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After the Demon King New Testament was announced, Arthur wanted to use team battles to enter the final 3-man decisive battle.

Therefore, he and his friends have to decide who is going to stay.

“I have to stay. Although my goal is not Demon King’s position, I must become Demon King when going to the abyss.”

Arthur determined his position, then—

“You talk about your respective reasons for becoming a Demon King. If I can help you complete it, let me help complete it. If I can’t complete it, I will participate in the Demon King competition, but in the end, only one person can be left. . “

“Frye and I were implanted with Magic Circuit in the heart by Bronson. Therefore, if the blood runs away, the body’s blood will be forced to be converted into Magic Power. I need the banned book” The Organs “and has the position of Demon King. You can conduct taboo human studies, when the time comes can restore my elder sister and I … “

Loki said first.

“This is easy to handle. The organs are probably in the Magic Technique Association? I exchanged them with Stigma blood. Kimberly Teacher is the gatekeeper of the Magic Technique Association. This is easy, although I can personally help you to remove the Magic Circuit of the heart position. , Let you return to the original state, but sometimes the important thing is to fight for it yourself.

If I become a Demon King, you can do research in the name of my Demon King, even if it is found that I was instructed, there is no problem. “

Arthur agreed.

“I’m going to kill Magnus. Of course, more important than this is the resurrection of Fuzi. If Fuzi can be resurrected, I don’t need Demon King’s position.”

Chi Yulei really clenched his fists.

“As long as the organs and tissues of Akane Yuko are found, even if it is a cell, I can resurrect her. This matter is no problem, you can solve it in Magnus in private.”

Arthur had agreed to this request long ago.

“I want Lord Lei Zhen to become a real living person. He is now a living dead person, that is, between a living person and a dead person, can he be resurrected?

Earth Gate Sun Wheel looked at Arthur.

“Impossible, he has made a soul deal with Mount Tai Fujun, so it can’t be ended. At most, I don’t take back the power of the hungry ghost and let him live.”

Arthur was originally prepared to finally recover the power of the hungry ghost, when the time comes Chi Yulei really returned to the arms of hell.

“But I … and Master Lei Zhen’s future …”

Tumen Sun Wheel blushed, could not always say that she wanted a child?

“His body still has human temperature, so it is still possible, but you need to take some medicine. This is what you study in the medical department …”

Arthur pouted.

“That means…”

Tumen Sun Wheel was a little excited.

“His life characteristics remain in a semi-dead state, if it is feasible to use a single medicine to urge a system, but maybe there is only one chance. After the urging, there is no ability to regenerate. You can consider using medical methods to increase that. The success rate of things. “

Arthur pursed his lips. It’s true, he was almost a consulting expert.

“My killing stone is a (pseudo) product, and a real killing stone is needed to ensure the maintenance of life …”

Jianshan Yellow Springs eyes stared straight at Arthur.

“The memory is now unblocked. Are you a member of the Touch of Demoness? The Legion Item like the killing stone was given to you by impossible, and your requirements are different from the local world. I am only due to Yan Moai. If you are dissatisfied, you can meet at the night party. “

Arthur sneered, the real killer he gave her impossible.

“I don’t need a complete killing stone, just link to your killing stone …”

Jianshan Yellow Springs shook his head.

“The killing stone is now in a sealed state and cannot be taken out, wait until it is over …”

Arthur pointed to his forehead.

“No, after the end, you may run, my soul is all in (pseudo) killing stone, if you can’t get the power of killing stone, I will return to the original world, even death, I don’t want to go back . “

Jian Shan Yellow Springs reached out with his blushing eyes open on his forehead, “Since you can touch the real killing stone, you can also touch (pseudo), you just need to touch it, and then it will do everything by itself.”

“Well, this is acceptable, but in view of the danger, a quiet place is needed so that I can’t control my fluctuations.”

Arthur nodded.

“Yellow Springs can be relieved, and I have no desire.”

Yan Moai sat on the window sill far from everyone.

“Yu has enjoyed a gorgeous ice and fire showdown, and this time the dimension is enough.”

After Nero and Arthur’s duel, they were already very satisfied.

“Shinku’s oath remember it.”

Mercury lamps have nothing to want.

“I need money, enough money to take back my family’s Magic Circuit.”

Charlotte said.

“It’s easy to ask for money, just to blackmail Gloria, and with her power and connections, it’s easy to take back the Magic Circuit you want.”

Arthur knows Charlotte’s family. In addition to her blood-related family, she also has the clever automata family with Magic Technique collected by his father, because there was once a dog-shaped automata family. It hurt the Crown Prince Edmond who was playing at that time, so that the family and the Shi Family were disassembled into Magic Circuit and sold in various places …


Basically, all people’s wishes can be tested.

Then the next step is the choice of teammates.

At this moment, Alice walked in with her automatic puppet Xin.

“Yo, everyone seems to be here, so let me tell you the good news, Olga Saladin ranked No. 3, and Auguste Veron ranked No. 4 are no longer enough!”

“What do you mean? I haven’t seen you recently …”

Arthur frowned.

“I just contributed to a good marriage, making love will find a way, Olga and Veron are the granddaughter and the son of the white rose of Golden Rose Astrid, only for the sake of their own The purpose is to modify Olga’s memory, and I just did some insignificant things, and these two people will probably elope soon.

when the time comes I will pose as Olga to participate in the night party, is it very helpful …

When the time comes, I will combine No.2’s Asura * Owen (Asuraowen) to deal with Arthur your combination, and then I will rake again, how about … “

Alice can help Arthur clear the obstacles silently.

“You are so sinister!”

Arthur has already thought about when the time comes NO.2’s face is ugly. Although he is not afraid of NO.2, it is fun …

Alice really is with no opportunity, and Rose’s association can be countered.

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