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After a short burst of color, Alice felt a force pressing on her heart. Gradually, that absolute force began to dissipate from her body, and the angel feather behind disappeared.

“Although the Magic Technique active uncoordinated principle is overcome, it does not overcome the dimensional active uncoordinated principle. The forces that are different from one dimension will be mutually exclusive, but based on what you created by me, Innate World Control on me also covers It ’s up to you, so in the end it ’s this [(仮) Divinity ingenuity] form. “

Arthur said thoughtfully.

“So am I Divinity ingenious?”

Alice understands Arthur’s explanation not at all.

“The meteor shower then descended and became a sign of splitting heaven and earth apart. This sentence was told by your father that Divinity should have a meteor shower array before his birth. I did have a meteor for your transformation, but this meteor should not be Meteor, in short, you are already a Divinity ingenuity, but there is still a gap compared with the real Divinity ingenuity, probably after the dimension is connected, you can break the shackles … “

Arthur felt that although his transformation was successful, he wanted Alice to show the true Divinity ingenuity, probably at the point where he reached the level clear of the abyss.

“Okay, no matter what, it was ingeniously touched with Divinity … The crisis of the ingenious city should be lifted. Just after the split second, the entire ingenious city’s automatic puppets stopped working. The only actionable thing is the taboo puppet. In that case, Magnus can easily solve the black Prince Edmond. “

Alice looked at the frozen heart and worried about her father.

“Help me return to the ward to rest, I hope that no accident will come to me before dawn, in that case …”

Arthur prays that King-Type Ability User will not appear. Now he is backlashed by Dimensional World’s rules because he created Divinity ingenuity. His body is very weak, plus the lost Stigma energy and blood of the Magic Circuit that constructs the [human-law world] …

“That heart …”

Alice asked timidly.

“It depends on whether Edward Rutherford can come back in time, if he comes back, he can be treated, if he can’t come back …”

Arthur closed his eyes and fell asleep, too tired, to fight Astrid, and to work hard to change ** Lisi.


Alice looked at Arthur in a deep sleep, so quiet he looked very cute, completely without that kind of breathtaking temperament, she could feel that there was an indelible link between her body and Arthur, she was a new born Alice The original semi-mechanical body was replaced with the delicate body completed in this way.

It has a complete human activity, which is more real than the taboo doll. It is almost 100% human, but she does have Magic Circuit, but there is a feeling that you can use any Magic Technique feeling, breaking Magic Technique Theory of inconsistent activity.

But it is not enough to use Divinity’s ingenious terms. After all, her current strength is strong, but it is not yet strong enough to respectless of the law and of natural morality.

If you call it, you can only use Arthur’s words-

[Rose Angel].

Divinity’s ingeniously weakened version.


When he woke up, Arthur first saw the unique blank roof of the ward. The pharmacological smell floating in the space was very strong. On the side of the bed were Natya, Yuzao, and Yaya. Only Irori was He changed his wet towel.

“How long has passed … Irori …”

“Arthur-sama … you woke up!”

Irori sobbed on Arthur’s body, “I, I, I am no longer jealous, it’s me, and Arthur-sama escaped …”

“Idiot … not your fault, I think it’s good, because you used to be too stiff, and now you will be jealous of it, that’s good Ah … Well, put away your tears, don’t wake Natya them , How is Academy now? “

Arthur wiped Irori’s tears and said softly.

“Well … Arthur-sama unconscious for three days, our sisters were guarded in shifts. After the meteor shower that night, the black Prince completely failed. Rutherford Academy suffered a serious injury. Unconscious passed, and the professor represented the Minister of Medicine. Sival rescued him and has recovered.

Professor Pacivar is now acting as the Academy Chief, and the night party is proceeding normally … “

Irori explained.

“Well, so, it seems that Edward Old Guy is fortune-telling …”

Arthur pouted, but did not die. It seems that the professors of this Academy are very loyal to Edward. The Academy is always his support with the support of the Professors Association and the School Council.

“Haha … your life is hard enough! The frontal battle with Demoness of Astrid is still alive, the younger generations will surpass us in time!”

A loud laugh came, and Edward, dressed in a medical gown, walked in with Alice’s help.

“I have fulfilled Divinity’s ingenious agreement. Although it is not 100% perfect, it is considered to be completed …”

Arthur takes over Quest.

“The old man struggled for half a century and did n’t expect it to be solved by you at the split second. What a fool ’s Church or the like was prepared for Divinity ’s ingenuity, but it ’s no longer necessary, according to the Magic Association Weng’s prediction, I might die, but the prediction seems to be distorted.

The Divinity ingenuity that should have appeared in the final Demon King night party appeared at this moment, and the prophecy of Shi Zeng Weng has become impossible …

Now, I can spend the rest of my life myself. My investment is indeed correct. As the strongest Magician in the nineteenth century, I don’t think people’s vision is wrong. The results also proved my ideas.

Presumably, there will be a new Academy to replace me soon, when the time comes, the teenagers will enjoy dancing … “

Edward Rutherford’s original sturdy appearance suddenly lost tenacious at the moment, just like a late old man.

“Are you going to resign?”

Arthur frowned. “It’s really troublesome. I wanted to use you.”

“Old Guy does what Old Guy should do, and I have given you the most precious things … And I do n’t want to resign, it ’s not okay. Under that circumstance, the Empire and the World already suspect that I have mastered Divinity. In order to hide for you, I can only carry this Divinity’s ingenious ‘producer’ and start running away, as long as I haven’t been caught, then you will be safe forever . “

Edward Rutherford pointed to Alice behind him, “She is already yours.”

“That’s okay, but you’re really cruel. There should be many people in the School of Craftsmanship …”

Arthur couldn’t help but admire Edward’s consciousness. That’s fine. Divinity’s ingenious secret was taken by Edward alone. Once he disappeared, he was in no danger.

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