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“MaMaster …”

Natya was the first to reach the battlefield to support Arthur’s battle.

“I’m fine, don’t be nervous, your Master is not so easy to be killed …”

Arthur sighed in relief, Bloodthirsty murderous aura can be used at most once a day. If Astrid is attacking him again, it will be difficult to fight, or Natya will come over.

“Arthur-sama …”

“Husband X2 …”

Irori, Yuzaoqian, and Yaya then arrived, and the appearance of the four-body automatic figure made Arthur’s crisis temporarily lifted.

However, even if Natya did n’t come, Astrid would n’t go to Arthur anymore, because she was n’t sure what kind of cards Arthur still had, and she had little Magic Power left. Out of the seal, what is needed is a very powerful Magic Power, and the injury cut by Arthur in the chest is not at all recovered …


“Master Astrid, the key to Solomon has been obtained …”

At this time, a few people dressed in roses on the black background appeared beside Astrid with the black panther.

“Temporary retreat …”

Astrid glanced at the books kept in the tempered glass box, and a faint expression appeared on his face.

“Church attacking the fool was strongly resisted, and we lost our staff …”

Magician dressed in Rose responded.

“Garbage, these things are not done well, retreat …”

Astrid frowned, not thinking that this Academy actually has excellent Magician, and thought it was just a group of fledglings.

“What about Holy Son?”

The man in Rose looked towards Arthur.

“Magic Power is not powerful enough, but it’s very weird, so don’t touch it …”

Astrid looked timid.


All the people dressed in black rose were silent, and the incomparable Master Astrid would be afraid of this young boy. Is Holy Son really so powerful?

“Sir Holy Son, do you intend to join us in rose association? Give you the seat of rose. How to say rose association was originally to let Holy Sect continue to develop and grow, and the world has been under the secret operation of rose association for many years. Action, a small rose seat can lead to war in the small country level.

The Rose Association has rich resources that you can’t imagine, even if it dominates the world, it can even let me wait for Rose to dominate you! “

Astrid seduced Arthur.

“Is it true to treat me as a puppet? Even if the rose association at first is for the pope to continue to multiply, but are you sure that your mind has not deteriorated?

If I were a god, the first thing I want to destroy is you. The only thing that power brings to humanity is greed! “

Arthur sneered.

“So, please answer me a question, what is the purpose of Holy Son coming to this World? I know you are a group of people who came to this World from the space of foreign world, or what is your purpose? If you people like To survive smoothly, you also need the support of this local world. My golden rose Astrid Seth, asking myself the power is the strongest in this world! “

Astrid did not understand what Arthur was looking for, but it was definitely not Divinity.

“Absolute abyss! Abyss of Magic! Abyss of ingenuity! What I am after is the realm of the abyss. Since you know ‘we’, then I can tell you that even if ‘we’ have different pursuits, I hold arms The noblest pursuit——


The most likely pursuit outside of me is-

Hell? “

Arthur Mystery stretched out 2 fingers.

“Abyss … what is that, please answer me …”

Astrid’s golden pupil shines with inexplicable rays of light. Is the absolute abyss field more attractive than Divinity’s ingenuity?

“Demoness, what do you think God is?”

Arthur suddenly had the idea of ​​playing with this Demoness, so it made the world even more chaotic.

“God … can’t answer because no one has seen it.”

Astrid was attracted by Arthur’s self-confidence. What did she not know if she had lived for so long?

“God exists, but it can also be killed! And the abyss is there for this. The abyss is both a stage for achieving God and a stage for killing God.” We “are selected to become a God or Demon King. , Divinity is ingenious and so on, if that field is easy to reach.

Let me tell you a secret, this World seems to have the principle of automatic puppetry [Magic Technique active inconsistent principle], that is, no matter how powerful puppets are impossible, they have 2 completely different Magic Circuits, but [ Natya] has broken this rule. Her body has 2 types of Magic Circuits, and she has a more powerful God-given soul than the Fool ’s Church artificial soul.

She is a smart puppet that I created with my God-given soul and my blood Called “Wisdom Puppet”, except that it can’t reproduce, it is no different from human. Magic Power can also achieve self-sufficiency.

Even if your world creates Divinity ingenuity, it’s just that’s all stronger than ordinary dolls, but what is the real power?

The real power does not come from the foreign object, but from myself, stepping into the abyss to understand what God is and what it is to kill God. This is what I am after … “

Arthur overlapped [Gravity Control] to Natya and asked her to signal the use of 2 Magic Circuits.


Then, under the shocked expression of Astrid and the others, Natya used a giant hand of Asura King to crush a rose clothed black clothed person into one hand, and the other hand used gravity to crush one Black clothed person attracted to his wrist and crushed his neck bone!


Astrid opened her pupils, her eyesight could fully see that Arthur’s Magic Power did not transition to Natya, Natya would fight on his own, and the Magic Circuit used is 2, although it may be what organ For the time being, two Magic Techniques exist at the same time, but she is an experienced Magician, who can see through the real two Magic Techniques used by Natya at a glance.

“This is God-given power. After completing the second test, we can give 2 Magic Circuits to any one-in-one automatic puppet. I did n’t grant Natya until just now … I ’m finished with this. I think Edward Rutherford The dean is coming back soon, it ’s time for you to escape … “

Arthur raised his head slightly, smiling, and left to watch Astrid’s cranky thoughts. Well, this is one of the ways to divert Astrid’s attention.

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