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[Twelfth world is determined to be the winner of “Aria the Scarlet Ammo”, and the voting of Guild War world will begin. Please go to the comment area of ​​”Dimensional Chaos”, A: “Study City”; B: “The Irregular at Magic High School”; C: “Is it wrong to seek an encounter in Underground City”; D: “FateDarkPrelude” (Note: Heroic Spirit, Rhapsody where players all appear in blackening mode)]

There is still an hour left in the early morning when Silver Rose Gloria (Sherrie) has been defeated by Edgar, and she may be killed soon after inhaling Leviathan poison qi.

Magnus succeeded in blocking the offense of Ixana, but the black Crown Prince Edmond led the army into the Academy.

Arthur’s fate is at stake.

“Ah yeah, it’s really sad, the Demon King who freezes, and he will die here just after gaining the position of Demon King. It’s a pity … The last one to win is me, Divinity’s ingenuity and so on will be mine Thank you for defeating Leviathan. I will miss your contribution points when I sit on the throne of the British Empire.

However, let me give you the last ride now! “

Edmond, who appeared in the Academy with the automaton Ikaros, looked at Arthur’s weak breath and was very happy.

“So far, the sacredness of the night party cannot be disturbed.”

Gully Shanda pulled out her sword and stood in front of Edmond.

“In order to deal with you, I have prepared the means, Lark, I will give it to you, kill her!”

Edmond staggered his body, and behind him appeared a slender and slim man—

The man is wearing a light blue kimono, wearing a straw hat, wearing straw shoes, with a double knife in the waist. Under the straw hat is a soft and beautiful appearance that almost makes people mistaken for women. It looks like the costume of the prodigal Samurai. Looking at Gully Shanluda with a sharp eye-

“So that’s how it is, it is indeed someone who is worth my shot … brave and beautiful women, Britain is really a terrifying place, there are powerful guys everywhere.”

“You are very strong!”

Gu Lishan Luda frowned, Magic Power had burst out of her body, but did not suppress the Eastern Samurai, what was wrapped around him was not so much Magic Power, it was the anger that the East said?

Mastering such magical skills without getting involved in Magician’s power is really amazing.

“You are weaker than me …”

Lark revealed a lightness and comfort.

For a time, there was a strong breath around the bodies of 2 people.

Only the storm generated by Magic Power will suppress the madness of the surrounding breath.

“Master, how are you here?”

Chi Yulei really looked at the person coming. The person who had taught him Sword Skill stood here, presumably by the divergence of Ixa.

“Yo, you are really embarrassed, well, are you going to play against me?”

Lark couldn’t help laughing.

“Of course, I need him to resurrect his son …”

Chi Yulei really gritted his teeth. Although he knew the master’s strength, he wouldn’t flinch.

“Compared to that, your brother needs your help even more. Although he is a genius, he still wants to fight the founder of Izana, Izana, a little different, so I suggest you go there better.

Lark pursed her lips.

“Magnus … No, did Brother Tianquan and Izan’s divergence match up?”

Chi Yulei really frowned.

“Cough cough … Hungry ghost, you go to stop Izanaqi, your power of the hungry ghost is the absolute nemesis of Izanaqi, Dean Gu Lishanluda, trouble you and others to stop the black Prince , The people of Kendo should be defeated by Kendo. “

Arthur stumbled to his feet, and he was very clear. Gulistan Luda was definitely not the opponent of the Lark. I didn’t expect to have such a backhand.

“Your body?”

Gulistan Luda frowned.

“How is my body? Kendo sends out the power of will, not other things. He has been able to fight easily with Sixth Sense, which is better than your Heavenly Eye. Although he does not have Magic Power, he gathers his breath. Among dantians, and then burst out in one breath, this kind of person can only compete with Kendo expert.

Leave it to me. I might not be able to deal with Magician, but if you use a sword, you will be able to win or lose at split second with your will and spirit. “

Arthur reached out and a slender Nodachi appeared more than 2 meters long—

Shichiten Shichitou.

Rely on Magic Technique to project it in this space.

“Okay, then it’s up to you …”

Gulistan Luda knew that more students needed her help, but the Crown Prince Edmond destroyed the entire Academy.


“A dying person, as an opponent, is slightly terrifying.”

The skylark’s pupil narrowed, and Arthur just pressed the knife with his will.

“Well, just give you the end as a swordsman, and I am not a checkmate!”

Arthur stroked Nodachi with both hands and barely stood up.

“Brother-in-law … Let me.”

Yaya looked at Arthur’s back clenching one’s teeth and said.

“You have a more important Quest. There are many legendary dolls around Edmond. I am afraid that they were taken in advance from the book of Solomon. Natya and Irori, together with Yaya, block those automatic puppets. Help me hang my life temporarily. “

Arthur shook his head. Although Divineity ’s ingenious Yaya was very strong, when she just wiped out Leviathan, she had consumed a lot of Magic Power. The rest was Divinity ’s ingenious and powerful body, so she was not suitable. .

The automatic puppet will be dealt with by the automatic puppet, and the Kendo expert will be dealt with by the Kendo expert.

“Courageous boy, let me try your edge …”

Lark stroking his sword–

“Under the skylark, use Sect for [Mountain Wang Yidao Flow] and [Guhe Wuxin Flow].”

“It’s you who has courage and praise, showing off one’s ability is not good.”

Arthur’s breath seemed to be absent, his body ricketed, but again like the trend of battou, the slender Nodachi was held around his waist by his left and right, and the fingertip of right hand touched the word handle ——

“Under Arthur, the Sects used are [Tendou Stream] and [Tennen Rishin-Ryū].”

“Tendou Sect is not clear. Tennen Rishin-Ryū is a very famous Sect, but there are no outstanding people now. The unknown Sect and the famous Sect are very good …”

The skylark’s body disappeared instantly.

However, Arthur was faster than the skylark, fluttering and completely disappearing from the space.

“Moon Shadow Guren (crimson) !!!”

The sword edge in the skylark’s hands is wrapped with a blushing breath, and the large amount of gas extracted from dantian is dense, like a red moon.

“Shrink the ground * Tendou Sword Drawing Style Zero Type One-[Spiral Swastika”! “

Arthur’s sword speeded up, drifting plainly …

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