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After restoring the battle strength, Arthur easily defeated the black Crown Prince Edmond, and Akane Lei also defeated Izana’s divergence. At dawn, Academy ushered in the cessation of war. Although the 49th night party There are all kinds of twists and turns, but it also ended perfectly.

Arthur will be officially included in the history of Valpulse King’s clever Academy under the title of “Demon King (The Frozen)”.

Both Yaya and Irori have become Divinity ingenuity, and have already possessed the powerful performance beyond the ingenuity dolls. Although I would like to try if there will be a new feeling or the like, but first sweep the end before that.

Turning the flame into a Divinity ingenuity is different from the Divinity ingenuity of Yaya and Irori. It is the same Divinity ingenuity as Alice generally has no 2.

Magnus completed the contract and died on the battlefield with Ixana’s divergence, and Chiyu Leizhen also desperately prevented Ixana’s attack.

Although Arthur was not very friendly to people other than those around him, he was very trustworthy.

Of the ten law circles, 6 of the [hungry ghosts], [human law circles], and [Asura] are already occupied, and the rest are [hell], [heaven law circles], [animals], and Arthur sets the fire drop to [hell] .

After successfully resurrecting Akabane’s son, Arthur threw it to Akabura.

Afterwards, Charlotte’s father killed Barrier alive. Edgar pleased to treat Gloria (Sherri), the poison of Leviathan. Arthur easily agreed, compared with Edmund On the throne, he hopes that Gloria, who has been whitewashed, will take the throne. Although Gloria betrayed the covenant in the final stage, Edward and Edgar blocked her, and Arthur not at all was directly threatened. So be kind.

Gloria ascended to the Queen’s rank imprisoned the black Crown Prince Edmond for life. As the queen’s ceremony, Arthur did not participate.

Princess Soneczka of Northern Europe and Russia asked Arthur to summon Jeanne out of the duel (snap) and returned to his country after being rejected.

Arthur is leaving …

“Why, can’t you abandon me? You are still gentle …”

Alice patted Arthur’s shoulders, “Relax, how could Rutherford’s daughter fall for this kind of thing? I want my daughter to inherit my father’s business and continue to harm this Magic world. My goal is the strongest Magician in the 20th century … “

“I don’t have this kind of thinking, it’s just why you are the first Divinity ingenuity that I made by myself?”

Arthur fingered the tip of his nose, although various …

In short, Alice is not such a bad woman, but she is really good at plot against.

“What you are saying, I am your puppet, forever, at least you don’t have to worry about me wearing a green hat for you, I am indeed a bad woman, but not so bad …”

Alice punched Arthur’s chest with her fist.

“It’s not such a worry. The mood is a bit complicated. We should have no emotional foundation, but it should be a companion. At least I can recognize this, so I am a friend. I don’t have any expressions on how you will celebrate your birthday The opinion is just … Well, I think too much, just want to say goodbye to you. “

Arthur took a deep breath and smiled, this World is still the end of Perfection.

“There is really no emotional foundation, but there are things that cannot be changed. You gave me a freshman. In the future, I hope to be able to teach a Demon King as good as you. Well, finally I want to see you On the handsome side, hesitating, I do n鈥檛 agree. “

Alice blinked.

“Eh … I don’t remember when you were remodeling …”

Arthur smiled bitterly.

“I am a bad woman. What do you think we did during the period when I was transformed by you? I naturally know that way. I am the first and last time. I have a relationship, and in my words, since you have such a charming man, you will naturally not fall in love with other men.

But if you don’t do it, you will definitely be alone in the future? This is not good, so ah, your fire is kept by me, even if I raise Alice, I want to raise a descendant of Demon King, right?

Isn’t this me disgusting? “

Alice smiled triumphantly.

“I shouldn’t have heard it, don’t let my last impression be broken, you bastard!”

Arthur reached out and pressed his face. Sure enough, he was still an annoying guy.

“Do you think my Alice will have the gesture of a little daughter, gentle and virtuous? Magician inheriting the name of Rutherford is not a person with a normal brain, the 20th century Magician stage, I will let it continue to be wonderful, However, the real rising winds, scudding clouds are on the next generation of Rutherford … “

Alice turned like a goblin and walked towards the academy. The right hand stretched out into the sky and waved her hand slightly.


Arthur couldn’t help smiling, but also turned around, reached out and waved to the sky, continued to be more exciting?

“Fu Jun, the concubine is looking forward to the next summon, maybe the next time is another meeting. If you need Yuzao before, please do n鈥檛 hesitate to summon me meow …”

Natya, Irori and Yaya kept up with Arthur’s footsteps, but only Yuzao stood in front of her, her body gradually dimmed, and the rays of light were dissipated. Based on this World summon, she could not get out of this dimension … 鈥?/p>

“Sure, then please ask you this coquette to continue assisting me …”

Arthur nodded.

“Uh, meow, goodbye …”

Yuzao gradually disappeared in the world …

“Really, without you, how can I fight against the pair of shameless sisters, in front of Yuzao, you are not interesting enough!”

Natya pouted.


There is no more space to respond.

“Irori elder sister …… Yaya elder sister ……”

At this time, Little Zi, the flower puppet of Xueyuehua 3 sisters, appeared in front of Arthur, accompanied by Hualiuzhai glass.

“Junior, is it time to retire? How about a little drink with me?”

Hualiuzhai said, shaking the sake in his hand.

“It’s so good, after being drunk, it’s a bright dream again Ah … Irori, Yaya, goodbye your younger sister, say goodbye, Natya, pour wine …”

Arthur took off what he saw and laid it on the ground, leaning on the top and beckoning Hualiuzhai to sit opposite.

“This is not a pipe dream, but you are a dream for this world … you are a hero of cooking, and your country seems to have such allusions.”

Hualiuzhai Glass sat down politely.

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