppet is a racer. The performance of the car is important, but the driver’s technique is more important. There is a risk of overturning if you are careless.

Taboo dolls are superior to ordinary person dolls in that they can sometimes refine Magic Power on their own or even fight on their own, but this is still limited, but the Divinity dolls studied by Arthur are all-round.

Although Ionaira did not study Divinity puppets, he solved the puppet manipulation problem from another way.

[Transformation conductor] When changing the Magic Power of a puppet into a Magic Technique through a loop, the volume part is expanded through feedback while maintaining the starting form. In short, the energy efficiency of the Magic Power output is To improve, the input Magic Power is easily strengthened internally, so that the circuit ‘misunderstands’ that there is a large amount of radiation, and then the amount of change is increased, so that ordinary Magicians or even ordinary persons can use automatic puppets.

In the century to come, it is to convert the materials for power generation from coal or the like to nuclear power generation.

“I probably read the content, but if it is not Magic Circuit, I can’t do anything. After all, the research direction is different, and I remember that the Engineering Department should have [Magic Power Amplifier] production?”

Arthur put the information on the table.

“Indeed, the simple amplifier has been put into practical use, but because it is forced to increase the amount of Magic Power, the control of the loop becomes difficult, and even Magic can’t start it well, although mine has already been researched. Theory, but not at all the real realization … so wondering if Magician like you with the ancient Secret Technique will have that kind of power. “

Ionella explained.

“Well, although you can try research, the ideal result will be very good, but-

Professor, do you know what is [taboo]? Magic Power follows the principle of equivalent exchange, even if it is impossible to achieve equivalent exchange in quality or energy, it will also experiment in other aspects. When humans created gunpowder guns, human wars have been cut from ordinary horseback riding Killing turned into bombardment.

The higher the field is touched, the more human will suffer from self-eating. When everyone can manipulate the automatic puppet, the war will be more terrifying than now. If everyone has a “gun” in the hands, this thing will become Simple and direct violence!

Automaton’s ingenious Magic Technique has developed and expanded. Isn’t it guiding the world to the degree of world war? Now all countries are using ingenious Magic Technique to fight. If the automaton can be manipulated by ordinary people, the war will be more fanatical! The advancement of technology has made the form of warfare advance. Previously, one person could kill one person with a cold weapon, and later, one person could kill a row of people with a hot weapon. Now that the forbidden Magic Technique is implemented, one person uses automatic Puppets can destroy a country. “

Arthur shook his head. He was not interested in studying “dangerous” things with the young child. The Magic Power Conductor can only popularize automatic puppets, but it cannot enhance Magician’s strength.

“Is this dangerous? Isn’t this making everyone equal?”

Ionella simply wondered.

“It ’s not dangerous, Ie … well, now I can give Ivan to me, I have said that, I have a friend who can realize ‘LadyJustice (infinite chain reaction)’, give Ie to me Let me achieve peace! “

At this time, a nobleman wrapped in black appeared at the door. The cloth on the body was High Rank material, but it was all in black color, and the hair and pupil were black. Of course, it was not oriental. The face, no matter how you look at it, is the face shape of a Westerner.

“Edmond His Highness the Prince …”

Ionaira suddenly looked towards the nobility at the door.

“It’s not too much. I’m here to pick up Evan. I will make her an automatic figure to save this World …”

There was a smile on the corner of the noble’s mouth, but not at all any joy.


Arthur was instinctively disgusted, this guy suddenly appeared here, and Edward Rutherford asked him to help Ionaira. Isn’t there anything wrong with it? Edward also did not explain to him clearly that the previous events not only attracted the attention of the Japanese military but also the British Prince?

What is his purpose? Although the goal is not him.

“This is Arthur-san, hello, do you have any idea to be my right-hand man?”

Edmond asked Arthur.

“Don’t come close to me. I have no interest in men. If you don’t want to die, even your king has no right to ask me to do anything. My nationality is not British.”

Arthur coldly said.

“Kill him directly, MaMaster!”

Natya is also very dissatisfied, this guy just exposed evil rays of light when he just looked at her.

“In addition to the husband, the world does not need other men!”

Before the jade bath was also very dissatisfied. The rude guy dared to glance at her at will, but she is the strongest big monster Jin Mao white-faced Nine-Tails fox!

“Oh, really rude young ladies, it doesn’t matter, I just came to see Professor Yi’e today …”

Black Prince not at all showed any dissatisfaction, but smiled and approached Ionaira—

“At night, I will let someone invite Evan, rest assured that I will make her the best automatic doll!”

“Um … well … okay.”

Ionaira had originally accepted the suggestion of Academy Chief for Arthur to assist in the research, and now it seems that Arthur rejected her, only …

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