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The flame-like figure crawled out of the shadow of Demon King, but the instantaneous explosion of heat burned the surrounding air dry, and the burning of assaults the senses even blown Arthur’s frost.

The level of Magic Power has reached the extreme in flames, making Arthur’s frost also difficult to withstand its high temperature.

“Master … isn’t your purpose?”

Gulistan Luda showed a bit of doubt. Was the Ariadne line of the inheritance of the Winston family coveted by the military?

“Indeed, your excellence is far better than any excellent automatic puppet. If you are obtained by other countries or organizations, it will have a great impact on our British Empire. Originally, it was a compulsion to bring this army to this place for you to join military.

But I ’m so lucky. I did n’t expect the biggest goal to be in you. It just happens. No one will know what to do even in such a remote place. Thank you for this opportunity, if not him. , Maybe I will bring a lot of troops to intimidate you.

But now, if Divinity is ingenious, I act better alone. “

Raikkonen’s falcon-like eyes raged at Arthur and the automatic figures around him, manipulating the flame like a tornado moved towards Arthur to cover it!

“Ice Soul Shield!”

Arthur held the grief of Frostmourne in his hands, and thrust it firmly on the ground. The huge ice wall rose up on one side, and the flames that swooped over were all blocked, and the whole sky was dyed crimson. The ice wall not at all was melted, but the powerful impact caused the ice wall to crack.

“I will accept the heart!”

The next moment, Raikkonen suddenly appeared behind Arthur’s, holding a large sword of flame in his hand and rushing towards his back–

“bang! !!”

The sword of flame passed through Arthur’s body strikes on the ground, generating a surging pressure wave, and the rapidly raised ground moved towards all directions. The blazing flames came out of other places, Charlotte and they all flew back. .

“Teleportation this thing is not unique to you!”

Arthur held Frostmourne in his hand and condensed his body behind Räikkönen. The instantaneous burst of ice spurs into Räikkönen’s body, however—


When the heat wave hit, Raikkonen’s body was flamed at the moment of Arthur’s attack, followed by the explosion of Magic Power, which drove him back more than ten meters.

The name of Demon King is not false.

Raikkonen is the first 3 Demon Kings. He has been a Demon King for more than ten years, and his skill is more powerful than unimaginable.

one after another The sword of flame seemed to be in the sky, moved towards the earth one after another.

Swept everything in front of me.

Gully Shanluda, Rocky, Jianshan Yellow Springs, Mercury Lamp, Charlotte, Akane Leizhen, Earth Gate Sun Wheel, Nero, Alice all evaded the impact of the Flame Sword, Yan Moai, and Ariete At the rear.

But Arthur in the center blocked all flames with the will of ice alone.

Ice Dragon Dance! !

A huge Magic formation emerged behind Arthur’s, from which two giant Ice Dragons rushed towards Raikkonen, and the speed of Ice Dragon became faster and faster, and gradually gathered together into twin dragons. The storm will The world in front of me freezes.

“Oh, it’s really powerful … the confrontation of frost and flames, it seems that your rumors are indeed not a fake name. You have such a powerful frost, and you don’t rely on the power displayed by the automatic puppets. You can’t say Demon King is yours …

If there is no helper, it is difficult for me to capture you … “

Raikkonen’s flamed body felt the strong freezing will of the frost, and Magic Power was not working well. It seems that Astrid’s defeat was not exaggerated, but what puzzled him was that it was only such a thing. Lid impossible will have the idea of ​​fear, what can make Demoness feel fear easily?

While thinking, the Magic Power was completely shaken out of the body, covering almost the flame hell of the entire Winston manor.

“Frost Cloud Fall!”

Irori auxiliary dropped a lot of ice flowers to extinguish the flames, but the flames suddenly came out in the next moment.

“Frost Nova !!!”

Arthur put Frostmourne on the ground like a ripple, frost rushing out of the ground, freezing all the flames.

Yes, it is freezing, not extinguishing, freezing the form of the flame itself in it.

It is simply useless to extinguish the flames, and will come out again after extinguishing.

“You will not help, just give it to me …”

Arthur looked at Loki and the others shaking his head slightly.


“Pandora mode started!”

“Wings of Light!”

“The Transcendental Mode is activated!”


Arthur’s body exudes sacred rays of light, and the whole person becomes a luminous Stigmata Body, and then a pair of wings stretch out from his back, and a luminous ring is woven on the wrist and ankle.

4 Heavy acceleration!

With the power of sonic boom Arthur reached Raikkonen in an instant, Frostmourne slashed down on his body violently!



Raikkonen’s body is Teleportation again, however—

Phantom mode.

Arthur, with Raikkonen appearing behind him, Frostmourne inserted into his within—

“Vital-Frame !!”

Life Force and Magic Power in Raikkonen’s body were forcibly attracted to Arthur, and a soul manifestation device wrapped around his shoulder appeared on his shoulders, rising rapidly from 0 to 200.

“Magic shield! Rigid body! Magic tenacity!”

Raikkonen woven the Magic Power finely on the body surface, increasing the defensive ability, while the body turned into flames and gathered in another place.

“Rune Blade-Icefang Rushing the Heavens !!”

Arthur held Frostmourne as a slash. The crescent of ice running through the world cut on Räikkönen’s body, and blood poured out instantly. This was the first time Räikkönen’s body had blood.

Sure enough, as Arthur expected, the blade of rune ignored the defense, and even the elemental body could hurt.

“Anti-Freezing Domain !!!”

The frost-like Barrier instantly spread around, and Raikkonen’s flame body was frozen in it.

“Yaya …… Sounding [Zhumu Katana Shadow]!”

While releasing Freezing Domain, Arthur manipulates Yaya to launch the final lore.

“Roger that……”

Yaya felt that from Arthur’s Magic Power, the body disappeared instantly in the same place as the fluid of light, and as high speed as the shuttle space, instantly arrived in front of Raikkonen and rushed past the wound caused by the blade of rune!

“bang! !”

The body of ‘Raikkonen’ shattered.


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