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The sudden appearance of Edward Rutherford cheered up the entire Academy, as if to eat a reassuring pill. The students and professors who had been in a panic would suddenly be cheered up. The addition of the Magician Association made the school more Support a new force.

“Birau Earl, please take a little time …”

Edward Rutherford said while moving towards the Magic formation in the sky while moving towards somewhere in the dark.

“This is what I should do … Rutherford Academy is long.”

A man walked out of the darkness, about 40 years old, with a tall figure, and the right hand seemed to be a prosthetic limb, possessing a noble temperament that could not be concealed even in the dark.

“Father … Otou-sama!”

Charlotte suddenly moved towards and looked over here.

“I’ll talk about the specifics later, in return for Rutherford Academy’s long favor, and Shirley becomes like this. Maybe I have something to do with it … Then let me be brave.”

Edgar’s face reveals bitterness, and Gloria printed on the sky’s huge monster becomes the look of a girl in his pupils.

“I don’t know what you are talking about?”

Charlotte frowned, but was very happy to meet his father.

“The calamity of the Bila family will end in the future, Xia Lu, and our family will reunite soon, rest assured, this time I will not leave you again, the rose association has entered a retired generation Will be released, saying that he must not thank the young man. “

Edgar looked at Arthur’s direction and sighed, then looked back to the sky—

“” Gold, black, silver, gray, blue, white, red …

It is impossible to fight with the 7 members of the Rose Association and 4 1 family members at once. However, if only Silver Rose is alone, I will be able to overcome it. My name is Billo, which is given to the Knight family of the unicorn Insignia by Her Majesty the Queen Man, I probably still have the power to pick a rose! “

“Wait, Otou-sama, let me help you too!”

Charlotte released Magic Power, turning Sigmund into a huge Wyvern gesture and leaping onto its back.

“Xia Lu, this is my fight. For a long time, I gave up and became an enemy of the association, but now it is different. The golden rose shrank from the angle in awe. Gray rose died in Saintess’s Red Lotus Fire, white rose and red rose are not a concern, green rose is powerless to defend himself, if there is only one gray rose, I can still beat it.

I was n’t confronted with Rose before because I was afraid that it would affect you. I do n’t need it now, and I have to face a problem left over from the past. This is my battle. Give it to me, Xia Lu. Do n’t you want yours? Has the father been shadowed for life? “

Edgar Billau liberated all Magic Power, and then all around appeared a magnificent Ghost Fire, Ghost Fire danced in the air, gradually, the entire Academy was covered with Ghost Fire, enveloped The brightness of the Academy makes one look up.

“This … is the element extermination?”

Charlotte looked at Ghost Fire and it was clear that this is the same as Sigmund ’s attack mode, and the power that does not belong to this World can eliminate the extinction element of the Exterminating All Living Things. In legend, his father is very difficult to deal with The Magician has a high level of attainment in Magic Circuit, etc., and has such a reputation as [Live Killing Barrier].

But compared to the violent light of Sigmund, this Ghost Fire gave her a warm feeling as if it was wrapped in sunlight.

“Please rest assured that this kind of flame is like the Guren (crimson) holy fire like used by Saintess of Arthur young summon, according to the will of Caster, so do n’t worry, it ’s harmless to you …”

Edgar’s confident voice reached the entire Academy.

“It’s worthy to be the Baro Earl of [Live Killing Barrier]. There is no name to humiliate the historical heroes of the Baro family. The life and death in Barrier is like holding the big power of life and death in the hand. The existence in Barrier will be placed on the two ends of the balance, one thought to one life and one thought to death. “

Edward Rutherford couldn’t help but praise.

“Where, compared to the strongest Magician in the nineteenth century and the great man who pushed forward the Divinity ingenious technique in the Magic Technique world in the early twentieth century, I am just a drop in the ocean. Moreover, this legendary Myth level is not a coincidence [Leviathan], I Barrier can only stop for a while.

I don’t know what to do with the rest, and I just delay the time. “

Edgar shook his head with a wry smile. The only thing to say was Rutherford. From beginning to end, this guy is the strongest Magician without any omission, and it is really supernatural to be able to communicate calmly with him during the spell.

“Please start, at least for a period of time before the teenager Divinity is ingeniously completed, and you don’t want to reminisce with old friends? I know, Princess Gloria is your old lover, although you didn’t ask for someone else. … “

Edward Rutherford blinked.

“What an omniscient Old Guy, don’t say that kind of thing in front of my daughter, and how can Her Royal Highness be me …”

Edgar smiled bitterly.

“Otou-sama, what’s going on?”

Charlotte was suddenly surprised.

“The story of an ignorant boy and a girl full of expectation. For some reason, Shirley was not with me, but she had an encounter that was enough to remember …”

Edgar looked towards the sky with a trace of memories——

“Sherry … It took me many years to find that you changed your appearance and voice, entered the royal family and became a princess, and now even fight for the imperial dominance … I do n’t want to fight you, but today to protect my daughter, in order Guard the Academy where my daughter is. In order to repay the favors given to me by this Academy, I will fight you. “

With that said, Edgar ’s Magic Power was so strong that Ghost Fire swayed frantically in the sky, and then transformed into rays of light moved towards the sky. Leviathan rushed over, split second, and the light shone all over. In the sky, everyone’s vision is dyed white.

As the rays of light dissipated, the monster silhouette in the sky disappeared abruptly, no, not disappeared, but a large number of caves appeared in Leviathan ’s body. Next moment, a large number of insects incubate to give Leviathan The hole in the body is filled …

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