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At dusk, Arthur locked his eyes in a jungle through Curse Technique in front of Yuzao and Frey’s automatic dog team.

They need to end the battle before the night party starts, 87 abstained, 86 have not abstained, so if Arthur does not show up, they will be considered a failure!

So this is a game, and the acceleration goblin gives Arthur 3 options:

First, abandon Yaya, and then spare no effort night party;

Second, the soldiers are divided into 2 roads. On the one hand, they hold 2 people. On the other hand, they rescue Yaya. The rescued people can be regarded as having no power to affect future plans. They also have the strength to rescue Yaya, that is, the rescue party gives up the night party right. ;

The third is to rescue Yaya with all his strength. Everyone sent out the most safe rescue battle, but if they did not arrive at the night party battlefield before the night party started, they might all fail.

Arthur undoubtedly chose the most unfavorable option, and the worst result was that everyone failed.

“This rescue is a matter of my share. Therefore, the mercury lamp and Yan Moai you two can think about it again, you are not obliged to spend time with me to play boring rescue operations, and Fleet, your Quest will be So far, you have to prove your growth to Loki.

This is an unrewarded battle, so you must seriously consider it, probably even I can rescue Yaya. “

“My purpose has been achieved.”

The mercury lamp refers to Shinku’s vow.

“Ru’s troubles, willing to eliminate.”

Yan Moai said something obscure.

“Yaya helped me too, so must go …”

Fleet felt that this was also a way to become stronger.

“I can’t rest assured that my fool elder sister.”

Rocky reached out and scratched his hair to show a look of boredom, “Although I am humble and tolerant, there are 3 kinds of people who cannot be forgiven anyway-

The person who ordered me, the person who resisted me, and … the hesitant guy, act quickly, isn’t the time tight? “

“So let’s go …”

Arthur stretched out his hand, and the powerful Magic Power unfolded from his body, and the Magic formation was constructed at the feet of everyone—

“Mercedes in the sky, tearing the night like a wheel of silence, echoing in a flash, this is the dim, the lacquer coffin, The-Wheel-of-Fortune, X, Wheel of Fate, The-collectibles, XI, King Star, ORDER! “

Lightning flashed under everyone’s feet.

“Okay, a large number of people can not achieve Teleportation, but strengthened the foot, go ahead.”

After talking, Arthur’s silhouette turned into thunder and disappeared in place.

Others followed the acceleration, and flew under the dim light like one after another.


Arthur who had arrived at the site had found Yaya, but she was not in a state of restraint, but she was crying sadly. With the arrival of Arthur, the other party arranged a combat lineup to wrap Arthur and them.

“It’s really courageous. According to the ancient Eastern language, it is ‘willfully going towards the mountain although knowing that it has tigers’. I originally admired you, but as expected, angels are angels, and they always like to do stupid things. “

Like a fairy, a plain dress, the whole person reveals an unknown atmosphere, exuding silver rays of light. A girl with a rose purple color just walked out of the jungle, her face hung with a gentle and gentle smile , Exudes the loving kind of healing that makes people heal.

“Alice Barnesday, and Cedric Granville, right? I intentionally produced such a movement, but if you want me, just come and design so many closely linked with one another. At some point I ca n’t even find out your true identity, but I appreciate your intelligence, but I do n’t appreciate your ignorance. “

Arthur stroked the corner of his mouth lightly, turning a blind eye to those who surrounded him.

“I’m really surprised. I don’t know how His Highness the Prince knew about me?”

Alice still doesn’t understand how Arthur discovered her true identity.

“It should be the surprise you showed when I was resurrected. Although it is only 0.1% of the picture buried in the impression, but I am a person who likes to think very much, at first, I am indeed investigating Charlotte or Ariete still has you 87, but this does not determine that you are the master of the scene.

But after accidentally asking Cedric’s information, if you can’t get in touch with you, you want to investigate your attendance with Cedric. As a result, you are intertwined like a gear, which is the most powerful Evidence.

As the 87th, you want to solve the trouble, so use Cedric ’s power to threaten Charlotte, but you did not expect that I will stand up to stop all the attacks, and what surprised you even more is the power of my resurrection. People can be surprised or upset only when the facts exceed their expectations.

It’s just, I guess, maybe it’s just something you deliberately designed for fun. Your real purpose is not in sight. “

Arthur explained.

“Well, great, then let’s get started. In fact, I am really surprised … King Arthur, you have so many enemies!”

Alice doesn’t know what organization the King-Type camp is, but the people in this camp seem to have prejudices against Arthur. Their help and siege led her to bring Arthur here, otherwise she really has no confidence to defeat him.


As Alice’s voice fell, a black Katana girl attacked Yan Moai——

“Mess Guren (crimson)!”

A huge monster appears in the sky. It has the appearance of ape, the body of a raccoon, the four limbs of a tiger, and the tail of a snake. The pair of foreheads on the forehead are very terrifying to the eyes. The servant is actually Shikigami! But it seemed that the knife was boarding in her hand, and the girl had a glowing crimson stone on her forehead.

Kill the stone! ! !

This aura Arthur is very familiar.

The monster from summon directly blows Yan Moai away. It seems that Alice ’s strategy immediately is to clear Yan Moai ’s time bomb!

“Jishan Yellow Springs …”

Yan Moai climbed up from the ground in the distance. Sure enough, as she expected, Yellow Springs appeared. At first, she only paid attention to Jianshan Yellow Springs, because she was only one who could approach her, but it seemed that they could not become Maybe friends, maybe they have different personalities …

Later, I met the second person with a killing stone. Arthur’s approach made her feel that Arthur and Yellow Springs of Jianshan must be able to get along well, right? The results did not have time to introduce, 2 people have become opponents.

“Love sauce, why bother serving that guy, you shouldn’t be that kind of person …”

Jian Shan Yellow Springs swayed the knife in her hand, she originally thought that Yan Moai could be regarded as a younger sister. As a result, she betrayed her, no, it should be said that the happiness that Yan Moai got was not hers!

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