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Magnus’s words caused Yaya’s heart to wave. The past that had been selectively forgotten is now reproduced. When she first met on the train, Arthur was on the side of her and Lei Zhen …

When Lei Zhen was fighting the red haired man, Arthur took a wait-and-see attitude. Just when Lei Zhen was killed, he stopped the accident, and then Arthur tempted Lei Zhen to his room, and then only Lei Zhen and Tumen Sun Wheel coincide …


Yaya, who gradually recalled, discovered a truth, no, it should be said that the truth she had known for a long time, the past that was buried, now turned out.

“Yaya, do n’t be fooled by that guy. On that occasion, there is nothing wrong with Arthur-sama ’s approach, and he did n’t design the meeting between Master Sun Wheel and Lord Lei Zhen to let you leave Lei Zhen. Arthur-sama’s starting point Just to make Lord Lei Zhen more loyal to him, absolutely not …

And Arthur-sama only rescued you at my request. Later, his opponent did not at all all right? “

Irori didn’t expect that what she was most worried about at this moment.

“Hua Liu Zhai’s Snow Doll, do you really think that stupid people can come to the present? Do you not understand the wisdom of the people you serve? It is true that he has gentleness that cannot be ignored. No one values ​​you more than he does, but ah-

This man has no tenderness for anyone other than him. Isn’t Chi Yulei really becoming his puppet in his strategy?

Of course, such things as selfishness are not at all wrong, but with his power, Chi Yulei can really survive? Who stopped it?

The last winner is only him. In the battle with Shaka, the power he released is probably enough to scare anyone. His past is wrapped in a bloody and brutal road. It is only gentle to the people around him, but, It is also regarded as ants! “

Magnus sees the essence of Arthur’s, a gentle boy harmless to humans and animals? How is it possible that the guy who can reach this end is the kind of person? Even fantasy novels can’t make such a fantasy chapter.

“The two armies are at war, it is very likely that the unrest of the army will lead to defeat. If you don’t get the benefits you want from me, will you begin to avenge your brother? But since I haven’t stopped you, then it proves that I am fearless, You still don’t know me.

Even if Yaya is facing me with a sword from behind, I will treat Irori as she did, let her act, she is free, and she is qualified to know that everything decides everything, and I will respect her path.

To be honest, without Yaya them, you are not my opponent. I set foot on the battlefield with them, not to show my personal bravery, but to greet this last honor together. “

Arthur was unshakable.

“This transaction has failed, and there is the next one. I will stop Yi Xian’s divergent attack. In the end, please let the fire fall … No, turn Fuzi into Divinity …”

A smile appeared on the corner of Magnus’s mouth, “This is a real deal.”

“Divinity is ingenious, do you think it will be so easy to complete?”

Arthur snort disdainfully.

“I’m not referring to the real Divinity ingenuity, Alice’s degree is enough, Huohang within the body now still has the organs of Fuzi, can it be done with your skill?

I will pay attention to you when you enter the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. “

Magnus seems to know Arthur’s program.

“I said that there was an illusion at that time. Are your puppets watching me? But I have doubts. Chi Yulei really said that you killed Chi Yu’s son, so why do you want to resurrect her now? The painstaking plan impossible will end in this simple way? “

Arthur questioned.

“Originally, they were designed to complete Divinity’s ingenuity, but unfortunately, you have improved this procedure. It was Lei Zhen who was destined to kill me. Unfortunately, things are not as expected, everything is changing, The intrusion of you outsiders has transformed this clever world.

So now I ’m going to change the routine, but I still ca n’t avoid a death. Izan Nachi sacrificed more than 1000 lives to summon the character Imon Naqi. No matter how genius I fight with him, there is only one result. However, at least I will take him back to hell.

The enemy of Chiyu is the monastery of Yixian, which is my mission.

How, wish to trade? “

Magnus reached out and asked.

“I have promised Chi Yulei to revive Chi Yu Fuzi, what do you think?”

Arthur shook his head slightly, and the two brothers made the same decision.

“I’ll just add another insurance … fire, and from now on, you are Arthur’s thing.”

Magnus looked towards the girl with pink hair.

“Master ……”

The fire swayed somewhat.

“Go, wait until you recall everything, you will understand …”

Magnus closed his eyes.


The fire went towards Arthur in a loss.

“Jin Baili Teacher … I want to abstain …”

Magnes said moved towards the referee on the field, and then moved towards the field to meet with [Bee] and [Spider]. At the same time, there was another automatic puppet to replace the fire. It should be the most recent It was made with [May] written on the cover, which probably means ephemera.

“I announced that the Demon King of the 49th night party is [Frozen Heart (FrozenHeart)], and the new login code is [Frozen Demon King (The Frozen)] …”

Gully Shanda went on stage and announced …

At this time, Yaya began to change, and a shining angle appeared on her forehead. A deep red power instantly drove Arthur and them all back.

The powerful Magic Power produced by the crimson rays of light reaching the sky ravages the earth and the sky.

Her body is gradually falling apart, as if she can’t carry so much Magic Power …

“Yaya !!”

Irori bit her lip in the direction of moved towards Yaya, but the crimson Magic Power cut her body with bloodstains, just not close!

“Leave it to me, Irori, Yaya is moving towards the ingenious realm of moved towards Divinity, her soul is maturing …”

Arthur pushed Irori into the sky and entered the vortex himself. The blood stream continuously cut his body and brought out a trace of blood. These blood flew into the vortex and flowed into Yaya’s body. Unlike Irori, Arthur’s blood is repairing Yaya’s cracked body, but each time a trace of blood is absorbed, the bloodier vortex is stronger, and the more painful it is for Arthur’s.

Yaya already has the qualification to become a God of ingenuity, and Magnes’s excitement made her to promote all her powers, thus …

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