You can search for “Dimensional Chaos Dou Bi Ge Novel Net” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

[Today ’s 4nd item is sent for subscriptions, monthly tickets, recommended tickets]

“** Crazy … Perverted, shameless!”

Aria has never met such an angry criminal, she must be, must this guy knows her power! Send him to prison and let him sit down!

“Thank you for compliments …”

Arthur was calculating Aria’s speed while running. If he teleported into the hall, Aria could not reach his position in an instant while he completed the Quest.

Aria has used a parachute once, so if there is no spare, she will definitely not be able to reach him again. The rope has just been used, so impossible is used again. Even if she has any fast-moving tools, Arthur sets the time enough.

“You … don’t run!”

Aria didn’t expect Arthur’s physical fitness to be so good. He climbed the stairs so quickly without panting, obviously obviously trained.

“Fool … why don’t I run? You chase it if you have it.”

Arthur draws the arm holding the blue and white ** in his hand and said, “Come here, I will give it to you …”

“I shot! Obediently surrender if you don’t want to die!”

Aria skillfully aimed the barrel of the gun at Arthur’s head.

“Play casually!”

Arthur believed in the strength of blue and white.

“I want to make a hole in your head!”

Aria saw Arthur wearing ** on his head … It was blind. Such a guy wouldn’t get rid of it. It was simply the darkness of society!


With a shot, Arthur’s body was suddenly disappeared, leaving only the blue and white ** with bullets nailed to the wall.

The bullet did not break this **!

Is it bulletproof material?

Aria removed the blue and white ** from the wall, and looked at the surrounding space at 4 places, and suddenly disappeared. Is there any way to block the eyes?

“You come out to me, ** madness!”


But not at all echo.


Arthur reappeared in the lobby on the first floor, pulled out his pistol and shot at a Red.

“… Stop thinking!”

The Red camp King-Type Ability User, who had already prepared for the defense, placed a lightning barrier in front of him!


The bullet shot from M1911 in Arthur’s hand had a strong sparkle, exuding the silver rays of light. First, the blade of rune eliminated the lightning barrier, and then the silver bullet hit the red chest …

“How can it be……”

This Red did not expect that his defense would be broken anyway, how could this ordinary bullet of the system be possible!

Then he was even more surprised that the bullet of silver hit his chest and his action was imprisoned!


The subsequent bomb hit the same place and everyone behind him again.

“Goodbye …”

Lai Tian blew his gun and looked at Aria, who was running down with a fire hose on top of his head. The moved towards the gate ran past. The phantom mode used a little more, and the soul abilities consumed by the distance moved were different. This time the movement has almost exhausted all Stigma soul energy.

“Stop for me … Esper!”

Aria has already guessed that Arthur’s ability is not what the ordinary person can achieve, but superpower!

“Main Quest [Easy Level]: The name of Butei, completed.

Earn 0.1 credits and formally obtain the weapon detection certificate, please keep this certificate carefully, from now on-

ID: Arthur * Nightingale officially became a member of the detective world. “

“Turn on–

Main Quest “Easy Level”: Butei killer.

Please choose camp

Black: Killing King-Type Ability User and one student from Tokyo Martial Arts College in the name of the Martial Arts Killer;

Red: The duty of driving a detective, and solving a case of a detective killer;

Note [1]: If the Black side is cracked by the Red side, Quest fails;

Note [2]: If the Red side cannot solve the case within a week of taking over the case, Quest fails;

Note [3]: If the Black side is actively cracked by the Red side during the event, the Quest fails;

Note [4]: ​​If the Red party is killed before the case is cracked, Quest fails;

Note [5]: If any camp cannot complete Quest before the summer vacation, Quest fails;

Note [6]: Any faction was cracked or killed by the “Aria the Scarlet Ammo” world martial arts, Quest failed;

Note [7]: The electronic map will update all King-Type Ability User coordinates at 00:00 every day;

Note [8]: Enemy with the same camp or alliance with different camps are all allowed;

Note [9]: 6: 00 ~ 18: 00, Red camp has only one chance to use Certain Killing Skill, 18: 00 ~ 6: 00, Black camp has only one chance to use Certain Killing Skill;

Note [10]: Even if you complete the Quest before the summer vacation, if the credits fail, it is also regarded as a failure of the Quest. Please try to accept and execute the corresponding Quest to obtain credits or pass credits to study knowledge;


Okay, the new Quest is even more playable, which is obviously making a case or making a case.

Moreover, it is possible to be killed in the process of committing crimes and solving crimes. If they are killed, Quest will fail suicide.

The electronic map still exists probably to remind King-Type Ability User where the people around are and how many are left.

Only Easy Level and other Quests have screened more than half of the people. This Normal Level Quest will screen more than half of the people …

Moreover, each person can use Certain Killing Skill once a fixed period of time per day, which is much more ‘fun’. The words of Certain Killing Skill are various, which is very important for making and solving crimes.

Put on the date before the summer vacation, and must complete credits.

Trouble …

Which camp should you choose?

The Black camp is more free, but as long as the case is done, those who have to worry every day before the summer vacation starts.

And after the Red camp took over the Detective Quest, it must be completed within a week. Failure to complete is failure.

Which camp is not easy.

But this time Arthur chose the Red camp. Before this time, the preparation for reading the detective materials can be used, and there is a saying that does not say ‘heaven’s net is wide, and none can escape its mesh, is it sparse but not missing?’ No matter how cautious the case is, there are traces of it. When the time comes, the case can be solved …

I don’t want to be Arthur as a detective, well …

If the previous camp still looks like a camp, the current camp has no appearance at all, and the people inside the camp can also be enemies with each other, so the choice of the camp is almost the same as the previous Item choice … just choose a way of survival Only …

“Identify the camp choice as–

Red, complete rewards around the characters, liberate Ougi Second Stage, can lift a kind of kill, auxiliary skills or Item. “

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